Scope of homeopathy in poultry industry

Dr Muhammed KS, BHMS
PGDBI_,NPDP (CII Bangalore), Bio Nanomedicine ( make intern ),FOSTAC (fssai)
Research Fellow: Homeopathic formulation Development, QC & QA (Suguna Foods Private Limited )
Chief Physician: RAZI HEALTH CARE CENTRE, Valanchery, Malappuram.

The Homeopaths should not hang on the government authorities for the Homeopathic research and development; we should have the duty to improve our quality and quantity of the research for the betterment of Homeopathy system of medicines. 

Now a day’s so many private organizations and institutions are promoting homeopathy. We must try to utilize those opportunities. All interested homeopaths should begin their own research process individually; it will make a big impact in homeopathic system of medicines.

In Poultry industry homeopathic research having a big scope, we can implement a lot of strategies; we can conduct individual as well as commercial researches very easily.

Scope of poultry birds in Homeopathic Research.  

  1. Easily available and most accessible research material.
  2. We can conduct different types of trials. (Treatment trials, Prevention trials, Synchronized trial).
  3. A comparison study with competitor product (Antibiotic and Vaccines)
  4. Challenge study possible.
  5. The broiler bird will suffer all kind of diseases in 42 days, it will very use full to proceed trials without delay.
  6. We can proceed all kind efficacy parameters in the bird.(Blood, Blood serum, Biochemical, Blood smear analysis and Organs analysis).


  1. BASIC. (Observatory)
    • Feed Intake (FI), Weight (WT), Mortality,       FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio)= FI/WT
    • EEF (European Efficiency Factor) 

This factor standardizes technical results, taking into account feed conversion, mortality and daily gain.

The formula is: (Average grams gained/day X % survival rate ) / Feed Conversion X 10

  1. SPECIFIC. (Investigatory)
  • BLOOD Analysis: Total Count, RBC, Hemoglobin %, WBC, PCV, MCV, HCT, Platelets.
  • Blood Biochemical parameters GLUCOSE, CHOLESTEROL,HDL,VLDL, Minerals : Ca, Zn, Selenium. Vitamins)
  • BLOOD SERUM Analysis: ESR (MG, IB, IBD, ND Titers).
  • BLOOD SMEAR Analysis:  H: L Ratio (Heterophil to Lymphocyte ratio). 
  • Samples Analysis : Immune organs (Thymus, Bursa, Spleen and Liver) , Kidney, GIT  Weight and Histopathology, Scoring : Bursa and Gut


  • Antibiotic resistance & Ban.
  • Domination in Anti-viral management.
  • Superiority and satisfactory result in prophylaxis care.
  • Zero Harm.


Our Great master Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) even lectured on the use of homeopathy in animals (veterinary homeopathy) in Leipzig in c1813. “The principles and application in animals were broadly similar to those in humans.” Boenninghausen (1785-1864) continued to develop animal homeopathy (veterinary homeopathy), on his extensive estate in Westphalia.


Infectious disease managed by two ways, Treatment and prevention.

Treatment: 30,200 and 3x potencies, 3ml for 100 birds through drinking water. Continues 3-5 day treatment as per the symptoms similarity.

Prevention: 200 and 1m potencies, 3ml for 100 birds weekly 3 consecutive days as per the symptoms similarities.

  1. VIRAL : Infectious bronchitis, Newcastle disease (Renikhet disease), Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro), Inclusion body hepatitis (IBH), Marek’s disease, Chicken anemia virus infection (CAV), Avian influenza, , Avian encephalomyelitis, Fowl pox, Egg Dropping Syndrome (EDS)
  2. BACTERIAL: Collibacilosis (Escherichia Coli), Necrotic Enteritis, Infectious coryza, Fowl cholera, Avian tuberculosis, Pullorum. 
  3. PROTOZOAL: Coccidiosis, Histomoniasis, Toxoplasmosis, Trichominiasis.
  4. PARASITES: Internal: Round, Caecal, Capillary and Tape worms.

                              External: Louse, Fowl tick, Mite.

  1. MYCOPLASMOSIS: 1) Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (Chronic Respiratory Disease). 2) Mycolplasma Synoviae ( Infectious synovitis )
  3. FUNGI: Monoliasis (Candidiasis, Crop mycosis), Aspergillosis.

Metabolic and nutritional deficiency disorders are managed by health and immunity enhancement, organ improvement therapies, vitamins, and mineral supplement and Blood purifiers.

