Literary research of bowel nosodes with respect to sources, preparation and materia medica

Literary research of bowel nosodes with respect to sources, preparation and materia medica

Dr Raman Kumar Srivastava 

Now a day’s disease are stronger than medicine and huge population are moving in homoeopathy because it’s safe and effective. So lot of research are going on in Homoeopathy to improve it day by day. Bowel Nosode is deep acting remedy which covers most of the pathological symptoms but due to lacking of complete information of Bowel Nosodes, many physicians are facing difficulty to use it in clinical basis, so it is required to find out the complete information of new and old Bowel Nosodes and its bacteriology with its isolation and collection according to respective pharmacopeia. AIM: Review study of old and new Bowel Nosodes with respect to sources, preparation and Materia Medica.


  • a) To study the preparation of Bowel Nosodes with its rules for collection of drug substance.
  • b) Focus on sources of Bowel Nosodes (old and new Nosodes)
  • c) To study various Bowel Nosodes in the light of Homoeopathic Materia Medica

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is Narrative review study, which held by compilation and collection of data from genuine books of homoeopathy, Bacteriology and various internet sites.

RESULT: After study from various sources e.g. New and old articles and books I have found that there is very short information available about bowel Nosodes. So I mention all the bacteriological information along with classification, Clinical presentation, Preparation, and its symptoms in Materia Medica as far as possible. But I didn’t got Bacteriological information about New Bowel Nosodes (Basill no 10 and Coccal co.) information even it is not present in original books of Dr. John Paterson and Mr. Eberth Bach.

Keywords: bowel nosodes, sources of bowel nosodes, prepration of bowel nosode,Bacteriology of bowel nosodes.

Nosodes have been used in Homoeopathy to prevent diseases since 1830. The Nosodes are also considered as Isopathic remedies. It is consisting of the products of a specific diseases, administrated in small doses for the cure of similar disease (according to law of similia and law of minimum dose). From the great time of forefather of homoeopathy Dr. Samuel Hahnemann various Nosodes has been added in Homoeopathic Materia Medica, by clinical proving. These were given elaborately in keynotes and Materia Medica by Dr.H.C.Allen.

Nosodes are obtained from Greek term NOSO – which means disease or signifying an association to the disease. And Related to Latin term NOXA means damage. [1] 

Bowel Nosodes are Homoeopathic medicines which are made from cultures of non-lactose fermenting microbial flora of intestinal tract. They are not pathological creation of a disease, but they are considered under Nosodes. In a healthy state the B.Coli containing intestinal mucosa functions normally but any kind of alteration in the host can cause imbalance in the intestinal mucosa and alteration in biochemistry of B.coli, that mean the disease created in the bacteria ( host), which forces the bacilli to modification in direction to survive. [2]

In 1880, the first isolated through the genius, bacteriologist Mr. Edward Bach who did much hard work on Non-lactose fermenting cultures as of Homeopathic view. He started vaccines preparation from dead cultures and was treating patients with vaccinations. From the day, that (A bacteriologist Edward Bach linked the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1919 and he started potentizing by succession method from bacteria after one year. [2] 

He used Bowel Nosodes as Homoeopathic drugs because he believed that gut flora have medicinal property and the same thing has described in definition of drugs by WHO, Dr.H.A.Robert and Dr. Hahnimann itself.

THE SCIENTIFIC GROUP OF WHO has defined that “drug as any substance or product that is used or intended to be used to modify or explore the physiological states for the benefit of the recipients” [1]

Dr.H.A.ROBERTS “A drug is any material agent in however attenuated from the ingestion of which capable of so disturbing this balance of this Vital Forces that the functioning of or more organs” [1]

DR. HAHNIMANN “(sec. 19, Organon of Medicine) now disease are nothing more than alterations in the state of health of healthy individual they express themselves by morbid signs, and cure is also possible by change to healthy condition of state of health of diseased individual it is evident that medicines could never cure disease if they did not possess the power of altering men’s state of health”. [1]

Bach Nomenclature Bacteriological Nomenclature
B.Morgan proteus morganii
B.Dysentriae Shigella dysentiae
B.Gaertner Salmonella Enteriditis
B.Proteus (a) Proteus vulgaris
(b) Proteus mirabilis
B.Mutabile B. Coli Mutabilie
B. Faecalis Faecalis Alkaligenes
B. No 7 (a) B.Asiaticus
(b) B.Clioacae
(c) B. Ferundi
Sycotic Compound Streptococcus faecalis
B.Coli    Escheria Coli [3]


