A Vision Document on Homoeopathy in Kerala by 2025

eye (3)Proposals for Developing Homoeopathy in all its spheres for the benefit of Humanity 

The health scenario in Kerala is that the people here have a relatively longer expectancy of life and lower mortality rate of all when compared to those of other States in India. This is only the one side of the coin. The other side is horribly and woefully replete with terrible sufferings emerging out of the perpetual morbidity state extending to the period of longer expectancy of life. This has increased the number of patients beyond proportion in the state.

With the increase in health consciousness of the people, the number of seekers of medical treatment also grew in large proportion. Quite exploiting this situation, hospitals with advanced facilities began blooming up in private sector in every part of the state in Allopathy. The attempts of the Government to raise the standard of its health care infrastructures cannot be said to have become adequate in that the Govt. is in a  difficult situation to find necessary resources to meet with the increased quantum of expense. This has virtually ended in the discomfiture to extend the benefit of medical treatment to the common mass despite the state of far advanced  development in medical technology and medicines in Allopathy.

Submitting VD to Kerala Health Minister

It is also not a secret that almost all allopathic medicines are fraught with harmful side effects capable of iatrogenic diseases. This situation reveals that, despite the charitable and generous patronage given to the so called modern medicine – Allopathy at the behest of the Govt., the health care situation in the state continues to be more appalling, rendering it unaffordable to the common people, let alone its harmful side effects. More or less, the same situation broods over Ayurveda too even after the increased infrastructural facilities in that sector. The reason is simply that the cost of medicines and treatment in Ayurveda has also reached its peak making it unaffordable to the common people and even to the Government.

It is in this context that Homoeopathy is poised as a system of medicine capable of offering tangible relief in the health care particularly in primary health care with less cost easily affordable to the common man and the Government. Homoeopathy is also equipped with the capability of correcting constitutional dyscresia for curing chronic diseases and stalling the incidence of dreadful diseases like cancer, AIDS, TB, cardiac diseases, Auto immune diseases, heredictory susceptibilities, besides effectively and efficaciously preventing and curing communicable and infectious diseases. Homoeopathic medicines have no harmful side effects. “Homoeopathy is safe, simple, scientific, affordable and effective medicine for all”. It is due to the above fact that, despite 200 years of its origin, Homoeopathy has become popular in about 100 nations and the WHO has recognized it as the second largest used medical system in the world. Homoeopathy has been able to muster appreciation and acceptability of the people of Kerala and become recipients of assistance from both the Central and State Governments. But the so-called assistance has never been sufficient  which explains the lack of deserving development to extract its optimum benefits to which it would have been able in the sphere of health care. We, therefore, request the authorities and planners to ponder over this issue in its true perspective so as to enable Homoeopathy to render its optimum potentials for the benefits of the health care of the people.

In this context, Kerala homoeopaths submit the following proposals for developing Homoeopathy in its varied aspects on the basis of priority in the next decade. 


1.1 Comprehensive Medical Act in the State.
It is the TC Medical Practitioners’ Act 1953 that is in vogue today in the State. With the formation of Kerala State by merging Malabar area to the erstwhile Tranvancore Cochin State in 1956, the above Act was extended to Malabar area by Kerala Adaption Law Order 1956. The unqualified practitioners in Homoeopathy in the Malabar area did not get an opportunity to get their names registered in the State Register. This has precipitated many confusions and problems when the Homoeopathy Central Council Act was enforced in Kerala on 1st August 1974. According to the above Central Council Act, permission to practise Homoeopathy by those without recognized qualification was limited to such practitioners who had completed 5 years of practise as on 1st August 1974. As no State Act has been formulated following the Central Act, any person can now practice Homoeopathy without proper registration. It is also not possible to enact a State Act contrary to the Central Act. This chaotic situation can be dealt with only if a comprehensive state Act is formulated in strict conformity with the Central Act. What this warrants urgently is the formulation of a comprehensive State Act in the above manner following the constitution of an effective Medical Council to regulate Homoeopathic practice in the State.

Submitting VD to Kerala Chief Minister

A comprehensive Medical Council Act is highly essential for the development of Homoeopathy in the State. In view of this, the above issue should engage the priority attention and preferential treatment of the Government.

