Homoeopathic mother tinctures for rheumatic complaints

Homoeopathic mother tinctures are very effective for controlling rheumatoid  arthritis. Some of them are given below

  1. AZADIRACTA INDICA Q-Rheumatic pain in lower extremities. Burning of the sole or palm. Numbness associated with rheumatic pain. Forgetfulness and depression.Thirstlessnesss. Soreness marked in the left side of throat. Fever with chill or without chill from 4. 30 pm to 7.30 pm. Sweat on upper part of body but no sweat in the lower part
  2. BELLADONNA Q- In stiffness and acute affections when the pains come and go like electric shocks, worse on touch and movement
  3. CALOTROPIS GIGANTEA Q- Indicated for chronic rheumatism. Crampy pain in the centre of the right palm while grasping any object which lasts for many days. Pain in the wrist joint aggravates on movement. Swelling with soreness of left foot which compels the patient to move always in the bed. Pain aggravates on rest and is relieved by taking coffee.
  4. CURCUMA LONGA Q- A specific remedy for acute rheumatism
  5. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM Q- Aching in bones of extremities with soreness of flesh. Pain in arms and wrist. Swelling of left great toe
  6. GAULTHERIA OIL- Useful for pain due to rheumatic arthritis
  7. GINSENG Q- For rheumatism, lumbago and sciatica . Joints become stiff and contracted and there is an increase of urine
  8. GUAICUM Q- Inflammatory rheumatism.  It is useful in chronic rheumatism of the upper extremities and in lumbago after abuse of mercury or dependent on syphilis
  9. HYDROPHILIA SPHINOSA Q- A specific remedy for acute rheumatism
  10. HYMOSA Q- In acute febrile stage. It neutrilises the acidity of blood, removes deposites from joints and cures all disorders due to the disease
  11. MIMOSA HUMILIS Q- Lancinations in legs and arms. Numbness of arm and right hand , ceasing on movement. Inflammatory swelling of left hand. Swelling of left ankle with redness, tension and pain.
  12. PASSIFLORA INCARNATA Q- Reduce rheumatic pain and induce sleep
  13. PROPYLAMINUM Q- Palliates fever and pain in a day or two in acute rheumatism.Rheumatic pains change their place especially in heart lesions. Pain in wrist and ankles , worse by least motion. Fingers cannot hold things . Tingling and numbness of fingers
  14. RHAMNUS CAL. Q- For muscular pain and rheumatism . There is constipation
  15. STELLARIA MEDIA Q-Chronic rheumatic pains
  16. TINOSPORA CORDIFOLIA Q- Acute rheumatism with fever.
  17. URTICA URENS Q- Pain in ankles and wrist
  18. VISCUM ALBUM Q- Rheumatism of joints of gonorrhoeal origin, especially in women

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