West Bengal Homeopathy Medical Officer Question paper 2013

1. Homeopathic Pharmacopeia first published in

A) 1795
B) 1825
C) 1802
D) 1798

2. When passing flatus, sensation as if stool would pass with it. Awkward hasty, drops things from nervous weakness

  • A) Apis Mellifica
  • B) Bovista
  • C) Aloe Socrotina
  • D) Natrum Muriaticum

3.Normal level of creatinine in blood serum is

  • A) 1.2 – 2.4 mg%
  • B) 0.8 – 2.6 mg%
  • C) 0.2 – 3.2 mg%
  • D) 0.6 – 1.2mg%

4.Mention preventive medicine for japanes encephalitis on the following symptoms – Nocturnal aggravation, restless, fear of death, anxiety, thirsty, headache better by cold, other symptoms worse

  • A) Aconite
  • B) Ars. Alb
  • C) Gels
  • D) Bryonia

5. Placebo is discussed in the aphorism

  • A) 270
  • B) 272
  • C) 280
  • D) 281

6. Music is unbearable, makes her sad during menses

  • A) Sabina
  • B) Nat.m
  • C) Aurum Met
  • D) Aconite

7. Law of simplex means

  • A) Similar medicines
  • B) Single medicines
  • C) Simple medicine
  • D) Single medicine in simple form

8. Mental confusion, cannot find the right word for anything. Rash before menses

  • A) Conium mac
  • B) Bovista
  • C) Zincum Met
  • D) Dulcamera

9. Half homeopathic remedy is

  • A) Half dram homoeopathic Medicine
  • B) Half pound Homoeopathic Medicine
  • C) Appearance Homeopathic but selection and application un homeopathic
  • D) Allopathic drugs

10. Tabacum is under the family

  • A) Polygonacea
  • B) Ericacea
  • C) Umbullifeara
  • D) Solanacaea

11. Which one of the following do not take part in the boundary of inguinal canal

  • A) Lateral border of rectus abdominis
  • B) Inguinal ligament
  • C) Linea semilunaris
  • D) Inferior epigastric artery

12. Maximum absorption of water take place in

  • A) Collecting tubule
  • B) Loop of Henle
  • C) Proximal convoluted tubule
  • D) Distal convoluted tubule

13. Adapted to indolent weary persons, averse either mental of physical labour. Itch appears each year winter approaches.

  • A) Hep.S
  • B) Rumex
  • C) Aloe
  • D) Graphities

14. Which are not the criteria of 2nd prescription?

  • A) After the 1st prescription that has acted
  • B) The first prescription always right
  • C) The first prescription may be right or wrong
  • D) Sufficient time has been passed after first and produces some changes in patient.

15. The natural order of podophyllum pellatum is

  • A) Berberidacea
  • B) Lilliacaea
  • C) Umbullifeare
  • D) Rananculacaea

16. Medicine for after effect of eating decayed food , making alcohol and polluted water with symptoms of vomiting, purging, weakness, restless, frequent thirst

  • A) Ars. Alb
  • B) Baptisia
  • C) Nux.V
  • D) Pulsatilla

17. Vertigo, sensation as if falling to Left. Pains come and go away quickly

  • A) Colocynth
  • B) Eupatorium Perf
  • C) Bell
  • D) Mag.P

18. Promotes expulsion of retained placenta, constant urging to urinate, burning in urethra, with increased sexual desire.

  • A) Arnica
  • B) Bell
  • C) Cantharis
  • D) Murex

19. The 8th cranial nerve is

  • A) Abducent
  • B) Facial
  • C) Vagus
  • D) Auditory

20. habitat of Acalypha indica is

  • A) England
  • B) America
  • C) Germany
  • D) India

21. Which is not the characteristic symptom?

  • A) Key note symptom
  • B) Negative General symptom
  • C) Determinative symptom
  • D) Basic symptoms

22. Sudden flushes of heat followed by great nervous weakness, irregular intermittent pulse, occurring at the climacteric age, by least motion. Fatal syncope may occur when being raised t upright position.

