Mineral spring remedies in homoeopathy

spring is any natural occurrence where water flows on to the surface of the earth from below the surface, and is thus where the aquifer surface meets the ground surface.

A spring may be the result of karst topography where surface water has infiltrated the Earth’s surface, becoming part of the area ground water. The groundwater then travels through a network of cracks and fissures – openings ranging from inter-granular spaces to large caves. The water eventually emerges from below the surface, in the form of a spring.

Springs that result of pressure from an underground source in the earth, in the form of volcanic activity. The result can be water at elevated temperature as a hot spring.

The action of the groundwater continually dissolves permeable bedrock such as limestone and dolmite creating vast cave systems

Minerals become dissolved in the water as it moves through the underground rocks. This may give the water flavour and even carbon dioxide bubbles, depending on the nature of the geology through which it passes. This is why spring water is often bottled and sold as mineral water.

Springs that contain significant amounts of minerals are sometimes called ‘mineral springs‘.

Springs that contain large amounts of dissolved sodium salts, mostly sodium carbonate, are called ‘soda springs‘. (Many resorts have developed around mineral springs and are known as spa towns)

 A hot spring is a spring that is produced by the emergence of geo-thermally heated groundwater from the Earth’s crust. There is hot springs all over the earth, on every continent and even under the oceans and seas.

Water from springs is usually clear. However some springs may be colored by the minerals that are dissolved in the water. For instance, water heavy with iron or tannins will have an orange color.


  • Drinking water (Bottled mineral water)
  • Domestic water supply, irrigation, mills
  • Electricity generation
  • Recreational activities such as fishing, swimming, and floating
  • Therapy
  • Water for livestock
  • Fish hatcheries


Mineral springs are classified according to the chemical composition of the water produced and according to the medicinal benefits supposedly accruing from each:

  • Lithia springs contained lithium salts.
  • Chalybeate springs contained salts of iron.
  • Alum springs contained alum.
  • Sulphur springs contained hydrogen sulphide gas.
  • Salt (saline) springs contained salts of calcium, magnesium or sodium.
  • Alkaline springs contained an alkali.
  • Calcic springs contained lime (calcium hydroxide).
  • Thermal (hot) springs could contain a high concentration of various minerals.
  • Soda springs contained carbon dioxide gas (soda water).
  • Sweet springs were springs with no detectable sulphur or salt content (arguably not ‘mineral’ springs at all).
  • Radioactive springs contain traces of radioactive substances such as radium or uranium


1. CARLSBAD  –  Carlsbad aqua

2. FRANZENSBAD (Franzensbad aqua)

3. GASTEIN (Gastein aqua)

4. GETTYSBURG (Gettysburg aqua )

5. HALL [Hall aqua]





10. SANICULA (Sanicula aqua )








Carlsbad – general anxious state. Anxious about domestic duties. Poor self-confidence. Absent minded, forgets names.

Sanicula – fear of dark. Headstrong, obstinate dread of downward motion. Instability of purpose.

Teplitz – Low sprits and irritability. Giddiness.

Kissengen – Yeilding , weeping and complaining. Tearful disposition. Constantly seeks for unpleasant things to think about and broods over them.

Lippspringe – Depressed, sad, anxious, apprehensive.  Apprehension worse riding in a carriage, anxiety in heart of impending misfortune with homesickness. Weak memory and irritable.

Carlsbad – general weakness with discomfort, general anxious sensation as if blood in artery would stagnate with constant flushes of heat.

Franzensbad –  tonic effect esp. in chronic derangement of digestion, anaemia following passive haemorrhage, chlorosis & nervous disturbance caused by debility.

Gastein – exhaustion, inclination to sleep. Mental and physical discomfort

Hall – Anaemia, great weakness and exhausting night sweats. Many symptoms occur after sleep.

Sanicula – deficient  nutrition  and marasmus in children.

Teplitz – Paralysis of limbs and tongue, giddiness of much intensity.

Vichy – debility and all symptoms < from cold and draughts of air

Wildbad – disorders of spinal cord  and paraplegia.