  1. a) MORGAN PURE (Bach)

  It is prepared from Proteus morganii, Enterobacteriacae Moganella morganii Morganella morganii is a gram-negative rod commonly found in nature and in the intestinal tracts of humans, mammals, and reptiles as normal flora. In spite of its wide dissemination, it is an extraordinary reason for group obtained disease and is regularly experienced in postoperative and other nosocomial settings. [6] 

M. morganii has two subspecies –

a) M. m. morganii

b) M. m. columbensis

Dr. Patterson differentiate it from “Morgan Gaertner”, which he developed as sub-group of Bach’s original Morgan Compound so now it’s coming under new Nosodes Morgan Gaertner is closely related to the Lycopodium state – a bilious remedy. [7]


  • Rubric “MIND FEAR alone of being company, with aversion to, yet fears to be alone”.
  • Keynotes  “Congestion” and “Explosiveness”

Florid, red lips and cheeks, portly build, tense, active, weepy, depressed, irritable, introspective, anxious about state of health, avoids company, fears crowds, suicidal tendency, H/A frontal occipital and vertex, migraines every week, H/A < heat and thundery weather, hairy face, acne, lids granular, sty’s, catarrhal deafness, sinus

problems, post nasal catarrh, cracks in skin of face, burning tongue, tongue coated slimy and dry, warts on tongue, enlarged thyroid, throat dry and burning, bronchitis every winter, n.b.w.s. bronchitis, nasal congestion, fibroids neck back shoulders, desires fat sweets eggs and butter but << eggs and butter, burning eructation’s, pains in liver

and gall bladder, gall stones, jaundice, congestion of gastric mucous, bilious attacks with severe H/A > vomiting, not much appetite but has to eat at 11 am, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, easy bruising, fingers swollen, arms puffyand stiff, pain in soles of feet, urine corrosive and contains sugar, fibroid and uterine polyps, thickening skin with deep cracks, bleeding and moist eczema < heat washing and wool. [8]

Associated remedies: Sulphur, Lycopodium, Calc Carb, Natrum Carb, Baryta Carb, Magnesia Carb and Kali Carb.

  b) MORGAN GAERTNER (Paterson)

  • Keynote Irritation 
  • Rubric: Pissed off


  • MIND: The mental picture is nearly that of Lycopodium. Irritable, quick tempered,    impatient, tense, nervous, restless, weepy depressed, jealous, fears crowds excitement and company, claustrophobic, bites nails, flushed face, loses hair, Acerbic and irritable with much criticism and nit-picking. They are critical and censorious with short temper, jealous and apprehensive. Their sleep is disturbed by night terrors which make them cry out. They are nervous nail biters who, in extreme states experience nervous breakdown. They fear crowds, like many of the Bowel Nosode pictures, and suffer from claustrophobia. Like their temperament, they have a bitter taste in their mouths [14]
  • GIT: bitter and bad taste in mouth, Noisy eructation with bad smell, vomiting after food, duodenal ulcers, distended feeling, pain right and left, desires sweets salt eggs meat hot food, averse to fat eggs meat, flatulent indigestion excessive eructation’s, sourness, hypochondria and epigastrium, pain in gall bladder, palpitations at night which waken > eructation’s flatus and moving about, right sided rheumatics, renal colic, irritable before menses, constipation stool is hard and dry, itching painful piles, cannot sleep but drowsy after food, night terrors shouts. Aggravation at 4-8 pm. rectal prolapses.
  • URINARY:  Most useful in acute inflammatory conditions as in renal colic and gallstone colic. It’s no surprise that one of its primary actions is on the urinary tract. This bacteria is found in the stool of those who have suffered renal colic or kidney stones and this symptom is one of its chief indicators. They have frequent micturition and Enuresis. [14]
  • FEMALE: Thick brown corrosive bad smelling leucorrhoea.

SKIN: Herpetic eruptions left side face, Loss of hair in bunches, sty’s and cysts on lids, nasal and post nasal catarrh,  pins and needles in tongue, ticklish coughs, recurrent tonsillitis , many skin eruptions psoriasis, vesicles warts urticarial shingles, everything < 48 pm. 