  • A) Lachesis
  • B) Sulphur
  • C) Cinchona
  • D) Digitalis

23. Postpartum haemorrhage due to atony of uterus after prolonged manhandled labour with soreness in abdomen.

  • A) Arnica
  • B) Caulophyllum
  • C) China
  • D) Sepia

24. Greate soreness of all the parts upon which one lies aggravation lying on Lt side

  • A) Nux.Mosc
  • B) Baptisia
  • C) Pyrogen
  • D) Arnica

25.Sundew is the common name of

  • A) Sabadilla
  • B) Sarsaparilla
  • C) Drosera
  • D) Thalapsi

26. The principles of diet during homeopathic treatment should be based on except.

  • A) Considering the minuteness of dose, everything must be removed from the diet & regimen which have any medicinal action
  • B) Suitable nutritious, un medicinal food to be taken
  • C) In all acutes, diet should as per patient’s desire
  • D) The desire of the patient affected by any disease with regard to food and drink is certainly give palliative care.

27.What medicine you prefer to prescribe in any diathesis with blue urine, joint pain, nausea?

  • A) Ars.alb
  • B) Benzoic acid
  • C) Bryonia alba
  • D) Colchicum

28. In chronic alcohol patient all the following may be seen in the liver except

  • A) Fatty degeneration
  • B) Chronic hepatitis
  • C) Granuloma formation
  • D) Cholestatic hepatitis

29. Haemorrhages, blood oozes from mouth,nose anus or sexual organs, black thick tar like, rapidly decomposing. When Arsenicum or well selected remedy fails to relieve the burning pain or carbuncle or malignant ulceration.

  • A) Lachesis
  • B) Apis
  • C) Anthracinum
  • D) Crotalus

30. Drugs which are prepared from morbid products

  • A) Drugs
  • B) Medicines
  • C) Sarcodes
  • D) Nosodes

31. Acute hydrocephalus,with open sutures, stupor, site of one eye lost, constant and voluntary motion of one arm a and leg. Excretions diminished especially urine and sweat.

  • A) Bryonia alba
  • B) Apocynum can
  • C) Zincum met
  • D) Apis Mell

32. Labor pain – violent spasmodic caused to stool and urine in irritable patient.

  • A) Cantharis
  • B) Nux.V
  • C) Pulsatilla
  • D) Sulphur

33. Which one is right?

  • A) There is no specific remedy in Homeopathy
  • B) There is specific remedy to the disease in Homoeopathy
  • C) There is specific remedy to the case of disease in Homoeopathy
  • D) There is specific remedy to a person in Homoeopathy

34. Hammering headache when exposed to sun,better by perspiration. Great debility and emaciation, constipation. Remedy

  • A) Bell
  • B) Bry
  • C) Nat.m
  • D) Pulsatilla

35. From which triturated potency drug is converted in to liquid potency?

  • A) 4x
  • B) 6x
  • C) 8x
  • D) 12X

36.  What is not the character of typical intermittent disease?

  • A) A morbid state of unvarying character
  • B) Morbid state retunes at a tolerably fixed period
  • C) Pattern is typically found in febrile intermittent disease only
  • D) In between the two outbreaks, the patient appears to be in good health.

37. Traumatic chronic neuritis, neuralgia stump after amputation, burning and stinging pain. Aggravated predominantly in the evening and warm room.

  • A) Pulsatilla
  • B)  Sulphur
  • C) Carb.animalis
  • D) Allium Cepa

38. Rheumatism of the shoulder joint or at insertion of deltoid worse from raising arm laterally and at night, better by day break. Used to wash hand several times even clean. Heriditary tendency to alcoholism.

  • A) Pulsatilla
  • B) Rhust tox
  • C) Ruta G
  • D) Syphillinum

39. Severe left sided infra mammary pain. Heart troubles from reflex symptoms of uterus or ovaries. Heart’s action ceases suddenly, impending suffocation, palpitation on least motion.

  • A) Digitalis
  • B) Ustilago
  • C) Actea Recemosa
  • D) Glonine

40.Meaning of abbreviation O.m

  • A) Every morning
  • B) Morning and evening
  • C) Only in the morning
  • D) Alternate day morning

41. Caries of mastoid, bloody saliva, old people with great weakness and diarrhea.

  • A) Aurum met
  • B) Merc s
  • C) Acid Nit
  • D) Baryta Carb

42. The cause is unknown when questioned privately to the patient or when carefully interrogated. Disgraceful character. What is the actual name of the cause.

  • A) Exciting cause
  • B) maintaining cause
  • C) Oblivious cause
  • D) Fundamental cause.

