Lesser known homoeopathic medicines of allergic rhinitis

Dr. Pramod Singh1,  Dr. Junaid Ahmad2, Dr. Geeta Sharma3,

  1. Head of Department, Department of Homoeopathic pharmacy, Dr. M.P.K. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Saipura, Jaipur.
  2. MD scholar, Department of Homoeopathic pharmacy, HOMOEOPATHIC UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR.
  3. MD scholar, Department of Homoeopathic pharmacy, HOMOEOPATHIC UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR.

ABSTRACT:- Allergic rhinitis is a commonly encountered condition worldwide. It is very troublesome condition disturbing daily activity and some times leading to social abstinence. Allergic rhinitis is type 1 hypersensitivity reaction of upper respiratory system characterized by watery running nose/nasal obstruction, sneezing and irritation of nasal mucosa and conjunctiva some time lachrymation. It may be seasonal or perennial. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is a specific reaction to antigens derived by pollens from grasses flowers weeds or trees depending on seasonal variation. Its peak is seen during harvest season. Perennial allergic rhinitis presents all through the year and is often caused by house dust fungal spores or animal dander, physical or chemical irritant pungent odor fumes, perfumes, cold air and dry atmosphere.(1)

KEYWORDS:- Allergic rhinitis, Perineal Allergic rhinitis, Rhinorrhea, Homoeopathy

INTRODUCTION:- “Allergic rhinitis’’ is an inflammation of nasal mucus membrane. It is an IgE-mediated immunologic response of nasal mucosa to air borne- allergens that is characterized by sneezing, nasal congestion, nasal itching and rhinorrhea in any combination may be associated with itching in the eyes palate and pharynx. Two variant form are recognized clinically seasonal and perineal predominantly found.(1)

Etiological agent which is inhaled produc-pe specific allergens to the host due to specific reaction to antigens derived from pollens and grasses, house dust, fungal spores or animal dander, debris from insects or house mite. Similar symptoms can be caused by physical or chemical irritants for e.g. pungent odours or fumes, including strong perfumes, cold air and dry atmosphere. Allergic Rhinitis is prevalent worldwide and it is universally acknowledged as an extremely common condition(2)

Allergic rhinitis involves inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, Eustachian tubes, middle ear, sinuses, and pharynx. The nose invariably is involved, and the other organs are affected in certain individuals. Inflammation of the mucous membranes is characterized by a complex interaction of inflammatory mediators but ultimately is triggered by an immunoglobulin E (IgE)–mediated response to an extrinsic protein.(3)

Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis based on clinical finding. Laboratory diagnosis based on total and differential leukocytes count, in which peripheral eosinophilia seen.Radio allegro sorbent test (RAST) and measures specific -IgE antibody concentration in the patient’s serum.(4)

In modern medicine, the mode of treatment is antihistamines, corticosteroids and immunotherapy but these kinds of treatments cause side effects like drowsiness, mucosal atrophy, septal perforations and several systemic diseases.(4)


Ambrosia Artemisiaefolia:
Watery coryza; sneezing; watery discharge. Stuffed up feeling of nose and head. Irritation of trachea and bronchial tubes, with asthmatic attacks. Wheezy cough.(12)

Nostrils congested. Nose dry, secretion suppressed. Coryza, with rawness in nostrils, sneezing. Loss of smell. Thin copious bloody ichorous nasal discharge. Itching and uneasy feeling around the nose.(13)

Balsamum Peruvianum:
Profuse, thick discharge. Eczema, with ulceration. Chronic, fetid, nasal catarrh.(12)

Eucalyptus Globulus:
Stuffed-up sensation; thin, watery coryza; nose does not stop running; tightness across bridge. Chronic catarrhal, purulent and fetid discharge. Ethmoid and frontal sinus involved (sinusitis).(12)

Elaps Corallinus:
Chronic nasal catarrh, with fetid odor and greenish crusts. Ozćna; yellowish-green discharge. Mucous membrane wrinkled; nostrils plugged up with dry mucus. Pains from nose to ears on swallowing. Nostrils stopped up. Nasal bleeding. Pain at root of nose. Eruption around the nose.(12)

Justicia Adhatoda:
Lachrymation with coryza, profuse, fluent with constant sneezing; loss of smell and taste; coryza with cough.(12)

Coryza, thin, excoriating discharge, much sneezing. Hay fever. Irritation of nose. Rubs his nose to remove the irritation. Attacks of sneezing.(13)

Quillaya Saponaria:
Produces and cures symptoms of acute catarrh, sneezing and sore throat. Most effective in the beginning of coryza, checking its further development. Colds with sore throat; heat and dryness of throat. Cough with difficult expectoration. (12)

Sinapis Nigra:
Mucus from posterior nares feels cold. Scanty, acrid discharge. Stoppage of left nostril all day, or in afternoon and evening. Dry, hot, with lachrymation, sneezing; hacking cough; better lying down. Nostrils alternately stopped. Dryness of anterior nares.(12)

Trifolium Pratense:
Coryza like that which precedes hay-fever; thin mucus, with much irritation. Hoarse and choking; chills with cough at night. Cough on coming into the open air. Hay-fever. worse at night.

In homoeopathy, medicines are prescribed on the basis of totality of the patient’s symptoms but in many cases there is possibility of paucity of symptoms with a peculiar presentation of Allergic Rhinitis with its peculiar modality, in those type of cases these rarely used medicines show significant role in treatment of allergic rhinitis. These medicines are listed in rare medicine because not used in day to day clinical practices but have been well proved in cases of  allergic rhinitis.


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