Kissingen – Weariness, pulsation of whole body, trembling of whole body

Levico – Debility, nervous disease, favour assimilation and increases nutrition. Anaemia and  chorea minor


  • Carlsbad
  • Gastein
  • Frabzensbad
  • Hall
  • Sanicula (sensitive to storm)
  • Teplitz
  • Vichy

Many remedies are given for scrofulous disorders of children  – Gettysburg, Sanicula, Lapis albus, Levico.

Scrofulous disease with ravenous appetite – Lapis alba

Breast gland are affected by many remedies like Hall, Skookum chuck, Lapis albus, Teplitz. Hence used in breast tumors and stitching pain in breast.

Goitre – Hall, Lapis albus

Lapis albus – for  exophthalmic goiter, glandular swelling being elastic in consistency.


  • Carlsbad – DM with obesity and liver affections.
  • Gettysburg – DM with affections of ligaments.
  • Vichy – DM with urinary complaints.
  • Kissingen


  • Carlsbad – action on liver, obesity and DM
  • Franzensbad – Dyspeptic troubles with constipation or diarrhoea.
  • Gastein – Constipation with ineffectual desire, diarrhoea, bleeding haemorrhoids; gallstones.
  • Sanicula – constipation in children, crumbly stool, stool receds or partially expelled; milk intolerance.
  • Teplitz –haemorroids, bleeding > symptoms burning in stomach  > by drinking cold water.
  • Weisbaden – Abdominal plethora and portal obstruction. Haemorrhodial flow occurs with > of abdominal plethora. Inguinal & femoral hernia.
  • Kissingen – Vomiting of blood consequent on disappearance of haemorrhoidal flux. Affections of liver, spleen and intestinal glands. Catarhal conditions of abdomen; intestinal atony.
  • Lippspringe – Diarrhoea < Night ; haemorrhoids.
  • Vichy – Disease of digestive tract with very dry mouth and very bitter taste and abundant saliva immediately; heartburn; acidity. Affections of liver with or without biliary calculi.


  • Aqua pura: Arthritis
  • Carlsbad: Gout, Rheumatism, Sciatica
  • Gastein: Gout
  • Gettysburg: Decay of vertebrae; or hip ; ulceration when discharge excorioates; sub acute & c/c rheumatism. Ligaments rigid. Pain in ligaments > by rest. Sub acute gouty state. Potts disease.
  • Sanicula: Lumbago. Burning in palms and soles. Rickets.
  • Skookum chuck: Severe rheumatic pains in limbs with uric acid deposits in urine.
  • Teplitz ; Gout especially atonic gout; Bone pains; night, sciatica ;  spine pains.
  • Vichy ; Gout and rheumatism. Stiff neck.
  • Weisbafen ; Gout and rheumatism. Passive or atonic gout. Muscular & tendinous contractions; spraitis; complete anchylosis ; stiffness from old fractures.
  • Wildbad ; Gout ; shoulder rheumatism esp. right shoulder pain as if sprained. Sensation of looseness in joints. Cracking in knees , bones seem as if they did not fit; sciatica.
  • Kissingen ; Gout


  •  Gastein : Renal and bladder calculi
  • Aqua pura : Kidney disorders.
  • Gettysburg : High coloured urine with red sandy sediments.
  • Sanicula : Urine stains diaper red. Child cries before urination; sudden urination.
  • Carlsbad : Weak urinary stream. Brick red sediments. Urine stains linen dark yellow.
  • Skookum chuck : Lithaemia, uric acid deposits in urine.
  • Vichy : Catarrh of bladder. Frequent urination during night. Abundant foamy, watery urine, gravel.
  • Wildbad : Uric acid in urine.
  • Kissingen : Sand and gravel in urine.(Albuminuria)
  • Lippspringe : Diuretic effect. Urine increased in quantity. Great urging; Urinary calculi, Complaints > after micturition.


  • Aqua marina : Sexual importance .Seminal discharge followed by weakness. Sleepiness.
  • Gastein : Sexual weakness Involuntary loss of semen. Erotic dreams and unwanted excitement; aphrodisiac.
  • Vichy : After coitus, excessive weakness as if from hunger.
  • Voeslau : Produce sexual excitement and emissions. Rush of blood to genitals.
  • Lippspringe : Complaints < after coitus esp. Heaviness of chest.


