Benefits of registering your name in Central Register of Homoeopathy

Some state councils are forcing and compelling the doctors to surrender their state registration and asking them to register in the new state – this is against HCC act and only to make money by the state councils.

As per the provision in 26 of Homoeopathy Central Council Act 0f 1973 , if you register in Central Register of Central Council of Homoeopathy

  • You are eligible to practice anywhere in India.
  • No need to surrender your registration if you are moving to other states
  • You can write all competitive exams expect state PSC examinations
  • You can contest/vote in CCH election from any state

Now you can even register online

Details required 

  • Qualification for registration possesd by the applicant
  • Date on which applicant obtained qualification
  • Name of authority granted qualification
  • The college and hospital were the candidate received education and training
  • Attested copies of documentary proof of date of birth
  • Internship completion certificates
  • Diploma, Degree, PG in respect of medical qualification

Online and Offline facility available at

Form at

Registration fee : Rs.2000

For adding additional qualification: Rs 500

Privileges of persons who are enrolled on the Central Register of Homoeopathy.
26 (1) Subject to the conditions and restrictions laid down in this Act regarding practice of Homoeopathy by persons possessing certain recognized medical qualifications, every person whose name is for the time being borne on Part I of the Central Register of Homoeopathy shall be entitled according to his qualifications to practice Homoeopathy in any part of India and to recover in due course of law in respect of such practice any expenses, charges in respect of medicaments of other appliances or any fees to which he may be entitled.
Source :


  1. I have PG diploma in compound Homoeopathiy (MDCH,BDDCH,FRCH) from National Homoeopathic collage Dish pur, Assam and registration with CAMS Kolkata is it necessary to register with CCH PL guide me
    Dr V S Bhandari

  2. I had completed my bhms from bihar and want to practice in maharashtra.i had applied for cch registration . By getting it is i applicable for practice in maharashtra or shuled appaly for maharshtra registration which is hard to get in now situation.

  3. It’s more than 3 months I applied for cch registration for all India but still I didn’t get my registration number I called in office several times but no proper response I get from officials every body says I don’t know about. Please tell me what to do ? Please do the needful.

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