Associated remedies:  Lycopodium, cheladonium, lachesis, merc.sulph, hellaborous, hepar sulph, sanguinaria, taraxcum


It is prepared from Shigella dysenteriae ,it is sorts of the rod-shaped bacterial class Shigella ,It is species can cause shigellosis (bacillary dysentery). Shigellae are Gram-negative, non-spore-molding, facultative anaerobic, non-motile organisms. [9]

  • Keynote Symptoms “Apprehension”
  • Other name: The Heart Nosode

Anticipatory anxiety is the theme. The ―solar plexus type of worry People (and animals) of an inherently nervous disposition Fear of people and closed places. Spasm of pylorus. Chronic indigestion. Nervous diarrhea. Flatulence. Frequent mucoid stool. Likes sweet food, salt, milk, fat, and cheese. Likes cold drinks but < stomach, Stomach pain < eating ,Dry skin with dandruff. Crusty. Skin discharges are sticky Involuntary twitching of face. Seeks warmth but < stuffy atmosphere. < 3-6 a.m. crowds.

Associated remedies: Ars alb, argenticum nitricum, thyja, cadmium, veratrum album, veratrum virds, anacardium

  1. PROTEUS (Bach)

It is prepared from Proteus bacteriumis it is variety of Gram-negative Proteobacteria. Proteus bacilli are broadly disseminated in nature as saprophytes, being found in deteriorating creature matter, sewage, excrement soil, the mammalian digestive tract, and human and creature defecation. They are deft pathogens, usually in charge of urinary and septic contaminations, regularly nosocomial. [13]

  • Group of Proteus (bacterium)

             a) P. vulgaris

             b) P. mirabilis


Keynote symptom: Brain Storm 

Rubric: Angry adrenaline

Biochemistry: The outstanding element is chlorine

Mind: Outburst of violence and temper especially if opposed.

Child lies on floor kick & screams.

GIT: Duodenal ulcer due to prolonged mental strain (Nat. mur)

Neuromuscular system: Cramps of muscles (Cup) Spasm of peripheral circulation resulting in intermittent claudicating and dead fingers. Highly recommended in Raynaud’s disease and Miner’s disease.

Skin: Angioneurotic edema (Apis) Marked sensitivity to UV light. The state develops as a result of prolonged stress from external factors Suddenness is the theme. ―Brain storm not often needed if there are no nervous symptoms many of the associated remedies have chlorine in them tense, Irritable, Outbursts of anger. Spasms and cramps. Twitching of muscles. of use in digestive allergies. Abdominal pain and flatulence Blood in vomit. Melena. Pains in eyes and ears. Skin shows irritant vesicles and eruptions. Redness. Pruritis. Dislikes butter, pork, eggs, vegetables Likes fats, salt, eggs < Wine, storms heat, sun, morning, cold, night > Resting, whisky, eating, mountains [12]

Associated remedies: Nat. Mur, aurum mur, magnesium mur,

Ammonium mur, ferrum mur, kali mur, baryta mur,borax


It is prepared from Streptococcus faecalis  Enterococcus spp. are facultatively anaerobic, catalase-negative Gram- positive cocci, arranged individually, in pairs, or short chains. Formerly known as Streptococcus faecalis and Streptococcus faecium. Optimal temperature for growth of E. faecalis and E. faecium is 35°C. E. faecalis and E. faecium are normal inhabitants of the intestinal tract, female genital tract, and (less commonly) oral cavity [11].


Keynote symptom: Irritability 

Rubric: Chronic Catarrh 

GENERAL SYMPTOMS: Asthma < damp, cough < 23 am, hard cough 2/4/6 am, croupy coughs, averse to eggs fat milk cream salt sugar veg tea vinegar cheese meat,<< egg = nausea, << fat onions oranges, desires butter fat cheese sweets milk salt, finicky appetite, acid flatulence, chronic irritation of whole alimentary canal, ankles swollen and stiff, feet restless at night in bed, uterine polyps, malignancy, impotency, pain left ovary at menses, has to stool on rising, restless sleep, night terrors, night perspiration < 124 am, wakes 23 am, dreams of dead bodies. One of the most ‗acute ‘of the bowel Nosodes