  • Aqua marina : Lupus, eczema of palms; varicose ulcers, acrocyanosis. Foetid sweat of feet and hands.
  • Aqua pura : Multiple allergies.
  • Carlsbad : Varicose ulcers, pimples, pustules, much itching. Increased sweat of genitals. Increased sensitiveness of skin.
  • Franzensbad : Sensitiveness of surface generally.
  • Gastein : Callosities, scar tissues, varicose ulcers.
  • Sanicula : Foul foot sweat. Eczema – exuding sticky fluid behind ears, fingers and toes. Itching and scratching. Fissured hands and fingers : eczema < bathing. Head sweat. Ring worm.
  • Skookum chuck : Antipsoric remedy. Skin disorders; eczema, dry skin, urticaria; vaccinal eczema allergies, hair falling.
  • Teplitlz : Eruptions, erysipclas, ulcers.
  • Vichy : Pimples with pricking. Nettle rash with desquamation.
  • Weisbaden : Hair fall; premature graying of hair. Corns and callosities with burning and shooting. Sweating with itching. Sweat on diseased parts make a brown stain. Offensive body odour.
  • Wildbad : Hair disorders. In provers, hair which had been greasy become dry and beard becomes dark in colour.
  • Kissingen : Warts; corns.
  • Levico : Various skin disorders; favours assimilation & nutrition.
  • Lippspringe : Urticaria


CARLSBAD – Carlsbad aqua
The waters of the Sprudel and Muhlbrunnen Springs.

Carlsbad water is a very complicated solution containing the sulphite, bicarbonate and chloride of sodium in preponderating quantity, with carbonates, sulphates, phosphates, fluoride and oxides of Calcium, Magnesium, Strontium, Ferrum, Manganum, Potassium, Aluminium, Silicon, and Carbon, with traces of iodide and bromide of sodium, of Caesium, Rubidium, Lithium, and Boracic oxide.

Clinical conditions –

Blushing after eating.  Constipation. Cramp. Debility.  Diabetes. Gout.  Rheumatism.  Sciatica. Sprains. Urine, urging to pass.

Its chief fame has been gained by its action on the liver, and in the treatment of obesity and diabetes.

Pains: dislocated and spraining; drawing; tearing, stitching; burning; dull shocks and jerks.

The skin has red spots and streaks, frequently burning like fire. Pimples and pustules. Crawling and prickling on various parts, with breaking out of sweat. Itching on various parts.

In homoeopathic potencies useful in weakness of all organs, constipation, and only move when there is much abdominal force. great liability to take cold.

The tongue is coated white and there is a sour taste in the mouth.

Periodicity, effects repeated after from two to four weeks. [Oxal. ac.; Sulph.]

Flashes of heat all over.

Symptoms agg. morning and evening; after eating and drinking; on ascending; after lying down in bed.   > In open air; on the motion.

FRANZENSBAD ( Franzensbad aqua)
The alkaline-saline springs of Franzensbad, near Eger, in Bohemia.

The waters of each of the three principal springs – Franzens-quelle (F.), Salz-quelle (S.), and Wiesen-quelle (W.) – have been proved by Dr. Watzke. Sodium sulphate is by far the most predominant ingredient in each, the chloride and carbonate of soda coming next. The waters are also highly charged with carbonic acid gas.

The Franzensbad waters are resorted to for their tonic effect, especially in chronic derangement of the digestion, obstinate constipation and inertia of the lower bowel, anaemia following passive haemorrhages, chlorosis, and nervous disturbances caused by debility.

Contractive pain in the whole forehead; sensation of contraction of the skin of forehead between eyebrows. Great sense of weakness, physical and mental. Sensitiveness of the surface generally.

GASTEIN (Gastein aqua)
The hot springs of Wildbad Gastein in Salzburg, Austria.

It contains Sodium Sulphate predominantly, but also Silicic Acid, Potassium Sulphate and Carbonate, Lithium Chloride, Magnesium Carbonate, Ferrum Carbonate, Aluminium Phosphate, and traces of Calcium Fluoride, Strontium, Arsenicum, Titanic Acid, Rubidium, Caesium; also free Carbonic Acid. Lapis Albus is a kind of gneiss found in the spring.  It is a Silico-fluoride of Calcium.

Clinical conditions:

Amenorrhoea. Apoplexy. Calculi. Callosities. Cold, easily taken. Constipation. Debility. Diarrhoea.  Gout. Haemorrhoids. Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Paralysis. Rheumatism. Scars.  Sexual weakness. Typhlitis.  Varicose ulcers.

