Study of minimum dose of homoeopathic medicines in molluscum

Study on the effectiveness of minimum dose of homoeopathic medicines in the management of molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is generally a benign disease characterized by  pearly, flesh-colored, umbilicated skin lesions 2 to 5 mm in diameter. The virus is transmitted from person to person.  The infection can be transmitted by close contact, including sexual intercourse. Swimming pools are a common vector for transmission.

Lesions are often multiple and once established in an individual may spread by auto inoculation. Lesions can be found anywhere on the body except the palms and soles  and may be associated with an eczematous rash. The abdomen, the buttocks, the  genitals, the face, and arms are common sites. There are rarely lesions inside the mouth. Atopy and compromise of skin integrity can increase the risk of infection.  In  most cases the disease is self-limiting  with in 6-9 months and has no systemic  complications.  On an average, lesions may be present for 2 years before spontaneous resolution occurs.

The   following   salient   conclusions   have  been   drawn   from   the  present  study  after  summarizing its findings.

  1.   Homoeopathic   medicines   are   effective   in   the   management   of   molluscum contagiosum
  2.   Age group mostly affected is between 1-5 years.
  3.   Incidence of the disease more in lower class and low socio economic class.
  4.   Psora and sycosis is the predominant miasm in the background.

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