A case report of ingrown toe nail

Dr B Sree Likhitha


Ingrown toe nail also known as onychocryptosis is a common nail condition that occurs due to curling of the side of the nail into the periungual dermis. Management options range from conservative treatment like gutter splint technique to extensive surgical approaches dictated by the severity and the stage of the condition. This case study is an attempt at explaining that homoeopathy can bring about a cure even in some surgical conditions. This case shows a marked improvement with no recurrence.

Key words: ingrown toe nail, onychocryptosis, homoeopathy, acid fluor.

Onychocryptosis is taken from the Greek work onyx meaning nail and Kryptos meaning hidden. It is also known as ingrown toe nail, embedded toe nail or Unguis incarnatus. It is a common nail condition which occurs when the nail fold (periungual skin) is penetrated by the edge of a nail plate. It is commonly seen in the teenagers and young adults during the second and third decades of life. It causes pain, discomfort and, disability when left untreated. Diagnosis is apparent and several treatment approaches exist from conservative treatment like taping, nail braces, antibiotics, packing, dental floss and gutter to extensive surgical treatment options chosen by the severity and the stage of ingrown toe nail.

The widely accepted theory is that onychocryptosis occurs when the lateral nail fold is penetrated by the edge of the nail plate causing pain, sepsis and formation of the granulation tissue. Multiple theories have been proposed in relation to the aetiology and can be broadly classified according to whether the primary cause is related to nail or the soft tissue at the side of the nail.

The common predisposing factors implicated in the development of an ingrown toe nail are:

  • Improperly trimmed toe nails,
  • Poorly fitting shoes,
  • Excessive sweating,
  • Nail infection,
  • Nail apparatus abnormalities,
  • Others include congenital onychocryptosis and sub ungual neoplasms and trauma.

Case report:
A 37-year-old female came to the opd with the complaints of pain in the 1st tow for past 15 days, was diagnosed as ingrown toe nail by a dermatologist and treated symptomatically which gave a temporary relief from pain but no satisfactory improvement.

History of presenting complaints:
The patient had a similar complaint of ingrown toenail 1 year ago, used allopathic and ayurvedic treatment which subsided the complaint.

Past history: Patient had jaundice at 12 years age.
She has decayed and hollow tooth since 3 years on allopathic treatment with no improvement.

Family history: Mother has hypertension and father expired due to cardiac arrest.

Physical generals:

Appetite: satisfactory

Thirst: 2-3lts/day.

Aversion: pungent things

Urine: 4-5/day;0-1/night

Sleep: 7-8hours/day, sound sleep, uncovers foot at night .


  • Menarche: 13years age.
  • 30/4days, regular cycle.
  • All pregnancies normal, full-term deliveries. (G3A1L2P2)

Mental generals:

  • She has fear of poverty and indifference to the business affairs and she is sensitive to noise.
  • Clinical diagnosis: ingrown toe nail.

Selection of remedy: Acid Flour 200 was selected and prescribed to the patient on the basis of repertorisation. The case was repertorised with synthesis repertory using Radar opus 2.2.16 software.

Dr.B.Sree Likhitha
Dept of Paediatrics PG Part 2.
Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College,Jalna,Maharashtra.

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