A clinical study to assess the effects of Homoeopathic remedy ledum palustre in sports injuries

Dr CH Srikanth,Dr Poojitha, Dr Faiza Fatima 

The professional athletes need to be fitter today than those athletes in previous year. They compete more frequently and often at higher level, as witnessed by the speed with which records fall. The stress with which athlete’s encounters by their bodies is enormous. The term “sports injury,” in the broadest sense, refers to the kinds of injuries that most commonly occur during sports or exercise. Some sports injuries result from accidents; others are due to poor training practices, improper equipment, lack of conditioning, or insufficient warm-up and stretching. Although virtually any part of your body can be injured during sports or exercise, the term is typically reserved for injuries that involve the musculoskeletal system, which includes the muscles, bones, and associated tissues like cartilage.1

Due to high amount competence in the sports, there is more risk of vulnerability to injuries, it will be of utmost help and support to those sports men and women if the recovery medicine is much rapid, gentle and free from all sorts of steroidal compositions.

Homoeopathic remedy LEDUM PALUSTRE, commonly known as Marsh-tea, proved by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann has symptoms related to easy spraining of ankle, punctured wounds, particularly if the wounded parts are cold. Modalities < by motion, at night, > only when holding feet in ice-water as mentioned in various Homoeopathic Materia Medicas

OBJECTIVES: To elicit the effect of LEDUM PALUSTRE 30CH in treating sports injuries on a daily basis.


  • Null Hypothesis: LEDUM PALUSTRE 30CH is not effective in healing sports injuries.
  • Alternate Hypothesis: LEDUM PALUSTRE 30CH is effective in healing sports injuries.



  • Single group, Prospective, Interventional study without control.
  • Study will be carried out at SHIV GANGA ROLLER SKATING CLUB, BELGAUM.


Sample size: Minimum 30 subjects.

Sample technique: Purposive sampling.

Inclusive criteria:

  1. Subjects between 16 to 23 years of age.
  2. Subjects with indication for Ledum palustre.
  3. Subjects of both sexes.
  4. Subjects who underwent physical trauma during a sport.
  5. Subjects of all socioeconomic conditions.

Exclusive criteria:

  1. Pre-existing organic medical problems affecting the general health.
  2. Subjects with indication for other remedies.
  3. Subjects on long-standing medications.
  4. Diagnosed cases of incurable diseases.
  5. Subjects with head injuries.

METHOD OF COLLECTION OF DATA: Subjects will be selected on the basis of inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria.



1.The subjects who fulfill the inclusion criteria will be administered with LEDUM PALUSTRE 30CH one standardized homoeopathic dose thrice-a-day.

2.Follow up will be taken 3 days after drug administration.

3.Pre post interventional comparative analysis will be done.


  1. Consent form.
  2. Case sheet.

The above study conducted to evaluate the effect of LEDUM PALUSTRE 30CH in healing sports injury revealed, out of 30 subjects 11 subjects were healed, 19 were in process of healing. In all the 30 subjects, intensity of pain was avoidable after taking the medicine and the mobility of the affected part was improved in 28 subjects.

Intern Scholars- Mr. CH Srikanth,Ms Poojitha, Ms. Faiza Fatima
Under the Guidance of – DR. ALOK. A. KATKOL MBA, MD(HOM), PhD- Scholar,

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