Acute Fevers managed by Homoeopathy

Prof (Dr) Goutam Das

[Abstract: This article includes the clinical understanding of the teaching of our Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy that; whatever it maybe the name of the disease or the pathology, if the patient shows characteristic signs & symptoms of a particular medicine, that act as the specific remedy in that case. What is to be the similia, to restore the sick to health, & how it occurs (i.e. reverse pathology), to cure the case homoeopathically with proper dose, potency and repetition? And what is curable in disease and what is curative in medicines are also expressed in this article.] 

CASE: 1:

20.04.2020, at 12 noon (Monday):

MRS. SOVA DEVI, AGED 75 YEARS, FEMALE, came to consult me through telecommunications, with a history of acute fever for last 3 days around 100F. Patient is hot, desire fanning, having dry cough, difficulties in breathing, diarrhoea, great prostration, unable to open her eyes, aversion to answering any questions, lying down calm & quite, preferably on right side with dry coated tongue.

Rx. Bryonia 30 / one dose with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, at 12 noon.

2nd Consultation, 20.04.2020, at 3 p.m. (Monday), after 3 hours from first dose :

Fever 102F, severe shortage of breathing, lying on high pillow behind her head, involuntary stool and urine passes, desire for drinking water (Homoeopathic aggravation, as eliminating symptoms; no medicine required), (Refer to higher authority, as per protocols; but patient party are old patents knows about Homoeopathic Aggravation, followed by relief take place & stay at home).

Rx. Placebo 30 / one dose with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, at 3 p.m.

3rd Consultation, 20.04.2020, at 6 p.m. (Monday), after 6 hours from first dose:

She was in deep sleep for last 30 minutes, and sweating appears on her forehead. 

Rx. Bryonia 30 / one dose with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, at 6 p.m.

4th Consultation, 21.04.2020 (Tuesday), morning, after 24 hours from first Consultation:

No fever 98.2F, slight dry cough only aggravate by motion, slight weakness present, she talk with all, appetite increase, no diarrhoea, urine deep yellow in colour.

Rx. Placebo 30 / six doses with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, morning & evening, twice in a day, for three days.

5th Consultation, 03.05.2020 (Sunday), after 13 days from first Consultation:

She feels feverish, chill & trembling of her limbs with weakness from today morning.

Rx. Bryonia 30 / two doses with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, within 6 hours intervals.

6th Consultation, 14.05.2020 (Thursday),  morning, after 24 days from first Consultation:

No fever, no cough only, slight weakness present, she talk with all, appetite increase, stool & urine normal.

Rx. Placebo 30 / six doses with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, morning & evening, twice in a day, for three days. (No needs for further taking medicine until any new symptoms develop in this case).

CASE: 2:

04.05.2020, (Monday):

MR. G. D., AGED 52 YEARS, MALE, came to consult me, with a history of acute fever for last 1 day around 99F, having sore-throat, aggravate by drinking water; dry cough aggravate when talking, relief in deep sleep; headache; trembling of his limbs; constipation; dark urine; with great weakness and a history to take cold drink during traveling in heat of Sun.

 Rx. Bryonia 30 / two doses with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, within 6 hours intervals.

2nd Visit, 05.05.2020, (Tuesday), after 1 day from first visit :

Fever 97.6F, relief in sore-throat; dry cough till present; stool, urine, appetite normal; sleep aggravate.

Rx. Placebo 30 / four doses with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, within 6 hours intervals.

3rd Visit, 10.05.2020, (Sunday), after 6 day from first visit :

No fever, no sore-throat, occasionally slight cough during talking; weakness till. 

Rx. Placebo 30 / two doses with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, within 6 hours intervals.

4th Visit, 17.05.2020, (Sunday), after 13 day from first visit :

No fever, no cough only, no weakness present, appetite increase, stool & urine normal.

Rx. Placebo 30 / two doses with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, within 6 hours intervals.


1)  No needs for further taking medicine until any new symptoms develop in this case.

2) Specific homoeopathic remedy, cut-short the course of acute disease; without complications.

3) Proper dose, potency and repetition of the remedy must be similar to the nature of the sickness of the patent.

4) Importance of knowing the art of giving placebo, in Homoeopathy.

5) Remember, that, every acute episode are due to flare-up of latent dyscrasia; to eradicate it (As per the rules of our “Second Prescription”, Repetition of the First Prescription and Change in the Second Prescription); long times follow up must be needed, to  simplify the case, to restore the sick to health, for the ideal of  cure.

 [Abbreviation: Sac. Lac.1 means Sugar of Milk.]

[Reference: Empty stomach2 means one or half hour before & after taking medicine as mention in THE CHRONIC DISEASES THEIR PECULIAR NATURE AND THEIR HOMOEOPATHIC CURE, BY DR SAMUAL HAHNEMANN, VOL-1;  paragraph 122, 123, page number 136, Indian Books & Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi – 110005, Reprint Edition: July 2009.]

Prof. (Dr.) Goutam Das M.D, (Homoeopathy)
Dept. of Organon of Medicine, Smt. AJSHMC&RI, Mehsana, Govt. of Gujarat – G. I. A Institution.
Ex. Academic Director & Principal In-Charge, NHMCH&RC, Agra (U.P.)
Ex. Examiner, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, (Rajasthan)
Ex. Faculty & Examiner (U.G. & P.G.) Dr.B.R.A.Uneversity, Agra, (U.P.)
Ex. Faculty & Examiner JRN RVHMC, Deemed to be University, Udaipur, (Rajasthan)

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