Open Source Support and Access to Research for Physicians at IISC Bangalore

A workshop series introducing physicians of ally systems of medicine to modern tools and methodology of scientific research 

Date: 11-12 August 2018    

Number of participants: 22  

Venue: NIAS, Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bangalore 

Access to Science
Clinical experience and traditional knowledge are important sources of data that affect decision making processes in modern health care systems. This data should be made accessible for scientific evaluation and validation to improve health care worldwide. The Open Source Pharma Foundation believes that clinical practitioners from various disciplines should have the right to access research so that they can help identify problems, contribute their scientific knowledge, and support the discovery ecosystem.

The majority of medical practitioners working on the ground level with patients do not take part in open clinical research worldwide. However, the data collected and owned by them plays an important role in establishing better discovery pathways. Through this workshop, we seek to open opportunities to enhance health care systems around the world and to overcome the following challenges faced by medical practitioners.

  1. Regulatory limitations
  2. Academic limitations
  3. Time constraints
  4. Lack of access to modern tools
  5. Lack of access to research facilities

Way forward
Conference and workshops for clinical practitioners to introduce them to modern tools and an alternative approach to modern scientific research. 


  1. Build a network of physicians across the country
  2. Train physicians to analyseclinical data and restructure it to make it compatiblewith research standards  
  3. Introduce modern tools to understand the mechanism of actions  of medicine
  4. Introduce artificial intelligence and machine learning to clinical practitioners to support decision making processes

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