Kerala Homoeopathy PSC Tutor in Organon of Medicine Exam paper 1991

Question Paper of  Kerala Public Service Commission Tutor in Organon of Medicine Examinations 1991
Maximum:100marks Time : 2 hrs only

(1) Answer all the questions.
(2) Write the answers in English
(3) Pay attention to the words italicized in each question and answer to the point,   avoiding unnecessary verbage.
(4) Number at the right-hand margins indicate marks for the question and relate the answer to the marks and time available

1. Answer the following in minimum words/sentences :—

  • (a) Mention three top-most objectives, a young man could hope to achieve through a career in Homoeopathy, in their order of priority  3 
  • (b) What are three important scopes of Homoeopathy as a distinct system of 3 Medicine, could offer.
  • (c) What do you think of a person who lived a full span of life and could look 3 back and say “I have not lived in vain”.
  • (d) What do you think of the various discoveries that sways medical opinion 2 and therapeutic trends, from time to time in the long history of Medicine ?
  • (e) Name the three different classes of medical men, classified on the basis of 4 mental trends that existed in the whole history of Medicine. Describe very briefly each and offer your critical comments. 

2.(a) Mention the two different methods of logic. 2

  • (b) What method of logic is  2
  • (i) Individualization ; and
  • (ii) Generalization?
  • (c) What method of logic is  3
  • (i) Analysis; and
  • (ii) Synthesis?
  • (d) What is science and what are scientific methods? 2

3.(a) What is the difficulty in adopting scientific methods, that are successfully adopted in other fields of inquiry, in the study of man and his disease?  4

  • (b) “Nature” and every natural phenomenon is governed by certain natural principles.” Give your short comments.
  • (c Which of the following two statements appeals to you? Give reasons:  4

(i) “Reality” is independent of the observer.
(ii) “Reality” is the one perceived by the unprejudiced observer.

4. (a) Illness is a reality though the cause always remains subtle, perceived at best as a concept and not concretely. Give your brief comments.  3

  • (b) What are the three knowledge’s one must possess, if he has to practice medicine successfully?  3
  • (c) A simple, most practical way of comprehending life, for the purpose of a  physician, is to know it as a dynamics of sensing, discriminating and responding to stimuli. Write briefly your views on the above statement. 4
  • (d) Write down briefly about holistic approach in the science of Therapeutics. 4

5.(a) What are the first three steps followed by Hahnemann for establishing Homoeopathic Therapeutic law. 3

  • (b) Define Homoeopathic law of nature and explain briefly the two main axioms by which the law is operational.4
  • (c) Give reasons for stating that human body appears to be affected in its health by medicines more powerfully than by natural morbid stimulii.4
  • (d) Diseases (that does not come within the province of manual surgery) are caused in a dynamic way and not by any physical or chemical means. 3

6. (a) What is the basis on which Hahnemann classified the chief modes of treatment into two? 2
(b) Explain briefly Antipathy under the following heads   5

  • (i) Its principle.
  • (ii) Its practice.
  • (iii) Its result.

(iv) Its advantages and disadvantages.

  • (c) Isopathy is in reality a misunderstanding of Homoeopathy. Give your comments.  2
  • (d) Define primary action of drugs, and state how vital force conduct itself during primary action.  2
  • (e) How will you differentiate between alternating paroxysm of primary action and  secondary counter-action of a drug, when the former is occurring in a different prover or subsequent proving?  3

7.(a) What is the basis of Hahnemann’s classification of diseases into Acute and Chronic?  2

  • (b) Discuss briefly the role of various environmental factors in the causation of  natural disease.  2
  • (c) The only thing that the physician has to take note of in every case of disease is . What? State the reasons briefly. 2
  • (d) Differentiate between Idiosyncracy and Allergy         . 4

8.(a) What does cures natural disease? Give reasons in not more than 5 lines.   2

  • (b) Mention clearly the different types of mental diseases as classified by Hahnemann.  4
  • (c) Mention briefly Hahnemann’s opinions on the course, prognosis and  treatment of Intermittent fevers which are endemic in marshy districts .  4

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