Relevance of Essential Evolutionary Totality-EET

Dr Jayadeep BP  BHMS MD(Hom)

  • Essential =absolutely basic elements or fundamental things
  • Evolutionary = the process of gradual & usually orderly progressive development
  • Totality =the whole of a phenomenon
  • It s an integrated synthetic & evolutionary representation of the most important & necessary elements of the object in question with its process of development that represents the whole
  • ie, we are able to perceive a moving picture in its entire dimension from birth till today
  • Represents the essential attributes & their pattern of organization from the evolutionary standpoint

Introduced by Dr.M.L. Dhawale
Aim -to help the physician in constructing the evolutionary picture of a person
Consists of a longitudinal section study &  a cross sectional study

Longitudinal section study

  • study of evolution of the person birth from till the present state
  • includes all the relevant events with characteristic expressions in relation to his reactions in family, work & social environment
  • it helps to understand the constitution including miasmatic background

Cross sectional study

  • study of an event in the life of the person with all the details of its expressions
  • helps to understand the totality of different expressions of the constitution at different times
  • study of a few cross sectional totalities helps to understand the dominant miasm at different stages so that the evolution of a constitutional miasmatic state can be understood properly

Schematic presentation

Has 4 main lines

  • line of evolution or time
  • line of causation
  • line of concomitant
  • line of phase


  • This is the cross line from left upper corner to right lower corner
  • It represents the various events from birth to the present state
  • That is when examines a living organism in its circumstances we can see over a period of time ,many important events occur in its life
  • These are the resultant of the interactions of the organisms with the environment
  • The events should be correlated to concomitants & modalities to understand the events in totality


  • It’s the middle longitudinal line
  • Contains predisposition, disposition, diathesis & disease
  • It’s held that the cause of disease is the person’s predisposition & disposition which leads to a particular diathesis in an unfavorable condition. The resultant diathesis gives rise to disease in due course


  • implies Inheritance like family history/genetic inheritance -structural & functional
  • Elements of the personal past that could have a bearing on future course of events
  • Here we are correlating the clinical state with the Hahnemannian theory of chronic diseases to get idea of miasmatic inheritance


  • Integrated collection of basic mental & physical attributes & tendencies built up since childhood in response to the need to adapt to the changing circumstances
  • It is the resultant of the effects of early environmental circumstances on the sensitivity-mental & physical

Mind level

  • emotions
  • Intellect
  • behaviour

Body level

  • Functional component -Physical general qualities like-cravings, aversions, perspiration, menstrual characters & responses to environment
  • Structural component – Disposition of the organ or systems along with the pathogenetic process disposes for diathesis & disease


  • A state of deviation of susceptibility, which is not sufficiently marked to induce the onset of disease
  • The balance ie, characteristic of the healthy state is lost & responses to the environmental stimuli tend to be exaggerated or erratic

Causative factors in the environment

  • Can be classified in terms of precipitating & maintaining events
  • Represented in brief in the section of family society & work
  • Can be connected to the event axis & to the disposition


  • It’s the middle transverse line
  • When we examine each event in an isolated manner, we discover a number of characteristic features with identifying qualities for that event
  • Those expressions of mental & physical planes noted above & below the line respectively
  • The expressions are recorded in relation to the environment


  • This is the cross line from left lower corner to right upper corner
  • Represents the miasmatic march of events
  • This is understood in terms of chronic disease
  • It represents the various phases of disease -psora, sycosis, tubercular & syphilis

Pre requisites

Following forms which are the parts of a standardized case record format are the prerequisites for taking up the EET

  • Life space table
  • S-F-F-T form of all diseases
  • Classification form
  • Hahnemannian evolutionary totality
  • Conceptual image

How to fill up

  • Select keywords of important events from life space table & put it on the event axis
  • Select important causes & happenings from life space table & represent these in family, society & work and connect them to events
  • Represent the expressions at the level of mind & body as emerging out of those events on the concomitant axis
  • Go to Conceptual image & S-F-F-T & Fill up the causal axis in terms of predisposition, disposition, diathesis & disease and Classify them as per structure & function
  • Then connect causation from causal axis to events along with expressions on the concomitant axis at the level of mind & body
  • Then go to Hahnemannian evolutionary totality & connect different phenomenon of disease with the phase

Significance with conclusion

  • We are able to perceive the object in all dimensions of time ; which helps to understand the problem definition in an integrated way
  • When we cut at any transverse level, we get a totality of events that guides us to see the specific problem at that given moment of time
  • Time dimension speaks of past, present, & future
  • If worked out properly gives the glimpses of all the events in totality
  • The whole study represented in the scheme helps to portray the individual in terms of predisposition, disposition, diathesis & disease.
  • Helps to integrate cause-effect-concomitant –phase in a single view
  • Helps us to understand problem resolution, Cz we know different states & stages of disease, susceptibility, different approaches can be formulated, remedies, miasms, maintaining causes etc & helps  to work out the constitutional, sector, acute & intercurrent remedies
  • Helps in understanding the remedy in all the dimensions of time so that images of living materia medica can be erected


  1. I C.R operational manual
  2. C.R. – Kalpataru series – Perceiving I
  3. Principles & practice of Homoeopathy-Dr.Dhawale.M.L
  4. Essentials of Repertorisation -Dr.Tiwari.S.K

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