Homoeopathy–A key to unlocking the cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Dr Aditya Kukreti

Rheumatoid Arthritis is one of the auto-immune disorders that are becoming more prevalent in our community. This disease is usually difficult to cure, but the scope of Homoeopathy is greater than that of other systems of medicine, because the Homoeopathic system works best on Similia Similibus Curenture, so all curable diseases are cured by proper application of homoeopathic medicine with accurate principles and management.

Keywords : Holistic, Homoeopathy, Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a prevalent systemic auto-immune disease that mostly affects synovial joints. RA is distinguished by immune cell infiltration in the joint. (1,2). Around 0.5–1% of the world population is affected and about 0.92% of the adult population in India (1,3,4). The incidence of RA is higher in women than in men and increases in elderly people(1,3). It is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Over the last few years, particular attention has been given to novel genes encoding for lymphocyte signalling, affecting molecules or enzymes that are involved in cell regulatory networks and oxidative stress. The development of RA cannot be fully explained by the tight regulation of genetic factors and epigenetic mechanisms. The environment, including smoking, diet, obesity, infections and microbiota has been proposed to trigger the disease in genetically predisposed individuals. The clinical picture of RA is the result of a close interaction between cells, soluble mediators, autoantibodies and signal transduction pathways of the innate and adaptive immune system, all involved at different stages of the disease(5).

The symptoms of RA can affect patients’ capacity to perform the activities of daily living (eg, walking, stairs, dressing, use of a toilet, getting up from a chair, opening jars, doors and typing) and their ability to do their job. Systemic symptoms may also be present in these patients, particularly those with disease onset after age 60 (historically termed “elderly-onset RA”); in up to one-third of patients, the acute onset of polyarthritis is associated with prominent myalgia, fatigue, low-grade fever, weight loss, and depression. Less often, extraarticular manifestations such as nodules or episcleritis may also be present(6).

In Conventional treatment, RA can be effectively treated and managed with medication(s) and self-management strategies. Treatment for RA usually includes the use of medications that slow disease and prevent joint deformity, called disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs); biological response modifiers (biological) are medications that are an effective second-line treatment.  In addition to medications, people can manage their RA with self-management strategies proven to reduce pain and disability, allowing them to pursue the activities important to them. People with RA can relieve pain and improve joint function by learning to use five simple and effective arthritis management strategies (7).

As there is no cure in allopathy for RA, the treatment goals are to reduce the pain and stop/slow further damage but homeopathy has a significant role not only in treating but also in preventing the disease. We Homoeopaths do not claim total cure by just giving anti-rheumatic medicines, we claim it because we believe in removing the disease from the root. This is ascertained by clearing the obstacles, properly assessing the disease, giving anti-miasmatic remedies and thus processing toward the total cure(8).

Homoeopathic Approach and treatment
Homoeopathy is a system of drug therapeutics based on the law of similia. Dhawle ML has written in his book that disease is a total response of an organism to adverse environmental factors, external or internal; it is conditioned by constitutional factors, inherited or acquired; and it manifests through symptoms in three spheres – Emotional, Intellectual and Physical. This response is divisible into (a) Individual response (characteristic symptom which denotes the constitutional type) and (b) Group response (diagnostic symptoms). Therefore, no two persons suffering from the same set of symptoms can have the same remedy. This develops the idea of individualization which is the backbone of this holistic system of medicine and the fundamental change from the conventional model of treatment approach. A complete and thorough case-taking offers a full comprehension of the patient’s personality, his constitution and his reaction to the environment in the form of the production of symptoms (Subjective and objective) and fulfilled the purpose of individualized homoeopathic medicine. The sound principles of Homoeopathy aim at arresting further progress of the disease(9). Few studies are conducted on role of homeopathic medicines in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and many of them show promising results. It is proved from the studies that only individualized homoeopathic medicines can bring a ray of hope to patients suffering from RA. Although no concrete inference can be drawn based on these studies due to their small sample sizes and short study duration(10,11)

According to homeopathic stalwarts, the following   homoeopathic remedies can be considered in Rheumatoid Arthritis cases(12);

