Major difference between the Draft and Gazetted BHMS Regulation 2022

Dr Mansoor Ali

After receiving suggestions from various stakeholders, the National Commission for Homoeopathy published the Gazette Notification of BHMS Regulations 2022.

These are the major changes between the draft and final version

Departments renamed

  • Organon of Medicine with Homoeopathic Philosophy replaced as Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philosophy and Fundamentals of Psychology
  • Repertory as Homoeopathic Repertory and Case Taking;
  • Community Medicine and public health as Community Medicine, Research Methodology and Biostatistics;
  • No separate department for Research Methodology & Biostatistics as mentioned in the draft
  • Practice of Medicine as Practice of Medicine with Essentials of Pharmacology;
  • Community medicine included in 3 & 4 BHMS (In the draft CM in 2 BHMS only}

Other changes 

  • Yoga included 1 to 4 BHMS (in draft 1 and 4 years only)
  • No theory or practical examination in Yoga (In draft theory and practical examination for Yoga)
  • Yog hours reduced from 100 to 30 and 20 each year
  • Clinical training of the student shall start from the first professional session after the second term only
  • NCH will conduct electives as an online course – students need to complete 2 electives from 1 to 3 BHMS.
  • Practice of Medicine hours from 2 to 4 BHMS. But the Exam is only in Final Year (In draft 3 year also)
  • In the theory exam – MCQS reduced from 20 to 10%
  • The teaching experience of the Examiner is reduced to 3 years instead of 5 as mentioned in draft
  • A candidate obtaining sixty percent and above marks shall be awarded first class (in the draft it was 65%)
  • The clause “External examiners shall not be from the same university and preferably be from outside the state.” deleted
  • Community Medicine exam 3 and 4 years (In draft 2 BHMS only)
  • The rural internship period reduced from 3 to 2 months
  • Foundation course hours of 1BHMS students are reduced to 60 hours instead of 90 ( 15 days to 10 days )


  1. Make the things much strict in homeopathy examinations… especially bring seriousness in practical and viva.. external examiners are on duty seems to be on holiday trip rather than for examination purpose ,,, many institutions are in competition to give viva practical marks so that their college gets 100 % results…

    And finally what we r getting is zero knowledge students coming out after completing the course and blaming homeopathy system itself …

    Not a single student prepares for viva practical n 90% of the students never open their mouth for any simplest questions..

    And internal/institutes pressurises the examiner to pass them..

    This wil bring down the system in future..

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