Homoeopathy Medicines from Ferrum Group

lab6Ferrum or Iron is most abundant element on the earth after oxygen, silicon  and aluminium. It is  supposed that human beings  started  to work on meteorite  iron earlier  than with other metals. Iron ores not found in the  pure form but in the compounds  form mainly  iron oxide.

The word   Ferrum  coming  from Latin means,  “insensitive tough, hard,  inflexible,  heavy”.

In the periodic  table Iron is described as transition metal

  • Symbol – Fe
  • Group – Eight
  • Series – 4 (ferrum Series)
  • Atomic no – 26
  • Atomic wt – 56 amu.

General Uses

1) It is used for the manufacture of tools, weapons, machines, vehicles, furnitures, nails  screws etc.

2) It has been  combined with all sorts of elements  to form alloys,  steel, which are of different  varieties  and grades.

Ferrum  is one of the  prominent  constituents  of animal body, being  present in considerable  quantity in blood and hence iron has great  importance in human nutrition.

Iron is component  of haemoglobin , myoglobin, cytochromes, catalase, peroxidase and certain other enzyme system. As a part of these haeme complexes and enzymes  the function of iron  in the body is O2 transport and cellular  respiration. Iron deficiency also impair immune response.

The body of an  adult human contain 3-4 gm (4.2 gm) of Fe and 75% of this  found in blood. Small part found in myoglobin.

Fe is  considered as  a trace element  and daily requirement.

  • Adult man – 10 mg/day
  • Woman     – 18 mg/day
  • Children – 20-25 mg/day
  • Pregnancy – 40 mg/day

Sources of Iron
Animal sources are not only important  sources  of readily available iron but they also increase  the absorbability of iron in plant  food at the same time iron from animal foods is absorbed well than that from  vegetable  sources.

Eg : Liver,  Kidney, meat, fish and eggs. Milk is a poor source of iron.

Plant sources are good source of iron but availability  of iron from plant source is low due to  presence of phytates  and oxalates  which interfere with iron  absorption.

Eg : green leafy vegetable, cereals ,pulses,  onions,  grapes, nuts, oil seeds, jaggery etc.

Absorption of iron  takes place in the duodenum  and upper SI. Animal  protein  and Vit C  enhance  Fe absorption while phytates and oxalates  retard  it.

Hypochromic microcytic  anaemia  most commonly occurs in growing  children, ,menstruating  and pregnant  woman. Those who  suffer from parasitic  diseases such as hook worm and malaria.  

Ferrum group of Medicine  in Homoeopathy (Boericke)

  • Ferrum met
  • Ferrum phos
  • Ferrum picricum
  • Ferrum lodatum
  • Ferrum magneticum 

Rare and uncommon

  • Ferrum aceticum
  • Ferrum arsenicum
  • Ferrum  bromatum
  • Ferrum citricum
  • Ferrum cyanatum
  • Ferrum muriaticum
  • Ferrum  permetricum
  • Ferrum protoxalatum
  •  Ferrum  pyrophos
  • Ferrum sulph
  • Ferrum tartaricum

1.Iron is the strongest and stable metal. As it is stronger and stable the ferrum  personalities are solid, stable resolute and firmly fixed in faith.

2.Iron when heated becomes red hot. Ferum personalities. Can’t bear  contradiction (<opposition).

3.At a very high temperature, iron changes its  physical form. In the  same way ferrum shows a peculiar character of changeability.

4.Iron  has the  tendency of getting  corroded (rust) In the  same way they show deficiency of iron in their  system leading  to anaemia.


Blood – Iron has a specific  action upon the  blood, producing  a decrease of the albumin and an increase of water in the serum at the same time diminishing  RBC.

Temperature – Raise the temperature  both in health and disease.

Spleen – Atrophy and loss of function

Digestive  organs – Irritation  of mucus  membrane.

Teeth – destruction of enamel

Kidney – fathy degeneration  and albuminria.

Elimination – through  mucus membrane

Characteristic  Features of Ferrum Group


Suited to weak, anaemic persons  with irregular  distribution of blood  and great pallor  of lips and mucus membrane.

Anaemia under the mask of plethora and congestion  Sanguine temperament,

 Grauvogl’s oxygenoid  constitution

Psora and tubercular miasm.

