A study on Homoeopathy in tobacco smoking and alcoholism

A Research study showing the efficacy of Homoeopathic and Bio-chemic medicine for removing the habit of tobacco smoking and alcoholism.
Prof (Dr) M Abdul Lethif
Former Principal & Controlling officer of Homeopathy
Government Homoeopathic Medical College,Trivandrum

Homoeopathic medicines were given to 652 patients after detailed study. Science, Technology and Environment Committee, Govt. of Kerala had given Rs.50,000/- as grant for a research study for two years from 15th December 1991. Follow up study was conducted on 279 patients while 373 was drop out. 71.43% was the success rate within two weeks and 23.8% after two weeks in alcoholics. In tobacco smoking the success rate was 62.18% within two weeks and 60.78% after two weeks. The success rate was 73.52% for alcoholics and 66.17% in tobacco addict in persons who used to drink and smoke cigarette. After two weeks the result was 33.23% and 38.97% in alcoholism and tobacco smoking respectively.

Homoeopathic therapeutic books are enriched with medicines effective for alcoholism and tobacco smoking. As in all other cases a medicine that produces symptom/ disease in a healthy human being during trial, is effective for removing the symptom/ disease in the sick. This methodology was applied in this work, according to the principles of Homoeopathy. Addicted persons are motivated and their problems were studied and recorded. After a thorough analysis of the entire case a constitutional or symptomatic medicine was prescribed. For the first two or three weeks acute medicines like Calc.
Phos 6X, Nat.Mur 3X for tobacco smoking and sterculia Q, Quercus Q, Capsicum Q for alcoholism were dispensed.

Result: From the second day onwards patients used to develop disgust for the addicted substances and gradually reduced to drink alcohol to meager and nil. Conclusion: Withdrawal symptoms are practically minimised. Loss of satisfaction and aversion for tobacco and alcohol are noticed along with return of appetite.

Materials and Methods: Homoeopathic and Bio-chemic medicines are purchased from reputed firms and their distributors. Acute medicines for one week was given for out patients and daily dose for in-patients. Sterculia Q, 10 drops (one dose) three times daily was given for alcoholics having no appetite and for others Quercus Q as above. Basic or symptomatological medicines according to Homoeopathic principles were given and thus differing in different patients. If improvement was noted placebo was given. The Biochemic medicines was selected by considering the Mental/emotional aspect of the patient. Nat.Mur 3X or 6X differs with Calc. Phos 3X or 6X with an aggregation of complaints if anybody console a patient. Tobacum 200 – one dose was prescribed to patients who had fresh desire after abstinence. In certain persons the higher potency was given,

Methods: The study was done in the following manner.

a) Distribution of cases and study according to type
1. Alcoholism.
2. Tobacco smoking.
3. Alcoholism & Tobacco smoking (combined)

b) Distribution of cases and study according to age and sex.
cl Distribution of cases and study according to nativity, i.e., urban/rural.
d) Distribution of cases and study according to religion.
e) Distribution of cases and study according to marital status.
f) Distribution of cases and study according to grade/group.

There are three groups for smoking tobacco. Those who smoke but below twenty cigarettes or beedies comes under Group I. Persons who smoke above twenty numbers but without any subjective and objective symptoms came under Group 11 and with subjective and objective symptoms came under Group 111. Similarly there are two groups for alcoholism. Those who are addicted but without complications are Group I and those having complications are grouped under Group II.

TABLE I. Smoking (Alone)
A) Distribution cases and study according to the age & sex.
No.    Age  Male   Female    Total

I. Below 20  13                    13
2. 20-29      84                     84
3. 30-39     92                      92
4 40-49      86          3          89
5. 50-59    41           2          43
6. 60 and above13             13
Grand Total                     334
The highest number of patients (92) came between the age group of 30 – 39.

TABLE 11 B. Distribution and study according to nativity.
Urban                               Rural                           Grand Total
Male   Female Total    Male    Female    Total
131       Nil      131      200        3           203               334
Out of 334 patients203 came from the rural side.

TABLE III C. Distribution and study according to the Religion
Hindu Christian Muslim Total
190       17        127      334

TABLE IV. D. Distribution and Study according the Marital Status.
arried     Unmarried     Total
233             95            334

TABLE V .E. Distribution and study according to the Group
1st Group         2nd Group           3rd Group         Total
177                   99.                    58                  334

TABLE VI.F. Result of treatment
Within two weeks                                               After two weeks
% of success          Drop out              % of success                         Drop out
25%                       14                         25%                                      7
50%                       23                        50%                                       7
75%                       27                        75%                                      31
100%                     10        215            100%          17                       17

Success rate within two weeks 62.18%
Success rats after two weeks 60.78%

TABLE VII. G.Old case reported 3-5 months after
Total No. of cases: 31
Results of treatment

Within two weeks                       After two weeks
% of success   Drop out        % of success    Drop out
25% •                                      25%
50%                                        50%                    1
75%                 5                     75%                   13
100%       2     10                    100%    3            Nil

