CCH inspection,Ghost faculty and salary structure in Homoeopathy Medical Colleges

CCH inspection, Ghost faculty and salary structure in Homoeopathy Medical Colleges

Dr Mansoor Ali 

CCH inspections, this time onwards are a surprise inspection. But on reaching college you will be greeted by flowers and a red carpet. Did they know even before the inspectors? – date of inspection and name of inspectors? This is the scenario even though only Govt doctors are appointed as CCH inspectors/visitors.

Ghost faculty and regular faculty can be compared with Chinese products and Indian products respectively.

As Chinese products are cheap so similarly Ghost faculty.

Some of the regular teachers were denied promotion due to this type of Ghost faculty. They have no idea about the activities going on in departments. These Ghost faculty not coming to college regularly, but all works should be done by junior teachers. In one college we visited recently, Materia Medica HOD has not visited or signed the register for the last 10 years. The junior doctor is eligible for promotion denied the post of professor. She shouted and cried in front of inspectors and management.

Even MD students were appointed as teachers in some homoeopathy colleges. In some colleges you can take regular MD as external – that means no need to come regularly to college. Just pay the fee, you will get certificates at the end of the course. It is very difficult to keep the students especially PGs throughout the day without any assignments, patients or teaching.

Once we visited a college in Maharashtra, the community medicines teachers are not at all aware of the various instruments and activities of the department. The Pharmacy teacher of the same college explained about the instruments and register. This shows that all the faculties are Ghosts in that particular department.

The private medical colleges have become rehabilitation centres for retired govt doctors. These doctors neither have the interest or energy to work in homoeopathy medical colleges.

Hiring retired teachers is a convenient arrangement both for college authorities and teachers. We would really love a very senior retired teacher to be my head of the department and mentor me and make me like him, only if he comes regularly in the department, makes a meaningful contribution to the departmental activities and takes the subject to newer heights. Sadly in most of the circumstances, all the above activities are not done by retired teachers and that’s the cause of heartburn of young teachers.

In many colleges, attendance registers are being fabricated and clerks are signing for ghost faculty. No correlation of data with the biometric register.

No correlation of data between IPD, OPD, Lab, X-ray, ECG registers – that itself indicate that the registers are fabricated.

Dummy doctors and dummy patients too will not be spared and the CCH can register police complaints against colleges for indulging in these practices.

Few ghost faculties arrive every year with fake appointment orders (no need even to apply, no interviews still they will get appointment letter) and once the inspection is over, their names are officially removed as faculties from college records. The same is going on for the last many years.

Some of the colleges in Maharasthra now developing allopathy side better than homoeopathy – since they would like to start MUHS approved modern pharmcology course in their campus.

Going after ghost faculty is right, but people who work sincerely are often the ones troubled most.

Most of the teachers working in private homoeopathy colleges try to give their 100%. Patient care, UG and PG teaching, arranging workshops, seminars, medical camps etc.

Why is not fixing the salary slabs for medical teaching faculties? A senior nurse takes more salary than an Assistant professor in a homoeopathy medical college.

Pay parity, benefits, vacation uniformity etc are needs of the hour… rather than terrorising for inspection purposes leading to the colleges being constantly on high alert for an inspection. If the college and hospital is fully functional one, and faculty is genuine, why should anyone be scared?

CCH has strict rules for everything except staff benefits. This leads to the exploitation of staff as they are at mercy of the management.

Medical education is totally changed now. Sadly, It has become commercialized. Students have changed, unfortunately, teachers are also changing to remain relevant.

Faculties are not given a promotion for years together on the grounds of vacancy bound promotion.

Patients and Ghost faculty will reach on the day of inspection only.

It is too ridiculous to see one or two interns standing side by of beds, with case records on the day of inspection.

Some colleges hiring local villagers, including children, to pose as patients to pass a government inspection

Even shared hospitals and OPD in some colleges.

In one college – no homoeopathy teacher was appointed in Surgery department as per records. Then who will teach therapeutics?. We understood that no surgery teaching in that college and the so-called allopathy surgeons coming only on the day of inspection.

The CCH, which is supposed to regulate and monitor the medical profession — from granting approval for setting up a medical college to allocating seats and later monitoring the conduct of doctors and teachers — has failed in its duties in setting up high standards of health care??

College owners are regulators in Homoeopathy. They should be thrown out from CCH. Even though Ministry advised CCH members to keep away from the inspection wing, many were included in the panel on the backgrounds of Govt colleges or bodies. In MH one college owned by an MP, threatened the inspectors and they were forced to sign the reports.

The situations are not much better in govt homoeopathy medical colleges also.

As in last years – MBBS, BDS, BAMS and other course admissions were over in many states – but due to delay in CCH inspection and thereby getting NOC from the Ministry of Ayush – this year also BHMS admissions have not yet started in India.

Despite these facts, few colleges across India working with good intentions with dedicated management and hardworking teachers.

Ghost Students!!
In one college we visited this year, only first year and second years students are coming. No third year and final year students. As per the records, 37 interns are there -but we found less than 10. When we checked the attendance register of the first BHMS and called the name of students – we realised that many came today only as ghost students- with a new overcoat and books. Some of the students are absent as per register, but they present in the class! – that means registers were marked by clerks.

Many students weren’t able to recollect the name of teachers in many colleges!

Do you know, how these colleges getting permission every year?  Does the nation want to Know?


  1. so the scenario is same for every homoeopathy college across the country.Its a matter of shame in some of the colleges teachers dont want to take any class moreover the students run after them to take class.Most of the lectures doesnot last even half an hour.less then in schools.The semester exams are for show off.And for internship students have to rely on allopathy hospitals learning allopathic way of case taking and treatment as there are no ipd opd patients in their respective colleges.So whats the use of such colleges where students are not benefited from and they are not learning the homoeopathy properly.Cch should either stop further admission permanently in those colleges or try to change the situation.

  2. Every word is correct,even govt colleges are now doing same thing,no teacher,only advertising the post and cancelling it,how govt college get the MD in MADHYA PRADESH without the staff,based on MO as teaching staff ITS ridiculous and happenning only in HOMOEOPATHY,some persons holds Homoeopathy as they own it….

  3. Sir,Even private colleges do take money for internship transfer as colleges does not have patients in opd, students do take transfer to some hospital or private clinics for 1 year.Its a waste of 1 year internship in private colleges as students have to sit and write fake cases.and this is the reason many students do not have basic medical knowledge even after getting doctor degree.

  4. Well said Dr. Mansoor Ali. Every word you wrote is true and it applies nearly uniformly to every private college in homeopathy. CCH would never enforce pay parity or staff rules because most of the CCH members are directly associated with or own colleges and it is not in their interest to empower staff. CCH members owning or working as directors of colleges is a direct conflict of interest and should be stopped legally. Our hopes now lie with AYUSH ministry.
    The education standards are equally pathetic in most colleges and these colleges are least bothered about the skills and employability of their students. They are mere shops selling degrees.

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