Haemorrhagic diathesis.


All Ferrum are

a. Solid, stable, resolute, sturdy and determined

They believe  in reality and are very firmly supported Ferrum shows quality   of being  firm in purpose or action.

b. All ferrum  shows perseverance and persistence

c. Irritability  – All ferrum shows  irritability which leads to exertion and anger, which arouses their fighting  spirit  but soon after  they become  fearful and exhausted  draw away from any kind of conflict. Irritable, and easily annoyed.

d. They can’t tolerate  any kind of opposition, resistance or obstacle < by any obstacle in their way which leads to depletion  and prostration.

e. Ambitious – Having their own ambitions and desires, shows eager  desire to succeed to achieve  power, wealth  and fame. If not achieved it leads to weakness and exhaustion.

f. Changeable

g. Require some kind of support  for their firmness and strength. Always want sympathy. Have nostalgic character.

h. Moral:-  have good conduct, good morals and are stubborn in their course of action.

Shows hardness and strength : remain streadfast and  resolute.  Shows little mercy and very strong in giving hard judgements.

i. They are very strict, shrewed,  obstinate and practical 

j. Ferrum people will never bend or break,  though  they will gradually  rust away becoming anaemic and emaciated.

k. Ferrum personalities  have often been beaten is their childhood. This had made them very weary, they are  constantly on their guard.

3. Characteristic Physical symptoms

1.Easily bleeding tendency /haemorrhagic diathesis

Bleeding general – Ferrmet, Ferrars, Ferriod ,Ferrum mur, Ferrphos.

Blood Does not coagulate  – Ferr met, Ferrum mur, Ferr phos.

2. Anaemic  and chloritic condition , chlorosis and secondaring anaemia due to bleeding tendencies.

3. Marked congestion and relaxation of tissues.

Excitability of circulation is irregular . There is a change  between irritability in circulation and weakness. There exists  a tendency of blood to rush from which the  face changes from pallor to fiery red. FALSE PLETHORA

4.All type of menstrual  irregularity

5.Most of the ferrums are right  sided.

6.Weakness & Restleness.

Weakness even from talking, prostration with irregular  and rapid pulse. Exertion tires and fatigues  when keeping  still, must keep limbs moving.

7.Restless  sleep from frightful, unpleasant and anxious dreams

Ferrmet – Anxious tossing of nemerus dreams

Ferr iod – Dreams of thieves and fighting with them.

Ferr phos – Dreams of quarelling.

8.Thermal reaction – Predominently chilly

Ferrmet and Ferr ars – Chilly

Ferr iod – hot

9.Edema of both internal and External

10. Hyperpyrexia of various types

Ferr phos – All catarrhal and inflammatory fevers – Ist stage

Ferrars – continued fever with enlarged spleen.

Ferr met  – fever with shivering  of short  duration. Shivering  in the evening  or night  with violent  thirst. Chill with thirst and red  hot face. Dry  heat which  throw off all the covering  and followed by perspiration.

 11.All ferrum  show marked  action on digestion

  Which is  weak and exhausted to drugs and food particles cold and allergens.

12.Vomiting after eating and drinking  and vomiting of pregnancy.

13. Specific action over the liver and spleen, causes their enlargement

Spleen enlarged – Ferrars, ferriod, ferrmet, ferr mur, Ferr phos  Ferr acet.

Liver enlarged – Ferrars , ferriod, ferr met, Ferr phos

14.Aversion to meat and aggravation from meat

But desire for meat – Ferr met and ferr mur.

15. Rheumatic complaints

Rheumation of shoulder especially  right.

16.Pain – Rheumatic, stitching and tearing pains

17. General < From Rest, Rapid movement , night by opposition.

                   > gentle movement,  warm food.

18. General paralytic  weakness with difficulty of movement and relaxation of the muscle. 

19.Profuse cold perspiration  from slightest  exertion and perspiration aggravate the general weakness.

