This study was done by Harris Interactive using their online social voting platform for the Homeopathy Pharma, Boiron, published in June 2024.Harris Interactive is a full-service, digital consultative custom market research agency that combines sector expertise with award-winning research design.Toluna is their online social voting platform of over 21 million users in 50 countries and 28 languages. In this study 16,334 people are surveyed from 16 countries.
Nearly 6 out of 10 people say they have used homeopathy in their lifetime
Conducted over 18 month a sample of 16,334 people interviewed in 16 countries, the international survey by Toluna Harris Interactive aimed to evaluate how homeopathy is perceived and used around the world.
The initial results are insightful: 57% of people say they have used homeopathy in their lifetime and 55% plan to use it in the future, because they believe that homeopathic treatments are natural and have no side effects.
Homeopathy is a popular and internationally recognised medical practice.
In the 16 countries surveyed, 57% of people say they have used homeopathy in their lifetime.
Focusing on the last 12 months, an average of 48% of people have used homeopathy, either regularly or occasionally.
In the 16 countries surveyed, use over the last 12 months ranged from 27% (in Canada) to 78% (in India). These variations can be linked to the history of homeopathy in the country, the number of laboratories offering homeopathy, the population’s appetite for complementary medicine, the way the country’s healthcare system works, and the presence of healthcare professionals practising homeopathy.
In the vast majority of European countries, more than 8 out of 10 people surveyed are satisfied with these treatments. This is the case for the Czech Republic (81%), Spain (84%), Italy (81%), and Hungary (82%). On the other side of the Atlantic, the scores are very high in the USA and Colombia, where 9 out of 10 people are satisfied with homeopathy. Brazil shows a record level of satisfaction, at 96%.
Homeopathy has a large base of regular and occasional users who are satisfied with the treatments offered.
The survey shows that an average of 83% of homeopathy users are satisfied. It can also be noted that all countries  have a satisfaction rate of over 75%.
In a number of countries, the use of homeopathy is particularly well-established.
For example, India (78%), Colombia (71%), and France (59%) have very high use rates.
In Europe, several countries are close to a 50% user rate, including Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, and Romania.
In the vast majority of European countries, more than 8 out of 10 people surveyed are satisfied with these treatments. This is the case for the Czech Republic (81%), Spain (84%), Italy (81%), and Hungary (82%). On the other side of the Atlantic, the scores are very high in the USA and Colombia, where 9 out of 10 people are satisfied with homeopathy. Brazil shows a record level of satisfaction, at 96%
Healthcare professionals: key players when it comes to providing advice
In almost 80% of cases, people planning to use homeopathy in the future will turn first to their healthcare professionals (pharmacist, general practitioner or homeopathic doctor) for advice.
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