Kerala University of Health Sciences Student Scholarship scheme 2018

The Section-6(xxii) of the Kerala University of Health Sciences Act, 2010 empowers the University to institute award, fellowships, travelling fellowships, scholarships, studentship, medals, and prize for teachers and students of University and affiliated colleges. In the University accordingly decided to institute “KUHS-STUDENTSHIP” scheme for the benefit of financially backward students of the affiliated institutions of Kerala University of Health Sciences by way of financial support to them. 


  1. The scheme is named as “KUHS-STUDENTSHIP”.
  2. The assistance under the scheme is available only to the students whose family annual income
    not exceeding Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only).
  3. The scheme intends to give one time assistance to the eligible students who got admission in
    Government merit quota.
  4. The objective of the scheme is to give assistance to financially backward students which would encourage such students in their studies.
  5. The assistance will be limited to second year undergraduate students of all streams of medical and allied sciences who got admission during the year 2017.


  1. The assistance for the Support Scheme shall be met from the Student Welfare Fund formed by the University for this purpose.
  2. The second year Under Graduate students of all streams – whose family annual income not exceeding Rs.50,000/- are eligible for the assistance under the scheme.
  3. Students belonging to management seat or NRI are not eligible for this scheme.
  4. If the total claim from the eligible students exceeds the amount budgeted by the University, the
    University shall fix scientific criteria to select the students eligible for assistance.
  5. The University shall earmark the amount separately for each stream and the unutilized amount,
    if any, in any stream may be diverted to other streams, if necessary.
  6. The Dean Student Affairs will call for the applications in the prescribed format published in
    website from the eligible candidates. On inviting applications from the eligible students by the Dean Student Affairs, the students shall submit their applications along with income certificate, through the principal of the concerned college who shall forward them with recommendations, and also the soft copy of the details of eligible students in prescribed excel format send by the University is necessary (must be sent it to the e-mail i.d. of the Office of Dean Student Affairs – Application not in the prescribed format will be summarily rejected.
  7. Students who received any financial assistance in the name of “STUDENTSHIP” during the year 2018 are not eligible for this scheme. Those who received any other scholarship (other than studentship) are eligible to apply for the “KUHS-STUDENTSHIP” scheme.
  8. A monitoring committee comprising of the Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Controller of Examinations, Finance Officer and Dean Student Affairs will finalize the eligible candidates list and publish the same in the website within 20 days after the last date of receipt of applications. ANNEXURE- 1
  1. The amount of Studentship will be sent to the students by the Registrar by way of cheque through the Principals concerned.
  2. In the event of discontinuation of the course, detection of any misbehavior whatsoever, the University shall have the right to stop the payments of assistance to such students. The discontinued student should refund the assistance to the University through the Principal immediately.
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