AYUSH chair in foreign Universities – Faculties required

Attractive Salary and other benefits

The  Department   of   AYUSH   establishes   AYUSH  Chairs   initially for   1-year duration.  AYUSH  Chairs are established in the    foreign   universities, in consultation with Indian Missions.

Tenure:    Initially for a period of one year, extendable upto 2 years.

AYUSH will provide:
(i) (a)A consolidated remuneration  about  to Rs.  1.00 Lakh + FCA for serving candidate and (b) Rs. 1.00 Lakh –  (minus) pension + FCA in   case of retired candidate.

(ii) Economy  class  international airfare  for the candidate and his/her spouse and charges for 1120 kgs unaccompanied baggage at the time of joining and completion of tenure;

(iii) Other    benefits    to  the     candidate     such      as   Leave     Salary,  Pension/provident fund etc. as per rules of the parent institution.

HOST University will provide:
(i)  Health Insurance to the  candidate and his /her spouse;

(ii) Rent free furnished accommodation, with all basic facilities;

(iii) Furnished office on   campus  and secretarial assistance for efficient  functioning of the Chair.

(iv)Transportation during official assignments.

Other conditions:
1. The    period    of  deputation      will  commence        from   the   date    he/she    is  relieved from the duties of present post at parent institute and will end  on   resumption   of   duties   in   parent   post.  In   case   of   retired   candidate  deputation will commence from the date joining at the University for the  one year.

2.  The tenure of Chair will be extended after mutual agreement with  Dept of  AYUSH/   Institute/Council    &   the  University   in  consultation     with  High  Commission/ Ambassador of India after a review at the end of the first   year.

3. In   case   the activities  of   appointee   is   found   unsatisfactory,  the   Dept   of  AYUSH/Institute/Council          &  the    University    in  consultation      with   High Commission/       Ambassador        of  India  will reserve    the   right to  terminate   appointment   of   the   officer   to   the  Chair   prior   to   normal   expiry   of  the   contract period.

4. The candidate will get the consolidated remuneration + FCA during the  period of deputation (no deputation duty allowance will be admissible).   The  pension   will   be   deducted  for   retired   candidate.  This  consolidated remuneration will be reviewed at the end of the year.

5. The salary will be provided in host country’s currency.

6. Institute/   Council  shall meet   costs    relating   to  salary   and   appropriate   allowances provided by Dept of AYUSH.

7. The  amount  will  be  transferred  to  the   Indian   Mission/Embassy for  disbursement of remuneration/salary to the Chair.

8. The candidate would deposit with the Indian Mission/ Embassy, for credit   of   the   Institute/   Council,   any   honorarium/   transport   allowance   or   any       other     payment       howsoever       described,      received      from    any     local    organization/ institute during entire the period of deputation.

9. The   candidate   will   be   granted   composite   transfer   grant  equivalent  to    one  month’s  basic  pay,  outfit  allowance  of  Rs.  7500.00  and  CCG   (crockery,     cutlery,   glassware)    grant     of  Rs,  1700.00   by    the   Institute/    Council.

 10. Medical     examination     fee   from   the  Govt.   hospital  at  New    Delhi for   candidate and the spouse for joining the deputation will be reimbursed   by the Institute/ Council.

 11. If candidate wants   to keep  their child/ children during the   term of  the   Chair  then   he/she    has   to  bear    cost   of  Medical    Insurance     and    accommodation of child/ children.

 12. The   spouse   of   the   candidate   shall   not  accept  any   employment  in   the   University on payment basis without  prior permission of the Department  of AYUSH/ Institute/ Council.

 13. Preparation/ Joining   time  permissible   7  days   excluding    transit/  travel   time.

 14.  Candidate will be entitled to 30 days leave in a year (no carry over or     credit   or   encashment  for   un-availed   leave).  Candidate   will   not   apply    any kind of leave to the parent institution.

 15. The    selected    candidate    will  sign the  acceptance of  the   offer  of    employment with the University.

 16. Serving Officer deputed to the Chair will be allowed to keep lien on their substantive post.

 17. During    the   period  of  deputation,  the    candidate  will    continue   to  be     governed      by   the   rules  of the   parent  institute  relating   to  Pension/      Provident  Fund  etc.  The  Mission  will  remit  employer’s  and  employee’s       subscription     to  the  Pension/    Provident    Fund   by   RBI drafts   through      deductions      from   the  monthly   salary   bill  to  his  parent institute under intimation to the Department of AYUSH/ Institute/ Council.

Broad objectives:

  1. To   promote   academic   and  collaborative   research   activities   on   AYUSH Systems abroad.
  2. To    develop      quality   standards      for  AYUSH      education      for  foreign  educational institutes.
  3. To create awareness about strength of AYUSH systems in various disease  conditions abroad.