Ferrum wants  everything  in moderate  quantity (hence they are called Mr. Moderator)

Moderate weather, food and movements

Characteristic features of Individual drugs


  • Mind – Irritable, slight noises are unbearable, over sensitiveness. Excited from slightest opposition.
  • Head ache in the back of head with rearing (throbbing) in the neck.
  • Vertigo on seeing flowing water
  • Face fiery red and flushed from least pain, and motion or exertion, Red part becomes bloodless, white and puffy. false plethora
  • Pain in teeth, relieved  by icy cold water.
  • Voracious appetite  or absolute  loss of appetite. Spits up food by the mouthful. Vomiting  immediately after eating. Vomiting  after mednight.  Intolerance  of eggs. Vomiting  as soon as food is  eaten, leaves  table suddenly and with one effort  vomits everything  eaten,  can set down  and eat again.
  • Diarrhoea, painless, undigested at night after eating  and drinking with good appetite.
  • Menses – too early, prefuse, long lasting with ferry red face, flow pale, watery and debiting.
  • Cough only in the day time (Euphs) > by lying down > by eating ( spong)
  • Anaemic  murmer. Pulse full, soft and yielding  also small and weak. Heart  contracts suddenly filling the blood  vessels and then  suddenly draws a reflux resulting in pallor.
  • Rheumatism of shoulder, Lumbago better  by walking slowly.
  • Fever General coldness of extremities. Chill at 4 am.
  • Modalities < setting sweating  after cold washing  and over heating  midnight.

                 > Walking slowly after rising.

Remedy for the first stage of all febrile  disturbances and inflammations before exudations sets in especially for catarrhal affections of the respiratory tract.

Clinical–  Bronchitis in young  children. In acute exacerbation of TB, a fine  palliative with wonderful  result.

Head-Sore to touch cold, noise and far. Ill effects of sun (sunstroke) Headache better by cold applications.

  • First  stage of otitis, cold,  tonsillitis, peritonitis, dysentery, chest conditions,  of cardiac diseases.
  • Vomiting of undigested  food, haematemesis, sour cructationes
  • Diurnal enuresis
  • Menses every 3 weeks with bearing  down and pain on the top of head.
  • Chest- Ist stage of any inflammatory condition. Expectoration of pure blood in  pneumonia.
  • Heart  Ist stage of cardiac disease. Pulse,  quick short and soft.
  • Articular rheumation. Rheumatic pain in shoulder pain extends to chest and wrist.
  • Sleep Restless and sleepless. Anxious dreams. Night  sweats of anaemia.
  • Fever catarrhal and inflammatory fevers, first stage  chill daily at 1 pm.

Great remedy to complete the action of other  medicines.

  • Failure of the function of an organ under  exertion Eg : the voice  fails  after  public speaking.
  • Acts best in dark  haired patients  plethoric with sensitive  livers.
  • Warts and epithelial  growth, corns with yellowish  discolouration.
  • Senile  hypertrophy of prostrate. Frequent micturiction  at  night  with a full feeling  and pressure  in the rectum. Smarting at the neck of bladder& penis (barosma crenulatum).
  • Epistaxis, chronic deafness and tinnitus  due to gout
  • Pseudo leukaemia.


  • Scrofulous affections, glandular enlargements and tumours call for his remedy.
  • A/C  nephirtis  after eruptive  disease. Impertigo,  boils
  • Urine  dark, sweet, smelling (diabetes). Crawling sensation in the urethra& rectum.
  • Uterine displacements. On sitting as if  something was pressed upwards in the vagina.
  • Exophthalmic goiter from suppression of menses


  • Small wa
  • Wrts on hands.
  • Pain in  nape of neck, paralytic weaknessà Abdomen movements, grumbling in the abdomen. Loose evacuation with much flalutulence,  esp on left side with pulling  pain in legs. Abundant and frequent  emission of foetid flatus.


  • Clinical – P. Anaemia, chlorosis, Bright’s disease
  • Enlargement  of spleen and liver
  • Enlarged spleen with high fever (Ferr iod, if no fever)


  • Sticky, excoriating  leucorrhoea, uterus  heavy and prolapsed, scalp feels numb.


  • Basedow’s disease , Erethism
  • Acidity, eructation of food in mouthful
  • Watery and painless stools.
  • Pain in gall bladder
  • Menorrhagia ,pressing , throbbing  between  periods  with rush of blood  to head.

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