  • Irritability is the theme. This applies to both the mental and physical spheres.
  • Thick yellow discharges.
  • An affinity with infections, especially involving the upper respiratory tract
  • Conjunctivitis. Photophobia. Pain in back, especially in the lumbar/sacral region.
  • Pain in kidneys. Strong smelling urine. Desires fats, cheese, sweets, milk, and salt.
  • Dislikes eggs, fat, potato, tomato, vegetables. Rheumatism Warts and cysts.
  • Skin eruptions following vaccination. Vesicular eruptions. Erythema. Pustular eruptions.
  • Cough < 2-3a.m. Coughs until sick. < Cold, damp, eggs, fat, onions, night, first movement. > Seaside, heat, prolonged movement. [8]

KEYNOTE: Irritability with special reference to synovial & mucus membrane.

MIND: Temporary nervous irritability (Lyc) fear of dark, alone while.

HEAD: Headache due to sinusitis, abundant perspiration at night. Persistent headache in a child may be a feature of or prodromal sign of tubercular meningitis. Premature grayness.

GIT: Chronic irritation of the whole alimentary tract (Med) Urgent call to stool, as soon as rising from bedrest.

RESPIRETORY: Acute, subacute & chronic bronchial catarrh. Enlarged tonsils and adenoids in children. Fibrosis of the thoracic wall. Considered as a tubercular remedy

CIRCULATION: Always an anemic look. Painful swollen hands with pain in soles.

NEUROMUSCULAR: Rheumatic complaint < in damp & rest (Rhus tox).

SKIN: Vesicular warts on an oily skin. Warts on mucocutaneous surface. Fibrotic

Indurations of skin.

URINARY: Nocturnal enuresis in children. Pyelonephritis, urethritis and cystitis.

FEMALE: Pain in Lt. Ovary during menses. Tubal infections, profuse leucorrhoea.

Associated remedies: Thuja, anc, tort, ferrum met, nat sulph, nit-ac, rhus tox

  1. Mutabilie (Bach)

it is prepared from B. Coli or Balantidium coli, it is a parasitic species of ciliate alveolates that causes the disease balantidiasis. It is the only member of the ciliate phylum known to be pathogenic to humans. [15]

This bacillus is so named because it mutates almost as soon as it is subculture

from a non-lactose to a lactose fermenter and is of interest mainly from a bacteriological point of view as the Bacillus Mutabile is an intermediary form between the B. Coli and the true non-lactose fermenting type. Its associated remedy is Pulsatilla and the Nosode Mutabile (Bach) is likely to be of value in treatment where there is alteration of symptoms, e. g. where skin eruption alternates with asthmatic symptoms.

According to the bacteriological nomenclature correspondence to the bacillus coli mutabile, [2]

One should refer to nelson Pharmacy of London, the characteristics symptoms and preparation of the stock precisely not described. According to J. Hui.Bon-Hua, this Nosode is named in this way because it undergoes a mal nutrition immediately, it is pure to culture and by a Non lacto-lytic bacillus. According to Foubister it is used Albuminuria.A second indication is morbid Metastasis, when a symptom as for example ‘an eruption on the skin alternates with asthmatic Symptoms (j. Hui-Bonhoa). It is principle associated remedy is Pulsatilla. [10] 

Associated remedies: Pulsatilla, ferrum phos, kali phos, kali sulph

  • Group of Aerobacteri cloacae


b) B. Ferundi

It is prepared from Enterobacter cloacae or Aerobacteri cloacae it is a clinically significant Gram-negative, facultatively-anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium.


Mentals: The outstanding symptom is mental fatigue, a feeling of unfitness for any mental effort, which produces a sense of extreme physical exhaustion. Digestive System. All the symptoms can be related to general lack of nerve and muscle tone, a sense of fullness after food, flatulence and distension of the stomach, enter ptosis.

Genito-urinary System: Feeble urinary flow, loss of sexual function, premature senility.

Respiratory System: Asthma, bronchial catarrh, tough sticky mucus, difficult to rise.

(Compare the symptom picture of Kali carb. which is one of the associated remedies.)

Circulation: Slow pulse rate, often with lowered blood pressure, myocardial weakness. (Potassium has a specific action on cardiac muscle.)

Neuro-muscular System: Relaxed fibrous tissue, with tendency to the formation of “rheumatic nodules”, backache, cannot stand long without feeling of faintness, tendency to syncope after sudden exertion.

Skin: Nothing outstanding, sensitive to cold, to draughts and cold damp air.

