Homoeopathic management of Psychosomatic diseases

Dr Dinesh Kumar  

Abstract: Psychosomatic diseases are the mental diseases that arise as a result of prolonged emotional disturbances. Different psychological depressions like prolonged, frequent occurrence of greater anxiety, worry, fear, fright and vexation. Diseases may be of acute origin and may not have developed fully into corporeal diseases. But if left untreated they damage the body. Mind has the supreme control over body, first suffers in turn causing somatic diseases. So, the treatment of psychosomatic diseases should be always based on mental symptoms. Every patient should be treated individually. As every individual is different in personality and behaviours, treatment should be necessary.

Keywords: Homoeopathy, Polydipsia, Polyurea, Polyphagia, Obesity.

Introduction: Psychosomatic disorders are the emotional and physical factors might have a causes and effects relationship between the etiopathogenesis. These diseases are usually originated by the prolonged emotional upsets or during the stressful period of the life.

Psychosomatic diseases are following types:

  1. Cardiovascular system
  • Hypertension: occurs when the person has abnormally high blood pressure is due to Prolonged mental stress, griefs, obesity, family history and an unhealthy diet.
  • Ischemic heart disease: Also called coronary heart disease/coronary artery disease, is caused by narrowed heart(coronary) arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle.
  1. Respiratory system
  • Asthma: is a chronic lung disease affecting people of all ages, caused by inflammation of muscle tightening around the airways, which makes it harder to breathe. Symptoms are coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness, symptoms are can be mild or severe.
  • Vasomotor rhinitis (nonallergic): is inflammatory diseases of nasal tissues that results in sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose or postnasal drip, results from triggers that irritate the nose. Unlike allergic rhinitis, the symptoms are of cause by nasal polyp, deviated nasal symptom.
  1. Gastrointestinal system
  • Peptic ulcer (gastric ulcers/open sores ulcers) that develop on the inside lining of our stomach and the upper portion of our small intestine. The most common symptom of a peptic ulcer is stomach pain.
  • Ulcerative colitis: is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, in which is abnormal reactions of the immune system cause inflammation, ulcers on the inner lining of your large intestine.
  • Anorexia nervosa: is an eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight, an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception of weight. Peoples with anorexia place a high value on controlling the body weight, shape, using extreme efforts that tend to significantly interfere with their lifestyle.
  • Cardio-spasm/achalasia: Failure of cardiac sphincter to relax during swallowing with resultant of the oesophageal obstruction. Non-organic stenosis of the distal end of oesophagus. This is must be distinguished from oesophageal spasm also called diffuse spasm/reflex spasm at the cardia.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): is a common disorder affects stomach and intestines, also called gastrointestinal tract syndrome. Symptoms are cramping abdominal, bloating of abdomen, gastritis and diarrhoea or constipation, is a chronic condition.
  1. Endocrine system
  • Thyrotoxicosis: caused by excessive production of thyroid hormone, is a clinical state of inappropriately high levels of circulating thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) in the body.
  • Diabetes mellitus: is a metabolic disease, involving inappropriately elevated blood glucose level. It has several categories, including type1, type2, gestational diabetes, neonatal diabetes, excessive use of the steroids results the endocrinopathies.
  • Diabetes insipidus: is not related to type1or type2 diabetes also known as diabetes mellitus, but it’s developed some of the same signs and symptoms in body. The three main symptoms of diabetes insipidus are polydipsia, polyurea, and polyphasia.
  1. Skin diseases
  • Eczema: This is a condition that causes our skin to become dry, itchy and bumpy. This condition weakens our skin’s barrier function, which is responsible for helping our skin retain moisture and protecting our body from outside elements. Eczema is a type of dermatitis.
  • Angioneurotic oedema: It presents as unpredictable frequent oedematous episodes of cutaneous and mucosal tissues such as lips, eyes, oral cavity, larynx, and gastrointestinal system. It is a common presentation in the emergency department.
  • Urticaria (Hives) This is a skin reaction that causes itchy welts, Sensitising the immunity cells or by suppression of the diseases.
  • Psoriasis: Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. Psoriasis is a common, long-term (chronic) disease with no cure.
  1. Locomotor systems
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: This is an autoimmune, inflammatory disease, which is leads to that our immune system of the body that attacks healthy cells inside the body by mistake, causing inflammation in the affected parts of the body. RA mainly attacks the joints, usually many joints at once.
  1. Reproductive system
  • Premenstrual tension: also called as premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder, signs and symptoms are anger, anxiety, depression, mood swings, feeling overwhelmed, difficulty concentrating, irritability and tension.
  • Frigidity: Frigidity is inability to experience a sexual response of any kind; ability to achieve sexual arousal only with great difficulty (hyposexuality); and the inability to achieve orgasm (anorgasmia).
  • Impotence: Impotence means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. The man cannot get or maintain an erection, also called as erectile dysfunction.
  • Menopausal syndrome: This is a natural biological process. But the physical symptoms, such as hot flashes, and emotional symptoms of menopause may be disturbed sleep, lower energy or affect emotional health. There are many effective treatments available, from lifestyle adjustments to hormone therapy.
  • Amenorrhea: This is defined as the absence of menstruation during the reproductive years of a woman’s life. Physiological states of amenorrhea are seen, most commonly during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding). It can be classified as primary and secondary amenorrhea.
  • Dysmenorrhea are throbbing or cramping pains in the lower abdomen, just before and during their menstrual periods. For some women, the discomfort is merely annoying. For others, menstrual cramps can be severe enough to interfere with everyday activities for a few days every month. Conditions such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids.
  • Metrorrhagia: Metrorrhagia is an increased duration of menstrual flow beyond 7days and continuous with the cycle. Intermenstrual bleeding occurs between menses, discontinuous with the cycle.
  • Metriopatheia haemorrhagic (metriopatheia haemorrhagica cystica), This is a menstrual disorder which is defined as a specialized type of anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding associated with endometrial hyperplasia and intermenstrual bleeding.