The effects of the baths are described by Constantin James: “General unpleasant sensation. Instead of expanding [as would be expected in a warm bath] the skin is drawn up upon itself as if by a tight astringent. There is slight dyspnoea; the abdominal walls draw together; the testicles rise to the inguinal rings.  Soon an unusual warmth, accompanied by shocks and tremors, spreads throughout all the limbs.

It seems to the patient that an increase of vitality spreads through his whole being; he feels more active than before; the longest walks cause hardly any fatigue, and that is promptly repaired by sleep. Contractive sensations predominate. Weakness and weariness, with dragging sensation in the abdomen, as if it were too heavy. Exhaustion and inclination to sleep. Takes cold very easily

All symptoms agg.before a storm; or during the Sirocco.

GETTYSBURG (Gettysburg aqua)
The Salt a Mineral Spring at Gettysburg, Pa., U.S.A.

Magnesium sulphate is the predominant ingredient of Gettys., but the water contains many salts of alkalis and earth with a number of metals. Lithium is contained in it.

Clinical conditions-

Bone, affections of. Hip disease. Potts’ disease. Scrofula. Ulcers.

Its action is very like that of Silica (which it contains).

It is indicated in caries of vertebrae or hip; ulceration of joints, when the discharge excoriates. Scrofulous children. Ligaments rigid; pain in ligaments relived by rest.

HALL [Hall aqua]
The salt springs of Hall in Upper Austria.

It contains chlorides, iodides, bromides, and carbonates of the alkalies and alkaline earth and iron; but by far the largest ingredient is chloride of sodium.

Clinical conditions-

Breast affections of,  Exophthalmic goitre. Glands enlarged. – Goitre, neck glands



Many marked symptoms appeared in the mammary gland.  Frequent transient often very violent stitches in breasts, with extreme sensitiveness pressure of linen or bedclothes unendurable.

Great weakness and exhausting night-sweats.

Night restless, with many unpleasant dreams.

Kissingen is a spa town in the Bavarian region of Lower Franconia and is the seat of the district Bad Kissingen. Situated to the south of the Rhön Mountains on the Franconian Saale river, it is a world-famous health resort.

Cold, chlorinated, gaseous, saline Springs of Kissingen in Bavaria (Source Rakoczy).

The water of Kissingen has been proved by Carl Preu

The composition of the solid constituents is very complicated, but Nat. mur. is the leading ingredient. In the first days there is an increase in appetite and force, but in proportion as the water is absorbed the effects become general.  – Then an eliminatory “crisis” comes on.

– The stools become brownish, loose, bilious.

– The urine is turbid, depositing a sediment which rapidly putrifies.

– The secretion of the bronchial, genital, and ocular mucous membranes, and also of the skin, is increased and changed in character.

– At the same time patients experience a sort of moral and physical prostration, and are alarmed to see old and long-forgotten troubles reappear.

This crisis, which appears in the first or second week, soon disappears of itself, and the cure proceeds.

Silico-fluoride of calcium [Calcarea silico-fluorata]

A species of gneiss found by Grauvogl in the mineral springs of Gastein, and named by him Lapis albus, “White Stone.”

 These waters flow over gneiss formations into the valley of the Achen, where goître and cretinism abound.


 Carcinoma. Cretinism. Dysmenorrhoea. Epithelioma. Fibroma. Glands, enlarged.   Goitre. Leucorrhoea. Pruritus. Scirrhus. Scrofula. Tuberculosis. Tumours.

Grauvogl, who introduced this remedy, cured with it a case of carcinoma; and he and others have cured cases of goitre and scrofulous glands. The leading indications are: Burning, shooting, stinging pains: in cardia; in pylorus; in breasts and uterus. It has shown great power over new growths of many kinds. Glands have a certain elasticity and pliability about them rather than the stony hardness of Calc fluor and Cistus. Averse to all animal food. Craves sweets. Has craved and drunk much ice-water in all seasons since a child. Feet and legs cold to knees.  Since then Whiting has cured many cases of pruritus and also of dysmenorrhoea, pain so severe she would fall unconscious with. >> When flow established.

