Renal calculi treated with Homeopathic remedy Berberis vulgaris –a case study

Dr.  D .G .Bagal
Professor & Vice Principal

Dr. Uttara  Agale
Asst Professor Repertory

A 26 year old female complained of dull colicky pain in both renal angles for the last two months.She was under care of his family doctor for urinary infection. She got relief from the urinary infection but renal colic persisted. Ultrasonograph examination revealed left side renal calculi of size 3.0 mm, with mild left hydronephrosis .She was referred to a urologist who suggested lithotripsy. She reported at our clinical unit with severe pain on left renal angles and was treated according to homoeopathic principles and followed up for 1 months, resulting in total relief of signs and symptoms. Ultra sonographic scan report revealed no calculi.

Chief complaint:

  • Dull colicky pain both renal angles since last 2 months
  • Burning pain in urethra since 2 months
  • Stitching pain in back since 6 months

H/o Present complaint:
From the last two months she experienced dull colicky pain on and off in both renal angles, sometimes radiating to the lower abdomen. Pain in the left renal angle is greater than in the right.

Burning pain in the urethra on and off when not passing the urine since last two months, with frequent urge to urinate. Sometimes complains of slight bright red urine (haematuria); Frequent urinary infection for past year and was treated allopathically.

Stitching pain in the back, radiating in nature, since 6 months, < exertion, standing. Sometimes pain radiating from back to whole body.

Past History: Had malarial fever 10 years back, and got treated allopathically.

Family history: Father is hypertensive and had suffered with renal stones.

Physical generals:

  • Complexion- fair,
  • Appetite-normal,
  • Thirst -normal,
  • Bowel movements -regular,
  • Urine – 8-10 / 4-6 D/N; frequent urge to urination; burning in urethra when not passing urine. 

Mental generals:

  • Doesn’t like talking
  • Dull, depressed.
  • Worried about his illness

General examination

  • Weight : 70 kgs
  • B.P 130/80 mm Hg,
  • PR: 72 /min,
  • CVS: S1,S2 normal
  • RS: NAD
  • P/A : tenderness in the lower abdomen + dull note at renal angles + slight tenderness in the lower abdomen

Investigation: The ultrasonogram of the abdomen KUB – left renal calculi; measuring 3.0 mm seen in mid pole calyx.

Totality of symptoms

  1. Doesn’t like talking
  2. Worried about illness
  3. Dull, depression
  4. Dull pain in the renal area
  5. Colic pain in the renal area
  6. Hematuria with renal colic
  7. Renal pain extending to lower abdomen
  8. Hydronephrosis of left kidney
  9. Bilateral renal stones
  10. Frequent urge to urinate
  11. Burning pain in the urethra when not urinating
  12. Stitching pain in the lumbar of radiating nature

First prescription: BERBERIS VULGARIS Q 20 drops tds for 5 days.

Follow up-1 All complaints status quo – Berberis vulgaris Q 20 drops tds for 5 days

Follow up-2 Renal colic reduced completely; Complained of passing small sediment 5 days back; frequent urination reduced to 75%; burning in the urethra reduced to 75%; back pain reduced to 25% – Berberis vulgaris 0/3 tds (LM) for 5 days; SL for 5 days.

Follow up-3 No renal colic; all other associated symptoms reduced to 75% – Berberis vulgaris 0/6 tid for 5 days; SL for 5 days.

Patient send for ultrasonography and report showed no evidence of renal calculi

Patient had visited four times subsequently upto 2 months and did not complain of any relapse of the renal problem or other associated symptoms.

Discussion and conclusion:
Berberis vulgaris was selected on the basis of repertorization totality by using CARA software and given as mother tincture initially. This helped as a ‘wash out’ remedy in expelling the renal stones. The same medicine when used in 50 millesimal 0/3 to 0/6 repeated doses has not only helped in relieving the renal colic and stone formation, but also reduced the other associated symptoms like recurrent urinary infection, back pain etc, thus upholding the principle of homoeopathy as a ‘holistic approach’. The literature also holds that no intercurrent or antimiasmatic medicine is required when the selected medicine is prescribed in 50 millesimal potencies. This is verified in the present study.

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