Aco. to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann: Organon of the medicine

Mental diseases of Psychosomatic type (§225): Mental diseases that arise as a result of prolonged emotional disturbances and different psychological depressions like continued anxiety, worry, vexation, wrongs and frequent occurrence of greater fear and fright. Such diseases may be of recent origin and may not have developed fully into corporeal diseases. But if left untreated they may damage the body.

In §226, Hahnemann “While they are yet recent and they are capable of making great inroads in the corporeal state” name psychosomatic diseases.

Treatment (§226-267): Such mental diseases of the psychic origin can be treated by means of psychological remedies like confidence building, friendly exhortations, sensible advice and a well disguised deception. This has to be always supported by good diet and regimen. The fundamental cause in such diseases is always psora. Hence, treatment by anti-psoric remedies should be given to avoid any type of recurrences.

Psychic trauma and emotional stress:

  • Over anxiety, worry, constant financial stress, the tension of maintaining speed in someone’s work; all such things are common in today’s industrial world. These diversions may deflect the action of the curative remedy.
  • Hahnemann himself has emphasized the fact that nothing was as deleterious to health as unhappy domestic condition.
  • Some patients do not wish to reveal their personal and private matters during the process of case taking. Then, the acquired totality is of little help to the physician as reliable mental generals are not available.

Miasmas Behind the Psychosomatic Diseases

Psora: Produces functional disturbances, arise from emotional disturbances. Oversensitive Sensitive to noise, light and odors. Voluptuous itching forces the patient to scratch, relief temporarily but is followed by burning on the skin. Hungry, bloated abdomen. Constipation or morning diarrhoea. Standing is the worst position. Complaints ameliorate by heat and in summer, but aggravate in winters. Hypo-immunity. Apprehension. Alertness. Fears. Irritation mental and physical. Ectodermal tissues. Nervous system, endocrine system, blood vessels, liver and skin. Deficiency disorders. Dramatic, Dishonesty, secretiveness, wickedness, Quick fatigue with a desire to lying.