Synonyms  – Levico Aqua, Levico, Lev. 

Starting material — mineral spring in South Tyrol containing arsenic, Fe, Cu with other elements.

The Water in Levico and in Vetriolo thermae are unique because of their high concentration of Iron salts and arsenic. The thermae is known for practising Balneotherapy. 


Debility, Skin, diseases of.

Levico has a high reputation among health resorts for nervous and skin cases, favouring assimilation and increasing nutrition.

Burnett is the only homoeopathic authority. He says “Levico in 5 to 10 drop doses is a valuable intercurrent help in grave cases where there is much debility, notably after the searching remedies such as Bacillinum.”

Levico is supplied in two strengths, the strong and the weak.

Either may be used in the doses indicated by Dr. Burnett, which is much smaller than that usually prescribed.

The waters of the mineral spring in Lippspringe, Westphalia, containing Sulphates of Sodium and Calcium, Chloride of Magnesium, and other salts in smaller proportion, with carbonic acid, nitrogen, and oxygen gases, which are freely evolved.

Diarrhoea. Haemoptysis. Haemorrhoids. Jaundice. Leucorrhoea.
Menorrhagia. Urinary calculi. Urticaria. Worms.

Lippspringe is a cold, sulphured, saline spring, and very gaseous, of saline and piquant taste.

“It is used in drink and bath as a refreshing and laxative medication. It is vaunted above all against commencing phthisis complicated with haemoptysis when the subjects are plethoric, irritable, and liable to pulmonary congestion” (Constantin James). The homoeopathic data are derived partly from provings and partly from observations on patients. The purging effect was very marked, as also the diuretic.

SANICULA ( Sanicula aqua )
A Mineral Spring Water of Ottawa, Ill., U.S.  A. Containing, approximately, in grains per gallon – Nat. m. 93, Calc. m. 23 1/2, Mag. m. 23 1/4, Calc. bicarb. 14 1/4, Calc. sul. 9 1/2, K. sul. 5, Nat. bicarb. 1, Nat. bro. 1/3, Fe. bicarb. 1/10, Nat. iod. 1/12, Sil. 1/2, Alumina 1/100, and traces of Lith. bicarb., Nat. ph., Borax.

Triturations of the evaporated salt.

The water of Sanicula spring is without odour or colour, and has an agreeable and slightly alkaline taste. It was proved by J. G. Gundlach, who, with his family, drank it for more than a year.

Clinical conditions –

Amenorrhoea. Anterior crural neuralgia. Asthma. – Bee-stings. Boils; Borborygmus. Coccyx, soreness of. Condylomata. Conjunctivitis. Constipation: of children.  Cornea, ulceration of. Coryza. Cough. Digestion slow. Emaciation.  Indigestion. Leucorrhoea. Night terrors. Rectum, cramp in.

Children are stubborn, wilful, get angry and throw themselves backward. Digestion is slow. Children vomit milk or thick curds soon after nursing. Feet cold and clammy. The stool has an odour of rotten cheese, and no amount of washing will get rid of it. Vaginal discharge and condylomata of penis have odour of fish brine. Craves salt; craves fat bacon, which agg. Desire for stool; must leave the table. Great thirst; drinks little and often; vomits as soon as it reaches the stomach. There is no desire for stool till a long accumulation has occurred. After great straining stool partially expelled recedes. The diarrhoea is changeable in character and colour : Like scrambled eggs; frothy, grass-green; turns green on standing; like scum of frog-pond.   > When stomach full, agg. when it was empty. Rheumatic pains in shoulders, agg. left, extending to chest.  > from heat; patient sat with back to the fire.  < from cold or motion; > from warmth and rest , > In open air.

Skookum Limechen Chuck (“Strong Medicine Water”).

Medical Lake  – A lake in Western U.S.   containing in grains per gallon : Sodic carbonate 63.54, Sodic chloride 16.37, Sodic silicate 10.63, Potassic chloride 9.24, Ferrous carbonate. 526, Magnesia carbonate. 237, Calcic carbonate. 186, Aluminic oxide. 175, with traces of Lithic carbonate, Borax, and Potassic sulphate.

Breast, tumour of.  Catarrh. Eczema; vaccinal. Hay-fever. Rheumatism.
Urticaria. Vaccination.