Associated remedies: Bryonia alb, kali carbh, iodium

Salmonella enterica (formerly Salmonella choleraesuis) is a rod-shaped, flagellated, facultative anaerobic, Gram-negative bacterium and a member of the genus Salmonella. [16]


Keynote symptom: Nutrition 

Rubric: Children’s Nosode 

Keynote here is nutrition, thought to be the ‘children’s Nosode, Fair, blue eyes, freckles, pale, long dark eyelashes, nervous < alone, intelligent, excitable, irritable, bites nails, hypersensitive, overactive brain with undernourished body or underdeveloped, sty’s, discharging ears with every cut tooth, catarrh, deep fissures in tongue, bronchial

colds, desires oats cheese eggs milk sugar and sweets, averse bread butter meat and fish, vomits < after sweets, H/A with vomiting great action on digestive system good for kids fed on ‘artificial’ diets, cannot digest fat, rheumatism shoulders < night, chilblains hands in winter, soles of feet covered with blisters, blood and mucous in urine, diarrhea every few weeks, thread worms, wants company and light to sleep, sleep walks, not afraid of dark but has night terrors. [17] 

Associated remedies: Calc. Flour; Calc. Phos; Calc. Sil; Kali. Phos; Merc. Viv; Nat. Phos; Nat. Sil; Phos; Phyto; Puls; Sil; Syph; Zinc. Phos.

  1. FAECALIS (Bach)

it is prepared from Alcaligenes faecalis A. faecalis is a Gram-negative bacterium which shows up bar molded and motile under a magnifying microscope. It is certain by the oxidase test and catalase test, yet negative by the nitrate reductase test. It is alpha-hemolytic and requires oxygen. A. faecalis can be developed at 37°C, and frames states that need pigmentation. [18]

There is no enough information about FAECALIS (Bach) so I ts need to re-proving and more deep study about it.

Accordin to Dr.Paterson usually found the organism in the stool, the clinical symptoms as similar to Sepia as the indicated remedy.

Anger at those trying to be helpful, a poor diet and suppressed stress and communication issues can underlie the need for this Nosode. Cancer, surgery and chemotherapy may be contributing factors. The patients may develop post-operative diarrhea, constipation or skin problems.

Associated remedies: Sepia, Kali-mur, Baryta Carb, Opium, Croton tig and Apis.

xi  BACILLUS No. 10
There is no information found about its bacteriological nomenclature and preparation even in Nelson Pharmacy London.

Associated with Fluorine. (Also Thuja and Nat Sulph) ,Loss of appetite. Loose motions passed mainly in morning, Irritation around anus, Spongy gums and Flat warts on feet. Tenderness around base of tail and anus Pain in thighs and stifles, especially the left Cough. Difficult expectoration < morning. Uterine discharges smell of fish. Dislikes eggs, bread. Likes fried fish +++, chocolate ++

Associated remedies: Calc fluor.

There is no information found about its bacteriological nomenclature and preparation even in Nelson Pharmacy London.

This remedy can be used in Septic states. The only associated remedy is Tuberculinum.

Only give in short courses (SDD or similar), usually at 30c. Its use should be avoided in cases of Diabetes Mellitus (The reason for these instructions is unclear, but clinical experience has verified them)


Some have stronger associations than others. The main associations are

Psoric Bacillus no 7; Morgan Gaertner; Proteus, Morgan Pure;
Sycotic Dysentery co, Faecalis, Bacillus no 10;

Morgan Pure, Proteus, Morgan Gaertner, Sycotic Co.

Syphilitic Bacillus no 10, Coccal Co.; Dysentery Co.; Gaertner Bach
Tubercular Gaertner Bach; Sycotic Co.
Cancer Gaertner Bach                                                                                    [5]


Procedure of collection:
Isolation of the non-lactose fermenting organisms begins with collection of a fresh stool sample in a clean, dry container. A sterile cotton swab is then dipped into the faecal material to collect the specimen. The tip should be only slightly soiled; only a very small amount of faeces is required. The swab is then placed into an empty, sterile test tube, and 5 ml of sterile distilled water are added to the tube. The water is stirred with the swab until the faecal material becomes suspended. This suspension is used to inoculate a petri plate of MacConkey agar. (This medium inhibits growth of gram positive bacteria, and allows easy differentiation between organisms which ferment lactose and those that do not. It is important that the surface of the medium be completely dry before inoculation.) Although Paterson does not mention it.