Sycosis: Proliferation and infiltration of tissues. Suspicious, irritable, jealous, cruel, and vindictive person. Slow recovery of all complaints. Warty growths and gouty concretions. Aggravated by abnormal discharges like leucorrhea, coryza, cold, damp, rainy seasons, and watery vegetables. Pelvic complaints and rheumatic trobule. Hypertrophy; growths; Lithic and uric acid. Proliferative diathesis. Entodermal and soft tissues. Attacks internal organs, pelvis and sexual organs, and the blood (producing anaemia). Deposition, proliferation of cells/tissues. Extremely slow, insidious. Silent or even surreptitious. Deceitful, sullen, cunning persons.

Syphilis: Ulceration and destruction of tissues, necrosis and ulceration, putridity and acridity. Silent, very impulsive. Dull, stupid, stubborn, Fixed ideas without any reason, commits suicide at once. Pains aggravate from cooling, night, anxiety, at summer. Arrhythmia. Degeneration, deformities, fragility, bony pains, deformities and soft tissues; glandular tissues particularly lymphatics. Suppurative or ulcerative. Destruction physical and mental. Emotional only urge for destruction.

Tubercular: Dissatisfaction. Responsive, Reactive, Alternation; changeability, migratory. Periodic. Recurrence. Allergic. Tubercular, Craves the things which make them sick. Scrofulous, Haemorrhagic diathesis. Allergic diathesis. Glandular tissue. Patient is poor in bone, flesh and blood. Depletion, drainage and wastage. Altenating disorders. Depends on psoric or syphilitic miasm.

Rubrics of psychosomatic diseases from complete repertory

[KENT] [MIND]ANGER, IRASCIBILITY (SEE IRRITABILITY, QUARRELSOME): AILMENTS AFTER ANGER, VEXATION, ETC.: (66) 3 Acon, 1 Agar, 1 Alum, 1 Am-c, 2 Ant-t, 2 Apis, 1 Arg-n, 1 Arn, 2 Ars, 2 Aur, 2 Aur-m, 2 Bell, 2 Bry, 1 Cadm, 1 Calc, 2 Calc-p, 1 Calc-s, 1 Caust, 3 Cham, 1 Chin, 1 Cimic, 1 Cist, 3 Cocc, 2 Coff, 3 Coloc, 1 Croc, 1 Cupr, 1 Ferr, 1 Ferr-p, 2 Gels, 1 Hyos, 3 Ign, 3 Ip, 2 Kali-p, 2 Lach, 2 Lyc, 1 Mag-c, 1 Mag-m, 1 Manc, 1 Mez, 1 Nat-c, 2 Nat-m, 1 Nat-p, 1 Nat-s, 1 Nux-m, 3 Nux-v, 3 Op, 1 Petr, 2 Ph-ac, 2 Phos, 3 Plat, 2 Puls, 2 Ran-b, 1 Rhus-t, 1 Samb, 1 Sec, 1 Sel, 1 Sep, 1 Sil, 1 Stann, 3 Staph, 1 Stram, 1 Sulph, 2 Tarent, 1 Verat, 1 Zinc,

[KENT] [MIND]EXCITEMENT, EXCITABLE: EMOTIONAL, AILMENTS FROM: (39) 1 Acet-ac, 2 Arg-n, 2 Arn, 1 Aster, 2 Aur, 2 Calc, 1 Calc-ar, 1 Calc-p, 3 Caps, 2 Caust, 2 Cist, 2 Cob, 2 Cocc, 1 Coch, 3 Coff, 3 Coll, 2 Con, 3 Gels, 2 Glon, 1 Ign, 2 Kali-br, 2 Kali-p, 1 Kreos, 1 Lyc, 2 Lyss, 1 Nat-c, 2 Nat-m, 1 Nit-ac, 1 Nux-m, 2 Nux-v, 2 Pall, 3 Ph-ac, 2 Phos, 2 Psor, 3 Puls, 1 Sep, 3 Staph, 2 Verat, 2 Zinc,

