Case taking & Repertory

Homeopathic Repertory

Comparative study of Homoeopathic software

Dr Reshma Radhakrishnan INTRODUCTION The homeopathic literature has grown with hundreds of repertories and books. Homeopathic software provides instant access to precise case analysis and thousands of references, anywhere, anytime. HISTORY The logical step from […]

Materia Medica


Study Materials

Materia Medica text books & Authors

Homeopathic Materia Medica

This list will be useful for various competitive examinations in Homoeopathy like PG Entrance,PSC,UPSC,State PSC etc Prepared by Dr  Ajith Kumar  D S Dept. of Physiology & Biochemistry, Govt. Homeopathic Medical College. calicut.10 Email : […]

Trios of Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic Materia Medica

Trio of Thirstlessness: Apis, Aethusa, Pulsatilla. Trio of Masturbation and Excessive venery: Nux vomica , Staphysagria , Bufo rana. Trio of Croup: Aconite, Spongia, Hepar sul. Trio of Restlessness: Arsenic, Aconite, Rhus tox. Trio of […]



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