  • Belladonna – Indicated in the acute stage of arthritis. When there is sudden redness, swelling with severe throbbing pain in joints. Joints very hot to touch , looks red .Worse in cold better ,by warmth
  • Bryonia – one of the common remedy prescribed in RA. Patient’s complaints of severe stitching type of pain in small joints, swollen, hot, red joints. Every spot is painful on pressure. Relieved by complete rest. least movements aggravates the patient
  • Rhus tox – useful for rheumatoid arthritis when there is severe pain and stiffness which is worse in the morning , cold ,  first movement makes the pain unbearable , patient feels better by continuously moving around , warmth relieves the pain . Patient becomes restless with the pain .tearing type of pains in tendons, ligaments.
  • Rhododendron ferrugineum – Rheumatism worse before a storm is a guiding symptom of this remedy. Rheumatic tearing pain especially on right side. Pain worse at rest.
  • Ruta graveolens – Arthritis with great stiffness worse from cold and damp weather also from over use of joints
  • Arnica – used in chronic arthritis when patient complaints of soreness and bruised sensation in joints. Pain worse from touch, everything on which they lie feels very hard. Rheumatism begins from lower limbs and then extend upwards.
  • Ledam pal – Painful swelling of joints relieved by cold application, worse from warmth usual affected areas are ankles, feet, rheumatism which begins from feet and extend upwards.
  • Calcarea carbonica – Arthritis with nodosities in the affected joints. Pain and stiffness of joints aggravated by damp weather. Patients is easily fatigued from slightest exertion along with chilliness and laziness is an indication for the remedy.
  • Calcarea flourica – Indicated in swollen joint, with hard nodosities with the history of injury to joints. Pain is better by warmth and motion.
  • Pulsatilla – Indicated when the pain changes its place from one joint to another and also if the pain is not localized. Symptoms tend to worse in warmth, heat . better from cold application , fresh air
  • Dulcamara – Pain and stiffness in joint worse from damp weather. Rheumatic affections after acute skin affection.
  • Colchicum – Arthritis worse in warm wet weather. Worse from change of climate, commonly affects the small joints of hands and fingers slightest motion aggravates the pain.
  • Caulophyllum – Arthritis commonly in femles. Affecting the small joints especially the hands, fingers, toes, ankles. Pain and stiffness alternates from one joint to another.
  • Guaiacum – Rheumatism of small joints especially the wrist and fingers worse from warmth better from cold application
  • Kali carbonicum – Extremely stiff and painful joints in the early morning
  • Causticum – Rheumatic pains better by warmth especially heat of bed, restless legs at night. patient has a unsteady gait
  • Aurum metallicum – Is indicated when the patient complaints of wandering pain especially at night .tearing pains in joints at night especially indicated when there is deformity of joints .
  • Kalmia latiflora – Indicated in severe acute pains in joints. Pain and inflammation begin in upper limbs and ten spreads downwards. Pain worse at night  .Pain usually affects the large joint
  • Formica rufa – Arthritic remedy indicated in gout and articular rheumatism right sided joints mostly affected. Pain better by pressure and worse from motion. Sudden rheumatism with restlessness. Muscle feels strained and torn from their attachments. Relieved by rubbing the part and from pressure.
  • Kali iodatum – Indicated in chronic inflammation of the knee. Pains usually aggravate at night, severe bone pain with sensitiveness to touch. Rheumatism of knee with effusion. Aggravates at night, cannot remain in bed.
  • Salicylic acid – Indicated in acute rheumatism, knees painful and swollen with shifting pains aggravated at night . continued treatment with moderate doses prevents new attacks in chronic arthritis
  • Silicea terra – chronic inflammation of the knee joint with great swelling with icy cold feet sweat.
  • Phytolacca Decandra -indicated in rheumatism where pain is worse in the morning. Shooting pain with stiffness especially in right shoulder. Pains like electric shock. Shooting and shifting suddenly pain in ankles and feet patient dreads to get up.
  • Staphysagria – Drawing pain with stiffness especially at shoulder on bending neck forward . Pain better by heat. extremities feel beaten and painful
  • Apis – Indicated in acute inflammatory swelling of the joints. Joint  looks shiny , swollen with stinging pain
  • Led pal –Indicated in ascending type of rheumatism, swollen hot pale small joints. Pain in right shoulder aggravated from motion, painful soles, easy spraining of ankles.
  • Lithium Carb – Indicated in rheumatism when affected with heart affections. People with rheumatic nodes and uric acid diathesis. Rheumatism mainly affecting shoulder, finger joint with nodular swellings. Better by hot. Pain in ankle while walking
  • Benzoic acid – Indicated for patients with uric acid diathesis .Rheumatic pains, painful nodosities of joints with strong smelling urine is the characteristic of this remedy.

Some of the Rubrics which can be considered for Rheumatoid Arthritis from Murphy’s Homoeopathic Medical Repertory (13)are;

Chapter – JOINTS
Rubric – Arthritic Nodosities

Some important 3 marks remedies include – APIS, BEN ACID, CALC, CAL F, LITH CARB, GRAPH, LYCO, CAUL

Some important 2 marks remedies include – ant c, aur, bry, form, guaic, urt urens

Chapter – JOINTS
Rubric – Arthritis Joints

3 marks remedies are – ACON, APIS, BELL, BRY, KALI C, LED, RHUS T

2 marks remedies are – aur, arn, kalmia, puls, psor, Ruta, rhod etc

Chapter – JOINTS
Rheumatism in general

3 marks remedies include – ARN , ARS, AUR , BEN ACID , BRY , CAUST , CHAM , CHEL , COLCH ,KALMIA, PULS , SAL ACID ,MERC etc

2 marks remedies include – abr, acon, Apis, caul, guaic, nit acid etc

Homoeopathic medicines offer a wide range of applications in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune illnesses because they have an immuno-modulatory effect on the body. If structural alterations do not occur, the disease’s course can be effectively controlled and the disease can be totally cured.


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Corresponding Author: – Dr Aditya Kukreti, BHMS, MPH, PhD scholar , School of Allied Health Sciences and Management, Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University, Delhi, Email id – dradityakukreti@gmail.com

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