A case study of aloepecia areata in a child of 7 years

Dr Prajot Parmar
Dr Rasika Chavan
Dr Pallavi Malekar

Abstract :
Alopecia areata (AA) is an auto-immune disorder characterized by the appearance of non-scarring bald patches affecting the hair bearing areas of the body.[1]  Scalp is mostly affected as associate with the paediatric age.  [2] Depending upon the characteristic symptoms the patient was given Phosphorous 1M single dose and was observed thereafter. After the administration of the remedy the patient started to regain his lost hair and considerable hair gain was observed. Hence with this case, the effectiveness of Phosphorous as a constitutional medicine was seen.

Keywords : Alopecia Areata, Homoeopathy, Paediatrics

Introduction :
Alopecia areata (AA) is a chronic auto-immune disease that involves hair follicles and sometimes the nails. It involves any hair bearing area of the body, but scalp is involved in most of the cases. It is the most common form of non-scarring alopecia. It is thought to be an organ specific autoimmune disorder with a genetic predisposition. [2] T-cell autoimmune-mediated attack on the hair follicle. This leads to patches of non-scarring alopecia on the patient’s scalp, face, and other hair-bearing skin of the body. It accounts for 2-3% of the new dermatology cases in UK and USA, 3.8% in China, and 0.7% in India.  [3]

Chief complaint: This was a case report of a 7 -year-old male patient who presented with the chief complaints of asymptomatic loss of hair at multiple sites over the scalp for 2 month. Hair loss was annular in pattern as it was more obvious at the periphery compared with the centre of the patch.

History of chief complaint : A 7 years male presented with loss of hair in annular pattern. The complaints began after the child was sent to a new school and was scolded by his class teacher. Initially complaints began with hair falling in the vertex and later it spread all over the scalp. Parents took him to a local physician who gave certain medicines which aggravated his complaints. No personal history of fungal affection was found. No history of alopecia areata could be elicited.

Local examination : On examination, there were multiple well-defined annular patches of non-scarring alopecia of the scalp was seen. The area was smooth with no associated skin changes.

 Mind : Patient lives with parents & one younger sister. He started to develop these patches when his new school teacher scolded him for constantly complaining about other students. After which he cried alot. Parents said that generally he is quite oversensitive and complaining in nature. He keeps complaining about his younger sister. If not listened to his complaints he does things to grab attention of his parents like pulling them etc. He is makes sure that everybody sees what the other person has done and continues until his complaints are noticed. He is very restless in school as well as at his home. He is also sensitive about his younger sister and friends.

Analysis of symptoms:

  • Ailments from, scorn, being scorned +3 – Characteristic Mental general
  • Mind, Complaining +2 – Characteristic Mental general
  • Mind, restlessness +2– Characteristic Mental general
  • Mind, Obstinate +2– Characteristic Mental general
  • Mind, sensitive, children +2– Characteristic Mental general
  • Generalities, salt desire for +2– Characteristic Physical general
  • Head , Hair, Baldness, Patches +3– Characteristic Physical particular
  • Head , Hair, falling, spots , in +3– Characteristic Physical particular

Evaluation of symptoms –

  1. Ailments from, scorn, being scorned +3
  2. Mind, Complaining +2
  3. Mind, restlessness +2
  4. Mind, Obstinate +2
  5. Mind, sensitive, children +2
  6. Generalities, salt desire for +2
  7. Head , Hair, Baldness, Patches +3
  8. Head , Hair, falling, spots , in +3Repertorial totality :




Dr William Boericke mention in his description of Phos. – Itching of scalp, dandruff, falling out of hair in large bunches. [4]
Dr Clarke mentions Falling off of hair (in large bunches on forepart of head, and) esp. above ears (alopecia areata). [5]
Dr Timothy f. Allen mentions – the hair falls out profusely (first days) , Falling of the hair; the roots seem dry. [6]
Hence Phosphorous was chosen based on the symptom similarity

Posology with reason
Phosphorous 1M was chosen
Reason – High susceptibility
Mental symptoms are characteristic
Pathology of symptoms is deep rooted
Characteristic symptoms are well marked

Phosphorous 1M single dose

Sac lac 7 pills bd

Follow up – after 15 days

DATE – 22/05/19

Auxiliary treatment
Coconut oil, to be applied externally, two times a week to nourish the hair.

The consideration of ‘ailments from’ in the case above paved a path to the selection the remedy. The patients mental aspects of complaining nature and sensitivity was considered and thus Phosphorous was chosen. After the use of Phosphorous the patient improved within less than 3 months and patient regained normal hair. It also emphasizes that a well selected remedy yields results even if no external application is used. Often a discussion is made about the placebo effect of  Homeopathy ,but such results in paediatric age group and with an advanced pathology, shows how effective Homoeopathy is.


  1. Herbert Pratt, Lloyd E. King, Jr.,Andrew G. Messenger, Angela M. Christiano, and John P. Sundberg
    Alopecia areata https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5573125/
  2. Etienne Wang, Joyce SS Lee, and Mark Tang, Current Treatment Strategies in Pediatric Alopecia Areata, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3519253/
  3. Hongwei Guo, Yabin Cheng, Jerry Shapiro, and Kevin McElwee1, The Role of Lymphocytes in the Development and Treatment of Alopecia Areata, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5148616/
  6. Timothy f. Allen the Encyclopaedia of pure materia medica

Dr Prajot Parmar
Dr Rasika Chavan
Dr Pallavi Malekar


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