Homoeopathic mother tinctures in menorrhagia

Dr Nandini Dadhich1

Abstract: Any uterine bleeding outside the normal volume, duration, regularity or frequency is considered abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). 30% of all gynecologic patients are for AUB in which menorrhagia i.e. excessive vaginal bleeding being one of the most common symptom affecting 9% – 14%. The etiology of this disorder may be some underlying organic pathology or functional. The diagnosis and magnitude of menorrhagia includes long flow duration, increased number of pads, low level of Hb. Treatment can be medical or surgical. Made of natural substances, Homeopathic medicines can cure Menorrhagia with zero side effects. Homoeopathic Materia Medica has vast range of Homoeopathic Tinctures which when appropriately given help in the treatment of menorrhagia alongwith lifestyle management.

Keywords: Abnormal uterine bleeding, Menorrhagia, Homoeopathic Tinctures

Introduction: Menorrhagia is a pattern of abnormal uterine bleeding in which the menstrual flow is either in excessive amount (>80ml) or duration (>7 days) or both but the bleeding is cyclic at normal intervals1. 

Etiology1,2: The cause may be functional or organic. 

  • Functional – The most common cause lies in disturbed hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian endometrial axis.
  • Organic 
  • Pelvic causes include fibroid, adenomyosis, endometriosis, IUCDs, ovarian mass.
  • Systemic causes include congestive cardiac failure, severe hypertension, liver dysfunction.
  • Endocrinal disorders include thyroid disorders.
  • Hematological causes include ITP, leukemia, thrombocytopenia.
  • Emotional upsets.


  • Heavy vaginal bleeding resulting in need of sanitary pad more frequently.
  • Bleeding along with passage of clots and usually lasts for more than a week affecting the routine of a women.
  • Pelvic pain occasionally.

DIAGNOSIS2: Diagnosis of menorrhagia can be done based on the complete medical history of the patient and conducting a complete physical examination including a pelvic examination. Other diagnostic procedures for menorrhagia may include – 

  • Routine blood examination
  • Pelvic ultra sound scan is the first line of diagnostic tool for identifying structural abnormalities.
  • Hysteroscopy includes visual examination of canal of cervix and interior of uterus using an instrument inserted in the vagina.
  • Pap test to rule out neoplasia. 

General management2:

  • Adequate rest during menses.
  • Advise for balanced diet. 
  • Excercise regularly as excercise helps to maintain weight. As fat cells release excessive oestrogen from body, excercise helps to maintain an optimum hormone balance.


  • Aletris farinose: Marked anaemia, relaxed condition, especially of the female organism, is portrayed by this remedy. The patient is tired all the time. Premature and profuse menses, with labor-like pains. Uterus seems heavy.
  • Apocynum cannabinum: Profuse bleeding with bloating; nausea; fainting, vital depression. Haemorrhages at change of life. Blood expelled in large clots. Use tincture ten drops three times daily.
  • Aranea diadema: Menses too copious, too early with distention of abdomen and lumbo-abdominal neuralgia.
  • Cannabis indica: Menses profuse, dark, painful, without clots. Backache during menses. Uterine colic, with great nervous agitation and sleeplessness.  
  • Caulophyllum: This is a woman’s remedy who want  tonicity of the womb. Thrush, locally and internally. Extraordinary rigidity of os.  Moth-spots on forehead. Menses profuse and protracted with great atony.
  • Cinnamonum ceylanicum: Menses early, profuse, prolonged, bright red. Sleepiness marked. No desire for anything. Uterine haemorrhages, menorrhagia caused by overlifting.
  • Crocus sativus: Menorrhagia especially when haemorrhage is dark and stringy.  Urging of blood to genitals. Menses dark, viscid, too frequent and copious, black and slimy. Uterine haemorrhage; clots with long strings; worse from least movement. 
  • Erigeron canadense: Haemorrhages are cured by this remedy. Persistent haemorrhage from the uterus, with painful micturition. Profuse bright-red blood. Menorrhagia; returns after least motion, comes in gushes; with urinary irritation. 
  • Fraxinus americana: Enlargement of the uterus. Fibrous growths, subinvolution, and prolapse. Heavy uterine bleeding with bearing-down sensations; worse in afternoon and night. 
  • Geranium maculatum: Habitual sick headaches. Profuse bleeding. Menses too profuse. Indicated in females with sore nipples.
  • Hamamelis virginiana: Ovarian congestion and neuralgia; feel very sore. Menorrhagia with bearing-down pain in back. Menses dark, profuse, with soreness in abdomen. Intermenstrual pain. Vagina very tender with itching.
  • Helonias dioica: Menorrhagia with dragging in sacral region, with prolapse. Pruritus vulvae. Menses too frequent, too profuse. Debilitating menses.
  • Millefolium: Menses early, profuse, protracted. Haemorrhage from uterus; bright red, fluid.
  • Sabina: Menses profuse, bright. Uterine pains extend into thighs.  Menorrhagia in women who aborted readily. Pain from sacrum to pubis, and from below upwards shooting up the vagina. Haemorrhage ; partly clotted; worse from least motion. Atony of uterus.
  • Senecio aureus: Suited to young girls with backache. Anaemic menorrhagia with urinary disturbances. Premature and too profuse menses.
  • Thlaspi bursa pastoris: Haemorrhage, with violent uterine colic. Every alternate period very profuse. Scarcely recovers from one period before another begins.
  • Trillium pendulum:  Uterine haemorrhages, with sensation as though hips and back were falling to pieces; better tight bandages. Menorrhagia with gushing of bright blood on least movement.
  • Ustilago maydis: Profuse menses; discharge of blood from slightest provocation; bright red; partly clotted. Ovaries burn, pain, swell. Menorrhagia at climaxis. Oozing of dark blood, clotted, forming long black strings. Uterus hypertrophied. 

CONCLUSION: Menorrhagia has negative effects on women’s quality of life due to excess blood loss. Although homoeopathic prescribing is based on totality, but it has been observed that acute condition of the disease require medicine having organ affinity to relieve. The above described mother tinctures shows tremendous relief in hemorrhage and patient need not to switch over to modern medications for instant relief. Once the bleeding is controlled then the prescription based on totality can be given to get permanent cure. Therefore, females consulting with menorrhagia should be investigated and effective approaches should be designed accordingly. Integrated holistic care should be provided by consultants taking into account the physical, emotional, and social experiences.


  1. Konar Hiralal. DC Dutta’s Textbook of Gynecology. 7th edition. New Delhi, India:Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd;2016.152
  2. Deepan. MENORRHAGIA [Internet]. Dr SHAH’s Homeopathy. 2019 [cited 2019Nov15]. Available from: https://atomictherapy.org/menorrhagia/
  3. Boericke W. Boericke’s New Manual of Homoeopathic MateriaMedica with Repertory. Third revised and augmented edition based on 9th edition. Noida, India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2018
  4. Hering C. The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica. Delhi, India:B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd;1995

Dr. Nandini Dadhich, MD (PGR)
Dept. of Materia Medica, Dr.M.P.K.Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur (A constituent unit of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, Raj.)

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