Practice of Medicine

Down’s syndrome and homoeopathy

Dr Al Saba R  INTRODUCTION: Trisomy 21 Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) is a chromosomal abnormality that occurs in approximately one in every 800–1000 livebirths. It was first described in 1866 by John Langdon Down, the Superintendent of a […]

Practice of Medicine

Scope of Homoeopathy in emergency situations

Dr Farazi Mirza ABSTRACT Medical emergencies typically originate from an accident or an unexpectedly acute illness. In addition, when rapid professional treatment is unavailable for acute, non-life-threatening illnesses, urgent relief is frequently required. In an […]

Practice of Medicine

Acute appendicitis and homeopathy

Dr Priya ABSTRACT From the early days onwards, the timeliness of diagnosis was considered to be critical to reducing mortality rates related to appendicitis. This condition demands immediate attention and treatment. Approximately 90% cases are […]

Practice of Medicine

Role of emotions in homoeopathy

Dr P Mounika Abstract Our emotions govern our lives which have influence on our thoughts, perceptions, attitude, learning, making logical decisions based on our experiences in life. Because they affect the way we think and […]

Practice of Medicine

History of Fingerprint in India

Dr. Pulkesh Chothani Dr Pratiksha Rangani   In the Indian context the history of fingerprinting began long before its use in criminal investigation. It is evidence from the ancient texts that in ancient India both palm […]