Homeovitality micro-DNA health care system.

Introduction to the Homeovitality micro-DNA health care system.

In 1997, Prof. Khuda-Bukhsh (see Ref. 1 for Super Heart) proposed that homeopathic substances have the capacity to interact with the genetic blueprint and deliver their benefits by increasing the expression of genes that synthesise health promoting proteins. Since then, scientists have clearly demonstrated that homeopathic substances do have the capacity to do this.

The genetic blueprint contains many genes that promote health as well as many genes that cause disease. With a view to increasing the specificity and safety of gene targeting by homeopathic DNA, (because homeopathic DNA, which is of undefined sequence, induces various disease symptoms in healthy people) Drs. Jenaer and Marichal pioneered the use of highly diluted small DNA molecules with well defined sequences to target immune response genes and fight infections. Their system, called Micro-Immunotherapy proved to be very effective. The Homeovitality system was developed along the same lines as Micro-Immunotherapy.

The Homeovitality system uses highly diluted DNA molecules with precise sequences to target genes that produce the body’s natural proteins that have been proven to promote health as well as protect against and resolve many diseases.  A description of the current and up-coming range of products within the Homeovitality system is detailed below.

The Homeovitality system comprises 7 products with 2 more available soon. The Homeovitality product range has been carefully chosen so that, even though its product range is relatively small, it has the capacity to respond to a wide range of health issues and disorders.

The products.
Homeovitality Super Heart.

The Super Heart product has been designed to target the KL gene.

How does the Super Heart product work?

The Homeovitality Super Heart product has been developed to help the body make more KLOTHO protein. KLOTHO protein helps everyone to stay younger longer, live a longer healthier life and keep the heart and kidneys healthy, lower blood pressure, stabilise the immune system, avoid and resolve diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and help protect against cancer. Unfortunately, the amount of KLOTHO that the body produces gradually declines with age.

 KLOTHO is referred to as an aging suppressor protein.

What does KLOTHO do?
KL, the gene that encodes KLOTHO, is one of the most important health promoting genes ever discovered. It was first characterised by Dr. Matsumara and his colleagues over a decade ago (2). It encodes a type-I membrane protein that is related to the beta-glucosidases.

Since its discovery, scientists have confirmed that the KL gene plays a very important role in slowing down the ageing process, helping to keep the heart and kidneys healthy and protecting against the development of many diseases (see references 3, 4 and 5). It also plays a very important role in the control of blood pressure (6).

More recently, Dr. Witkowski and co-workers showed that reduced KL activity is associated with impaired immunity and increased susceptibility to development of rheumatoid arthritis (7). These scientists demonstrated that KL plays an important role in stabilising CD4+ helper T lymphocytes, cells that promote and control the activity of the immune system

KL also helps to fight cancer. Dr. Wolf and colleagues have recently discovered that increased KL activity suppresses the growth of breast cancer cells (8). Therefore, for many reasons, particularly because KL activity declines with age (7), everyone would benefit from Homeovitality Super Heart on a permanent basis especially as they get older.

1. Khuda-Bukhsh AR: Potentized homeopathic drugs act through regulation of gene expression: a hypothesis to explain their mechanism and pathways of action in vivo. Com Ther Med 5: 43-46,1997

2. Matsumura et al., Identification of the human klotho gene and its two transcripts encoding membrane and secreted klotho protein. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 242:626, 1998.

3. Kuro-o et al., Mutation of the mouse klotho gene leads to a syndrome resembling ageing. Nature, 390:457, 1997.

4. Arking et al., Association between a functional variant of the KLOTHO gene and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure, stroke, and longevity. Circ. Res., 96:41, 2005.

5. Rosenblatt & Kuro-O. Klotho, an aging suppressor gene. Horm. Res., 67:191, 2007.

6. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/08/090819164331.htm

7. Witkowski et al., Klotho- a common link in physiological and rheumatoid arthritis-related aging of human CD4+ lymphocytes. J. Immunol., 178:771, 2007.

8. Wolf et al., Klotho: a tumour suppressor and a modulator of the IGF-1 and FGF pathways in human breast cancer. Oncogene, 27:7094, 2008.

