Ranunculaceae group medicines in homeopathy

Dr Satheesh Kumar P  

Homoeopathic Medicines made out of Rananculaceae group of plants and their preparation, properties and clinical indications

1. Aconitum cammarum
2. Aconitum ferox
3. Aconitum lycoctonum
4. Aconitum napellus
5. Actea racemosa
6. Actea spicata
7. Adonis vernalis
8. Aquilegia vulgaris
9. Caltha palustris
10.Clematis erecta
11.Clematis vitalba
12. Helleborus foetidus
13. Helleborus niger
14. Helleborus orientalis
15. Helleborus viridis
16. Hepatica
17. Hydrastis Canadensis
18. Paeonia officianalis
19. Pulsatilla nigricans
20. Pulsatilla nuttaliana
21. Rununculus acris
22. Rununculus bulbosus
23. Rununculus ficaria
24. Rununculus flamula
25. Rununculus glacialis
26. Rununculus repens
27. Rununculus scleratus
28. Staphysagria

All most all plants of the “ Ranunculi” are poisonous and some of its members are slightly narcotic. Aconite is one of the deadliest and most rapidly acting poison. Aconitum ferox is the most poisonous species known, containing greatest proportion of ‘aconitine.’ Aconitum lycotonum is the only aconite, which does not contain ‘aconitine’. Aconitum napellus is much more poisonous to carnivorous animals than to the herbivores (Teste). It has been used throughout history as an arrow poison. The root contains nine times more poison than the leave. Hunter dipped their arrows in to the plants before hunting wolves and hence the common name “wolf’s bane”.

Helleborus foetidus—is a violent narcotico-acrid poison and in fatal poisoning cases death has taken place in convulsion.
Pulsatilla- the fresh plant has a bitter and acrid taste and it chewed causes burning in the throat and on the tongue.
Many of the “Ranunculi” are direct irritant to the skin and producing inflammation and vesication.

Non-homoeopathic uses

  • Aconite -used as an arrow poison
  • Actea racemosa – root of the plant was used by Native American as a medicine for rattlesnake bite (hence the common name “rattle root”) and for menstrual and labor pain. The root was also chewed as a sedative and alleviates depression. In herbalism the root is still used as a diuretic, a cough suppressant and to reduce inflammation and rheumatic pain.
  • Staphysagria – was taken internally to cause vomiting and purge the bowels and used externally in the form of an ointment as an antidote to stings and bite.
  • Hydrastis – the yellow juice extracted from the root was once used as a dye. The yellow root of this herb was used by the Native American tribe as a tonic for indigestion and the treatment of cancer, liver disorder, fever and heart problems.
  • Pulsatilla – in 18th century it was used to treat catarrh, ulcers, tooth decay and depression.

Common features of ‘ranunculi’

Mental features:
1.Hypersensitiveness to all external impression ( Ranunculies are hypersensitive both mentally and physically)

  • Aconite – to music, noise, touch, pain etc.
  • Clematis— to touch.
  • Pulsatilla— to heat and noise.
  • Ranun. bulb— to touch.
  • Staphysagria– to rudness, to touch. Punishment from, violence from and sexual abusement from. (Because of this hypersensitiveness staphysagria subjected to ailments from being abused or ailments after humiliation.)

Violent anger and ailments after anger

  • Violent anger – Aconite, Pulsatilla and Staphysagria.
  • Ailments from anger– Aconite, Cimicifuga, Pulsatilla and Staphysagria
  • Anger vexation from — Aconite, Cimicifuga, Ranunculus bulb and Staphysagria (Vexation –long continued mental trauma)

Absent minded

  • Aconite Actea spic Clematis
  • Hellibores Hydrastis Pulsatilla
  • Ranunculus bulb Ranunculus spicata.

Aversion to company

  • Aconite Actea racimosa Clematis
  • Hellibores Pulsatilla Staphysagria
  • (Amelioration when alone – Hellibores and Staphysagria)
  • Staphysagria is the only Ranunculi, which have desire for, company i.e. both desire and aversion to company.

Ailments after fright

  • Aconite Actea racimosa Actea spicata
  • Capriciousness
  • Aconite Actea racimosa Pulsatilla
  • Staphysagria

Physical features:
Thermal reaction—Most of them are chilly.
According to Gibson Miller

Side affinity –Complaints more on right side

Miasm – Psora is the predominant miasm
Psora– Aconite Actea racimosa Hellebores
Psora and sycosis– Pulsatilla Ranunculus bul Staphysagria
Hydrastis covers all three miasm- psora, syphilis and sycosis.

Dipsomania or Alcoholism
Aconite Actea racemosa Hellibores
Hydrastis Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb

Delirium tremens
Aconite  Actea racemosa Hellibores
Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb

Aggravation from tobacco
Aconite Clematis Hellibores
Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb Staphysagria

Aversion to milk or aggravation from milk
Aversion milk– Aconite Pulsatilla Staphysagria
Aggravation from milk—
Aconite Hellibores Pulsatilla

Aggravation from sour or acid
Aconite Pulsatilla Staphysagria

a) Amorous
Aconite Clematis Hydrastis
Pulsatilla Staphysagria
Amorous dreams with pollution—Pulsatilla and Staphysagria
b) Of animal
Hydrastis Pulsatilla Staphysagria
c) Frightful
Aconite Actea racemosa Hellibores
Hydrastis Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb
Ranunc. spicata Staphysagria
d) Snakes
Ranunculus ac. Ranunculus bulb Ranunc. spicata