  1. METABOLIC: Ascites (Water Belly), Fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome, Cage layer fatigue and Rickets.
  2. NUTRITIONAL: Calcium deficiency, Vitamins and Mineral deficiency.
  1. BEHAVIOURAL: Cannibalism. As per the symptoms similarities.
  2. ENVIRONMENTAL: Pests, Heat stress, Traumatic stress, Handling stress.



Newcastle disease (Renikhet disease) – Belladonna , Cicuta Virosa, Arsenic Album, Sulphur, Kali phos, Aconite, Carbo Veg, Causticum, Veratrum album  

Gelsemium, Mag Phos , Calcarea phos .

  1. Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro) : Callendulla – Raises immunity by stimulating lymphatic drainage, a hepatic protector, anti-microbial, and anti-viral., Gelsemium – Act in the brain to reduce pain, especially neuralgic affections, Measles, Pellagra. Echinacea angufolia – Acute auto infections, Corrector of blood poisonings, virulent infections, Lymphatic inflammations. Alfalfa – Possess biological activities and promote the appetite. rheumatic diathesis. Acid phos  – Promote mental physical wellbeing, also helps to prevent , Fatigue and Stress.
  1. Inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) :- Nux vomica – Hepatitis, Symptoms similarity. Podophyllum – Indigestion, gastroenteritis, Acted over liver and intestines. Lycopodium – Hepatitis, Anti stress, Malnutrition, Ascites, Simultaneous action over the liver and kidney. Oleum jecoris aselli Hepatic and pancreatic remedy, scrofulous affections. Chelidonium – Enzymatic actions, Anti-tumor & genotoxic activity. Prominent liver remedy.
  1. Marek’s disease :- Antimonium tartaricum, Carbo veg, Tuberculinum, China,Causticum, Gelsemium.
  2. Chicken anaemia virus infection (CAV) : Ferrum metalicum 6x –  Anaemic,Pallor, Irregular distribution of blood, Ferrum phos 3x – Increase Hb, pale and anemia, Lecithin 30, 3X – RBC modulation, Alfalfa Q –  As a tonic, Supplementary aid, Echinacea Q – Immune stimulant, Blood poisoning. Ferrum citricum 6X – Deficiency anemia, iron storage disorders, Morbus masculosus werhoffi (Purpura hemorrhagica).
  1. Avian influenza :-  Allium cepa, Influenzinum,  Ars alb , Kali iod, Belladonna, Drosera, Gelsemium, Lachesis, Tartar Emetic, Argentum nitricum, Millifolium, Kali bich, Rhus tox, Aconite
  1. Egg Dropping Syndrome: – Calcarea carb – Calcium intake & absorption stability, Calcarea phos – As a calcium source, Improve egg quality. Silicea – Improve nutritional absorption, Pulsatilla nigricans , Alfalfa suppements : Rich with amino acids, Vitamins, tocopherol and Estrogen.


  1. Collibacilosis (E-coli infections) :  Bacilinum     Indicated lung affections, Bronchorrhoea, Respiratory pyorrhea, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis. Cuprum met – Anti Bacterial and Anti-viral property of the element. On copper, and a range of copper alloys collectively termed ‘antimicrobial copper. Drosera  – Laryngeal phthisis, Vomiting food, Profuse expectoration. Ipecacuanha  – Action over Pneumogastric nerve, nausea vomiting, Indicated after indigestible food, Moist weather. Influenzinum – Respiratory viral Infection. Pyrogenium  – Septic infections. Tuja   – Anti bacterial, Bird flu, ),It Will helps to increase oxidative metabolism of birds. Escherichia coli – E-Coli infections, Helps for prevention Nosode.
  1. Necrotic Enteritis : Nux vomica: Anti diarrheal. Anti-inflammatory, Promote digestion. Intestinal catarrh. Arsenicum album :Food poisoning, Dyspepsia. China : Disordered  appetite, intestinal hemorrhage, Peritonitis. Mercurius corro : Anti ulcerative, amoeba dysentery, Anti-microbial. Alfalfa : Appetizer and digestion, malnutrition. Ornithogalum: Chronic gastritis and intestinal cancer. Veratrum album : Anti diarrheal, .Hyperemia, cholera asiatica. Gastric catarrh. Kurchi : Anti Dysenteric  (Holarrhena pubescens) Arnica : Hemorrhage.
  1. Infectious Coryza : Arsenic album, Mercuries vivus, Hepar sulphuris, Euphrasia officinalis, Aconitum napellus.
  2. Fowl Cholera : Sulphur, Calcarea phos, Ferrum phos, Kalium sulph, Kalium phos, Arsenicum album, Podophyllum, Cina, Veratrum album, 
  3. Avian tuberculosis : Aviaire, Tuberculinum, Arsenicum, 
  4. Pullorum : Chamomilla, China, Calcarea phos, Arsenicum album, Mercurius.