Homeovitality Super Weight Loss.

How does the Super Weight Loss product work?The Homeovitality Super Weight Loss product has been developed to target both the LEP and ADP genes.

The Super Weight Loss product has been designed to help the body to make more of the proteins leptin and adipose. These proteins help people to lose weight more effectively by reducing fat formation, suppressing the appetite (so the urge to over-eat is lessened) and increasing energy expenditure (so that the food is converted into energy rather than stored in the body as fat). Scientists have discovered that the leptin protein also helps to resolve type 2 diabetes and increase bone density so that bone fracture is less likely. 

What do LEP and ADP do?
The gene that synthesises leptin, LEP, was first isolated by Zhang and associates (1). It is located on human chromosome 7.

People with leptin deficiency have voracious appetites and suffer profound obesity. Their appetites can be controlled and weight lost by administration of leptin, confirming that leptin plays an important role in suppressing the appetite and weight control (2). It follows that boosting LEP activity would reduce the appetite and promote weight loss.

Other important properties of leptin have been discovered. Scientists have shown that it plays a very important role in increasing bone density, reducing the likelihood of bone fractures, particularly in post-menopausal women. Bone is continually being remodeled, old bone is being replaced by new bone. Leptin promotes new bone formation in a dose dependent manner (3); so, increasing leptin production promotes better bone formation..

Secondly, it was previously thought that late onset diabetes, associated with obesity was relieved simply as a consequence of leptin induced weight loss. Now, scientists at Rockefeller University have made the exciting discovery that leptin can correct late onset diabetes independently of its role in weight loss. In other words, even if weight is not lost, leptin can still play a very important role in correcting diabetes (4).

Homeovitality Super Weight Loss also targets the gene that encodes adipose, ADP. The ADP gene is referred to as “the anti-obesity gene” because it plays an important role in reducing fat accumulation (5).

Recently, scientists at Tufts University discovered that most people have inherited a sluggish ADP gene that slows down the way that fat it is burnt off or turned into energy (6). The sluggish ADP gene also enables fat to be stored in tissues more easily, resulting in weight gain. So, where did our sluggish ADP gene come from?

It is now thought that the common inefficient ADP gene originated millions of years ago and, over time, increased in frequency because it gave our ancestors an important survival advantage. The less effective fat metabolising gene was of benefit to our ancestors because what little food was available was easily laid down and stored as fat deposits. Fat deposits could then be used as a source of energy and help survival in times of famine.

In modern times though, in areas of the world where, for the first time in human history, refined food is plentiful, the common ancestral ADP gene has become a health problem because it continues to store our food as fat, resulting in obesity and increased susceptibility to development of diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. In fact, it has been suggested that the sluggish ADP gene is directly responsible for development of late onset diabetes associated with obesity (7).  It follows that increasing the efficiency of the common ancestral ADP gene would be an effective way to lose weight, reduce fat deposition, maintain a healthy BMI and avoid development of many diseases.

1. Zhang et al., Positional cloning of the mouse obese gene and its human homologue. Nature, 374: 425, 1994.

2. http://www.foodnavigator.com/Science-Nutrition/Leptin-replacement-therapy-to-fight-obesity.

3. Blain et al., Serum leptin level is a predictor of bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab., 87:1030, 2002.

4. Hedbacker et al., Antidiabetic effects of IGFBP2, a leptin regulated gene. Cell Metab.,11:11, 2010.

5. Suh et al., Adipose is a conserved dosage-sensitive antiobesity gene. Cell Metab., 6: 195, 2007.

6. Lai et al., WDTC1, the ortholog of Drosophila adipose gene, associates with human obesity, modulated by MUFA intake. Obesity, 17: 593, 2009.

7. www.dancewithshadows.com/business/pharma/adipose-obesity-gene.asp. 

Homeovitality Allergicare.
The Homeovitality Allergicare product is designed to target the IL-10 gene.

