Rare homoeopathic medicines for tonsillitis

Dr. Prasoon Choudhary1, Dr. Sandhya Rathour2, Dr. Shivangi Jain2, Dr. Manju Bijarnia2

  1. HOD, Department of Paediatrics, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur (Raj.)
  2. PG scholar Department of Paediatrics, Dr. M.P.K. Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Jaipur (Raj.)

Tonsillitis is a common problem of recurrent infection in children. It can cause difficulty in eating and drinking and cause discomfort in day to day life. Usually, it can cure itself but sometimes it takes a long time and become chronic tonsillitis. 

Keywords – Tonsillitis, Homoeopathy, Medicines.

Tonsillitis is inflammation of tonsils, caused by bacteria or viral infection. The bacterial tonsillitis is caused mainly by beta-hemolytic streptococcus and to a lesser extent by staphylococcus aureus and several other bacteria. A viral infection caused by adenovirus, Epstein-Barr virus infection, rhinovirus, influenza, coronavirus, and respiratory syncytial virus. Tonsillitis in children is rarely appreciated in those younger than 2 years.

Sign and symptoms2 

  • Sore throat – raw sensation in the throat 
  • Odynophagia 
  • Earache – either referred pain from the tonsil or due to acute otitis media 
  • Jugulodigastric nodes are enlarged and painful 
  • Fever may be associated with chills and rigor 
  • Headache, tachycardia. 
  • Tonsils appear congested and swollen 
  • Cough 
  • Halitosis and a bad taste in the mouth 

Classification of tonsillitis3 

  • Acute tonsillitis- It due to viral or bacterial tonsillitis with odynophagia, swelling, and redness of the tonsils, possibly with fever. If symptoms last around 10 days or less.
  • Chronic tonsillitis- It is a chronic change in the tonsils with phased acute deterioration and consistent symptoms for more than 4 weeks under adequate treatment.
  • Recurrent tonsillitis- A person has several different instances of acute tonsillitis in a year. Recurrent tonsillitis is often defined as:
  • a sore throat or tonsillitis at least 5 to 7 times in 1 year
  • occurrences at least 5 times in each of the previous 2 years
  • occurrences a least 3 times in each of the previous 3 years

Diagnosis Diagnosis is based on a physical examination of your throat. Throat swab or culture and complete blood count. This test can show whether your infection is viral or bacterial.

General Management

  • Plenty of oral fluids
  • Gargle with warm salt water many time a day 
  • Avoid cold, dry air if possible
  • Avoid fried and oily food 
  • Avoid sour food, curd, pickles 

In this international, pragmatic, controlled clinical trial, by Jürgen Palm et. Al., 256 patients (6–60 years) with moderate recurrent tonsillitis were randomized to receive either SilAtro-5-90 in addition to standard symptomatic treatment or to receive standard treatment only. The primary outcome was the mean time period between consecutive acute throat infections (ATI) within 1 year (analyzed via repeated events analysis). An integrative treatment approach where SilAtro-5-90 is given alongside mainstream symptomatic treatment may bring therapeutic benefit to patients suffering from recurrent tonsillitis.

Another study by Malapane Eunice et. al. aimed to determine the efficacy of a homeopathic complex on the symptoms of acute viral tonsillitis in African children in South Africa. This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 6-day pilot study. Thirty children, age 6 to 12 years, with acute viral tonsillitis were recruited from a primary school in Gauteng, South Africa. Participants took two tablets of the medication four times daily. The treatment group received lactose tablets medicated with the homeopathic complex (Atropa belladonna D4, Calcarea phosphoricum D4, Hepar sulphuris D4, Kalium bichromat D4, Kalium muriaticum D4, Mercurius protoiodid D10, and Mercurius biniodid D10). The placebo consisted of an unmedicated vehicle only. The Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale measured pain intensity, and a Symptom Grading Scale assessed changes in tonsillitis signs and symptoms. The treatment group had a statistically significant improvement in the following symptoms compared with the placebo group: pain associated with tonsillitis, pain on swallowing, erythema, and inflammation of the pharynx, and tonsil size. The homeopathic complex used in this study exhibited significant anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving qualities in children with acute viral tonsillitis. No patients reported any adverse effects. These preliminary findings are promising; however, the sample size was small and therefore a definitive conclusion cannot be reached. A larger, more inclusive research study should be undertaken to verify the findings of this study.