  1. Mycoplasma Gallisepticum : Mycoplasma gallisepticum  Nosode : Is a homoeopathy Nosode Prepared from the Mycoplasm gallisepticum vaccine, homeopathically diluted and potentized 200 times. Action: – Poetized Mycoplasma Vaccine 200C stimulates the Immune system to develop antibody against Mycoplasma antigen and helps for selective phagocytosis. Arsenic Album  : Difficulty breathing, Opens beaks gasps for breath, Anti-viral support to Respiratory cells, Greenish discharges, Low vital force. Tuja occidentalis : Action :- Thuja is used for respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis, bacterial skin infections, and cold sores, thuja to loosen phlegm(as an expectorant),It will helps to increase oxidative Metabolism of birds. Naja Tripudians : Action :- Grasping at throat, with sense of choking. 
  1. Mycoplasma Synoviae : Mycoplasma synoviae nososde , Calacraea phos : Gives solidity to bones, nutritive remedy for periosteum and bones. Helps for bone diseases and blood deficiencies. Acid phos  – Promote mental physical wellbeing, also helps to prevent periosteal inflammation, Neurosis in stump, after amputation, Hemorrhages. Nervous exhaustion. Mental debility first; later physical, Fatigue and Stress.
  1. Coccidiosis :  Merc cor: Birds bloody droopings. Nux vomica : Lack of appetite ,GI disturbances. Chelidonium : Pale comb, inflamed liver, Sulphur : pale comb, fortify the action of other remedy. Merc sol : Bloody, slimy diarrhoea, caecal cocci. Ipecacuanha : Hemorrhages , cooci in  birds, vomiting, drooping.


  1. METABOLIC : Ascites (Water Belly), Fatty liver haemorrhagic syndrome, Cage layer fatigue and Rickets.
  1. LIVER HEALTH :  Nux vomica – Hepatitis, Symptoms similarity.Silibum marianum – Liver remedy, organopathic effect, action liver portal system, dropsical conditions, Hepatic disease. Lycopodium – Hepatitis, Anti stress, Malnutrition, Ascites, Simultaneous action over the liver and kidney.Ceaonanthus – Stimulate hepatic filtration, Acted over liver and spleen. Chelidonium – Enzymatic actions, Anti tumour & genotoxic activity. Prominent liver remedy. Myrica cerifera – Stimulate hepatic filtration, jaundice, acted over hepatic mucous membrane, Grindelia robusta – Anti oxidant activity, detoxification. Splenic symptoms,  Hyperemia. Kalmegh – Anti oxidative and inflamatory,  Blood purifier, infantile liver and jaundice.
  1. KIDNEY HEALTH :  Lycopodium– Polychrest Remedy, Anti Inflammatory, Helps to improve all kidney functions.Chronic gout with chalky deposite in the joints, helps prevent uric acid deposition in the body.  Berberis vulgaris – Helps to recover impairment of kidney, Improve the kidney functions and induce to excrete waste products. Benzoicum acidum  – A remedy of great antiseptic powers. Inflammation of skin, cellular tissue and periosteum. suppurative stage. Uva ursi – Helps in the elimination of uric acid from the body . worse from exposure to cool moist air, snow-air, water and touch. Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. joint symptoms are associated with hive-like eruptions.COPAIVA OFFICINALIS – acts powerfully over the urinary tract mucous membrane.FUCHSINUM – degeneration of kidney. Cantharis – Liquidation of uric acid crystals and urates. Apocyanum –  Accelerate purifying activity of nephrones. Chimaphilia umbellata– Improve kidney filtration activity, acted over kidneys and genito urinary tract. Arbutinum – Urinary antiseptic and diuretic.
  1. NUTRITIONAL : Calcium deficiency, Vitamins and Mineral deficiency.
  1. GROWTH PROMOTERS :  Alfalfa– improve digestive enzyme secretion from liver, gall bladder and pancreas,  Withenia Somnifera –  improve the permeability of epithelial tissue of intestine. Calcarea Carbonica Oatrearum –  IMPAIRED NUTRITION. Avena Sativa – Promote Fat, Proteins metabolism, enhance feed conversion ratio,  intestinal motility helping in digestion and assimilation. ALANINUM D– Alanine is an α-amino acid that is used in the biosynthesis, Used as growth factor. ARGININUM – STIMULATE GROWTH HORMOMNE, ESSSENTIAL FOR INFANTS (IT’S A ALPHA AMINO ACID USED BIO SYNTHESIS OF PROTIENES ). IODIUM- Rapid metabolizer and lack of flesh.
  1. IMMUNE BOOSTER :  EMBELIA OFFICNALIS ( AMLOKI ) – IMMUNOSTIMULANT ANAEMIA AND GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. Zingiber officinalis–  improve the permeability of epithelial tissue of intestine. Beta vulgaris – Prevent chronic catarrhal conditions, provide good yield. Avena Sativa – Improve nutritional functioning. Carica papaya –  can mediate a Th1 type shift in human immune system. Helps to increase WBS and Platelet count. Lecithinum – Lecithin is important in the vital processes of plant and animal organisms, Lecithin helps in Maintainence of Hemoglobin and health of brain, Increases the number of Red Corpuscles (RBC) and amount of Hemoglobin. Ginseng –  improve the permeability of epithelial tissue of intestine. Energizer.  Alfa alfa– Malnutrition, appetizer, Malandrinum & Tuja – Preventive bad effects of vaccines. Muringa oleifera – neutrophil adhesion, DTH reactions, hemagglutination antibody titers and on the complete blood count.
  1. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH: Acid Phos and Selenium 30 :- hair loss from face and genitals, Promote fertility. Tuja Q and Aurum metallicum :-  Helps to produce more quantity of semen and improve viability of sperms thus improving fertility in poultry. Avena Sativa Q and Staphysagriya :-  improves the male vigor. Agnus Castus Q & Damiana Q :- Helps to stimulate the testes to secrete testosterone. Natrum carbonicum:- Among the various medicines for infertility in females from non-retention of sperms.  Natrum Carb – occupies highest rank. Natrum Carb is very effective for women who have sterility from non-retention of sperms. Agnus Castus and Sepia : Hormonal activity, with decreased sexual desire. Among these medicines for infertility in females. Withenia Somnifera Q :-  improves the male vigor. Calcarea (Calcarea phos,sulph,carb) :- Increases the tonicity of the uterine wall releasing steady calcium for better egg. Cimicifuga racemosa :- For ovarian irritation, uterine cramps. Folliculinum 200 :- Folliculinum is given as a drainage remedy, to stimulate ovulation. The best Materia medica analyses of the use of Folliculinum and the damaging effects of the OCP are in Vermeulen Synoptic Materia Medica 2.