How does Allergicare work?
The Allergicare product has been prepared to help the immune system synthesise the immuno-regulatory protein IL-10. Scientists have shown that IL-10 helps to stop the development of an undesirable immune response that causes allergies such as asthma as well as reducing inflammation. IL-10 has also been shown to resolve psoriasis and may be helpful in other disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

What does IL-10 do?
IL-10 serves many functions; it is mostly involved in regulation of immunity and inflammation. Normally, the immune system makes antibodies called IgM, IgA and IgG. Sometimes, people make another type of antibody called IgE. Unlike IgG, IgA and IgM, which circulate in the blood and other body fluids, IgE binds to the surface of mast cells in the airways, nasal passages and other tissue such as the skin. An allergic reaction is caused by the binding of foreign substances, or allergens such as pollen to mast cell bound IgE. The binding of allergens to mast cells causes mast cell disruption leading to the release of histamine and other substances that cause localised inflammation and breathing difficulties.

The switch from production of beneficial or normal antibody types, IgG, A and M to IgE production is regulated by IL-10. The Homeovitality Allergicare product is designed to support the activity of IL-10 so that the likelihood of IgE antibody formation, and hence development of an allergic reaction is reduced. It has also been recently discovered that IL-10 can even suppress the formation of mast cells (1). In fact, the positive effects of asthma drugs such as triamcinolone and montelukast are considered to be due to their ability to increase IL-10 production (2).

Dr. Asadullah and colleagues (3) at the Humboldt University in Germany have demonstrated that susceptibility to development of psoriasis is also associated with reduced IL-10 activity. So, targeting the IL-10 gene is helpful in controlling psoriasis. Quoting from their paper,

“Our investigations demonstrate the major importance of IL-10 in psoriasis and show that IL-10 administration represents a new therapeutic approach.”

1. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. “Cellular on and off switch for allergies and asthma discovered.” ScienceDaily, 30 Apr. 2009. Web. 13 Apr. 2012.

2. Stelmach I et al., A randomized, double-blind trial of the effect of glucocorticoid, antileukotriene and beta-agonist treatment on IL-10 serum levels in children with asthma. Clin. Exp. Allergy, 2002; 32: 264.

3. Asadullah A et al., IL-10 Is a key cytokine in psoriasis. Proof of principle by IL-10 therapy: a new therapeutic approach. J. Clin. Invest. 1998; 101, 783.

Homeovitality Super Memory/IQ.
Homeovitality Super Memory/IQ has been designed to target the CHRM2 and SNAP-25 genes.

How does Super Memory/IQ work?
The Homeovitality Super Memory/IQ product has been prepared to help the body synthesise more CHRM2 and SNAP-25 proteins so that people may remember better and enjoy an increased IQ. Researchers have discovered that a lack of these two proteins leads to a poor memory and reduced IQ.

What do CHRM2 and SNAP-25 do?
The gene SNAP-25, targeted by the Homeovitality Super Memory/IQ product, is located on human chromosome 20. It was discovered by Dr Zhao and colleagues (1). It is expressed in the brain and encodes synaptosomal-associated protein, 25kDa, a presynaptic plasma membrane protein involved in the regulation of neurotransmitter release.

Reduced SNAP-25 gene activity results in memory loss (2).

The Homeovitality Super Memory/IQ product also targets CHRM2. The fine structure of the CHRM2 gene was determined by Dr Zhou and colleagues (3). It encodes a cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 2, that belongs to a larger family of G protein-coupled receptors. In contrast to SNAP-25, CHRM2 is located on chromosome 7.

CHRM2 has been proven to be a key promoter of intelligence (4).

1. Zhao et al., Cloning and sequence analysis of the human SNAP25 cDNA. Gene, 145: 313, 1994.

2. Hou et al., SNAP-25 in hippocampal CA3 region is required for long-term memory formation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 347: 955, 2006.

3. Zhou et al., Structure of the human M(2) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor gene and its promoter. Gene, 271: 87, 2001.

4. Dick et al., Association of CHRM2 with IQ: converging evidence for a gene influencing intelligence. Behav. Genet., 37: 265, 2007. 

Homeovitality Super Strong Bones.
The Super Strong Bones product is designed to target the CTR gene.