Procedure of preparation: Preparation of all Bowel Nosodes are same as preparation of  Nl and Nll method in Nosode preparation but bacteriological isolation is a bit different which described below:

The Difco Manual recommends serial inoculation of several plates to ensure well-isolated colonies. This involves touching a sterile bent glass rod or inoculating loop to the original plate at the site of least concentration of the streaked faecal suspension and using this rod or loop to inoculate and streak a second plate of MacConkey agar. This processes repeated as desired.

The inoculated plate or plates are then incubated at 37.50C (Difco: 35-370 for 18 hours. Paterson emphasizes that this period of incubation should not be exceeded if good results are to be expected. At this time the media are observed with transmitted light and colonies of non-lactose fermenting bacteria are identified. On MacConkey agar, colonies of lactose fermenting organisms are brick red in colour, while those of the nori-lactose fermenters are uncolored and transparent or whitish. Well-isolated non-lactose fermenting colonies are selected for further investigation. Each colony to be studied is first grown in pure culture so that enough bacteria are available for the next tests. Paterson recommends a plain agar slant for this purpose, while the Difco Manual suggests using another MacConkey plate. This has the advantage of serving as a double check on the absence of lactose fermenters from the specimen. The medium is again incubated for 16-18 hours at 37.50C this specimen is used to inoculate a number of nutrient solutions each containing a particular sugar. Again, the tubes are incubated for 18 hours. The reactions of the specimen in these sugar solutions are the basis of the classification of the bowel nosodes. Organisms which can ferment the sugar found in the medium will cause the solution to become more acidic andproduce a change in its colour; many will produce gas as part of the fermentation process as well. Purple broth base is now used as the media. [19]

This is my narrative review study which held through genuine books of homoeopathy and bacteriology from Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Homoeopathic Medical College’s library and various internet sites.

Study settings- Study setupThe study was carried out in Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital Dept. Of Postgraduate & Research Centre,

OBSERVATIONS AND RESULT: Due to study this has been observed that, there are ten Bowel Nosodes in number. Three Nosodes are discovered recently. I found complete information of seven Nosodes, but I didn’t found enough information about bacteriology and Materia Medica of three new nosodes. It has been discussed in detail under the heading “Discussion”.

Bowel Nosodes were well practiced from 1880 to 1936, but now a days practitioners ignore these Nosodes because of short of information in Materia Medica as it is not well proved.

After study from various sources e.g. New and old articles in the journals and references from books I found that there is very less information available about bowel Nosodes. I mention all the available data which I searched e.g. Bacteriological information along with classification, Clinical presentation, Preparation, and their symptoms in Materia Medica. But I didn’t got Bacteriological information about New Bowel Nosodes (Bacillus No. 10 and Coccal co.) these information even not present in original books of Dr. John Paterson and Mr. Eberth Bach.


i. Morgan (pure) and Morgan Gaertner (Bach): During data collection it is found that Morgan pure and Morgan gaertner prepared from Proteus morganii but data is available by its synonym (Enterobacteriacae Moganella morganii) which discovered by Mr.Edward Bach as Morgan Gaertner but Dr.Paterson renamed it as Morgan pure. It is found that both are prepared from same bacteria but symptoms are totally change in both drug.

ii. Dysentery compound (bach): the clinical presentation of bacteria and symptoms in materia maedica is same apart from that it covering most of mental symptoms.

iii. Proteus (Bach) this drug is prepared from Proteus bacterium and it has two groups and there is symptoms variation of both bacteria. So the preparation is also subject of question.

iv. Sycotic compound (Bach): This drug is discovered by Mr. Edward Bach, and it is prepared from Streptococcus faecalis, Dr. Paterson used it on US army in 2nd world war and got very nice result in mental and physical state.

v. Mutabilie: Is prepared from B. Coli or Balantidium coli, in the bacteriological part I found this bacteria spared from contaminant food and affect GIT system, according to Nelson Pharmacy of London, the characteristics symptoms and preparation of the B.Coli specifically not described yet. For this drug many authors have various opinion.

vi. Baccilus No.7: Is named because it is 7th non-lactose forming type of bacillus it didn’t conform to any previous known groups, it was given numeral no 7, it is prepared from Enterobacter cloacae or Aerobacteri cloacae. There are two groups of bacteria so peroration is also doubtful.