  • Catarrhal symptoms ; a remedy in hay-fever.
  • The cure of many cases of inveterate skin disease it cured the urticaria
  • Eczema plantaris, fissured, exuding an acrid secretion, and so excessively sore
  • Chronic nasal catarrh; discharge greenish yellow having odour of ozaena, was greatly relieved and apparently on the way to cure.
  • Lithaemic diathesis; never free from eczematic trouble for years.
  • Not unfrequently the rheumatism disappears and is immediately followed by styes on the eyelids.

The mineral water of Teplitz in Bohemia.
[Contains in 16 oz. Nat. c. gr. 2.28, Nat. m. .43, Nat. fl. sil. .13, K. sul. .43, K. mur. .1, Calc. c. .32, Sil. .31, and c.]

Amenorrhoea. Bones, affections of. Breast, tumours in. Epistaxis. Eruptions. Erysipelas. Flatulence. Gout. Leucorrhoea. Metrorrhagia. Rheumatism. Speech, difficult.


The waters of Teplitz are chiefly in repute for the treatment of gouty patients, especially those suffering from atonic gout.

The springs are alkaline and hot, and the temperature forms a leading feature in their action.

Symptoms of Nat. c. and Nat. m. appear throughout.  Tearfulness, low spirits, and irritability were noted, and giddiness of much intensity.

Some Peculiar Symptoms are : On moving head it seems as if something fell from one side to the other.

Burning in stomach, >> drinking cold water. Dry mouth with burning on tip of tongue. Swelling of uvula and tonsils with difficulty of swallowing.

Paralysis of tongue; of limbs.

Knee-joint : swollen, stiff; cracking in; aching in patella. Tension in tendo-Achilles, preventing putting heel to ground.

The symptoms are agg. at night (bone pains). Painful piles and violent burning in anus.  Sour and mouldy-smelling sweat.

 < – Motion;  > By friction. > Drinking cold water.

Mineral springs at Vichy, in France.
[Grande-Grille springs, containing in 100 parts : Carbonic acid 4.418, Mur. ac. 0.344, Sulphuric acid 0.164, Sil. ac. 0.070, Phos. ac. 0.070, Arsenic acid 0.001, Ferric oxide 0.002, Sodium 2.488, Potassium 0.182, Calcium 0.169, Magnesium 0.097. ]


Bladder, catarrh of.  Constipation. Diabetes. Gall-stones.  Gout. Heartburn.

Indigestion. Intermittent fevers. Rheumatism. Skin, affections of.

[c1 – Vichy aqua grande grille] – Uterus, affections of.

The springs of Vichy are alkaline, both hot and cold.

They are used in a large number of maladies, especially (1) diseases of the digestive tract; (2) diseases of the liver with or without calculi; (3) abdominal engorgements consequent on paludal fevers; (4) chronic engorgements of the uterus; (5) catarrh of the bladder; (6) gravel; (7) gout and rheumatism; (8) diabetes mellitus; (9) skin diseases (Constantin James).

Among the most prominent symptoms were stitches : stitches below mastoid; in chest; in right loin and in heart. Burning flatulence.

The symptoms are : agg. From cold; from draughts of air.

agg. After eating; when eating. (Uneasiness is >> by dinner.)

agg. When seated.agg. After coitus.

Excessive itching : at orifice of glans, fossa navicularis, scrotum.

Cough at night with difficult expectoration.

Very painful stitches in right chest, corresponding to commencement of cartilaginous portion of two first false ribs, and extending below and behind breast towards back.

Mineral Spring at Voeslau, in Austria.

Contains in 100 cubic inches 15.2 gr. of solid constituents : Calc. c. 4.9, Calc. sul. 2.7, Calc. mur. 0.5, Mag. c. 2.7, Mag. sul. 1.8, Mag. mur. 0.4, Nat. sul. 0.9, Nat. m. 0.4, Alumina and Silica 0.4, Fer. c. 0.2, gummy substance 0.1.)


Menstruation, disorders of. Seminal emissions.  Urticaria. Vertigo.