[KENT] [MIND]GRIEF: AILMENTS, FROM: (32) 1 Am-m, 1 Anac, 1 Ant-c, 2 Apis, 1 Ars, 3 Aur, 2 Calc-p, 3 Caust, 1 Clem, 3 Cocc, 1 Colch, 2 Coloc, 1 Con, 1 Cycl, 2 Gels, 2 Graph, 2 Hyos, 3 Ign, 1 Kali-p, 3 Lach, 1 Lob-c, 1 Lyc, 1 Naja, 3 Nat-m, 1 Nit-ac, 2 Nux-v, 3 Ph-ac, 2 Plat, 2 Puls, 3 Staph, 1 Tarent, 1 Verat,

[KENT] [MIND]ANGER, IRASCIBILITY (SEE IRRITABILITY, QUARRELSOME): AILMENTS AFTER ANGER, VEXATION, ETC.: ANXIETY, WITH: (29) 3 Acon, 1 Alum, 3 Ars, 1 Aur, 2 Bell, 1 Bry, 1 Calc, 2 Cham, 1 Cocc, 1 Coff, 2 Cupr, 1 Hyos, 3 Ign, 1 Lyc, 1 Nat-c, 1 Nat-m, 3 Nux-v, 2 Op, 1 Petr, 1 Phos, 2 Plat, 2 Puls, 1 Rhus-t, 1 Samb, 1 Sep, 1 Stann, 1 Stram, 1 Sulph, 1 Verat,

[KENT] [MIND] MORTIFICATION, AILMENTS, AFTER: (25) 2 Arg-n, 2 Aur, 2 Aur-m, 1 Bell, 2 Bry, 2 Cham, 3 Coloc, 3 Ign, 3 Lyc, 2 Lyss, 1 Merc, 3 Nat-m, 1 Nux-v, 2 Op, 3 Pall, 3 Ph-ac, 1 Plat, 2 Puls, 1 Rhus-t, 2 Seneg, 1 Sep, 3 Staph, 1 Stram, 2 Sulph, 1 Verat,

[KENT] [MIND]BAD NEWS, AILMENTS FROM: (23) 2 Apis, 3 Calc, 1 Calc-p, 1 Chin, 1 Cinnb, 1 Cupr, 1 Dros, 1 Form, 3 Gels, 2 Ign, 1 Kali-c, 1 Kali-p, 1 Lach, 1 Lyss, 2 Med, 2 Nat-m, 1 Nat-p, 1 Paeon, 2 Pall, 1 Phos, 1 Puls, 1 Stram, 2 Sulph,

[KENT] [MIND] SCORN (SEE CONTEMPT), AILMENTS FROM: (22) 1 Acon, 2 Aur, 1 Bell, 3 Bry, 3 Cham, 1 Coff, 2 Coloc, 1 Ferr, 1 Hyos, 1 Ip, 1 Lyc, 2 Nat-m, 3 Nux-v, 1 Olnd, 2 Par, 2 Phos, 2 Plat, 1 Sep, 2 Staph, 1 Stront, 1 Sulph, 1 Verat,

[KENT] [MIND] ANGER, IRASCIBILITY (SEE IRRITABILITY, QUARRELSOME): AILMENTS AFTER ANGER, VEXATION, ETC.: SILENT GRIEF, WITH: (18) 1 Alum, 1 Ars, 1 Aur, 1 Bell, 2 Cocc, 2 Coloc, 1 Hyos, 3 Ign, 3 Lyc, 1 Nat-c, 2 Nat-m, 1 Nux-v, 2 Ph-ac, 1 Phos, 1 Plat, 1 Puls, 3 Staph, 1 Verat,

