A case of suppressed acne vulgaris cured by homoeopathy.

Dr. Rohit Tiwari
Dr. Sandeep Singh
Dr. Mala Nayal
Dr. Seema Parihar

ABSTRACT: Acne is an inflammatory disorder of sebaceous gland. An abscess is accumulation of pus into the body. The disease gets into another part of the body after treatment or sometime naturally is known as suppression. A 30-year-old female presents for an evaluation of recurrent breast abscess (right side). After a thorough case taking and analysis of the case, phosphorus was prescribed that brings out the acne on her face that was treated by allopathic medicines years ago, and breast abscess was developed after that treatment. Phosphorus cured both conditions in gentle and rapid way.

Keywords:  Acne Vulgaris, Breast abscess, suppression, homoeopathy, Phosphorus.


Acne is an inflammatory disorder of sebaceous gland. Acne is one of the most common cosmetological disorders in present scenario. It is a common clinical condition that is encountered to the practitioners in their daily practice. Acne characterized itself by blackheads or whiteheads, pimples, oily skin, and scarring. [1][2][3]

An accumulation of pus inside the tissue, organ or confined spaces of the body is known as abscess. Breast abscess is common in lactating women; however, can occur in non-lactating women’s. Pain, swelling, redness, tenderness, warm skin, and pus discharge are the common symptoms that are experienced by the patients with some general symptoms like fever, malaise, fatigue.[4]

Suppression is the condition in which disease when treated or left untreated invades into the weaker part/organ of the body.

The one thing, according to H.A. Roberts, that we should always remember to do is to let the vital energy, even when it’s out of control, express itself in the manner that it sees fit. “The use of physiological medicine at such times alters the whole situation by stifling one symptom after another until the patient’s genuine condition is not expressed. Suppression is the treatment’s immediate side effect.[5]

In aphorism 59 of the Organon of medicine, where Hahnemann says “ palliative antipathic remedies used to alleviate the severe symptoms of chronic illnesses, without being followed in a few hours by the contrary condition, i.e. the return of the evil, often seriously aggravated.[6]

The symptoms spread to the deepest and most important organs of the body as a result of extended and persistent use of dangerous allopathic medications. The illness process is diverted to other bodily parts during its normal progression. This occurs as a result of the potent chemicals employed in medicines weakening the vital force. Hahnemann states that “these inroads on human health caused by allopathic non-healing art are the most dreadful, the most incurable, of all chronic diseases.” The current indiscriminate use of salicylates and coal tar derivatives in rheumatic and associated disorders inevitably leads the trouble to the central organs, notably to the heart, according to Dr. H. A. Roberts. [5]

Case Study:
A 26-year-old female named ABC, unmarried, Hindu came to my clinic on 10th December 2020 with complains of re-current right breast abscess for 3-4 years. Her built was mesomorph.  States she underwent abscess incision several times, but it reappears again on the same location. She had severe pain and pus formation which was drained several times. She was treated with antibiotics multiple times with short term benefits. Also, she had taken Homeoepathic treatment from multiple homeopathic physicians, and was treated with Merc sol., Sulphur, Arnica, Belladonna etc. medicines including Nosodes (Psorinum, Tuberculinum) without much benefit. She was worried about her illness as was going to be married.

Clinical Findings:

Right breast was examined under presence of my wife (Dr. Mala). There was inflammation, tenderness with suppuration in lateral upper quadrant with mild lymph node enlargement in the right Axilla. After follow ups acne appeared on the face were indurate, red, and popular with some acne scar.

Past History: H/O Acne

Family history: In family history her maternal grandmother had respiratory disease unsure about the diagnosis.

Physical Generals:
She was fair, delicate, and transparent skin. She had perspiration especially in palms. She had desire for acidic food (pickles, lemons). States she sleeps usually for 6-7 hours per day. She had no specific aversions related to food and drinks. Denies change in appetite, weight, GI change, urinary symptoms and other systemic reviews are negative. Menstrual periods were regular. She was chilly patient.

Mental Generals:
She was bold, expressive, and mild haughty in nature. She had friendly behavior and was of joyful nature. She was indifferent to her own family, and had fear of thunderstorm. I have taken indifference rubric because patieint stated that “ I don’t have much attachment with my family members. I don’t want to talk to them. She wanted to be get married. Mentions she got easily offended and also spoke that she was working because she wanted to show her family that she can do something.