43. Mastitis – pain worse least jar in galectorrhoea, helps to dry up the milk, very forgetful person, alternating tonsillitis

  • A) Asafoetida
  • B) Bufo
  • C) Lac can
  • D) Lycopodium

44. Which is not the character of typical intermittent disease ?

  • A) It is of the nature of chronic disease
  • B) It is composed of single acute paroxysm
  • C) It occurs when none are epidemic
  • D) Patients(in an epidemic) who are suffering from developed psora are affected and show their individual peculiarity.

45. Preparation of Thuja mother tincture is under

  • A) I
  • B) II
  • C) III
  • D) IV

46. In appendicitis – pain in Rt iliac fossa worse by touch, during sleep, in morning, in a hemorrhagic diathesis patient . Suggest the remedy

  • A) Arnica
  • B) Bell
  • C) Lachesis
  • D) Lycopodium

47. Rheumatic affections, with contraction of flexures and stiffness of joints, tension and shortening of muscles. Must move constantly but motion does not relieve. It affects the right side most prominently .

  • A) Amm.mur
  • B) Cimex
  • C) Guaiacum
  • D) Causticum

48. Palliations is done by Homoeopathic medicines following

  • A) Law of contrary
  • B) Law of similia
  • C) Law of simplex
  • D) All the above

49. Prolapsed and indurated uterus from over retching and staring , vascular cornea

  • A) Rhus Tox
  • B) Con Mac
  • C) Aurum Met
  • D) Ruta G

50. Should never be given in syphilis, always aggravates the condition.

  • A) Syphilinum
  • B) Arum Met
  • C) Ferr.met
  • D) Merc Sol

51. Acute idiosyncrasy is due to

  • A) Acute miasm
  • B) Chronic miasm
  • C) Telluric miasm
  • D) Mateoric cause

52. Puerperal mania- very suspicious, talk obscene, lascivious, uncover parts, jealousy, hilarity, laughing mania

  • A) Bell
  • B) Hyos
  • C) Lach
  • D) Sepia

53. Verocose veins and ulcers, obstinate long standing cases, in women who have born many children, increased ability to exercise without danger. Cavities of tooth,likes cold drinks

  • A) Acid flour
  • B) Arnica
  • C) Coca
  • D) Phos

54. Take minimum symptoms of maximum importance is said by

  • A) P Schmidt
  • B) Stapf
  • C) Weir
  • D) Gross

55. Medicine antidotes the bad effects of mercury

  • A) Podophyllum
  • D) Rhus tox
  • C) Ledum P
  • D) Anacardium

56. Heels and balls of feet tender, time passes too slowly

  • A) Stron carb
  • B) Medorrhinum
  • C) Can sat
  • D) Lac can

57. “Happy go lucky’ is written in Organon of medicine in aphorism

  • A) 37
  • B) 51
  • C) 59
  • D) 156

58. Which is not true?

  • A) Susceptibility is prior to contagion
  • B) Psora is the sole fundamental cause of all chronic maladies
  • C) The state of disposition of the patient often chiefly determines the selection of the homeopathic remedy
  • D) None of the above

59. Inactivity of the rectum, even  soft stool requires great straining. After lead poisoning, of emigrants

  • A) Alumina
  • B) Platina
  • C) Silicia
  • D) Ledum p

60. All belongs to Solanacea except

  • A) Dulcamera
  • B) Straminium
  • C) Capsicum
  • D) Veratum album

61. A patient of post surgical operations, having stinging, smarting. Pains like the cutting of knife with history of onanism. Mention the medicine

  • A) Arnica
  • B) Chamomilla
  • C) Nitic acid
  • D) Staphysagria

62. Selection of potency depends on

  • A) Susceptibility of the patient
  • B) Nature, intensity, stage, duration and seat of the disease
  • C) Previous treatment
  • D) All of the above

63. Leucorrhoea worse by mental depression , happy when leucorrhoea is worse, in weak broken down patient with violent sexual excitement

  • A) China
  • B) Nat.m
  • C) Staphysagria
  • D) None of the above

64. What is the similarity between antipathically chosen remedies with homeopathically chosen remedies.

  • A) They are used both in small dose
  • B) They touch precisely the same diseased portion
  • C) Both are symptomatic treatment
  • D) None of the above

65. Spluttering diarrhea with forcible expulsion of noisy flatus

  • A) Nat.Sulph
  • B) Aloes
  • C) Acalypha
  • D) Podophyllum

66. Qualifications necessary for comprehending image of a disease is described in Organon aphorism

  • A) 3
  • B) 3,4
  • C) 83
  • D) 83,98

67. Patient craves things that make them sick. Epilepsy in daily attacks with pale face

  • A) Opium
  • B) Carb V
  • C) Stannum Met
  • D) Ipecac

68.Vertigo, spreading from the  occiput, with diplopia, dim vision, loss of site, seems intoxicated, when trying to look above. Sensation of band around the head above the eyes. Scalp sore to touch.

