The water of sadness – tears and Homoeopathy

Dr Amrutha Manoharan 

The fluid  from the eye that flows out during our emotions sadness.  Every  one have this wonderful fluid , this fluid sometimes give us a sympathy in front of others.  As most  persons says the women’s weapon.  

In some persons tears are produced during eating hot things and even continuous laughing.

The tears  are being formed from the lacrimal gland which is J shaped . it has an orbital part which is larger and superior and a palpebral part which is smaller. The gland is supplied by lacrimal nerve. There are many lacrimal glands , the accessory lacrimal gland is know as Krause gland. The lacrimal fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland flows into the conjuntival sac where it lubricates the  front of the eyes , most of the fluid evaporates . the rest is drained by the lacrimal canaliculi when excessive , it overflows as tears[1].

The secretion from the lacrimal gland contains mainly water and small quantities of salts such as sodium chloride, sugar , urea protein and lysozyme . it is slightly alkaline in nature. Tear formation only occurs 3-4 months after birth. 


Has mainly 3 layers

  1. Mucous layer  – hydrated layer of mucoproteins  secreted by globlet cells, crypts of henle and glands of manz.
  2. Aqueous layer  – secreted by  lacrimal gland and accessory lacrimal gland
  3. Lipid layer  – contains cholesterol, esters and lipid secreted by meibomian galnds and zeis gland


  1. Tear washes away irritating material such as dust and grit. It contains protective substance like lysozyme , immunoglobulin , lactoferrin and compliments.
  2. The bactericidal lysozyme (muramidase ) prevents microbial infection
  3. Oiliness of this mixed fluid delayes evaporation and prevents drying of conjunctiva and cornea[2].


1.DACRYOADENITIS – general infections of the gland (mumps, influenza etc)

2.DACRYOPS  – a cystic swelling in the upper fornix due to retention of secreation following blockage  of one of the lacrimal ducts.

3.MILKULIZ SYNDROME – characterized by  symmetrical enlargement of lacrimal and salivary gland.


 A disease of ocular surface caused by disturbance in natural function and protection of the  external eye leading to unstable tear film when eye is open. dry eye produce disturbance in vision and reduced vision. 

it is caused by  aqueous tear deficiency, mucin deficiency , lipid deficiency , impaired lid function and irregularity of coreneal surface[4]. SCHIMER TEST is performed for dry eye.


Inflammation of the lacrimal sac, they are of two types acute and chronic.

Acute dacryocystitis  – a lachrymal abscess may be due to acute inflammation of the sac or suppuration starting in percystc tissues, the skin becomes red and swollen.

Chronic dacryocustitis    the essential symptom is epiphora  aggravated by such conditions as exposure to wind. Chronic inflamatio is caused by nasal orgin.

They are mainly of 3 types [2]

1.catarrhal  – watery discharge

2.mucocele  – presence of swelling in the sac 

3.suppurative  – lacrimal abscess results from pyogenic infection.


Tearing from the can be due to either an increased production or decrease out flow of tears . increased production is seen in conjenctival irritation or psycogenic stimuli . the patient complaint of constant flow of tears . 


Retention of mucous secretion and tears within the sac leads to  frequent , recurrent inflammation and infections.


Mostly mixed tumor are formed mainly occur in age btween 20  and 50 years. It is slowly growing non-tender and displaces the eye ball downward and medially . 


  1. Chromodacryorrea  (pink tears due to porphyrin)
  2. Hemolacria or bloody tears is a very rare entity, that has many causes, including tumors, conjunctivitis, trauma, retrograde epistaxis, inflammatory polyps, hemangiomas and chloromas.[5]
  3. Epiphora  – Watering eye, epiphora or tearing, is a condition in which there is an overflow of tears onto the face, often without a clear explanation.

 There is insufficient tear film drainage from the eye or eyes. Instead of the tears draining through the nasolacrimal system, they overflow onto the face.

Tears are needed to keep the front surface of the eye healthy and maintain clear vision, but too many tears can make it difficult to see. This can make driving difficult or dangerous.


TEARS ACRID   3 mark –  ars,euph, merc, sulp

TEARS BLAND        Allicum cepa

BLOODY TEARS in new born  – chamomila

TEARS hot         arnica

TEARS MILKY –    atra-r

TEARS copious –      syphillinum

TEARS sticky –     platina[6]

TEARS cold  – lachesis

TEARS oily  – sulphur

TEARS salty – bell, kreos, nuv vom

TEARS sensation as from – hyos, lilt, merc , pyro, sep

TEARS burning  – apis , euphr, chin, rhust, sulp[7]


  1. Chaurasia.B.D. Textbook of human anatomy. Page 63.
  2. Jogi Renu. Basic ophthalmology. 4th edition. Page.477.
  3. Tandon Radika and Sihota Ramanjith . Parson’s disease of the eye. Page 462.
  4. Nema nitin and H.V.Nema . textbook of ophthalmology. 4th edition.page340.
  5. Mansour.F.Karadsheh.Bloody teras a rare presentation of munchausen syndrome case report and review. Jfamily med orim casre jan –march 132-134
  6. Schroyens Frederik.Synthesis repertorium homoeopathicum syntheticum. Edition 9.1. page  472.
  7. Kent Tyler James . Repertory of homoeopathic materia medica. page268.

Dr. Amrutha Manoharan
PG Scholar
Department Of Organon Of Medicine
Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College,Kulasekaram , Tamil Nadu.


  1. I do not understand , what is the Schimer test for dry eyes? I do have try eyes,and MD, of the eyes. Not the worse MD, but my eyes do water, and burn. Right now I am using Refresh tears for releaft . Please tell me what I should be using.

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