How does the Super Strong Bones product work?
The Homeovitality Super-Strong Bones product has been formulated to help the body produce more of the calcitonin receptor protein. Bone is continually been broken down and rebuilt. The calcitonin receptor supports the activity of cells that build up bone resulting in stronger bones and reduced susceptibility to bone fracture, especially in post-menopausal women.

What does CTR do?
The gene that encodes the calcitonin receptor (CTR) was completely characterised by Gorn and colleagues (1). It is located on human chromosome 7 and encodes a cell membrane component that acts as a receptor for the hormone calcitonin and plays an important role in bone formation.

Bone is continually being broken down by osteoclasts and rebuilt by osteoblasts. The interaction between calcitonin and CTR plays an important role in the process of the rebuilding and strengthening of bone.

Dr Taboulet and colleagues (2) discovered that post-menopausal women are less likely to fracture their bones through a form of natural super-health involving the CTR gene.

1. Gorn et al., Expression of two human skeletal calcitonin receptor isoforms cloned from a giant cell tumor of bone. J. Clin. Invest., 95: 2680, 1995.

2. Taboulet et al., Calcitonin receptor polymorphism is associated with a decreased fracture risk in post-menopausal women. Hum. Molec. Genet., 7: 2129, 1998. 

Homeovitality Super Wound Heal.
The Homeovitality Super Wound Heal product has been formulated to target the CCN1 gene.

How does the Super Wound Heal product work?
The Super Wound Heal product has been developed to help produce more CCN1 protein at the site of injury. The CCN1 protein promotes more effective wound healing, internally and externally and reduces the build-up of scar tissue. It also has the added benefit of arresting tumour growth.

What does CCN1 do?
In recent years, much has been learned about the biology of internal and external wound healing. Scientists have now discovered a gene called CCN1, also known as CYR61 that plays a master regulatory role in the biology of wound healing.

Dr. Babic and colleagues (1) initially discovered that CCN, referred to as a modern matricellular protein, works by attracting wound healing cells to the site of injury. They also showed that it helps to form new blood vessels at the site if injury in order to supply sufficient blood borne nutrients to heal the wound.

More recently, Drs. Jun and Lau (2) discovered that CCN1 also enhances wound healing by causing cellular senescence, that is, it is able to stop fibroblasts from dividing and forming fibrotic tissue or scar tissue so that new skin or tissue can be re-grown and the formation of scar tissue minimised. They also recognised that CCN1 is involved not only in the healing of skin, but also in the healing of many other tissues and organs such as heart and bone.

If the expression of CCN1 is restricted, healing is delayed and scar formation is increased. In fact, clinical studies have shown that application of CCN1 to healing wounds results in protection against the formation of scar tissue (2). Thus, promotion of the expression of CCN1 promotes more efficient wound healing and a reduction in the formation of scar tissue. These effects are applicable to general bodily healing processes, not just the skin.

To quote from one of Dr. Lau’s (3) recent papers, “CCN1 (CYR61) is a dynamically expressed, multifunctional matricellular protein that…..regulates inflammation, wound healing and fibrogenesis in the adult. Aberrant CCN1 expression is associated with myriad pathologies, including various cancers and diseases associated with chronic inflammation.”

1. Babic AM, et al.  CYR61, product of a growth factor-inducible immediate-early gene, promotes angiogenesis and tumor growth. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A 1998; 95: 6355.

2. Jun JI & Lau LF. The matricellular protein CCN1 induces fibroblast senescence and restricts fibrosis in cutaneous wound healing. Nat. Cell Biol. 2010; 12: 676.

3. Lau LF. CCN1/CYR61: the very model of a modern matricellular protein. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 2011; 68: 3149.

Homeovitality “Restless Warrior”.
The “Restless Warrior” Homeovitality product is designed to target the DEFB1 gene.

How does the “Restless Warrior” product work?
All external, as well as internal body surfaces, which the immune system cannot reach, are continuously exposed to infectious agents such as harmful bacteria. DEFB1 is a very important bactericidal protein that forms the body’s first line of defense against infectious agents. It is produced by cells in body surfaces such as skin. It has been shown to inhibit the infectivity of the AIDS virus and cause cancer cells to self-destruct.