  1. To   undertake      academic      and   research    activities  in  Indian   System    of    Medicine (AYUSH Systems) as per requirement of University/ School.
  2. To design academic standards and short/ medium term courses as per  need of the University and AYUSH education guidelines in India.
  3. To   seek   continuing   improvement  in   curriculum   development,  providing  tutorials   to   accredited   regular   students,  promoting   research   activities  and innovations in AYUSH Systems of Medicine.
  4. To    provide   academic       leadership    to  the   University,  primarily  through  demonstrating  and   fostering   excellence      in  research,   teaching     and    policy  development  related   to  AYUSH   at  a   variety   of  levels–  within   the          discipline.
  5. To  explore   feasibility   of  collaborative   research   and making  strategy  for     dissemination of results of studies already completed.
  6. To act as credible source of AYUSH related information for host country.
  7. To   liaise  with  High   Commission  of  India,  host  University   and  Dept of AYUSH.
  8. To conduct of workshops/ seminars on AYUSH System.
  9. To  initiate  advocate   the   safe   use   of   AYUSH   systems   in   University   and related area.
  10. To  find   out  existing   academic/   research   programmes   on   AYUSH,   their  strength & gaps and provide inputs to the concerned institute in India.            


  1. Post Graduate degree in concerned AYUSH System from a recognized  University in India.
  2. 15 years standing in profession of which 2 years’ as Professor  (pay band-4, grade   pay  not   less   than  Rs.  8700/-)  or   in   equivalent   grade   in   Research/ Administration/ Clinical.       OR
  3. 15  years   standing   in   profession  of  which  5  years’  as  Associate  Professor/ Reader     (pay   band-4/3,     grade    pay   of not    less than   Rs. 7600/-)   or   in  equivalent grade in Research/ Administration/ Clinical.
  4. At   least   10   Quality   Research   work   published   in  reputed  peer   reviewed  research journals. 


  1. Candidate   possessing       PhD   in   concerned  AYUSH   System   will   be   given  preference.
  2. Experience in administration.
  3. Experience      of  involvement   in    policy   matters   for  academic/research issues at national level.
  4. Working knowledge of English, Urdu/ Arabic/ Persian (in case of Unani), Sanskrit (in case of Ayurveda & Yoga), Tamil (in case of Siddha). 
  5. Working knowledge of Computers.
  6. For   clinical   experience,   it   should   be   in   Central/   State   Government   run  hospitals/ dispensaries.
  7. Age: Not to exceed 65 years, as on the date, the tenure of the officer to the Chair ends. 

Mode of application:
 1.   The     applicant     will  be   required    to   send    his/her   particulars    in  the    prescribed format  (annexed) and forward   the same   through   the head   of   the   Institute  for  consideration.     The   application     should    reach    to:   Director/ Director General, Institute/ Council before…………date.

2. The applicant shall be required to produce a ‘No Objection Certificate’  from his/her institute for being appointed to the Chair. In case of retired   person he/she should take NOC from the institute where pension is being  drawn.

Mode of Selection:
1.  A screening committee consisting of Director/ Dy. Secretary-Department of   AYUSH,  DG/   Director of   the  concerned  council/   institute,   one   senior      expert   from   outside,   and   concerned      under   Secretary  will    shortlist   the           candidates       by   screening     their  applications/     CVs   on    the   basis   of    specified      eligibility   criterion  and      recommend         to   the    Selection           Committee.

 2. A Selection Committee  comprising     of   the   Joint   Secretary    of   the  Department of AYUSH, DG/Director of the concerned Council/ Institute,    and   a   representative   of   Ministry   of   External   Affairs   (MEA)   shall   make   a           panel     of  suitable    candidates      (not   more     than   three)    in  order   of     preference, on the basis of personal interviews and take other requisite           approvals      thereon.    The   concurrence       of   the  University    thereon    will    thereafter be obtained through circulation.

For application form and more details : www.similima.com/pdf/ayush-chair.pdf

Source : http://indianmedicine.nic.in/writereaddata/linkimages/6777591364-Chairs%20Guidelines%20AYUSH.pdf


  1. Respected Sir,
    Could you please tell me the address of Ayush where this application is to be forwarded.Is it at the HEAD OFFICE at 1 Red Cross Rd, New delhi : 110001 OR is it at Janakpuri, New Delhi. Kindly advice and oblige.Thanks

  2. Respected Sir,
    Can you please tell me the name of the place where the homoeopathic doctor will be posted outside India.

  3. Eligibility:

    Post Graduate degree in concerned AYUSH System from a recognized University in India.
    15 years standing in profession of which 2 years’ as Professor (pay band-4, grade pay not less than Rs. 8700/-) or in equivalent grade in Research/ Administration/ Clinical. OR
    15 years standing in profession of which 5 years’ as Associate Professor/ Reader (pay band-4/3, grade pay of not less than Rs. 7600/-) or in equivalent grade in Research/ Administration/ Clinical.
    At least 10 Quality Research work published in reputed peer reviewed research journals.


    Candidate possessing PhD in concerned AYUSH System will be given preference.

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