  1. CANNIBALISM: Consuming all or part of another individual of the same species as food. Seen domestic egg-laying species. Mal Nutritional defiance – Sulphur containing proteins (Methionine ). It is a main framework of feather. Due to Stress, Overcrowding, Heat & Hereditary. As per the similarities of the symptoms.

Ignatia and Sulphur are good remedies.

  1. ENVIRONMENTAL : Pests, Heat stress, Traumatic stress, Handling stress.
  1. HEAT STRESS:  Natrum mur – Normal metabolism of body by regulating electrolyte balance mechanism. Natrum carb – Removes bad effects of  summer heat & sun stroke. Indigestion problems from over heat. Mentha Piperita – Stimulate the cold perceiving nerves, a current of air at the ordinary temperature seems cold. Marked action on respiratory organs and skin. Use full in gastrodynia. Flatulent colic. Glonine – Hyperemia of brain from excessive cold or heat, Sun stroke. Gelsemium – Dehydration, Prostration, Whitish watery diarrhoea. Sulphur – Acute stress, sensitive skin to atmospheric changes (HEAT FLUSH), Warm blooded: complaints from warmth in general. 
  2. HANDLING & TRANSPORTATION STRESS: Nux vomica – Nervous, Irritable. Arnica – Physical excretion. Five phos – Minerals and electrolyte balance maintenance.
  3. TRUAMATIC STRESS (Injuries & Vaccinations) :-  Thuja – Bad effects from vaccines, Arnica – Bruised injury, Hypericum – Hard injuries. 

Vaccinum & Malandrinum – Prevention of small pox, Bad effects of vaccines.


  1. Materia medica with Repertory, William Boricke.
  2. The Merck veterinary manual.
  3. Poultry homeopathy. Dr. B.P Madrewar
  4. Vethomeopath.Dr Surjith singh Makker
  5. Encyclopaedia of Homeopathic pharmacopoeia of Drug index. Dr.P.N Varma & Dr.Indu vaid.