Dr Shweta Singh
BHMS, MD(Organon of Medicine)
- In the present era, there is prevalence of numerous chronic diseases whose success rate is quite less. There is no permanent cure of chronic disease in the modern science. Homoeopathy is the only alternative that can cure or treat chronic disease with great success. Sycosis is one of the Hahnemann’s fundamental causes of the chronic disease, besides psora and syphilis, which have a great potential to develop many disease conditions under the influence of accessory circumstances. To identify those disease conditions clinically and treat them according to the Hahnemann’s direction of chronic diseases. Although Hahnemann reviewed a large group of anti –psoric remedies in THE CHRONIC DISEASE, he only mentioned two remedies for sycosis i.e. Thuja and Nitric Acid. These two remedies were not sufficient for curing venereal disease in the vast number of human constitution. In the study of development of sycotic miasm from the prehistory sexual transmitted disease (fig wart) after having been deprived of the local symptoms which acts vicariously for the internal ailment, would appear in other and much worse ways, in secondary ailment; and their secondary manifestation outwardly reflected through sign and symptoms. To cure the sycosis maism in the most proper way uses the characteristics symptoms of first grade anti sycotic medicine from the different source books written by the stalwarts, with the understanding of sycosis as a guide to the symptoms of the miasm.
- It included all the traditional symptoms under the general title of sycosis from the different marked anti sycotic remedies, and arrange the common symtoms in the different particular headings, like General appearances Mind, Thermals, General Modalities, Desires, Character of discharge and Sphere of action.
- The anamenis of sycosis reflected pure sycotic symptoms, so from this criteria, the selection of patients suffering from sycotic manifestation that fulfil the screening of the characteristic sycotic symptoms, will come under the pure sycosis treatment.
Keywords: Sycotic miasm, chronic disease, Anamnesis of sycosis.
The origin of sycosis is lost in prehistory although the presence of Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), previously known as venereal diseases (VD). The collective term ‘venereal disease’, presumably Bethancourt of Rouen, first used a compliment to the goddess of love, in 1527. Gonorrhoea has been known as chaudepisse, ‘brenning’ and ‘clap’ (1)
This fig wart-disease, which in later times, especially during the French war, in the years 1809-1814, was so widely spread, but which has since showed itself more and more rarely, was treated almost always, in an inefficient and injurious manner, internally with mercury, because it was considered homogeneous with the venereal chancre-disease.
When these are violently removed, the natural, proximate effect is that they will usually come forth again, usually to be subjected again, in vain, to a similar, painful, cruel treatment. But even if they could be rooted out in this way, it would merely have the consequence, that the figwart-disease, after having been deprived of the, local symptom which acts vicariously for the internal ailment, would appear in other and much worse ways, in secondary ailments; for the figwart-miasm, which in the whole organism, has been in no way diminished, either by the external destruction of the above-mentioned excrescences, or by the mercury which has been used internally, and which is in no way appropriate to sycosis.(2)
SYCOSIS is generally understood to be the gonorrhœal poison. We should make the distinction clear between gonorrhea and sycosis. Gonorrhea is the acute infection of the gonococci, which takes from five to ten days to develop a urethritis after an exposure. If the gonorrhea is thoroughly and completely cured, practically no sycosis ever develops. Sycosis is established after a suppressed gonorrhea, when the acute infection is driven in upon the vital energy by external methods of suppression, and it then becomes a systematic stigma, permeating every living cell of the organism, and transmitting its deadly destructive forces to the offspring as well as retaining the full destructiveness of its power in the original individual, and impregnating the mother of the child. (3)
Symptomology –
- The sycotic patient is exceedingly suspicious.
- The sycotic patient is cross and irritable, absent-minded in certain things, and find difficulty in getting the right word .He forgets recent happenings, but remembers distant events very clearly.(4)
- The sycotic usually had a red nose with prominent capillaries .The sense of smell is lost.
- The fish brine odour is characteristic of the sycotic taint. The discharges are purulent, scanty, like the tubercular, greenish or greenish yellow. (5)
- When some external manifestation occurs, such as a catarrhal condition, a leucorrhœa, or even the return of the menstrual period, there is a general amelioration of the mental condition.
- The mental condition may be much when wants or fibrous growths appear; they are always > in general from the return or breaking open of old ulcers or old sores, and markedly > by the return of acute gonorrhœal manifestations.
- Arthritic troubles of the eyes are a combination of sycosis and psora; there is also neuralgia, which is <on change of weather, <change of barometer, <rainy weather. (6)
- Disease associated with proliferation and infiltration of tissue.