Another study by Preetha ‘The Efficacy & Significance of Homeopathy in Chronic Tonsillitis’, shows that there is significant difference between the scores representing the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis before & after treatment. The difference can be clearly attributed to homoeopathic medicines & can be said that the treatment is effective. Homoeopathic Medicines are effective in the management of chronic tonsillitis. Remedies when given on the basis of individualisation are more effective.

Rasheed et.al. in their study ‘A Clinical Research Study on the Efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicines in cases of Recurrent Tonsillitis’, observed that in almost all the cases the homoeopathic medicines responded well and the patient not only got rid of the main complaints of Tonsillitis but also got rid of the associated complaints with restoration of health. With the help of use of homoeopathic medicines even surgical intervention was avoided. Thus, we can conclude that Homoeopathic medicines used with holistic approach are very effective in treating the cases of recurrent tonsillitis


  1. AMYGDALA PERSICA – Dark injection of the fauces, sharp pains, and difficulty swallowing. Lancinating pain through tonsils. Palate end fauces dark reel.
  2. AGRAPHIS NUTANS Enlarged tonsils. Adenoids, throat deafness. Throat and ear troubles with the tendency to free discharge from mucus membrane.
  3. AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA- Follicular tonsillitis. Inflamed, œdematous, dusky red. Much swelling, internal and external. Dry, rough, scraping, choking feeling. Neck tender and swollen. Pain in swallowing extends to the ears. A confused mind, mental depression. Lacunar tonsillitis. Irritation and itching of posterior pharynx.
  4. ANATHERUMInflamed throat with the sensation of fulness and obstruction as if plugged. Tonsillitis; burning and stitches; sometimes coldness. Frequent and stubborn abscesses on the tonsils. Raw pains, tumors, and a great deal of tenacious mucus in the throat, with great difficulty in swallowing even the saliva. A desire for cold water, strong liquors, cider, and sour drinks.
  5. CHENOPODIUM ANTHELMINTICUM Chronically enlarged tonsils; caseous deposits.
  6. DIPHTHERINUMDark. Thick gray membrane; on tonsil (left). Painless diphtheria swallows without pain but fluids are vomited or returned through the nose. Relapsing diphtheria. Obstinate tonsillitis. Wants cold air down the throat or craves cold drinks
  7. ECHINACEA – Tonsils purple or black, gray exudation extending to posterior nares and air passages.
  8. FAGOPYRUMUvula elongated, tonsils swollen. Tonsils are swollen; badly-smelling cheesy mass coughed up. Feeling of constriction and a darting pain in the soft palate. Tonsils are swollen and red. Frequent desire to swallow.
  9. GINSENG QUINQUEFOLIUM Tonsillitis, but in dark-complexioned people. The uvula, fauces, and posterior pharynx are red. Some redness of the fauces and uvula; they are painful on swallowing. Much scraping and soreness in the fauces, which make talking painful. 
  10. GUNPOWDERUse in Septic Tonsillitis.
  11. GUAJACUM OFFICINALEThroat dry, burns, swollen, stitches toward the ear. Acute tonsillitis. A desire for apples and other fruits. Aversion to milk. Tonsillitis with rheumatism. Sharp stitches towards the ear on swallowing; cannot swallow without a drink; recurrent tonsillitis; then rheumatism.
  12. MANCINELLAGreat swelling and suppuration of tonsils, with the danger of suffocation; whistling breathing. Yellowish-white ulcers on tonsils with violent burning pain, great elongation of uvula; offensive breath. 
  13. MERCURIUS IODATUS RUBERParenchymatous tonsillitis. Inflammation and swelling of the left tonsil. Fauces dark red; swallowing painful. Fauces and tonsils covered with fetid ulcers. Painful swelling of tonsils and submaxillary glands.
  14. MERCURIUS IODATUS FLAVUSLacunar tonsillitis. When only the superficial part of the tonsil is involved. Swelling begins on the right side. Easily detached patches on inflamed pharynx and fauces; worse on right tonsil; much tenacious mucus. Constant inclination to swallow. Slight pain in right tonsil and sensation as if was swollen, with pain when swallowing.
  15. NATRIUM SALICYLICUMFollicular tonsillitis. Dryness in mouth and throat with great thirst.
  16. RAPHANUSHeat and burning in the throat, at times, chiefly in tonsils, with lancinations. Swelling, redness, and pain in tonsils, as if raw. Pain in the left tonsil. Swelling, redness, and sensation of constriction in the tonsils. 
  17. SOLANUM-NIGRUM – Throat sore as if burnt, stitches in right side of the throat. Raw sensation, painful swallowing, solids, or liquids < on swallowing, at times stitches shooting to right ear. Left tonsils are swollen. Feeling as if splinter in right tonsil.
  18. TEPLITZPain in the throat without redness, on swallowing. Swelling of uvula and tonsils with difficulty in swallowing. Swelling of cervical glands.
  19. USTILAGOLeft tonsil enlarged, congested, dark reddish. Right tonsil painful on swallowing at 2 p.m. and left painful at 9 p.m.. next morning congestion of left extending along Eustachian tube and causing pain in the ear. Lancinations in the tonsil.


