Dr Manisha Boricha
Dr Nidhi Vyas
Abstract: Psychology is very helpful in Homoeopathy to understand the patient’s language. According to psychologists, there are different theories to understand the psychic problems. Here, Carl Jung’s analytical theory and its application in Homoeopathy includes- dream analysis, delusions, images, fear, etc. Homoeopathy reach to the unconscious mind which reflects in patients through the symptoms or in dreams. So, with the concept of individualization we understand the patient at ‘Psyche’ and ‘Soma’ level to find out the constitutional remedy.
Key Words- Homoeopathy, Jungian psychology, Dream analysis, Individualization, Stramonium, Crotalus Cascavella.
Introduction: – Psychology deals with many problem of our everyday life and many things which already we have experienced. All illness can be considered to be psychosomatic. That is, they inevitably involve the mind’s reaction(psyche) to a physical (soma) illness.1 So, in all the so-called somatic disease as well the mental and emotional frame of the mind is always altered, with depth of psychology in the tradition of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, including analytical psychology, the archetypal psychology is a huge subject1.
Carl Gustav Jung had a very different opinion about psychoanalysis and he took the direction of analytical psychology. Jung placed much less emphasis than Freud on sexual and aggressive impulses arising from past conflicts and much more emphasis on people’s future oriented goals, hopes, and plans.1
From childhood Jung was extremely interested in dreams and fantasy. Some of Carl’s most powerful dreams involved religious images and symbols. These dreams were often laced with forbidden and sacrilegious overtones. In developing his theory, Jung drew on both his own dream and fantasy material and that of his patients; but he also drew on findings from such experimental techniques as the word-association test, in which people were read a standard array to 100 terms and instructed to respond to each term “as quickly as possible with the first word that occurs to you”. Stimulus terms that resulted in long delays, an inability to respond, or certain other key signs were thought by Jung to be parts of what he called complexes. In using his word-association test to diagnose complexes. He also accepted the existence of unconscious process, collective unconsciousness, a repository of ideas, feelings, and symbols shared by all humans and passed genetically from one to another. According to Jung, certain basic symbols arise in all cultures because they reflect innate tendencies originating from collective unconsciousness. These architypes that emerge in dreams and cultural practices, express basic human needs.
Jung believed that people’s emotion-generated behaviour could often be explained by identifying the key archetype that was influencing them. Dream is mystery. Freud called them “The repressed desires which float up indirectly during sleep in the form of dreams”
Jung also created personal unconscious which developed out of any of the individual’s conscious experiences that had been repressed. Psychologically healthy people were said to gradually come into contact with the unconscious parts of their personalities, integrating the unconscious or ‘shadow’ side with their ‘conscious ego’. In this way, all major components of the personality could eventually work in concert to form a fully realized, purposeful self. This process of harmonizing one’s conscious and unconscious components happened in a unique pattern of behaviour. Jung called this process individualization, he saw it as the means by which each of us becomes an individual distinction from other1 and in Homoeopathy we also believe in individualization.
CASE 1: A 7 year old child came to the Swami Vivekananda Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital OPD with complain of Nocturnal enuresis on 26/10/2021.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: Nocturnal enuresis2 since one year.
Her mother said that he passes profuse involuntary urine at night especially at 12 A.M and 4 A.M.
- Appetite- Good. Desire- Sweets and sour-panipuri.
- Bowels- Regular Once A Day
- Thirst- normal
- Thermal- ambithermal.
Past history: Not specific.
Family history: Not specific
Life history:
He was born at Bhavnagar. He started school at the age of 03 year old. His mother said that by nature he is very talkative and cheerful and friendly. He is also good at study. He have so many friends. His mother is housewife and father is doing job. Her mother said that we are living in joint family and he is very close to his cousin elder sister. Once they were watching horror movie and after that day he was very scared. He startles in sleep. When I ask him what happen he said that mummy it was a bad dream. He describes dream that I was at railway station and he saw a girl of that horror movie. The girl was lying on railway track and the train suddenly passes on her and she was cutted into two pieces and still she was moving and coming towards him. The saw frequent dream of that ghost girl. He can’t stay in dark room and alone because of that ghost girl fear. Even he is not going at railway station with anyone. So from that day he passes urine involuntary during sleep.
Dreams: – Ghost
Fear: – Dark, being alone, ghost.
Diagnosis: Nocturnal enuresis.