  • Orgasm of blood; pressure and tension.
  •  The throat was sensitive to swallowing warm food and drink.
  • Nettle rash with desquamation.
  • In males there was sexual excitement and emissions; and in females increased secretion of mucus in genitals and many troubles connected with menses.
  • Heaviness and sensation of fulness in stomach.
  • Pressure and tension in hepatic region, extending to right shoulder. 
  • Thin stools, increasing to diarrhoea, with a slight degree of tenesmus.
  • Frequent desire and frequent micturition. Urine : first days red, afterwards watery and copious.
  • – Increased secretion of mucus from genitals.
  • Dry cough with slight pains in chest.Emaciation of young people.
  • Itching nettlerash on whole body after fourteen baths, ending in desquamation.

WIESBADEN [Wiesbaden aqua]
Wiesbaden is a city in southwestern Germany and the capital of the federal state of Hesse.

Wiesbaden is one of the oldest spa towns in Europe. Its name literally means “meadow baths”. At one time, Wiesbaden boasted 27 hot springs. Fifteen of the springs are still flowing today.

Amenorrhoea. Angina pectoris. Body, odour of, offensive. Constipation. Corns. Diarrhoea. Ear-wax, excessive. Epistaxis. Glaucoma. Gout. Haemorrhage. Haemorrhoids. Hair, rapid growth of; falling of; grows darker. Hernia, inguinal; femoral. Indigestion. Miscarriage, prevents. Rheumatism. Sterility. Vertigo; caduca. Whitlow.


  • The hot, chlorinated saline springs of Wiesbaden contain 8.176 grammes of solids to each litre, and of these Nat. mur. makes up more than seven grammes.
  • The baths, combined with drinking the water, generally determine at the commencement of the cure.
  • Gout and rheumatism are the chief affections for which Wiesbaden is sought.
  • Paralysis; muscular and tendinous contractions; sprains; in complete anchyloses; stiffness from old fractures; gunshot wounds which are slow to heal, are also benefited by Wiesb.
  • Haemorrhages occur from anus and nose which relieve other symptoms.
  • Haemorrhoidal flow occurs with >> of abdominal plethora.
  • During the menses there is great weakness; also constipation.
  • The hair grew rapidly and became darker. Nails also grew rapidly.
  • Corns and callosities dropped off. There was burning and shooting pain in the corn.
  • With the sweat of Wiesb. there is itching.
  • The sweat on the diseased parts made a brown stain.
  • The symptoms were : >> By nose-bleed; by haemorrhoidal flux. agg. During menses. agg. From coffee (frequent micturition). agg. Lying in bed (vertigo).

WILDBAD   [Wildbad aqua]
Close to the tiny village of Kreuth, at the southern end of Lake Tegernsee in Bavaria, Germany, lies Wildbad Kreuth, a spring with reputed healing properties.

History: The spring was discovered in the 14th Century by a hunter who was chasing a wounded female deer. He followed the deer’s trail and found it resting at the spring. The story goes that the deer was tending its wounds at the spring because it had healing powers. The brochures don’t mention what happened to the poor animal but it is this small episode that gives the place its name: Wild in this context means ‘game’ and bad is the German word for ‘bath’ or ‘spring’. This is also the reason why the spring is still advertised as a healing spring

Bones, pains in. Catarrh.  Gout.  Hair, affections of. Indigestion. Knees, creaking of. Nails, soft. Paralysis, spinal.  Paraplegia. Rheumatism. Shoulder, rheumatism of.


  • In spite of its very slight mineralisation, says Constantin James, the water produces very distinct effects in a graduated series.
  • The first impression of the bath is delicious; this is succeeded by sensations more clear and distinct : a slight degree of excitement; at times luminous sparks before the sight; a finer (plus subtle) blood seems to flow to the brain.
  • – “One would like to remain in the bath, but something unusual and strange warns you that it is time to get out.”
  • It is chiefly, says the same authority, for affections of the spinal cord that Wildbad is frequented, more than half the patients being paraplegic.
  • Hartlaub, Kallenbach, and others proved the water.
  • Among the symptoms were : Sensation as if the brain were over-filled.
  • Gnawing, sinking, empty sensation.
  • Pain as if sprained.
  • Sensation of looseness in the joints; ankles loose; knees loose; the bones seem as if they did not fit.
  • Teeth seem too long.
  • Desire to stretch.
  • Agg. On waking at night, Lying down (throbbing and heat in occiput).
  • Agg. Walking (pain in sciatic nerve; looseness of knees).


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