[KENT] [MIND] LOVE, AILMENTS, FROM DISAPPOINTED: (18) 1 Ant-c, 2 Aur, 2 Calc-p, 1 Caust, 2 Cimic, 2 Coff, 2 Hell, 3 Hyos, 3 Ign, 1 Kali-c, 2 Lach, 3 Nat-m, 1 Nux-m, 1 Nux-v, 3 Ph-ac, 1 Sep, 2 Staph, 1 Tarent,

3 Acon, 2 Aur, 2 Bell, 1 Calc, 1 Cocc, 1 Cupr, 3 Ign, 1 Nat-c, 2 Nux-v, 2 Op, 2 Petr, 2 Phos, 2 Plat, 2 Puls, 1 Samb, 1 Sep, 1 Sulph, 1 Zinc,

[KENT] [MIND] ANGER, IRASCIBILITY (SEE IRRITABILITY, QUARRELSOME): AILMENTS AFTER ANGER, VEXATION, ETC.: INDIGNATION, WITH: (10) 2 Aur, 3 Coloc, 1 Ip, 1 Lyc, 1 Merc, 1 Mur-ac, 1 Nat-m, 2 Nux-v, 1 Plat, 3 Staph,

[KENT] [MIND] EMBARRASSED (SEE TIMIDITY): AILMENTS, AFTER: (8) 1 Coloc, 2 Ign, 2 Op, 1 Ph-ac, 1 Plat, 1 Sep, 1 Staph, 3 Sulph,

[KENT] [MIND]JOY: AILMENTS, FROM EXCESSIVE: (8) 2 Acon, 1 Caust, 2 Coff, 1 Croc, 1 Cycl, 1 Nat-c, 2 Op, 2 Puls,

[KENT] [MIND]JOY: AILMENTS, FROM EXCESSIVE: (8) 2 Acon, 1 Caust, 2 Coff, 1 Croc, 1 Cycl, 1 Nat-c, 2 Op, 2 Puls,

[KENT] [MIND]LOVE, AILMENTS, FROM DISAPPOINTED: LOVE-SICK: WITH ONE OF HER OWN SEX: (6) 1 Calc-p, 2 Lach, 1 Nat-m, 1 Phos, 1 Plat, 2 Sulph,

[KENT] [MIND]REPROACHES: AILMENTS, AFTER: (5) 1 Coloc, 2 Ign, 3 Op, 1 Ph-ac, 2 Staph,









Treatments and Managements: Acco. to §5 states, “In these investigations, the ascertainable physical constitution of the patient, his moral and intellectual character, his occupation, mode of living and habits, his social and domestic relations, his age, sexual function etc, are to be taken into consideration”.

  1. Dr. Hahnemann says mind has supreme control over body. Mind which first suffers, in turn causing somatic diseases. So, the treatment should always be based on mental symptoms of the patients.
  2. Every patient should be treated individually. As every individual is different in personality and behaviours.

Homoeopathic Medicines:

