Effective use of Feedback in Seminar, Class room & Workshop

Seminar-HallDeveloping an effective faculty evaluation system – Effective use of Feedback in Seminar, Class room & Workshop

  1. The Institution must develop clear goals
  2. Decide on the purpose  data will be used before any data is collect
  3. Significantly involve participants especially campus leaders in the development of the system.
  4. Foster extensive communication before ,during and after the adoption of the system.
  5. Obtain support for development of the system  of High level administrators
  6. Ensure that system is flexible
  7. Define major faculty responsibilities at the beginning of the evaluation period.
  8. Ensure that the data measures are technically acceptable.
  9. Train the supervisors in giving feedback
  10. Maintain appropriate confidentiality
  11. Review the system periodically
  12. Combine development    with  evaluation  have an on campus consultant
  13. Use multiple sources of data
  14. Train the evaluators to evaluate
  15. Define faculty sub responsibilities  at the beginning of the evaluation and define their weightings

Gathering Feedback from Students
The feedback students provide about your teaching on their end-of-semester course evaluations can be valuable in helping you improve and refine your teaching.  Soliciting mid-semester student feedback has the additional benefit of allowing you to hear your students’ concerns while there is still time in the semester to make appropriate changes. In her book Tools for Teaching, Barbara Gross Davis offers a variety strategies for gathering feedback from students in a chapter called Fast Feedback.
Link : http://cft.vanderbilt.edu/teaching-guides/reflecting/student-feedback/

Effective Use of Feedback. Kaprielian, VS & Gradison, M. Suggests several ways by which clinicians can give learners the feedback they need without putting any party through unnecessary pain. Also describes how to fit provision of student feedback into one’s busy schedule. From the column ‘For the Office-Based Teacher of Family Medicine’ in Family Medicine.Link : http://www.stfm.org/teacher/1998/june/june.html

Feedback. Southern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center. Reviews the defining characteristics of feedback, identifies barriers that prevent preceptors from giving more feedback, outlines an approach to giving effective feedback, and explores how feedback can be incorporated into the busy office setting. A module in the faculty development program offered by the Southern New Hampshire AHEC and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Word document.Link : http://www.snhahec.org/documents/Feedback.doc

Feedback Checklist. University of Colorado Health Sciences Center – Center for Instructional Support. A self-assessment checklist useful in evaluating the characteristics and quality of feedback one provides to students and/or colleagues. Adapted from Westberg, J. and Jason, H. Teaching Creatively with Video: Fostering Reflection, Communication, and other Clinical Skills, New York: Springer Publishing, 1994.Link : http://www.uchsc.edu/CIS/FdbkChkList.html

Feedback in Clinical Medical Education. Ende, J.. Feedback is a key step in the acquisition of clinical skills. This article presents guidelines for offering feedback that have been set forth in the literature of business administration, psychology, and education, adapted here for use by teachers and students of clinical medicine. (JAMA 1983;250:777-781)
Link : http://www.utmb.edu/

Giving Effective Feedback. Miser, WF. Defines feedback as an objective description of a student’s performance intended to guide future performance. Contrasts feedback with evaluation. Emphasizes the importance of helping students assess their performance, identifying areas where they are right on target, and providing them with tips on what they can do in the future to improve in areas that need correcting. Outlines the essential characteristics of effective feedback. From the Family Physician as Teacher series, Ohio Academy of Family Physicians.
Link : http://www.ohioafp.org/pdfs/members/educator_resources/GivingEffectiveFeedback.pdf

Observing Students in a Clinical Setting. Qualters, DM. To be an effective observer, you need to know what you are observing (framework) and have a method to record observations (tool). The Community Faculty Development Center at the UMass Medical School employs a simple tool called the Teaching Observation Sheet that allows preceptors to make brief (5-10 minute), focused observations and record them in a specific, nonjudgmental language. The tool is highly portable, has a flexible format, and provides a record of what occurred during observed encounters, essential for giving detailed, accurate feedback. From the column ‘For the Office-Based Teacher of Family Medicine’ in Family Medicine.
Link : http://www.stfm.org/teacher/1999/julaug/julaug.html

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