- Slow recovery of all complaints. (7)
- Pelvic inflammations and rheumatic troubles with much stiffness and soreness and <in cold damp weather. Complaints <while resting; <by moving or stretching. (8)
List of Anti- Sycotic medicines
- Argentum metallicum
- Argentum nitricum
- Arsenic alb
- Arsenic iod
- Benzoic acid
- Berberis vulgaris
- Calcarea ars
- Causticum
- Clematis
- Colchicum
- Dulcamara
- Fluoric acid
- Iodum
- Kali bichrom
- Kali carb
- Kali iod
- Lycopodium
- Magnesium-carb 19-Magnesium-mur 20-Magnesium-phos
- Medorrhinum
- Mezerium
- Muriatic acid 24-Natrumars
- Natrumcarb
- Natrummur
- Natrumsulph
- Nitric acid
- Phosphorous
- Phosphoric acid
- Psorinum
- Pyrogenium
- Sarsaparilla
- Sepia
- Silicea
- Staphisagria
- Tuberculinum
- Thuja
- Sad mood, without any actual pain.
- Dejected, as if desponding and as if lost in thoughts.
- He cannot get rid of his thoughts.
- Very lachrymose without cause.
- Very easily moved and inclined to tears.
- She falls to thinking over an anxious occurrence long past , and cannot rid herself of it, almost like as if in a waking dreams; from time to time she ,as it were ,awakes from it startled ,but is always absorbed again by these ideas ,without being able ,in spite of strenuous efforts ,of thinking of anything else.
- Easily get very much startled, and timid.
- When he has stooped he staggers.
- His head is confused and incapable of thinking.
- Slow recollection and slow speaking; he has to seek for the words when talking.
- Preoccupation of mind; he could not get rid of the thoughts he had been engaged with.
- Want of attention to what took place around him.
- Everything he eats causes loathing, appetite, but he has no relish, and after eating he is down hearted and anxious, with palpitation of the heart.
- Illusion of sensation, as if the whole body were very thin and tender and must yield to every touch, just as though the cohesion of the body were very much exposed to the danger of disruption, and such dissolution was to be feared.
- He becomes sleepy early in the evening, but sleep uneasily, with dreams, and wakes up early, cross and indisposed to get up.
- Restless sleep, with dreams.
- Long dreams, caused by the conservation in the evening, with profound thinking; accused of crimes he appealed to his good thoughts.
- Headache as if the brain and skull were bruised, which penetrates through all the bones of the head down to the root of the tongue, with nausea.
- Nausea as from the stomach with empty eructation and great flow of saliva.
- Sensation as if the stomach hung down loosely, with of appetite.
- Restless sleep
The utilities of prescribing homoeopathic medicines in the chronic sycotic cases were demonstrated by the results of the pure sycosis cases. It indicates that there is a significant recovery and improvement in the well-selected sycotic patients with anti-sycotic medicines. After the evaluation from the Anamensis of sycosis as per the criteria for selection of pure sycotic patient. The medicines were selected on the basis of totality of the symptoms of individual cases.
- J.Johnson –Abraham “Some account of the history and treatment of Syphilis. British Journal of Venereal disease, 24(1948, 153-61) Available from https:/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Hahnemann Samuel .The Chronic Diseases (Theoretical Part); New Delhi B.Jain Publisher, Sycosis 149-150p
- Roberts, H.A., M.D., the Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.3rd edition .New Delhi .B Jain Publisher (P) LTD.2005.233p
- Roberts, H.A., M.D., the Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.3rd edition .New Delhi .B Jain Publisher (P) LTD.2005.235p
- Roberts, H.A., M.D., the Principles and Art Of Cure By Homoeopathy.3rd edition .New Delhi .B Jain Publisher (P)LTD. 2005.237p
- Roberts, H.A., M.D., the Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.3rd edition .New Delhi .B Jain Publisher (P) LTD.2005.236p
- Sarkar, B K,”Organon of Medicine “Birla Publication .Delhi
- Roberts, H.A., M.D., the Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.3rd edition .New Delhi .B Jain Publisher (P) LTD.2005.237p
KENT,like astrology told Sycotic children will have cholera marasmus pinning child.
Medo and Thuja long thick hair on extremeties girls may hide it.Medo hot blooded better at seashore and Thuja cold blooded bag full of inferiority complex avoids meeting unknown.
Urethral sycotic gono dischages suppressed by
some cure method prints miasm Sciatic nerve pain esp knee ankle joints some redness esp left eye.unless discharge reestablished no permanent cure.
Miasm is sort of disease stamp fertile soil.
pointers like weak ankle joints is sure sign of united taint Psora plus Syphilitic fertile soil for impetigo a stamp mark.
Sycotic miasm chronic nerve swelling knee to feet nerve pains like nail eye area,Hubbard hints Sycotic miasm heart patients are at risk of sudden death no time for ambulance emergency.
these comments of our masters may look like a joke to modern doctors, it is reality in print.