1.2 Homoeopathic Pharmacy Council Act.
It is due to an impact of impressive feeling about the imperative necessity of having a State Pharmacy Council in the past that such an Act was enacted in Allopathy, following which a State Pharmacy Council came into being. It is this council which is empowered with the authority of regulating and controlling the education and practice of Pharmacists in Allopathy. Such a set up is highly imperative for the proper and healthy course of existence for any system of medicine. This is equally applicable to Homoeopathy also. So a Homoeopathic Pharmacy Council need be constituted in the State on the basis of an Act. The Govt. of India after having taken cognizance of this need, is about to bring in necessary legislation in the Parliament. Toeing the above line, the State Govt. can also enact a State Act for establishing a Homoeopathic Pharmacy Council in Kerala. This council is to prescribe the minimum qualification for Pharmacists in Homoeopathy. It should prescribe the curriculum syllabus and minimum standards of education for Pharmacists through Regualtions. Those who have the required qualification may be given registration in Part- A and those who lack such qualification as existing now may be given registration in Part-B as in the case of Medical Council Act. Thus the  education and practice of Pharmacists in Homoeopathy can be regularized in the State.

It goes without saying that the place where maximum emphasis and stress need to be given is Primary Health Care. If timely and adequate care is rendered at this level, most of the complications that may ensue afterwards can effectively be countered. Homoeopathy has its own strong role in this field. The people should be made well aware of this factor. Side by side, steps may be taken to make available necessary facilities with competent man power to cause the benefits of Homoeopathy reach all the people  in the field of their Primary Health Care.

2.1 One Dispensary in every Grama Panchayat
The facilities available at present for effectively and efficiently rendering service at the level of Primary Health Care are deficient. There are only 551 Govt. Homoeo Dispensaries in all including the newly sanctioned ones this year for 978 Grama Panchayats, 60 Municipalities and 5 City Corporations. This can not suffice even the bare requirements. Such Dispensaries may be sanctioned atleast one each in every Grama Panchayat, 5 each in every Municipality and 10 each in every City Corporation. Accordingly, the total number of Dispensaries required is 1328, whereas there are only 551 at present. This brings in a deficiency  of 777 Dispensaries yet to be added to the existing ones.

During the last 3 years 344 dispensaries including the newly sanctioned 68 ones could be opened temporarily under NRHM scheme of the Central Government. If these dispensaries are made permanent with full fledged facilities, there remains only the need for opening 433 dispensaries.

It is, therefore, proposed to make all the 344 NRHM dispensaries permanent and to open 433 ones afresh with in a period of 10 years hence forth. 

2.2 One- 25- bedded Hospital in every Block Panchayat
Homoeopathy has sufficient scope in secondary health care too. Even in primary health care, cases are there requiring hospitalized treatment. Well equipped hospitals with competent staff are essential for this purpose. There are only 17 Block Panchayat hospitals and 14 District hospitals in the State. The minimum number of beds required in a District hospital should be 50 whereas that in a Block Panchayat hospital must be 25. All the existing District hospitals do not conform to this norm. This should be compensated in all lacking hospitals. Of the 152 Block Panchayats, 135 ones are lacking Homoeo hospitals. These Block Panchayats should also be provided with 25 bedded hospitals in each. All these things should be developed based on a phased programme within the next 10 years.

2.3 Health Care to Employees 

2.3.1 There are 13 ESI Homoeo Dispensaries in the State. This is also an element of insufficiency to be made good by providing one Homoeopathic Unit in each of the ESI Hospital & Dispensaries

2.3.2 Necessary Homoeopathic dispensaries should also be set up in each of the Civil Stations in all the Districts of Kerala as is being successfully provided in the Kerala Secretariat with a view to serving the State Government employees.

2.4 Health Care to Prisoners
Now there are only two prisons at Thiruvananathapuram and Kannur provided with part time Homoeo Dispensaries. These facilities need to be extended to all other prisons too in the State.

Submitting VD to Kerala Health Secretary

2.5 Speciality Clinics
Assessing and evaluating the scope and potentialities of Homoeopathy in certain disease conditions prevailing in certain parts of the state, the setting up of speciality clinics can also be favourably thought of in both Collegiate and District Hospitals. The only thing needed here is that such hospitals should be provided with essential facilities and equipments. The personnel employed and engaged in these clinics should be those who have received prior training in the speciality concerned. There are already speciality clinics on allergic respiratory ailments, diabetes, rheumatism, paediatrics, thyroid, cancer, ano-rectal disease, geriatrics etc in certain District Hospitals.

