Homoeopathy in management of generalized anxiety disorder

Dr Nitin Tyagi 

Background & Objectives
Anxiety is a psychological and physiological state characterized by cognitive, somatic, emotional, and behavioral components. These components combine to create an unpleasant feeling that is typically associated with uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry. Anxiety is a generalized mood condition that can often occur without an identifiable triggering stimulus


Objectives of the Study

  1. To study the effectiveness of homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.
  2.  To study the role of miasms in the development of generalized anxiety disorder.

The subjects were taken from the O.P.D and peripheral centers of Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College, Deralakatte, Mangalore and other institutions where postings were provided.

Cases were screened after fulfilling the inclusion as well as exclusion criteria and were followed for a minimum period of three months. The diagnosis was made on the basis of strong clinical presentation. A totality of symptoms was erected in each case and a remedy was selected for each case after referring Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Therapeutics and various repertories according to the availability and presentation of symptoms. After following up cases the inferences were drawn by analysis of the outcome. 

Maximum prevalence of GAD was noticed in the age groups of  20 – 30 yrs and 30-40 yrs. There was significant difference in the incidence of GAD according to the sex. Out of 30 cases, 23 were males (76.67%) and 7 were females 23.3.3%).

Out of 30 cases, 13 cases were Hindu (43.33%), 6 cases were Muslims (20%) and 11 cases were Christian (36.66%) were noted.

Out of 30 cases, 4 (13.3%) cases were noted as Student, 3 (10%) cases were noted as Business as their occupation. 4 (13.3%) cases were noted as Housewife, 2(6.66%) cases of Teacher, Engineer, Driver ,Clerk,  1 (3.33%) case was noted of agriculturist, Nurse, Chemist, Coolie, Tailor, Painter, Supervisor each 2 (6.66%) were Unemployed.

The major clinical features showed by these cases in GAD were Anxiety anticipatory, fear of unknown things, fear of being alone, fear of animals, lack of concentration palpitation during anxiety, tremors, restlessness sleeplessness due to anxious mood or due to flow of thoughts, fear of people, increased sweating. In patients with associated depression there was poor concentration, sadness, loss of interest in work. Other physical symptoms such as fullness of abdomen, loss of appetite, constipation, pain in chest, breathlessness were also found with the features of anxiety.

The maximum prevailing comorbidity is Depression, seen in 14% of cases, whereas, Panic attacks is seen only in 1 (3.33%) case.. Other 22 (73.3%) cases were diagnosed as Pure GAD.

The dominant chronic miasmatic expressions seen in these cases were Psora in 23 cases, 5 cases as sycotic, and syphilitic miasm in 2 cases, and none in Tubercular miasm. The fundamental miasmatic expressions seen in these cases were Psora in 11 patients, Sycosis in 12 patients, 7 in Syphilitic miasm and none in tubercular miasm..

In 16.6% cases Lyco. was the indicated constitutional remedy. The next most indicated remedy was NatMur (13.3%), third was Phos. (13.3%), and Calc. carb.(10%), Sil. (10%), Arg. Nit (10%) Ars. Alb. (10%) were next in the order.

Out of 30 cases selected, all cases required constitutional remedy and it worked in all of them.  The most frequency of use of potency was 200th potency in 25 of the cases out of 30 is around 83.37% which was found effective.

Interpretation & Conclusion:    From the analysis of the above results obtained it is obvious that the Homoeopathic drugs are very effective in the treatment of Generalized anxiety disorder.

Keywords: Generalized anxiety disorder, constitutional medicine, Type of Mental diseases, miasms.

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