  1. Kent repertory –
  • THROAT- INFLAMMATION- TONSILS- cold weather, every spell of – Dulc.
  • THROAT- INFLAMMATION- TONSILS- painless – Bapt. 
  • THROAT- INFLAMMATION- TONSILS-recurrent – BAR- c.,   Alumn.,bar.m.,hep.,psor.,sang.,sil  
  • THROAT-MEMBRANE- TONSILS- Lach., Lyc., Nit-ac., Phyt. apis.,kali-bi.,kali-i.,lac-c 
  • THROAT – PAIN- burning-tonsils – Bell. 
  • THROAT – PAIN- stitching, tonsils – Bell., merc., ran-s.
  • THROAT- ULCERS-tonsils – Ail., Nit-ac. am-c.,apis.,aur.,aur-m.,calc.,fl-ac.,hep.,kali-bi.,lac-c.,lyc.,merc.,merc-i-f.,phyt. 
  1. Boger Boenninghausen’s Characteristics  & Repertory-
  • MOUTH- THROAT (AND GULLET) – TONSILS-affected – Am-c., Canth., Cham., Hep., Ign., Lyc., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Pho., Pul., Stap.  BELL., LACH., MERC.
  • MOUTH- THROAT (AND GULLET) – TONSILS- enlarged, swollen, etc –  Kali-bi., Merc., Phyt. bar-c., bell., nux-v., 
  • MOUTH-THROAT(AND GULLET) -Tonsils, hypertrophy -BELL.,HEP.,LACH,.MERC.Bar-c.,Calc-c.,Cham.,Dul.,Ign.,Nit-ac.,Nux-v.,Staph.,Sul. 
  • MOUTH-THROAT (AND GULLET) Indurated tonsils- Bro., ign., plb. con., kali-bi., iod., nit-ac. 
  1. Murphy’s Repertory –
  • Throat- TONSILLITIS, infection, tonsil, Chronic recurrent- Alumn. BAR-C. Bar-m. brom. bry. calc-f. calc-p. carc. diph. dys. fuc. grph. guaj. Hep. kali-i. lach. lyc. mez. morg. nat-m. phyt. PSOR. sang. sep. Sil. sul-i. sulph. syc. syph. thuj. TUB.
  • Throat- ULCERS- Ulcer, tonsils – AIL. Am-C. Apis. Aur. Aur-m. bar-c. bell. Calc. Fl-ac. Hep. hippoz. ign. Kali- bi. Lac- c. ltc. Manc. Merc. Merc- c. merc-if. Merc- i-r. nat-s. NIT-AC. Phyt. sep. zinc.
  • Throat – SWALLOWING, general- difficult – liquids – alumn. anan.  anth. bell. bism. Canth. Cic. cina. coc-c. con. Crot-c. crot-h. Cupr. Hyos. Ign. Iod. Kali-br. LACH. Lyc. LYSS. mag-p. Merc. merc-c. mez. nat-m. nit-ac. nux-v. Phos. STRAM. sul-ac. Upa. zinc.
  • Throat – SWALLOWING, general- difficult – liquids –more difficult than solids- Alum. Bell. Both. brom. bry. cact. canth. coc-c. cocc. gels. hyos. ign. Lach. Lyss. Merc-c. sil. stram.


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