2.6 School Health Programme
The School Health Programme in Homoeopathy already introduced in certain schools has shown yielding better results. It should be expanded and spread in all the schools in the State. It should be explored to find out whether there are prospects for further improvement for far better results. In this connection the suggestions made in the Report submitted by the Homoeopathic Commission constituted as per G.O. (MS) 300/95/H&FWD dt. 07.06.1995 are worth implementation. 

2.7 Epidemic Control
Homoeopathy has already proved to be very efficacious in preventing and managing the infectious diseases. There is already a set up existing titled RAECH under the Dept. of Homoeopathy. It should be made standardised. Its whole success lies in finding out the genus epidemicus when an epidemic breaks out in the State. This can be scientifically and precisely done if the above task is delegated to the CRIH, Kottayam where there is a skilled team of researchers in Homoeopathy. What is more, it will be getting recognition, credibility and acceptability from all since it is an institution under the Research Council of Govt. of India. As it is handled by a particular team in a particular place regularly, it will naturally gain perfection in its results. Steps should also be taken to prepare the preventive medicines in blister / strip packings through HOMCO, Alappuzha. These medicines can be distributed to the epidemic-hit area through Govt. institutions or other agencies. An arrangement to study and evaluate the efficacy and result of the above epidemic control programme should also be made in the University of Health Sciences.

If the entire venture as mooted above is to become successful in a standardised way, the 4 agencies viz. CRIH, HOMCO, Hospitals & Dispensaries and the Health University should work in tandem with each other in a co-relating and co-ordinating manner to contribute their whole mite.

2.8 Inclusion of Homoeopathy in Maternity and Child Health Care
Homoeopathy has better impact in maternity and child health care. It is well suited to the health needs of children and mothers especially in many of the anti-natal and post-natal conditions. The Govt. of India is well convinced and has deeply felt the necessity of this aspect and accordingly a National Campaign has been launched and is on. Necessary follow-up campaigns are also going on at State and District levels. Quite in tune with the above movement, all steps directed towards setting up Mother and Child Clinics in collegiate hospitals have already been initiated. Necessary ToT has also been imparted to train personnel intended to be engaged in such clinics. Study materials required for the purpose have also been made ready. All preparations for giving awarness on the subject to the people’s representatives of local self Govt. like City Corporations, Municipalities, and Grama Panchayaths have also been made. In the circumstances, such Homeopathic Clinics may be opened in Maternity and Child Health Centres /Anganvadis of all the local self Govts.

2.9 Ensuring Permanent accommodation to all Hospitals & Dispensaries
Most of the Govt. hospitals and dispensaries are now housed in rented buildings with inadequate accommodation. There are also no sufficient facilities in them. Steps may be taken to ensure that such institutions are run in permanent accommodation with a minimum standardized specification. There should be required equipments also. This may be got done in a phased manner with in a decade. As many of them are run by local self Govt., they may also be pressurised to take up the matter at their own levels.

Now BHMS course is run in two Govt. and 3 Aidded Colleges in Kerala. PG courses are also conducted in 3 subjects in the GHMCs. All these Homoeo Colleges which were affiliated to different Universities are being brought to the lone University of Health Sciences. But all the colleges are lacking in the infrastructural facilities and staff prescribed in the CCH Regulations.

3.1 Steps may be taken to ensure the availability of all the requirements prescribed inthe Minimum Standards of Education in Homoeopathy of the CCH with regard to staff pattern  and  infrastructural facilities including Hospital in all the Colleges  running BHMS and M.D. (Hom.) courses in the State.

3.2 The existing strength of admission in the BHMS course is only 250 in all. This  may be enhanced to 400 by providing extra facilities in the existing Govt. and  aided Colleges.

3.3 Establish a Constituent College under the Health University
With a view to developing teaching methodology, research, interdisciplinary research under the University, a Constituent Homoeopathic Medical College with   all facilities to conduct both UG  and PG courses should be established urgently in the Health University campus.

3.4 The present Madappalli Block Homoeopathic Hospital allotted for training the students of ANSS Homoeopathic Medical College, Kurichy has not come upto the level or standard of a teaching hospital eventhough it is named as “Homoeopathic Medical College Govt. Hospital”. It has to be developed by  making necessary administrative set up as suggested in the Report submitted in 1996 by the Homoeopathic Commission,(Constituted as per  G.O.(MS)300/95/H&FWD dt.07-06-1995) and developed with a view to fully        utilizing the hospital for clinical training of the students.

