Where is the study on effect of Tamiflu against Swine Flu?

Where is the controlled study on effect of Tamiflu against Swine Flu?
Why not Homeopathy??

Dr. B. M. Hegde
Retired Vice-Chancellor of the Manipal University
Article originally published in Hindu Daily 09th August 2009. www.thehindu.com

There seems to be a tsunami in the medical field vis-a-vis the new swine flu, an insult to that poor animal! Every article and blog tells us about it but does not answer many questions. I think this is an opportunity to ask those questions. I am looking for answers, not knowing the answers myself.

Wisdom of Socrates
I had trepidation to write this response up until I read about educere, like what Socrates used to practise. There was no “authority” defined as we read in Theaetetus: (written by Plato in 360 BC translated by Benjamin Jowett) “Well, my art of midwifery is in most respects like theirs; but differs, in that I attend men and not women; and look after their souls when they are in labour, and not after their bodies: and the triumph of my art is in thoroughly examining whether the thought which the mind of the young man brings forth is a false idol or a noble and true birth.

And like the mid-wives, I am barren, and the reproach which is often made against me, that I ask questions of others and have not the wit to answer them myself, is very just the reason is, that the god compels me to be a midwife, but does not allow me to bring forth. And therefore I am not myself at all wise, nor have I anything to show which is the invention or birth of my own soul, but those who converse with me profit.” Every medical student (and scientist) would do well to read this advice of Socrates.

Why was the WHO in such a great hurry to raise this to pandemic level? Why is it that the multiple-drug-resistant tuberculosis that could kill millions if left unchecked not a pandemic?

Where is the controlled study to show the effect of Tamiflu against the new swine flu virus, in our evidence-based medical system?

Has the new vaccine been tested against the virus in a large study? Is this vaccine safe to give to all age groups, especially when we are ignorant of its true validity?

Will the linear projection of large deaths due to the imaginary dread of the new virus materialise?

Do the non-linear universe and the human body follow the linear laws? Do we not know that fear, especially of millions in the world, might weaken their immune system?

Does the host resistance play any role in the final outcome of the fight between the virus and man? If so, why are we not doing something to build good resistance against the virus?

Why do we not accept similar untested, but inexpensive, remedies available in many other systems like the Chinese, the Indian Ayurvedic and homeopathic systems? Russian scientists have demonstrated viral (and other germs) destruction using particular frequency of subtle energy non-invasively! Our positive sciences understand only five per cent of the total energy in this universe while the large 95 per cent needs to be explored for common good. Why are all those efforts classified as pseudo science?

In the present scenario, it looks like science is what accepted scientists think it is! All these, and many more questions, beg more questions but answers! Educational system was changed by the Romans from educere of Socrates’ time to educare of today, where the authority prescribes what the students should learn from outside!

CDC researchers said 98 percent of all flu samples from the H1N1 strain were resistant to Roche AG’s Tamiflua pill that can both treat flu and prevent infection. Four patients infected with the resistant strain have died, including two children.

Last flu season, only 19 percent of H1N1 viruses tested were Tamiflu-resistant, Dr. Nila Dharan and colleagues at the CDC reported.

“As of February 19, 2009, resistance to oseltamivir had been identified among 264 of 268 (98.5 percent) U.S. influenza A(H1N1) viruses tested,” the researchers wrote in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

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