vii. Gaertner (Bach): Is prepared from Salmonella enterica. It is most commonly found in water, soil, and pet animals. Salmonella bacterium is the cause of food poisoning, Typhoid, gastroenteritis in humans and animals. It spreads from contaminated food and water. Action of this Nosode is mainly in GIT complains.

viii. Faecalis (Bach): is prepared from Alcaligenes faecalis. It is responsible for UTI and other urinary complaints. There is no enough bacteriological information available, even symptoms in Materia Medica is not available.

ix. Bacillus no. 10: There is no any bacteriological information available even with Nelson Pharmacy London where Bowel Nosodes are proved.

x. Coccal compound: There is no any bacteriological information is available with Nelson Pharmacy London where Bowel Nosodes are proved.

There is no doubt that Mr. Eberth Bach did great work as a bacteriologist to identifying and isolating the bacteria and he co- relate Bowel flora with disease condition, but Dr. Paterson co-relate it with homoeopathic point of view after use it anti miasmatic remedy and he explain that how gut flora can affect vital force. He prescribed it as constitutional remedy and observed that Bowel Nosode can restore gut flora in healthy nature.

There was another question about potency and doses, because it proved on disease condition so lower potency was doubtful, Dr. Anthony Bickley used various potency of Bowel Nosodes on lot of pathological condition of old peoples. And he explain it in his publication.


  • It has been seen that collection of substance in old bowel nosodes are collected on the cotton swab from fecal material.
  • The preparation of drug from bowel nosode is the same on the preparation of nosodes of N1 and N2 type in homoeopathy. The information of preparation of new bowel nosodes is not available.
  • The information related to new bowel nosodes is not available in details.
  • In relation of Materia Medica, I found information related to old bowel nosodes in details with symptoms and associated homoeopathic medicine, but in new bowel nosodes, I found very less information related to Materia Medica, but I found some associated medicine in Materia Medica.

SUMMARY: After study from various sources I found that Bowel Nosodes are Neglected drugs in homoeopathy now a days, so it needed more study, to find out complete information about new Bowel Nosodes, and re-proving of all Bowel Nosodes will help to bring it in main stream.


1.  A Text Book of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 2015 2nd edition, Published by- B. jain publication,Author – Partha P. Mandal, Biman Mandal, Page No- 19

2. The bowel nosodes By John Paterson M. B., Ch. B., D. P. H. (Camb.), F. F. Hom Published by, b.jain Publication, Page no-5

3. Intestinal nosodes of Bach Paterson, O.A. JULIANS, translated by. Raj kumar mukharji, published By B. jain publication, Page- no 2

4. Intestinal nosodes of Bach Paterson, O.A. JULIANS, translated by. Raj kumar mukharji, published By B. jain publication, Page- no 10

5.  An introduction to the bowel nosodes J.G.G.Saxton. B Vet Med. Vet FF Hom. Cert IAVH MRCVS, published by: STVAH Seminar Morschach, October 23rd 2010

6. Morganella infections, medscape.retriveted 5 December2012

7. The Homoeopathic Bowel Nosode, by Mark O’sullivan

8. Bowel nosode , publish on Ask A Homeopath by Dr. Alva Irish  on 3/8/2016

9. Shiga toxin-encoding bacteriophages-genomes in motion,Year-1988, Publish by- International Journal of Medical Microbiology, Author – Herold S; Karch H; Schmidt H  Page No- 8

10. The Bowel nosodes of Bach & Paterson,Year- 01/06/2015, Publish by- SUMMER 2015 Homeopathic approaches, Author – Clever H. the Mag, Page No- 7

11. Streptococcus faecalis, Year- 2010, Publish by- Public Health Agency of Canada, Author – van der Heijden I, Page No- 1

12. An introduction to the bowel nosodes, Year- 2010, Publish by- STVAH Seminar,Morschach, Author – J.G.G.Saxton. B Vet Med, Page No- 14

13. Proteus mirabilis and urinary tract infections, Year- 2016 Apr 1, Publish by- Microbiol Spectr, Author – Jessica N. Schaffer and Melanie M. Pearson, Page No- 87

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Dr Raman Kumar Srivastava
PG Scholar under the guidance of Dr.M.P. GAJENDRAGADKAR.


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