3.5 Urgent steps may be taken to start P.G. courses in Kerala in the subjects viz.  Practice of Medicine, Pharmacy, Psychiatry and Paediatrics as already introduced in other States even before 10 years.

3.6 The CRIH, Kottayam (Govt. of India) is the only place where clinical facilities for  conducting M.D. (Hom.) course in Psychiatry are now available in India.  Necessary steps may be initiated to start the above course here by taking  advantage of the position .

3.7 Opportunities may be given to basic degree holders in Homoeopathy for pursuing P.G. courses in the subjects of Basic Medical Sciences, Diagnostic Sciences, Community Medicine, Public Health & Hygiene as has been suggested in para 7.5    of the Report on the proposals relating to Homoeopathy in the matter of formation    of University of Health Sciences in Kerala.

3.8 Pharmacy College
The present State Govt has already taken a decision to start a Pharmacy College under the management of HOMCO at Alappuzha. The Dept. of AYUSH, M/o Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India has already prepared a basic project report consisting of all the pre-requisites for establishing Pharmacy College in Homoeopathy. As a prelude to this, a Homoeopathic Pharmacy Council need be constituted at national level. Necessary Act for the above purpose is understood to be ready for presentation in the parliament.

The proposals for forming a State Pharmacy Council have been delineated   in Para 1.2. of this write up. It is only with the coming of the State Homoeo Pharmacy Council the task of setting up the Pharmacy College can be under-taken. On the basis of the Pharmacy Council’s Education Regulations, Kerala University of Health Sciences can grant affiliation to the proposed Pharmacy College. It would be in the better convienience and fitness of things to set up the Pharmacy College somewhere near the HOMCO Pharmacy, DTL (H) and Drug Standardisation Unit proposed in para 5.2 and 5.3 respectively of this write up. The Central Govt. has already made a scheme for financial assistance to the tune of Rs. 3 crores in the current Five Year Plan in the matter.

3.9 Nurses’ Training
At present there is no training course for Nurses in Homoeopathy. But as the number of hospitals is few and far, the necessity of conducting a separate course or institution for producing Nurses is not much waranted. The present requirement of Nurses is met from conducting a short term course titled “Nurse cum Pharmacist” in the Homoeopathic colleges. In preference to the above, it is better to think of drafting Nurses who have passed General Nursing course to Homoeopathy after giving them due training in Homoeothic Hospitals. In this way they can be turned into competent and properly serviceable Nurses in Homoeopathy after giving six months training immediately followed by their entry in service. 

3.10 Establishing Homoeopathic Medical Education Directorate
There have been some proposals for the creation of a Post of Director of Medical Education in Homoeopathy for long since 1997. The establishment of such a post is highly essential to run the administration by co-ordinating the two GHMCs and the 3 aided Colleges in the State. The dearth of such an establishment has resulted in the inability of implementing various Central Schemes for the development of Homoeopathic education and research in the State.

3.11 Updating Homoeopathic Practitioners
All Homoeopathic Practitioners both in private and public sectors need to be updated with the trendy changes and development in the medical science, particularly Homoeopathy. A statutory provision for re-registration renewable once in every 5 years has to be made. This should be made obligatory to all Homoeopaths upto the age of 65.

The Health University should prepare necessary modules for training from time to time. The University should conduct the courses and award certificates to the participants. These courses can be run in a systematic and regular way by exploiting the resources in the colleges and hospitals. Suitable institutions and hospitals can be recognised as training centres by the University.  The Central Govt. has also formulated several schemes in the matter. Attempts should also be made to make use of these assistances for the purpose.

3.12 To make all Teachers of HMCs P.G. holders
Many of the teachers of HMCs at present are only basic degree holders. They should be made P.G. degree holders in their subjects with in a period of 10 years. Steps should be taken to get it done soon. 

3.13 Teachers Training
All teachers should be made to undergo teachers’ training once in every 3 years. They should get sufficient training in Teaching methodology in their subjects to turn them expert teachers. Necessary teaching methods, aids, study materials etc. should also be developed. For this purpose, the University should start an Academic Staff College. Teachers should also be given pre-entry training prior to their taking up the teaching profession. 