  • A) Carbolic acid
  • B) Sulphur
  • C) Siliciea
  • D) Gelsemium

69. Fistula in ano with constipation, abdominal  colic after anger – a relapse after operation. Craving for tobacco in very sensitive patients to slightest mental expression, having spermatorrhoea with sunken features, quilty abashed look, medicine?

  • A) Acid phos
  • B) Ignatia
  • C) Sulphur
  • D) None of the above.

70. Kali carb will bring on the menses, natmur apparently indicates but fails. It is the statement of

  • A) T F Allen
  • B) HC Allen
  • C) Nash
  • D) Hahnemann

71. A medicine was given to the child of nocturnal enuresis. He was irritable, cross ill humored averse to studies, having naval pain,nausea, clean tongue, desire sweets. Hungry but refuse mother’s milk. Convulsion after passing worms, the medicine?

  • A) Bryonia alba
  • B) Chamomilla
  • C) Cina
  • D) Staphysagria

72. Veratum and Cuprum alternately week about for prevention of asciatic cholera – was recommended by

  • A) Hahnemann
  • B) Boennonghauaen
  • C) Kent
  • D) Aegedi

73. Diarrhoea as soon as he drinks. Sawshing sensation in intestine, as from water, before stool. Constant urging followed by sudden evacuation, shot out of the rectum

  • A) Ars alb
  • B) Crot t
  • C) Podophyllum
  • D) Thuja

74. Constipation from inactivity of rectum, always before and during menses of sweaty and chilly patient. Unhealthy skin. Like cold drinks

  • A) Bryonia alba
  • B) Lycopodium
  • C) Nat.mur
  • D) Silicea

75. Cold bathing cause violent headache

  • A) Tuberculimun
  • B) Ant.crud
  • C) Belladonna
  • D) Rhus Tox

76. Spinal irritation due to sexual excess. Single vertebra sensitive to touch. Extremely sensitive to cold air .

  • A) Calc.carb
  • B) Psorinum
  • C) Kali Phos
  • D) Agaricus Musc

77.”The more I see particular disease, the more I am able to treat”. This is

  • A) Expression
  • B) Speculations
  • C) Prejudices
  • D) Egotism

78. Asthma in children, piles swollen, pain on sitting, worse at night from heat of bed.

  • A) Nat.S
  • B) Collinsonia
  • C) Thuja
  • D) Syphilinum

79. Which one is correct

  • A) Alternating action is a type of primary action
  • B) Rheumatism alt with dysentery is an alternating action
  • C) The medicine having alternating action mentioned in aphorism 115
  • D) All the above

80. Very forgetful in business, but during sleep what he had forgotten

  • A) Medorrhinum
  • B) Selenium
  • C) Nux Mosch
  • D) Arg.nit

81. Coition prevented by extreme sensitiveness of vagina with left ovaritis and cystitis.

  • A) Lachesis
  • B) Platina
  • C) Sepia
  • D) Thuja

82. Breast is full, stony hard and painful, especially when suppuration is inevitable. Great exhaustion and profound prostration of the patient. Emaciation chlorosis. Medicine hasten suppuration.

  • A) Hep.S
  • B) Silicia
  • C) Merc. Sol
  • D) Phtolacca

83. In intermittent fever Nat.M follows this medicine

  • A) China
  • B) kali Bich
  • C) Lachesis
  • D) Ignatia

84. Constipation since puberty, since last confinement, away from home, of infants, with ineffectual urging, piles contracts and protrudes during stool, developing canine hunger, more he eats, more he craves. Headache if does not eat.