  1. Acon: Great fear, anxiety, and worry accompany every ailment, however trivial. Delirium is characterized by unhappiness worry, fear, raving, rarely unconsciousness. Forebodings and fears. Fears death but believes that he will soon die; predicts the day. Fears the future, a crowd, crossing the street. Restlessness, tossing about. Imagination acute, clairvoyance. Pains are intolerable; they drive him crazy. Music is unbearable; makes her sad (Ambra).
  2. Ars: Great anguish and restlessness. Changes place continually. Fears, of death, of being left alone. Great fear, with cold sweat. Thinks it useless to take medicine. Suicidal. Hallucinations of smell and sight. Despair drives him from place to place. Miserly, malicious, selfish, lacks courage. General sensibility increased (Hep). Sensitive to disorder and confusion.
  3. Calc: Apprehensive; worse towards evening; fears loss of reason, misfortune, contagious diseases. Forgetful, confused, low-spirited. Anxiety with palpitation. Obstinacy; slight mental effort produces hot head. Averse to work or exertion.
  4. Caust: Child does not want to go to bed alone. Least thing makes it cry. Sad, hopeless. Intensely sympathetic. Ailments from long-lasting grief, sudden emotions. Thinking of complaints, aggravates, especially haemorrhoids.
  5. Cocc: Capricious. Heavy and stupid. Time passes too quickly; absorbed in reveries. Inclination to sing irresistible. Slow of comprehension. Profound sadness. Cannot bear contradiction. Speaks hastily. Very anxious about the health of others.
  6. Graph: Great tendency to start. Timid. Unable to decide. Want of disposition to work. Fidgety while sitting at work. Music makes her weep. Apprehensive, despondency, indecision.
  7. Ign: Changeable mood; introspective; silently brooding. Melancholic, sad, tearful. Not communicative. Sighing and sobbing. After shocks, grief, disappointment. Rhus t: Listless, sad. Thoughts of suicide. Extreme restlessness, with continued change of position. Delirium, with fear of being poisoned (Hyos). Sensorium becomes cloudy. Great apprehension at night, cannot remain in bed.
  8. Lyco: Melancholy; afraid to be alone. Little things annoy, extremely sensitive. Averse to undertaking new things. Head strong and haughty when sick. Loss of self-confidence. Hurried when eating. Constant fear of breaking down under stress. Apprehensive. Weak memory, confused thoughts; spells or writes wrong words and syllables. Failing brain-power (Anac; Phos; Brayt). Cannot read what he writes. Sadness morning.
  9. Nux-v: Very irritable: sensitive to all impressions. Ugly, malicious. Cannot bear noises, Odors, light, etc. Does not want to be touched. Time passes too slowly. Even the least ailment affects her greatly. Disposed to reproach others. Sullen, fault-finding.
  10. Nat-m: Psychic causes of disease; ill effects of grief, fright, anger. Depressed, particularly in chronic diseases. Consolation aggravates. Irritable; gets into a passion about trifles. Awkward, hasty. Wants to be alone to cry. Tears with laughter.
  11. Phos: Great lowness of spirits. Easily vexed. Fearfulness, as if something were creeping out of every corner. Clairvoyant state. Great tendency to start. Over-sensitive to external impressions. Loss of memory. Memory. Paralysis of the insane. Ecstasy. Dread of death when alone. Brain feels tired. Insanity, with an exaggerated idea of one’s own importance. Excitable, produces heat all over. Restless, fidgety. Hypo-sensitive, indifferent.
  12. Puls: Weeps easily. Timid, irresolute. Fears in evening to be alone, dark, ghost. Likes sympathy. Children like fuss and caresses. Easily discouraged. Morbid dread of the opposite sex. Religious melancholy. Given to extremes of pleasure and pain. Highly emotional. Mentally, an April day.
  13. Sep: Indifferent to those loved best. Averse to occupation, to family. Irritable; easily offended. Dreads to be alone. Very sad. Weeps when telling symptoms. Miserly. Anxious toward evening; indolent.
  14. Sulph: Very forgetful. Difficult thinking. Delusions; thinks rags beautiful things-that he is immensely wealthy. Busy all the time. Childish peevishness in grown people. Irritable. Affections vitiated; very selfish, no regard for others. Religious melancholy.
  15. Verat: Melancholy, with stupor and mania. Sits in stupid manner; notices nothing; Sullen indifference. Frenzy of excitement; shrieks, curses. Puerperal mania. Aimless wandering from home. Delusions of impending misfortunes. Mania, with desire to cut and tear things. Attacks of pain, with delirium driving to madness. Cursing, howling all night.

Psychosomatic diseases should be always based on mental symptoms. Every patient should be treated individually. As every individual is different in personality and behaviours, treatment should be necessary.


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Dr. Dinesh Kumar BHMS, MD (Hom) Scholar
Department of Case taking and Repertory
Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital Greater Noida
Email-drdineshrana88@gamil.com Mob.09450141575

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