3.14 Avoiding Course Lagging in Homoeopathic Studies
One of the banes seen in our State is the lagging of both UG & PG courses in Homoeopathy resulting in the prolongation of their periods. This points out the absence of a specific academic and examination calenders. We can very well emulate the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University  in this regard.

3.15 Developing the GHMC, Kozhikode as a Centre of Excellence
GHMC, Kozhikode is a P.G. institution with good infrastructural facilities. As this is the first Government degree college in Homoeopathy, it attracts a good number of patients to its hospital. It has enough scope for developing itself into a Centre of Excellence. There is already a scheme for Rs. 5 crores for the above purpose with the Central Govt. in this plan period. This grant can be availed by submitting proper application with detailed project report. If it is done, subsequent flow of funds can be ensured through timely follow up action in the 12th Five Year Plan also.

3.16 Establishment of an All India Institute of Homoeopathic Science (AIIHS)
There are better prospects for the GHMC, Thiruvananthapuram for its elevation to the status of an Institution of international stature. It is already a P.G. institution with all infrastructural facilities with a Hospital building to accommodate 250 beds. There is already a landed area of 11 acres and a further scope for acquiring about 20 acres still proximate and adjacent to the existing campus. The locality has a convenient ambience facilitating easy access to the entire network of medical institutions in Thiruvananthapuram. It can, therefore, well afford to serve as an institution conducive to conduct any advanced studies in Homoeopathy including interdisciplinary and collaborative studies. The easy accessibility and the close proximity to road, rail, airport and sea port etc. add to the ideal suitability of the Institution to facilitate easy transportation from national and international places. This scheme can be formulated through a master plan by submitting to the Govt. of India for including it in the 12th Five Year Plan. This will facilitate the grant of necessary funds from the Central Govt. There is also better chance for getting financial assistance from WHO and other like International agencies, considering the relevance and significance of Homoeopathy in the field of medicine. It may be noted that an All India Institute of Ayurveda is coming up in Delhi under the M/o H&FW, Govt. of India.

3.17 Service Training to Medical & Para Medical Staff
All Medical Officers and para medical staff may be subjected to periodical training to keep them abreast of the trendy changes in the field of medicine and to make them competent to become experts in their profession. 


4. 1 Developing CRIH, Kottayam into National Institute of Mental Health and Neurological Science in Homoeopathy (NIMHANS-H)
Central Research Institute of Homoeopathy, Kottayam (Govt. of India) has already developed into a 50 bedded hospital admitting Psychiatric patients for research studies in Homoeopathy. It has also been conducting research studies in neurological ailments like Epilepsy etc. There is no other Institute parallel to this anywhere in India. To elicit and extract the Homoeopathic potentialities in the management of mental and neurological disorders, such a National Institute need to be

developed. There is sufficient Govt. owned landed area around the CRIH for any required expansion of the above proposed Institution. If this land is allotted to this Institute and  suitable proposals are submitted to the Central Govt., this can be included as a scheme in the 12th Five Year  Plan.

4.2 Fundamental Research
In the matter of Fundamental Research, steps should be taken to initiate studies in collaboration with suitable institutions or organizations, or universities etc. Necessary result oriented efforts to encourage and enthuse all concerned to carry on the research should be undertaken. The fundamental research pointed towards drug proving can be taken up in all Homoeopathic colleges.

4.3 Accreditation for Research in Homoeopathy
There is ample scope in Homoeopathy for conducting research and advanced studies by utilizing the facilities available in all the Homoeo Colleges in the State. The Central Govt. has already formulated a scheme – Extra Mural Research with all the required assistance. The colleges and the attached hospitals should be raised to an elevated position to enable them to get necessary accreditation for research. To match with this innovation, the District Hospitals which are conducting speciality clinics can also be raised to a status by providing necessary facilities and staff. For developing the facilities in Colleges and Hospitals also, the Central Govt. has schemes with lavish assistance. 

4.4 Conduct of Literary Research in Homoeopathy
Many Homoeopathic books, in course of time, need updating and revision. The possibility for conducting literary research and developing and revising the books in Homoeopathy may be explored at the University level. For this, necessary arrangements may be made in the Health University in the State.