Perspiration on single part or one sided
One sided—Aconite Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb
Single parts—Aconite Hellebores Pulsatilla
Lower part of the body— Ranunculus bulb
Perspiration unilaterally— Pulsatilla
Upper part—Aconite Pulsatilla
Lain on part— Pulsatilla

Aggravation or ailments from suppression of sexual desire
Hellibores Pulsatilla Staphysagria

Shocks after injury or shocks from injury
Aconite Ranunculus bulb Staphysagria

All types of menstrual irregularities–

  • Amenorrhea
  • Aconite Actea racemosa Hellibores
  • Pulsatilla Staphysagria
  • Too early too soon
  • Aconite      Actea racemosa Clematis
  • Hellibores Hydrastis Pulsatilla
  • Staphysagria
  • Too late
  • Aconite Actea racemosa Hellibores
  • Hydrastis Pulsatilla Staphysagria
  • Profuse- long lasting or scanty and short duration

Many of them are anti cancerous

  • Caltha palustris: uterine cancer
  • Clematis: Cancer of breast and womb
  • Hydrastis: Cancer of stomach
  • Actea spicata: Cancer of stomach

Great dryness of the tongue and mouth
Aconite Hellibores Hydrastis
Pulsatilla Staphysagria
Dryness morning on waking without thirst — Pulsatilla
Dryness on center — Aconite

Many of them are anti convulsant
Aconite Cimicifuga Hellibores
Pulsatilla   Ranunculus bulb Ranunculus spic
Convulsion after anger – Staphysagria

General aggravation during or after sleep
Aconite Clematis Hellibores
Pulsatilla Staphysagria

General aggravation from motion

  • Aconite Cimicifuga Clematis
  • Hellibores Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb
  • Ranunculus spic Staphysagria

General aggravation evening and night

  • Aconite Cimicifuga Clematis
  • Hellibores Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb
  • Ranunculus spic Staphysagria

Tendency to take cold easily
Aconite Cimicifuga Clematis
Pulsatilla Staphysagria

Emaciation rather than obesity
Emaciation– Clematis Hellibores
Hydrastis Pulsatilla

Prominent action on breast

  • Aconite –  lyco
  • Actea raci   Inflammation of breast.
  • Paeonia – Breast ulceration.
  • Pulsatilla — swelling of breast with tensive pain, as if the milk rushed in to them and caused pressure while nursing. Lumbs of breast on girls before puberty.
  • Ranunculus – Acute pain principally in axilla and breast, so severe in breast she dreaded cancer.
  • Clematis – cancer of breast

Dr Satheesh Kumar P K    BHMS,MD(Hom)
Medical Officer, Dept. of Homoeopathy, Govt. of Kerala


  1. Clematis Erecta,KENT lists it as sycotic miasm Herpes Zoster constitution,dormant virus off on activates itself during emotional stress infiltrate inflame tissues causing PAIN neuralgic type plus skin itch and when severe cause vesicles pustules.if having dental pain better by cold water urethra pain when urinating itch esp occiput hands,modern doctors prescribing ibuprofen for pain antivirals last spell with vir tricyclic antidepressants benadryl type anti histamines etc still not fully cured give chance to homeopath for trying Clematis types .rising moon red moist eruptions waning moon pale dry eruptions itchy also better by perspire keeps oneself covered as vital heat is low.clinical rheumatic pains scrofulous swellings orchitis right side sleepiness emaciation better open air dreamy sleep disturbance,even constant urge urinate go to homeopath,do not suppress immunity upgrade it.

  2. CLEMATIS,lippe said low spirited unfortunate feelings complementry to merc other low spirited being gelsi causticum nat mur nux vomica.untreated gono low grade infection produces chronic inflammation in tissues,seen as BURNING PAIN impure blood.urethera burning when urinating eyes as streaming fire kerato-iritis wears dark black glasses to avoid bright sunlight.sycotic miasm personality worse by increasing moon has low vital heat,in fact body throws out any infection by any microbe with chill shiver effort to produce heat kill infecting agent then perspire expel toxins byproduct of fight vital force disease.Clematis has chill and perspire but not intervening adequate heat.salivation like merc,inguinal glands swelling orchitis chronic iris inflammation clinical symptoms.body produces heat to cure self ,we are brain washed take paracetamol to reduce fever an act to demoralize body defense system.antibiotics used simply to combat secondary infections kill flora rectum bad digestion bad health.give a chance body disease fighting forces bear temperature up to 103 F,if inevitable go to govt hospital of any pathy.emergency cases do not rely any pathy except allopathy being replacement therapy.

  3. Cimicifuga Actea core issue is uterine reflexes make brain nerves shaky with open shut open feeling scalp area,Shivering full of nervous anxiety agitated brain with depression angina type heart area pains shoulder stiff painful,hysterical with rheumatic base females actea calms down nerves restore good sleep.most of such females get addicted to diazepam type stupor producing tablets plus pain killer tablets produce multiple secondary ailments.Aconite is sudden panic which shakes nervous system simple residual worry aco 30 is useful but for exhausted paretic nerves plus anticipatory worry which results one go to bath room with diarrhoea urination make spine shiver Gelsimium is required.ranunculus intercostal nerve pains left out by viral attacks.

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