Success rate within 2 weeks: 33.3%
Success rate after 2 weeks; 80.95%

No. of cases: 39
A. Distribution of cases and study according to the age and Sex.
No. Age          Male    Female      Total
1. Below 20     Nil – –
2. 20 – 29        1 –                            1
3. 30 – 39       17 –                         17
4. 40 – 49      10 –                          10
5, 50- 59        8              1               9
G. 60 and above 2 –                         2
Total                                             39

TABLE IX .B. Distribution of cases and study according to nativity
Urban    Rural    Total
11         28       39

TABLE X .C. Distribution of cases according to Religion
Hindu Muslim Christian Total
29     5           5          39

TABLE XI.D. Distribution of cases according to Marital Status
Married Unmarried Total
34         5            39

TABLE XII.E. Distribution of cases according to Group
Ist group       2nd group         Total
25                 14                   39

TABLE XIII.F.Results of treatment:
Results Within two weeks ;                     Results After two weeks .
% of success      Drop out             % of success                  Drop out
25%                                              25%
30%    2           18                          50%
75%                                              75%                                1
100% 13                                       100%   4                         Nil
Success rate within two weeks : 17.43%
Success rate after two weeks : 23.8%

TABLE XIV.Total No. 4.G. Old cases reported 3-5 months after
Results Within two weeks                  Results After two weeks
% of success  Drop out                     % of success    Drop out
25%                                                  25%                 1
50%                                                 50%
75%                                                  75%
100%                                                100%                   3
Success rate after 2 weeks : 100%

No. Age               Male       Female      Total
1. Below 20           2                               2
2. 20 29               58                             58
3. 30 39               95                              95
4. 40 49               93                              93
5. 50 59               27                              27
6. 60 and above     1                                 1
Grand                                          Total 276

TABLE XVI.B. Distribution of cases and study according to Nativity
Urban          Rural       Total
151             125            276

TABLE XVII.C. Distribution of cases and study according to Religion
Hindu Christian Muslim Total
215       17          44     276

TABLE XVIII.D. Distribution of cases and study according to Marital status
Married Unmarried Total
222       54           276

TABLE XIX. E.Distribution of cases and study according to Group
Smoking                                                                Alcoholism
1st Group 2nd Group      3rd Group  Total      Ist Group  2nd Group      Total
133            101               42         276            205          71               276

TABLE XX.F.Result of treatment of alcoholism & Smoking
within 2 weeks                                                             After 2 weeks
% of Relief    Alcoholism     Smoking     Drop out     % of Relief      Alcoholism       Smoking     Drop out
25%            12             20                                 25%                  9                   15
50%             15            17                                  50%                  6                     6
75%             26            38                                  75%                  9                    20
100%             47            15                140             100%               28                   12                  Nil
Total                 100           90                  140                                   52                    53

Success rate within 2 weeks : Alcoholism : 73.58%
Smoking : 66.17%
Success rate after 2 weeks : Alcoholism : 38.23%
Smoking : 33.97%

TABLE XXI.C. Old cases reported 3-5 months after
Total No. of cases : 49
within 2 weeks                                                                               after 2 weeks
% of Relief     Alcoholism      Smoking      Drop out        % of Relief      Alcoholism       Smoking     Drop out
25%                1                    1                                    25%                2                    12
50%                1                    4                                    50%                2                      3
75%                                      1                7                  75%                9                      11               Nil
100%              11                    3                                  100%              16                       3
Total                 13                     9                7                                      29                      29

Success rate within 2 weeks : Alcoholism : 30.95%
Smoking : 21.43%
Success rate after 2 weeks : Alcoholism : 69.05%
Smoking : 69.05%

Out of the 334 patients who have taken medicine for tobacco smoking alone 215 are drop out cases. The remaining 119 Patients ware observed. The success rate within two weeks was 62.18% and 60.76% after two weeks with a drop out of 17 patients. 31 patients reported 3- 5 months after abstinence with a drop out of 10 and a success rate of 33.3% within two weeks. The success rate after two weeks was 80.95% without a single drop out. The number of patients to whom medicine for alcoholism were given are 315 (39 consumes alcohol and 276 consumes alcohol and smoking tobacco) success rate was 71.43% within two weeks and 23.8% after two weeks with a drop out of 18 from 39. In the combined case the success rats was 73.52% in alcoholism and 66.17% in smoking wilhin two weeks. After two weeks the percentage of success was 38.23% in alcoholism and 38.97 in tobacco smoking with a total drop out of 140 from 276. 49 cases were reported 3 – 5 months after abstinence with 7 drop out having a success rate of 30.95% in alcoholism and 21.43% in smoking within two weeks and 69.05% each in alcoholism and smoking. Staphisagaria was the drug for 84 persons addicted to smoking while 72 for Calc-phos, 47 for Nux Vomica, 20 for Natrummur and 13 for Lachesis Similarly, 29 cases of alcoholism were prescribed with Nuxvomica, 22 to Lachesis, and 21 to Staph. 33 cases of addiction to tobacco smoking was responded within one week to Calc Phos, 27 cases to Staphisagria 17 cases to Nuxvomica, 7 cases to Natrummur were also responded within 7 days. 18 cases of Alcoliolism was responded to Nuxvomica and 10 cases to Lachesis with in 7 days.

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