Recommendations for a New Nutrition Policy for India

foodNutrition related issues in India are in a phase of transition. While the age old problems of under nutrition still prevail, a rapid up-surge of health issues related to over nutrition and obesity is evident here.

The prescriptions laid down in National Nutrition Policy developed in the year 1993 limits itself to the issue of under-nutrition. With the dawn of the new millennium, the transition in the dietary patterns and habits of Indians has resulted in a changed health scenario.

The proportions of over-weight and obese individuals are increasing at an alarming rate. The stark picture of over-nutrition is seen even among children. All the states in India though at different pace are in this transition phase. Factors pertaining to food production, utilisation, food safety, micronutrient deficiencies and nutrition related chronic morbidities are some of the newer challenges.

These issues must receive political attention in order to be cornered effectively. This article attempts to review some of the existing nutritional problems and identifies core areas for developing policy actions.

India has been in the state of Nutritional transition for the last few decades. In states like Kerala this transition is in a far advanced stage and has been taking its stake on the health of the people. The rest of the country will go through these health effects sooner or later. The current National Nutrition Policy fails to address the newer issues that have crept into the field of nutrition.

This document has tried to enlist some of these issues and make recommendations based on evidence to tackle these problems. A detailed action plan that includes targets and indicators can be developed based on this document.

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