An extensive study on Knowledge of medicine miasm and duration

Knowledge of medicine with special reference to their short acting, superficial acting, long acting, deep acting and antimiasmatic capabilities and strange, peculiar, queer and characteristic symptoms to know the grades of the symptoms

Prof. (Dr.) Niranjan Mohanty M.D (Hom.)
Advisor, Indian Institute of Homoeopathic physicians
Former Dean of Homoeopathic faculty (Utkal University)
Former Prinipal-cum-Superintendent
Former HOD, PG. Dept. of Repertory
Dr. Abhin Chandra Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Orissa
Former National President, IIHP
Former member, CCH, New Delhi


1. Introduction.                                  .

2. Sources of drug knowledge

3. Concept of long acting, short acting, deep acting and superficial acting drugs

4. Miasmatic characteristics

5. Concept of PQRS symptoms

6. Dissection of drugs

7. Gradation in Artificial drug disease and natural disease

8. Practical application

9. Conclusion

1. Introduction
It is an infallible / indubitable truth that the drugs do not produce stray or unconnected symptoms but produce diseased conditions, just as natural diseases produce sickness in healthy human beings. This fact is so obvious but was too long over looked. Hahnemann was the first to point out this fact.

Knowledge of medicine has a long history but very slow evolution. The knowledge of ancient physicians about curative power of drugs was based on empiricism, hearsay and to a limited extent on clinical experience, with advancement of knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, biology etc. The knowledge of medical science depends upon animal experimentations. Thus the study of chemical action of drugs became the source and basis of curative properties of drugs and ground for drug application. The development of sophisticated instruments like microscope, x-ray, imaging system and various laboratory techniques gave us better visibility and understanding. So the laboratory became the shrine of drug knowledge. Whatever the laboratory could detect to be enlarged atrophied, surplus, deficient, the science of therapeutics should attempt to cut, supplant, remove and supply. Medical science rested upon the material in science that was learnt by experimenting on healthy animals and was applied on sick human beings to treat.

On a cursory look, it seems to be a perfectly rational method when judged from scientific trios – “Experimentation, observation, inference” but to analytical mind there are more than one lacuna in the edifice of this drug knowledge, many elements have been overlooked, such as:

  • The action of the drug in small quantities i.e. in quantities lesser than those producing detectable effects.
  • The changes those are perceptible through sensory organs but not detectable through instruments.
  • Human beings are objects of treatment and the actions of the drugs on human beings are not exactly what they are in the lower animals.
  • Structurally there may be resemblance in cells and systems of animal and man but there are many higher faculties present in human beings such as: desire, will, ambition, memory, love, hatred, etc.
  • Action of a drug is different from large quantities to small and very small quantities.

While studying the organs, the sensations and functions can not be overlooked.

Then Albrecht von Haller raised his voice against the hollowness and irrationality of such knowledge and it was Hahnemann who pointed out the alternative method of experimenting on healthy human beings.

Hahnemann asserted that to treat human beings, a human Materia Medica is needed, and proved drugs on healthy human beings and recorded their pathogenesis. Infact, Materia Medica grew in extent and numerous / myriad of symptoms recorded in Homoeopathic Materia Medica became impossible even by the keenest of mind to retain in memory. Hence it was felt imperative to index out the symptoms which have been resulted in a subject Repertory.

From above study it is envisaged that:

  • Knowledge of medicine has a long history but slow evolution.
  • There are lacunae in the edifice of drug knowledge which are obtained by modern school.
  • To treat a human being drug pathogenesis is necessarily to be acquired by experimenting on healthy human beings.
  • Short acting, long acting, superficial acting and deep acting drugs are terms used in Homoeopathy are not specific to any Homoeopathic medicine but are related to the condition for which the medicine is applied, the potency of the medicine and the symptoms covered by the prescribed medicine.
  • Each drug whether it is miasmatic or non miasmatic it has both the dimensions and antimiasmatic capabilities exist which is one dimension of drug study.
  • Just like gradation of the drugs there exists gradation of symptoms obtained from natural diseases.
  • PQRS symptoms do exist with all drugs which are high grade symptoms in Homoeopathic prescribing.

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