5.1 Development of HOMCO, Alappuzha
A scheme has already been approved to develop HOMCO as part of its second phase with an estimated cost of Rs. 20 crores. The foundation stone for the proposed construction was also laid some two months ago. Steps may be taken to expedite the work. By adopting modern technology, efforts should be made to produce quality medicines in varied potencies strictly observing GMP and GLP. It should also be considered whether the medicine can be dispensed in various modern ways such as blister / strip packing, etc. in view of better convenience of the users. 

5.2 Drug Testing Lab in Homoeopathy (DTL-H)
The only Pharmacopoeia Lab in Homoeopathy in India is situated at Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh under the Central Govt. Even though Central Govt. had a scheme to develop State level DTL in AYUSH systems of medicine, Homoeopathy could not develop any DTL in any State. As the existing Lab is far off at Ghaziabad, the southern part of this country feels it very difficult to get the drugs tested because of the remoteness. It is, therefore, very urgent to see that a lab is  set up in Kerala. The most appropriate place is near HOMCO in Alappuzha Dist. Necessary proposals with a detailed scheme, if submitted to the Central Govt., we can be hopeful of getting such a Lab in Kerala.

5.3 Drug Standardisation Unit
The Drug Standardisation encompasses a comprehensive evaluation of the Homoeopathic drugs in respect of their Physico-Chemical, Pharmacological and Pharmacognatical properties in order to study the various qualitative and quantitative characteristics of drugs. A great number of new drugs can be developed from sources like plants, animals, minerals, metals etc in Homoeopathy. Many sources of such drugs plentifully  available in Kerala have not been tapped up sofar. The setting up of such a Drug Standardisation Unit close to the HOMCO Pharmacy and the DTL (H) would go a long way in their mutual benefit and convenience. All these innovations may be arranged to be undertaken along with the second phase development of HOMCO Pharmacy in Alappuzha.

5.4 Separate Drug Controller Wing for Homoeopathy
Homoeopathy Pharmacies, Stores etc are now inspected by the Drug Inspectors of Allopathic medicine under the State Drug Controller. All Indian systems of medicine had also been under the control of the above office till they were brought under separate Inspectors who are qualified enough in Ayurveda a few years ago. Besides, Ayurveda has a separate Deputy Drug Controller.  Homoeopathic medicines, being divergent and different in mode of preparation, preservation, dispensation and administration, are direly in need of Homoeopathically qualified Inspectors and other officials. Now Homoeopathy has enough post graduate degree holders in its Pharmacy subject. In the circumstances, such personnel may be appointed as Drug Inspectors and other officials as required in Homoeopathy to manage the work.


6.1 Homoeopathy suffers from lack of exposure when compared to Allopathy and Ayurveda. This has eclipsed the vast potentials of Homoeopathy being known to the people. There are also any number of slanderings against Homoeopathy by the vested multi-national pharmaceuticals of Allopathy. The main allegation that Homoeopathic medicines are merely ‘placebos’ is a travesty of fact. This has been proved the contrary by the recently developed Nano Technology. So what remains to be done urgently is to initiate a movement of propaganda to spread the scope and prospects of Homoeopathy in the health care of people with its salient features. The Central Govt. has formulated several IEC schemes for the purpose. The advantages of these schemes should be maximum exploited. In addition to this, organizations and institutions in Homoeopathy should also take up the issue as a changing venture to reap the maximum harvest. In this connection, it will be invaluable to take into consideration the various proposals and suggestions like popularizing Homoeopathy through electronic media, publishing colorful posters containing the salient features of Homoeopathy,  through booklets, conduct of medical camps, exhibitions, documentary films etc. as detailed in the Report submitted to the Govt. by the Homoeopathy Commission constituted as per G.O. (MS) 300/95/H&FWD dt.07.06.1995

6.2 Opening a Website in Homoeopathy
A website incorporating all the details enlightening the status of Homoeopathy in its varied spheres in the State, Govt. notifications, information relating to Homoeopathy, its scope and prospects etc. may be opened forthwith under the authority of the State Government. Necessary arrangements should also be provided to update the above website then and there.


7.1 Centres and Institutions under the Health University
The Homoeopathic Committee specially formed for submitting proposals in the matter of setting up a Health University has proposed the establishment of the Dept. of Homoeopathy, Centre for Integrated Medicine (CIM), Centre for Nano Medicine, Institute of Preventive Medicine (IPM), Centre for Integrated Medicine for the Disabled (CIMD), International Centre for Homoeopathy (INCH) Centre for Health Informatics etc. Necessary steps may be taken to see that the above are implemented based on a phased programme of developments in the Kerala University of Health Sciences.

