Homeopathic Materia Medica

Hippomanes –the horse madness

Dr Shalaka INTRODUCTION Hippomanes are Brownish/ Olive greenish, elastic formations that arise physiologically in Mares during pregnancy. One of the first references to the hippomanes in western civilization is given by Aristotle [Circa 350 BC] […]

Practice of Medicine

Scope of Homoeopathy in emergency situations

Dr Farazi Mirza ABSTRACT Medical emergencies typically originate from an accident or an unexpectedly acute illness. In addition, when rapid professional treatment is unavailable for acute, non-life-threatening illnesses, urgent relief is frequently required. In an […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

Acidum sulphuricum drug picture

Dr Ashwin G Navada ABSTRACT Sulphuricum Acidum, also known as Sulphuric Acid or Sul-ac, is a homeopathic remedy used for a variety of ailments. Mentally and emotionally, people who may benefit from Sulphuricum Acidum can […]