Philosophical Aspect of Acute Prescribing Based on Organon

Dr Ardeshir T Jagose  

In order to prescribe successfully we have to understand the philosophy behind acute prescribing. Most of the times prescriptions are made without actually following the guide lines given by our great master Dr S. Hahnemann but still at times results are obtained! Are we justified by practicing like this? Can we call it the rational method of prescribing?

Dear friends take a look at your own conscious and ask you’re self whether what you are doing is right or wrong. Are you justifying the safe and sound method of treatment or are you making a mockery of the same? It is high time that all my fellow colleagues rectify their mistakes if any and follow the instructions given in the Bible of Homoeopathy namely Organon.

Now in order to understand the depth behind the philosophy let me start of with the basic reference in the Organon text aphorism 72-82. Acute disease are rapid, morbid processes of the abnormally deranged vital force, which have a tendency to finish their course more or less quickly, but always in a moderate time, resulting in recovery in the course of time or in death, if the vital force is overwhelmed. These are transient explosions of latent psora, which spontaneously return to its dormant state if the acute diseases are not of too violent character and are soon quelled.

In acute diseases, the constitutional symptoms of the patient are thrown into the background, and the vital force under the impact of the environmental force brings the acute symptomatology to the forefront. Hence identifying the phase of disease is absolutely essential for a false interpretation will give rise to dubious results. Hence during the acute phase of the disease phenomenon an appropriate acute remedy has to be selected. When there are communication blocks as in cases of infants, children and comatose patients the objective data assumes the greatest importance for prescribing.

The Prescribing Totality which consists of the chief complaint(s) and the concomitants symptoms often guides the physician to an accurate prescription.

The concomitant symptoms if obtained in a case are of immense value in prescribing a thought which is often overlooked by Homoeopaths. It is rightly said by Frank Bodman that in a mental case the physical symptoms are important and vice versa while prescribing.

Another important aspect of acute prescribing will be in a case of acute exacerbations of chronic diseases. For this two approaches can be used. Firstly the prescription based on the presenting totality can be made especially in cases of a relapsing, intermittent or periodic nature interspersed with acute attacks.They are otherwise totally or partially asymptomatic during the intervals (e.g. bronchial asthma, intermittent fevers etc)

For this the constitutional drug has to be administered after the acute phase is over.

Secondly constitutional prescribing as in chronic diseases.

At times in acute diseases we may not get the clear cut symptoms though a rare occurrence we have to keep in mind the best way of prescribing. The nosodes prove to be of help based on the other aspects of the case e.g. Secale cor in acute hemorrhages, House dust mite in dust allergy etc.  Many a times organ remedies having special affinity towards the particular system, organ, part etc are useful e.g.Crategus for heart, Berberis vulgaris for renal stones etc.

In acute diseases the  speed, depth, intensity of symptoms and miasmatic activity have to be taken into consideration. This will reflect the type of activity in a given case as seen by the speed and the type of actions. The change in the activity during an acute episode suggests a change in the constitutional state which may be temporary. The activity in a case may be increased , decreased or no change may occur.  Increased activity may be seen in physical restlessness, mental restlessness and verbal commands like singing, loquacity etc. Decreased activity may be seen in overpowering sleep, when asked question, answers, and goes back to sleep again and in lassitude and weariness. Mental states like ailments from and change in behaviour are also equally important.

At times a homoeopath is called to handle acute cases and the homoeopath finds it difficult to tackle such a situation as there are only disease symptoms which are common on nature, the original history is masked, patient is un co-operative for long history, time is short and the patient is in distress and more over quick results are the essence of the moment.

Thus the homoeopath in a given situation is in a dilemma for many questions come into his mind e.g. shall I use a specific, should I prescribe on disease symptoms? or only on acute symptoms? or on mental symptoms? or physical symptoms? or only on emotions ? or on PQRS symptoms? Shall I give mixtures? Repeated doses? Etc.

The answer to all the above queries will become clear if only the homoeopathic doctor will sincerely and honestly follow the directions given in the Organon text and makes it a habit to reason out logically in his mind how, why and where what has gone wrong.

Thus my friends Homoeopathy is a beautiful science just try to work hard and the results will speak for themselves.

 Dr. Ardeshir T. Jagose M.D. (Hom
Meherzin CHS Pvt Ltd, C/43&44, 109-A, Colaba, Mumbai 400005
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