Homeopathic management of Urinary tract infection using cantharis; A Case Study

Dr Tarun Kumar Shankar

Urinary tract infection is the most common infection in human being. Mostly it occurs in females. The most common bacteria involved in Urinary Tract Infection is E.coli. Homeopathy has a marked action on Urinary Tract Infection. A 48 year old lady presented with burning sensation in urine.Acc.to the totality of symptoms the case was reportorized and on the basis of individualization similimum medicine was selected.The aim of the article is to demonstrate the effectiveness of homeopathy on Urinary Tract Infection.

Keywords : urinary tract infection, Urine, Homoeopathy, Cantharis.


Urinary tract infection is an infection in any part of urinary system includes kidney, bladder, urethra, and ureater

Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection

Burning sensation while passing urine

Frequent desire for urine but little urine comes out ever felling tired pain in abdomen lower abdomen

Types of Urinary Tract Infection

  1. Cystitis involves bladder
  2. Pyelonephritis involves kidneys
  3. Urethritis involves urethra

There are many homoeopathic medicines such as Lycopodium,sarsaparilla, hydrangea and berb.Vulg etc. However the best results come when the totality of the case is constructed and based on that the case is individualized.


Chief complaint

A 48 year old female having recurrent Urinary tract infection, burning after micturition

History of present complaint: URINARY TRACT INFECTION (recurrent)

Burning 1st week

Burning after micturition

Past history of Hysterectomy 1year ago

Analysis and evaluation of symptoms

Mental general:

  1. Trembling due to anger
  2. Weeping in alone due to anger
  3. Consolation desire
  4. Fear of height

Physical general:

  1. Appetite- 2/3 chappati/ meal 2times a day
  2. Thirst- 3/4 glass per day, Thirstless
  3. Desire – Spicy food
  4. Perspiration- Profuse
  5. Stool –Satisfactory
  6. Urine- Burning


  1. Burning in ureathra -1 week
  2. Burning during and after micturition
  3. Evaluation of symptoms
  4. Weeping after anger trembling due to anger
  5. Consolation desire
  6. Fear from height
  7. Thirtstlessness
  8. Profuse perspiration
  9. Hot patient
  10. Burning after and during micturition

Totality of symptoms:

  1. Weeping disposition
  2. Desire consolation
  3. Fear of height
  4. Desire-spicy
  5. Thirstlessness
  6. Tongue yellow coated in centre
  7. Burning after and during micturition in ureathra

Repertory used– Synthesis 8.1

Repertorial analysis


  1. Mind –weeping anger-after
  2. Mind –consolation-amelioration
  3. Mind –fear –high places
  4. Generals-food and drinks-spices-desires
  5. Stomach-thistless
  6. Urine burning
  7. Mouth discoloration-tongue-yellow

Prescription:  Cantharis 200ch

Selection of medicine and potency: After proper repertorization and due consultation with Materia Medica Cantharis 200 was selected. The dose was selected according to the susceptibility of the patient which remains high during an acute disease as mentioned in Organon of Medicine, 5th edition.

Follow up:

Time Condition Prescription  
After 1 hour Burning sensation reduced

Heat of the body reduced

normal perspiration


Cantharis 200, repeat 01 hourly until the complaints get better 50-60%.

After 2 hours Feeling better

Appetite – Moderate

Placebo was given TDS.  
Next day Patient was feeling better in general. Placebo was prescribed TDS, for 2 days.

Patient was advised to take rest today as well.

Diet- Light diet was recommended.

Patient was also advised to keep herself hydrated with water, juice or coconut water.


Conclusion:  In the above case it can be observed how the individualization in homeopathy can help treat the chronic diseases as well as acute diseases. The totality of symptoms is the only guide towards the successful recovery of the patient.


  1. Jenny Stamos Kovacs , urinary tract infection, WebMD, 2021.
  2. Dudgeon R. E, Organon of Medicine, 5th edition: Indian Books and Periodicals Publishers, 2012.