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  1. It is extremely useful site to go through the voluminous works of stalwarts. Thank you for building this magnificent work. The cases, Materia medica, other updates all very useful. Thank you

  2. Thanks for such writing. We All support this view. Go ahead. Protest all odd writings and steps against Homoeopathy.

    • ( On reaching 50K+ followers (Likes) on your Facebook page [Homoeopathy] ; https://www.facebook.com/ehomeopathy )

      Great Sir. This is truly remarkable. Congratulations.

      I have been following your website since my undergraduate days and it is fascinating that I continue to find it immensely helpful even after progressive shift in my priorities ; i.e. from a Search for Academic Materials at UG level to finding one of the largest online resource for AIAPGET (PG-Entrance Exam) and PG Curriculum followed by need for all the Latest updates about advancements in Homoeopathy, Administrative / Government Orders, New/Old Book reviews, Tips for the preparation of M.O. Interviews, Exams, Career listings and nearly completing the spectrum through a database of numerous Clinical Case Records. It’s literally a One-Stop destination which over the course of time has developed into one huge “Open-Sourced Homoeopathic e-Library” (Homeobook to Homoeo-Library…!!!).
      The same is resonated through your Facebook Page.

      Thanks for this initiative.

      (P.S. ; For readers – Please see the sitemap to understand the magnanimity of this work)

  3. Why dont we develop a nosode for coronavirus. It will take a day or two for any alb to do it

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