Relationship of Homoeopathic Remedies

Relationship of Homoeopathic Remedies

Dr.Jithesh.T.K, B.H.M.S, M.D (Hom) Medical Officer, Directorate of I.S.M & H, Govt. of N.C.T of Delhi Email: Mobile: 09868246213

Different authors explain relationships of remedies in different ways. Important points mentioned by them can be studied as follows.

1. Dr.Hahnemann: 1. Antidote – In the aphorism 249 he suggests “If the aggravation be considerable (after a medicine) be first partially neutralized as soon as possible by an antidote before giving the next remedy chosen more accurately according to similarity of action” 2. Dr.E.A.Farrington

  1. Family relation – From the similarity in their origin
  2. Concordant – Similar drugs with dissimilar origin
  3. Complement – The drug that completes the cure which the other begins, but unable to effect
  4. Antidote – The medicine which modify the effects of a wrongly selected potency or an apt potency
  5. Inimical – They also will be similar, but the resemblance will be so great, in fact the drugs are so nearly “idem” that it is not well to follow one with the other.

3. Dr.Clarke

  1. Complementary remedies
  2. Remedies that follows well (after)
  3. Remedies followed well by
  4. Compatible remedies
  5. Incompatible remedies
  6. Remedy antidotes
  7. Remedy is antidoted by

4. Dr.Boenninghausen

  1. Remedies related to mind and localities
  2. Other remedies (Represents a general relationship of the remedies in the unclassified symptom groups, to the remedy under consideration)
  3. Antidotes
  4. Injurious

5. Dr.Boger

  1. Remedies related to mind and localities
  2. Related remedies
  3. Antidote
  4. Inimical – Two very similar remedies do not follow each other well

6. Dr.J.T.Kent

  1. Chronic remedy – In managing a chronic sickness the remedy that conforms with an acute experience of the illness is worth knowing, as very often its chronic may be just the one that conforms to its symptoms. (e.g.: 1. Calcarea is the natural chronic of Belladonna and Rhus tox, 2. Natrum mur is the chronic of Apis & Ignatia)
  2. Complementary – Medicine that completes the action of the first one when it is no longer acting.
  3. Inimical – They do not like to work after each other (e.g.: Causticum & Phos, Apis & Rhus tox)
  4. Antidote – when there appears new symptoms, the new symptoms combining with the old ones must be again studied and the second remedy must correspond more particularly to the new than to the old.

7. Dr.C.Hering

  1. Complementary to
  2. Follows well after
  3. Followed well by
  4. Antidotes (Lyco antidotes Cinchona)
  5. Antidotes to (Antidotes to Lyco: Acorn,Camphor)
  6. Inimical
  7. Collateral relation (Belonging to the same family)
  8. Concordances
  9. Conjunctive relation (Bryonia & Colocynth)

8. Dr.Elizabeth Wright

  1. Complementary – (a) Acute complements of chronic remedies (b) Chronic complements of acute remedies (c) Remedies in series
  2. Incompatible
  3. Vegetable analogues & Chemical analogues

9. Dr.Gibson Miller

  1. Complements
  2. Remedies that follow well
  3. Inimicals
  4. Antidotes

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