Homoeopathy in skin disease – observational study

Dr.Mukesh Kumar Gautam M.D(Hom.)
Reader & Head Community Medicine dept
Govt.Pt.J.L.N Homoeopathic Medical College,Kanpur. 

There are some cautions in treatment:- 

  1. Skin is a sensitive organ therefore aggravation occurs easily so minimum doses and initially the treatment must be started with 30 C. Then higher potencies will be prescribed.
  2. Removing exciting and maintaining causes like dust,soap ,cloth, Allopathic  ointments,cosmetics etc. Is also necessary.
  3. What previous medicine homoeopathic , allopathic ,ayurvedic the patient has taken must be kept in consideration.
  4. Sweet and salt limitations in diet is also necessary.

20 patients were observed for month NOV 18 to FEB 2019. 16 patients shown better results with Homeopathic Medicines and 04 patients doesn’t show any relief , there conditions remained same. The majority of cases shown good responses to antipsoric medicines . So this proves Dr.Hahnemann Theory that skin diseases has psoric origin. Mostly above observation , the Medicines such as Sulphur,Arsenic album, Rhus Tox,Sepia,Bacillium,Graphite,Lycopodium,Phosphorus have given better responses. 

The above observation study shows that Homoeopathy is the best treatment for skin diseases. The proper case taking , Totality of symptoms, The proper potencies, and doses of anti-miasmatic drugs given better results in skin diseases. The Homoeopathy can successfully cure such skin maladies. 

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