7.2 Removal of disparities in Salaries and Allowances
Even though there is similarity in eligibility qualification, mode of admission, duration, nature, content and examinations of the courses between Allopathic and Homoeopathic students, there is grave disparity in the allowances given to them during the course of their studies (Internship & PG allowances). This trend of disparity is allowed to continue shamefully even after they are absorbed into service as Medical Officers or Teachers. This discrimination serves as a barricade or blocking of energetic and bright younger generations to come into Homoeopathic profession. Despite its  manifold merits in the field of medicine, it is sad to see that Homoeopathy has been given a step motherly attitude purposefully intended to serve as an infra-dig to it relegating it to confine itself to the back seat to that of Allopathy. What this highlights is that it is high time that this disparity and disregard had been done away with.

7.3 Strengthening of Directorate and District Offices of Homoeopathy
According as the workload increases, the respective administrative offices of DH, DMOs, DHME etc. should be strengthened by providing requisite staff and equipments.

7.4 Homoeopaths’ Day
It is highly pertinent and idealistic to reckon 10th April of every year which is the birthday of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy, observing it as Homoeopaths’ Day, to pay homage to the versatile genius whose contributions serve as a sustaining solace to the suffering humanity.

7.5 Instituting Awards in Homoeopathy
Attractive State awards may be instituted to be bestowed every year on Homoeopaths’ Day to the best physician, teacher, researcher, contributor in Homoeopathy as is being done in Allopathy and Ayurveda. This may serve as a mark of honour to Homoeopaths to render good service in their profession. 

7.6 Computerisation
All Homoeopathic institutions in the State should be computerised. As computerisation has a deep impact in finding out medicines, all Homoeopathic dispensaries and hospitals should be got under an active network of computerisation.

7.7 Construction of Homoeo House
A proposal has been pending in the matter of constructing a HOMOEO HO– USE to accommodate the Directorate of Homoeopathy and the office of the proposed DHME as in the case of ‘Arogya Bhavan’ under Ayuverda. Necessary landed area has already been earmarked in the campus of the GHMC, Thiruvananthapuram. Urgent steps may be taken to execute the proposal.

7.8 Development of Medicinal Plants
Steps should be taken to grow sufficient medicinal plants for the use of Homoeopathy in suitable places in the State. Necessary guidance and financial assistance in the matter can be got from the National Medicinal Plant Board under the Deptt. of AYUSH, M/o. Health and Family  Welfare, Govt. of India. 

Homoeopathy – A decade Movement State Action Council
Email : hy.admac@gmail.com 

Cheif patron :
Dr Ravi M Nair
Email : drravimnair@gmail.com
Mob : 09446344344 

Chairman :
Dr Britto Cyriac Joseph
Mob : 09446274820 

Treasure :
Dr M N Lokesh Rao
Mob: 08089314194

Convenor General
Dr Sundaram Velayudhan
Mob: 09846096186


  1. if u act with a vision , we can save so many life, so come together, work together for a better life

  2. After 5-6 years study, Homeopathic doctors start a clinic with dreams. When it is not coming a Truth, some curse Homoeopathy, Doctor, Medicine (Brand). Some leave the profession and find some other job. Why? the training in homoeopathic application is not done in the colleges. It is very hard to get a common idea of Potency, Repetition extra. To find a Similimum is not an easy thing then these problems also. Many says that they give only single dose and wait years to get a result. But in the modern era, all are fast. Hurried and worried. Make a uniformity in the drug selection and dosage among the students. Otherwise reduction of the students will continue and——–

  3. Dr.Ravi.M.Nair works for the ultimate progress of HOMOEOPATHY without Self gain. His works will be appreciated in all respects. I hope This vision makes HOMOEOPATHY a greater level.

  4. These proposals will bring many job opportunities in Kerala itself.The common people will get quality Homoeopathy care from these institutions. Doctors of other states should also make this a model and work.Thanks to Dr.Ravi.M.Nair and Decade movement team for their visionary project.

  5. It is high pleasure to know that Homoeopaths are making steps to improve the system in the future. Let us all take part in this GREAT venture. JAI HAHNEMANN, JAI HOMOEOPATHY……..

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