Analysis and evaluation:
Sr. no | Chapter | Symptom analysis and evaluation | Classification of symptom | Characteristic or common | Miasmatic analysis3 |
1. | Mind | Cheerful | Mental general | Common | Psora |
2. | Mind
Fear-alone being-darkness; in the | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
3. | Mind | Fear-ghost of | Mental general | Common | Psora |
4. | Mind | Loquacity | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
5. | Mind | Startling- sleep-during | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
6. | Dreams | Ghost | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
7. | Stomach | Thirsty | Physical general | Common | Psora |
8. | Generals | Food and drinks-sour food, acids- desire | Physical general | Characteristic | Psora |
9. | Generals | Food and drinks-sweets- desire | Physical general | Common | Psora |
10. | Bladder | Urination-involuntary-night-fright after | Physical particular | Characteristic | Psora |
Prescription- Stramonium 1M single dose.5
Susceptibility– High.6, 7
Selection of potency-1M.6
Basis of prescription and repetition of remedy– Stramonium was prescribed after Repertorization and we also took Materia medica reference to differentiate it with another remedy. Fear in dark, fear of ghost, frightful dreams and involuntary urination covers well by Stramonium5. We have enough mental symptoms Susceptibility of patient is high.6, 7 According to Carl Jung psychoanalysis method the importance of the dreams is much valuable in this case.
Prognosis– on clinical examination there was no any gross pathology, so prognosis will be good.6
Follow up:-
Date | Complaints | Prescription |
12/11/2021 | Better. No startling during sleep. Passes 2 times in last few nights. | SL1 packet for today.
SL TDS for 15 days. |
30/11/2021 | Sleep improved. Startling was gone. Passes1-2 time once at yesterday only. | SL TDS for 15 days. |
17/012/2021 | Better. Appetite increased. No any dreams was present. No startling. | SL TDS for 1 month. |
20/01/2022 | Better. No involuntary urination, no startling. | SL TDS for 1 month. |
CONCLUSION: So, in these case the child develops involuntary urination. According to Jungian psychology we analyze case with dream analysis, collective unconscious and individualization.1After watching that horror movie he unconsciously develops fear in dream. Fear is the psychic cause and it reflects soma as an involuntary urination. We connect mental, emotional, psychical aspect to reflect individualization of patient. On the base of Homoeopathic Individualization the remedy picture is Stramonium as a similimum5, which connects the different aspect of conscious as well as unconscious level.
After the treatment, patient improved well, there was no more startling and involuntary urination.
CASE 2: A 27 year old female came to the Swami Vivekananda Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital OPD with complain of Insomnia on 07/03/2022.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: Insomnia 2 since one year.
She has complaint of sleepless night. Frequent sleep disturb due to horrible dreams.
- Appetite- Adequate
- Bowels- Unsatisfactory; constipation
- Thirst- Less
- Thermal- Hot
- Perspiration- Profuse
Past history: Not specific.
Family history: Not specific
Life history:
A 27 year’s old female, she was came from village near Bhavnagar city. She is married since year. She lives with her husband & in-laws. She is housewife. She said, she has sleepless night since year. She has dreamy night. She has fear of night, darkness, snake & animal. A year before her grandma expired & its affect her more. She has constant dreams of snake. In dream she feels snake is always near by her. Multiple snakes are around her, and come to near her, to bite her. She feels suffocated, increase perspiration & start palpation. She feels like chock up & tie up. After that she started weeping & feeling helpless. She feels as she is under control of someone. She has fear of ghost also. She feels someone is near around her & sudden woke up. She feels an unknown person who has black colored face and persuade her. In these dream again she feels suffocation, chock up & tie up. She cannot speak even. Her complaint increase by noise.
Dreams: – Ghost, Snake
Fear: – Night, Dark, Ghost, Snake
Diagnosis: Insomnia
Analysis and evaluation:
Sr. no | Chapter | Symptom analysis and evaluation | Classification of symptom | Characteristic or common | Miasmatic analysis3 |
1. | Mind | Delusion-influence; one is a under a powerful | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
2. | Dream | Attacked, of being | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
3. | Dreams | Beaten, being | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
4. | Dreams | Caught, being | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
5. | Dreams | Death-relatives; of | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
6. | Dreams | Ghost | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
7. | Dreams | Frightful | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
8. | Dreams | Killing | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
9. | Dreams | Pursued, being | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
10. | Dreams | Snake | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
11. | Dreams | Snake- biting him | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
12. | Dreams | Snake- surrounded by | Mental general | Characteristic | Psora |
13. | Sleep | Awake during sleep; sensation as if | Physical general | Common | Psora |
14. | Sleep | Sleeplessness | Physical general | Common | Psora |
15. | Sleep | Unrefreshing | Physical general | Common | Psora |