  • A) Anacardium
  • B) Cina
  • C) Lac Deflor
  • D) Lycopodium

85. Restless, fidgety starts at least noise. Disgust for warm food

  • A) Silicia
  • B) Theridion
  • C) Phosphorous
  • D) Nux.V

86. Dr Mahendralal sarkar was greatly influenced and directed to Homoeopathy by reading

  • A) Organon of medicine by Dudgeon
  • B) Organon of medicine by Boericke
  • C) Philosophy of Homeopathy by Hahnemann
  • D) Philosophy of Homeopathy by Morgan

87. Symptoms following sour food and drink. Thirst for milk. Follows well after Nux in fainting.

  • A) Sulphur
  • B) Anti.c
  • C) Acid.P
  • D) Mag.carb

88. Head ache ceases during menses, return when disappears with fidgety feet

  • A) Lachesis
  • B) Nat.mur
  • C) Sepia
  • D) Zinc.met

89. Leucorrhoea, transparent, but staining linen yellow, passes imperceptabily from every relaxed part

  • A) Syphilimun
  • B) Nat.Phos
  • C) Agnus
  • D) Cyclamen

90. Which one is incorrect for lycopodium

  • A) baby cries all day, sleeps all night
  • B) waking in morning feel hungry
  • C) Complementary Iodine
  • D) Burning between scapulae as hot coals

91. According to aphorism 247 of Organon of medicvine, in acute disease medicine can be repeated at

  • A) Every 24,8,6 hourly
  • B) Every 24,12,8,4 hourly
  • C) Every 24, 8,6,4 hourly
  • D) Every 24,12,8 hourly

92. Hahnemann’s first, second and Third chronic miasm are

  • A) Syphilis, psora, sycosis
  • B) Syphilis, psora, sycosis
  • C) Psora, syphilis, sycosis
  • D) Sycosis, Syphilis and Psora

93. Pain in pit of stomach, worse by bending forward, relieved by sitting erect. Severe stitching pain in Rt eye and orbit

  • A) Bry alba
  • B) Kalmia
  • C) Dioscoria
  • D) Sang.nit

94.Large dose of specific medicine in advised in

  • A) Primary manifestation of chronic miasm
  • B) Secondary manifestation of chronic miasm
  • C) Incurable disease
  • D) Non of the above

95. Sweats while eating, infallible for stooping, a cold commencing with sneezing and numbness tingling of tongue, the medicine

  • A) Ignatia
  • B) Nat.m
  • C) Sanicula
  • D) Capsicum

96. Convulsion with blue face and clenched thumbs, clonic spasm, beginning in fingers and toes. And spreading over entire body, during pregnancy, puerperal convulsions, after fright or vexation, from metastasis from other organs to brain

  • A) Zincum met
  • B) Cupru Met
  • C) Arthusa Cynapium
  • D) Helleborus

97. Uterine inertia during labour. Constipation in children with nocturnal enuresis

  • A) Kreosotum
  • B) caulophyllum
  • C) causticum
  • D) All the above

98. Menopausal flushing and hot perspiration with loquacity, great sensitiveness to touch

  • A) Acid nit
  • B) Graphitis
  • C) Lachesis
  • D) Sulphur

99. The four epochal figures in history of medicine

  • A) Hippocrates : the observer, Galen : the disseminator, Paracelsus : the assailer, Hahnemann : the experimenter
  • B) Hahnemann : the observer, Hippocrates : the assailer, Galen : the experimenter, Paracelsus : the disseminator
  • C) Hahnemann : the observer, Paracelsus : the experimenter, Galen : the disseminator, Hippocrates : the assailer
  • D) Hippocrates : the observer, Galen : the assailer, Paracelsus: the disseminator, Hahnemann : the experimenter.

100. The medicine indicated in disease where the system has been injured by abuse of mercury

  • A)     Podophyllum
  • B)      Hep.sulph
  • C)      Merc.Sol
  • D)     Pulsatilla

Answer Key Prepared by Dr Anju Unnikrishnan

1.B 21.D 41.C 61.D 81.B
2.D 22.A 42. 62.D 82.D
3.D 23.B 43.C 63.D 83.C
4.b 24. 44.B 64.D 84.D
5. 25.C 45.B 65.B 85.A
6.A 26. 46.B 66.D 86.D
7.D 27.D 47.D 67.B 87.C
8.B 28.C 48.B 68.D 88.D
9. 29.D 49.C 69. 89.C
10.D 30.D 50.C 70.D 90.D
11.C 31.B 51. 71.C 91.B
12.C 32.B 52.B 72.A 92.C
13.C 33.D 53.A 73.B 93.B
14.B 34.C 54.C 74.D 90.B
15.A 35.B 55.A 75.B 95.D
16.A 36.A 56.B 76.D 96.B
17.B 37.D 57.B 77.C 97.C
18.C 38.D 58.D 78.C 98.C
19.D 39.C 59.B 79.D 99.
20.D 40. 60.D 80.B 100.A

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