Cardinal principles of homoeopathy

Dr Anjana kumara

Principles: –  Homeopathy is a well-established science and every science has certain basic principles and guidelines, these basic principles are known as the basic principles of homeopathy. 

Homoeopathic system is based on easily comprehensible principles. They are as follows –

Law of Similia: – This means that drugs are being used that may cause similar symptoms during validation in healthy people. Let like to be treated by like. The law “Similia Similibus curentur,” which states that “like cures like,” is the foundation of homoeopathy. Homeopathy is the symptom similarity-based therapeutic approach. (Aphorism 21-27)

Law of Simplex: – This means that only one drug can be used in a given case.

  • The effect of using more than one cure is completely unclear because the medicine was only tested individually.
  • At any given time, only one remedy can be similar.One can become perplexed concerning the curative effect of some remedies.
  • Administration of more than one remedy can produce certain group of symptoms,which can be harmful to patien.
  • Synergistic action cannot be ruled out in case of more than one remedy. (Aphorism 272-273).

Law of Minimum: – It means applying a minimal dose of medicine sufficient to create an artificial disease of vitality that resembles a natural disease. . 

1.To avoid unwanted aggravation.
2. Smallness of dose doesn’t allow any organ damage.
3. To maintain full advantage of finer and finest curative property of the medicine. (Aphorism 272& 246).

Doctrine of Drug Proving: – This means that it is a systematic and methodical process of studying the pathogenicity (the ability to cure disease) of drugs by applying them to a variety of healthy men and women of different ages and constitutions. According to this teaching, prescribed medicines must be properly tested on healthy people. Drug proof is a mathematical-mechanical process that can be used to investigate the pathogenic effects of drugs on healthy individuals.

Drug proving must be on Healthy human beings because of:
1. Animals don’t give subjective or mental symptoms.
2. Effects of same drug upon the human and animal is different.
3. We do not get the modalities from animal proving

Doctrine of Drug Dynamization: – This means that it is the process of releasing the inherent power of the drug’s healing properties that are latent during the shaking or crushing process.

HOMOEOPATHIC DYNAMIZATION are processes by which the medicinal properties which are latent in natural substances while in their crude state become awakened and developed into activity to an incredible degree.
Drugs are potentized by two methods:
1. Trituration: for insoluble substance.
2. Succussion: in case of soluble substance.
Objects of potentization include:
1. To reduce the medicinal substance which helps to avoid unwanted medicinal aggravation.
2. By this process deadly poison turns into healing remedies.ex arsenic , Lachesis, Crotalus.
3. Substance which are naturally inert which converts into medicine ex Silicea, common salt.
4. The action of potentized medicine is deeper ,longer and more wide spread
DOCTRINE of DRUG DYNAMIZATION was introduced in homeopathy in fifth edition of Organon of Medicine published in the year 1833.

Purpose of dynamisation

  • Deadly poisons rendered harmless
  • Medicinally inert substances in crude state become active
  • Action of potentised medicines are deeper and longer.
  • Unnecessary aggravations are avoided.

Theory of Vital Force: – It means that in the human state of health, the psychic forces revitalize the organism and keep all parts of the organism in harmony, both sensory and functional, known as the “vital force”. The life force is a trinity of beings consisting of body, mind and spirit. The life force is a supernatural force that harmoniously animates the physical body because the normal physiology of this organism is maintained. He introduced it in his 1833 Organon of Medicine (5th edition), and in the 6th edition changed it to Life Energy, Life Principle, Life Principle. 

Theory of Chronic Disease: – This means that the root cause of chronic diseases is Mayasm. H. Pathogens: psoriasis, syphilis, and sycosis. In Hahnemann’s time, he found that without the best homeopathic treatment, chronic diseases recur at regular intervals, acute diseases respond well, and chronic diseases are caused by chronic miasms, psoriasis, sycosis, syphilis. He introduced it in his 1829 fourth edition of the Organon of MedicineHahnemann added the theory of chronic disease in 4th edition of organon. Inspite of the best homoeopathic treatment Hahnemann observed that there was recurrence of chronic diseases.this led him to investigate into number of chronic diseases and after 12 years of observation he came to a conclusion that chronic diseases were due to chronic miasms. The word ‘MIASM’ was originated from greek word miasma which means  ‘a polluting agent’. The chronic miasms are

  • PSORA  :  it is the fundamental cause and producer of innumerable number of diseases. It is manifested externally as cutaneous itching eruptions.
  • SYPHILIS  : characterized by granulation, degeneration, and ulceration.
  • SYCOSIS   : characterized by warty,cauliflower like growths on genital region. Induration,infiltration.

In all these cases cure is possible only by proper miasmatic treatment.


  1. 1796 – law of similars “an essay on new principles for ascertaining the curative powers of drugs & some examinations of previous principles”
  2. 1797 – law of simplex, law of minimum “ are the obstacles to the attainment  of simplicity & certainity in practical medicine insurmountable”
  3. 1801 – law of drug dynamisation “ the cure & prevention of scarlet fever”
  4. 1805 – doctrine of drug proving “fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum positivis”
  5. 1814 – theory of chronic diseases
  6. 1833 – the theory of vital force “fifth edition of organon”.


  1. Sarkar, B.K. Organon of medicine. (14 Ed.). Delhi: Birla publications; 2013-2014.
  2. Nagendra babu, G. Comprehensive study of organon. (1 Ed.). Noida,up : Bjain publishers; 2009
  3. Samuel Hahnemann. The chronic diseases. Noida up: Bjain publishers; 2005
  4. Dudgeon, R.E. The lesser writings of Samuel Hahnemann. Noida up: Bjain publishers; 2017.
  5. Carroll Dunham. Homoeopathy the science of therapeutics. New Delhi: Bjain publishers; 2019.
  6. Richard Hughes. The principles & practice of homoeopathy. New Delhi: Bjain publishers;
  7. Dawdle, M.L. Principles and practice of homoeopathy. New Delhi: Bjain publishers;

Dr.Anjana kumara
Assistant professor Organon of Medicine
Nootan homeopathic Medical college (under Sankalchand Patel University) visnager, Gujarat, India.


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