  • Indifference
  • Fear of thunderstorm


  • Perspiration in palms
  • Desire for sour food and acids
  • Thermal- Chilly


  • Breast abscess (Right side).


  • Indifference
  • Fear of thunderstorm
  • Breast abscess
  • Perspiration in palms
  • Desire for sour food and acids.

Table 1- (Rubrics Totality)

2. MIND FEAR, thunderstorm of

The remedy was selected considering the totality of symptoms and potential differential field such as thermal and constitution after repertorization through synthesis repertory mobile application. Only few rubrics were taken for repertorization and remedies that was covering maximum rubric and scored maximum marks were Phosphorus 14/5, Sulphur 11/5, Conium mac 9/5, Hepar sulph. 9/5, and Nat. mur. 9/5. Phosphorus is the medicine that covered the maximum rubric and got the maximum marks.


Table 2- Prescription

10/12/20 ▪        Painful right breast abscess Phosphorus 200 1 Dose Stat.Rubrum 30 BD 8 hourly * 7 DaysAdvice

– Dressing


Table 3- Follow Up

Date Symptoms Prescription
18/12/2020 Pain and pus was mild reduced Rubrum 30 BD 8 hourly * 7 Days
27/12/2021 Abscess improved one or two acne eruptions appeared on face. Rubrum 30 BD 8 hourly * 15DaysAdvised to use Pears Soap
14/01/2021 Abscess improved, acne appeared on cheeks. On asking further detail she told that she was treated with steroid for acne at the age of 20 years by a dermatologist.   Rubrum 30 BD 8 hourly* 15  Days.Advised to avoid any cosmetics and ointment.
30/01/2021 No Abscess appeared. Acne with scars got worse Phosphorus 200 1 dose stat repeated.Rubrum 30 BD 8 hourly * 7 Days
10/2/2021 Acne begins to reduced Rubrum 30 BD 4 hourly *15 Days
25/02/2021 Improvement and there is no recurrence of abscess and acne. Rubrum 30 BD 4 hourly * 15 Days

This case study demonstrated the efficacy of homoeopathic similimum, supports the second aphorism about how rapidly it acts, and simultaneously demonstrated Hering’s law of cure. This case study demonstrated how serious pathological alterations could result from the suppression of a skin condition. By following the cardinal principles of homoeopathy, phosphorus medication chosen by repertorization, and prescribed while taking into account the potential differential field, effectively treats both suppressed acne and re-occurring breast abscess in gentle and harmless way.

Dr. Hahnemann stated in Organon of medicine Aphorism no. 2 that the highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle, and permanent. Also, Hering’s formulated the three laws of cure “old symptoms reappears” is one of them. Here, in this case both observations are seen simultaneously in the same case. The patient presented after she had gone through multiple Homoeopathic and Conventional physicians with not much benefits. Initially, the case was of recurrent breast abscess however, during treatment suppressed acne reappear. After analyzing and repertorizing the case Phosphorus was selected as it covers the maximum rubrics as well as scored the maximum marks, and was prescribed in 200 potency, considering the thermals of the patient chilly, constitution (beautiful, fair, delicate skin) and tubercular diathesis. After prescribing Phosphorus medicine breast abscess improved, but acne reappear in further follow up which was there in her past history treated with steroids. She was cured by this single, simple, minimal Homoeopathic Similimum prescription considering the laws of homoeopathy as it is termed.


  1. Bhate K. Williams HC “Epidemiology of acne vulgaris”. The British journal of dermatology (Review); March 2013.
  2. Vary JC. “Selected Disorders of Skin Appendages–Acne, Alopecia, Hyperhidrosis” the medical Clinics of North America (Review) November 2015.
  3. Tuchayi SM, Makrantonaki E, Ganceviciene R, Dessinioti C, Feldman SR, Zouboulis CC). “Acne Vulgaris” Nature Reviews. Disease Primers. September 2015
  4. Breast abscess; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK459122/
  5. Roberts HA. The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy: A Modern Textbook. B. Jain Publishers; 1997.
  6. Hahnemann S. Organon of medicine. B. Jain publishers; 2002.

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