What does DEFB1 do?
The defensin gene DEFB1 encodes a microbicidal peptide which is an important first line defense mechanism for all epithelial surfaces against bacteria and other infectious organisms, including those that cause tuberculosis and leprosy.

Epithelial tissue covers the whole surface of the body. It provides a protective covering or lining for all internal as well as external body surfaces. The skin is an important epithelial tissue.

DEFB1 is called the “Restless Warrior” because it is continuously expressed in skin cells, urinary and respiratory tract epithelial cells. Other expression sites include epithelial cells of the testis, gingival tissue, small intestine, cornea, mammary gland and many others. So, it plays a very important role in the protection of many parts of the body against entry of bacteria and other infectious agents. It works separately to the adaptive immune system.

It has recently been discovered that DEFB1 can also reduce the infectivity of the AIDS virus (see within Ref.1). Therefore, it is not surprising that DEFB1 deficiency leads to a wide range of infectious diseases.

DEFB1 has another important function; it is able to fight cancer.  Scientists have shown that it can induce cancer cells to self-destruct (apoptosis). Many cancers are associated with diminished expression of DEFB1. Reduced expression of DEFB1 is one of the reasons why cancer cells may flourish.

Prof. Prado-Montes (1) has stated that DEFB1 has many applications in treatment of diseases caused or aggravated by defensin deficiency, such as a wide range of infectious diseases as well as Crohn’s disease, lepromatous leprosy and cancer.

1. Prado-Montes de Oca E. Molecules in focus. Human -defensin 1: A restless warrior against allergies, infections and cancer. Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 2010: 42; 800.

New products coming soon.
Two new Homeovitality products will be available soon. They have been developed to help practitioners provide more care to cancer sufferers.

Homeovitality Cancercare.
Homeovitality Cancercare has been formulated to target the genes KEAP1 and TIP30.

How does Homeovitality Cancercare work?
For a cell to become cancerous it must first form a tumour and then develop the ability to spread to other parts of the body. Homeovitality Cancercare has been developed to arrest tumour growth and stop tumour cells from spreading.

What do KEAP1 and TIP30 do?
KEAP1 is a recently discovered master tumour suppressor gene. Scientists at the M. D. Anderson’s Department of Molecular and Cellular Oncology discovered how it works (1). It suppresses tumour growth by destruction of oncoproteins, proteins that promote tumour growth. It also inhibits tumour invasion or spreading and helps to cut off a tumour’s blood supply so that it its growth is arrested. The same scientists found that under-expression of KEAP1 alone was associated with poor survival among many different types of cancer patients.

TIP30 on the other hand has been shown to play a very important role in inhibition of the spread of cancer cells, metastasis (2). Insufficient activity of TIP30 permits cancer cells to spread to other parts of the body. Therefore, up-regulation of TIP30 reduces the spread of cancer cells.

1. University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (2009, October 10). New Tumor Suppressor Destroys Key Link In Cancer Chain. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 13, 2012, from file:///C:/Users/Homeovitality/Desktop/New%20Folder%20(2)/new%20products/KEAP1.mht

2. Tong X, et al. Decreased TIP30 expression promotes tumor metastasis in lung cancer. Am. J. Path. 2009; 174: 1931.

Homeovitality Super Immunity.
Homeovitality Super Immunity has been formulated to target the IL-7 gene.

How does Homeovitality Super Immunity work?
Homeovitality Super Immunity has been developed to restore impaired immune systems by increasing the production of new immuno-competent cells by the bone marrow, especially when the immune system has been damaged by chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

What does IL-7 do?
Many different types of treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, that are used to kill cancer cells also damage cells in the bone marrow that make new blood cells including immuno-competent cells. That is one of the reasons why many cancer patients suffer increased infections and anaemia.

 IL-7 is a natural cytokine that has the ability to stimulate the production of new immuno-competent cells in the bone marrow to help compensate for the immune deficiency caused by cancer treatments (1). So, Super Immunity has been designed to help restore a damaged immune system in cancer patients. It may also be of help to boost the production of new immune cells in those that suffer generalised immune deficiency.

1. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/577102

For more details about the Homeovitality system and associated educational material, please see www.homeovitalitycentre.com

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