Latest Repertories in Homeopathy

synthesis-818Dr  Rita Chakraborty

Many people think a repertory only grows or improves when you put in more additions.  It is not only additions, it reorganizes, sometimes even restructures the repertory so that long existing, but hidden rubrics can be found. For this reason, in the Millenium Edition of the Complete, there has been a lot of restructuring, sometimes subtle, enhanced by references and cross-references. Many new cross-references and references have been made, in the knowledge that people will use modern day English to find old information.

In the Materia Medica we find diversity in remedies, in authors, in wordings used to describe the picture of the remedy by the provers and by the authors. In the repertory it is a different story. We need diversity of integrated remedy pictures but we do not want a huge diversity of words to find the information. Whereas the Materia Medica excels at this, the repertory should be meager, without losing the meaning of the original text.

With regard to new proving material it is true there is still on-going discussion about the validity of some of the information added here. However the repertory is a book which will give you hints to the search for the similimum. But we should always check the Materia Medica to see whether or not the suggested remedy-rubrics really fit into the Materia Medica picture of that remedy. Therefore, all possible new remedy information (information that is available in writing so that you can check the original proving yourself) have included in all modern repertories. Using the right rubrics for patients, checking the Materia Medica is an essential part of the process of finding the similimum, and part of your obligation.

Repertory which is an index of symptoms can be utilized in a better manner only when the user is aware of how to convert the conditions into symptoms, and the symptoms in to rubrics.  Many of the practitioners and students find it very difficult to interpret these symptoms and conditions to refer in the repertory and to arrive at the similimum. And this is an effort to help the practitioners especially the new comers in using the repertory. Many of the rubrics are ambiguous and implicit and need a continuous study for using these rubrics in bed side. So modern repertories are compiled to reduce the difficulties faced by practitioner in their day today practice.

Modern repertories are a veritable breath of fresh air. Effort has seriously been made to truly make the repertory user-friendly. In fact, modern rertories are designed to be a modern, practical and easy to use reference guide to the homeopathic Materia Medica with new additions and updates, new chapters, new rubrics, new clinical rubrics.  

Kents Repertorium generale – Author: Dr Jost Kunzil Von Fimmelisberg

Dr kunzil was born in 1922 and practiced at  St Gallen in Switzerland.He was a pupil of Pierre Schmidt of Geneva. He was an eminent practitioner and had commendable knowledge in the field of repertory.

Introduction :
The Kents Repertorium Generale was first published in 1987 in German language by Barthel & Barthel publishing, Germany. It was then translated in English and made available in 1990. It is based on Kent’s repertory. Dr Jost Kunzil took painstaking effort to collect the observation of first class author during the course of 40 years of homoeopathic practice. Kunzil has also added many of Hahnemann’s observation from his Chronic Diseases as well as Materia Medica Pura even though they were not been clinically verified. Kunzli included all symptoms from kents lectures which are not found in the 3rd edition, he included a numbered annotation above every remedy taken from Kent’s lectures.

This allows the user to realize that although a remedy has been included in the new repertory, it was Kunzli, not Kent who included it. The original repertory contains ‘red point’(•). These are known as red points of kunzli. These indicate kunzli’s own      therapeutic experience.  At some places a black point (•) is found behind the drugs. It      means the therapeutic efficacy of that remedy has been frequently proved.

Special features:-
Kunzil’s new  repertory takes off from kents repertory, 3rd edition the one in general which preceded the Final General Repertory of kents revised by Dr Pierre Schmidt and Dr Harish Chand. All entries found in the 3rd edition are found in kunzil’s repertory. The repertory is enriched with compilation of information from 72 reputable sources including H.C. Allen, T.F. Allen, Boericke, Boenninghausen, Burnett, Clarke, Guernsey, Hahnemann, Herring, Jhar, Knerr, Nash & Pulford. It follows kents pattern of ‘plan and construction’ and arrangement of rubrics, hence comprehensible to those who use kent’s repertory. Miasmatic remedies are better represented as many  symptoms from H.C. Allen’s Materia Medica of the nosodes have been included. It contains 689 medicines.   Method of repertorizing a case is same as followed in repertorizing by kents repertory. 

Dr. Robin Murphy was born on August 15, 1950 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He carried out his undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. There he discovered their homoeopathic collection and became intrigued with the system it described. In 1976 he entered the National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM), where he was awarded the Hahnemann Scholarship for his thesis Homeopathy and Cancer. During his time at NCNM he studied with Ravi Sahni and Dr. John Bastyr. From 1980-1984, Dr. Murphy was the director of the homeopathy program at NCNM. He taught at Bastyr University and was chairman of the Homeopathic Department at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland.

Dr. Murphy was one of the earliest seminar teachers and is responsible for introducing many people to homoeopathy. He takes a practical approach to homeopathic education, bringing clarity to the interrelation between philosophy, Materia Medica, and repertory work. He published the Homeopathic Medical Repertory in 1993, and the Lotus Materia Medica in 1996 which sell like hot cakes even today. He is presently the director of the Lotus Medical Center, located in London, England.  LMC sponsors seminars on homeopathy and oriental medicine throughout the world. The Lotus Medical Center has educational programs on oriental Medicine and Homeopathy. Dr. Murphy is an honorary patron for the Abha Light Foundation’s Abha Light College of Natural Medicine in Kenya.

Editions   1st  1993, IN INDIA 1994. 2ND   1996,  3rd 2005

Philosophy :    General To Particular & Particular To General

Plan &construction

Chapters –        1st   edition     –   67,    2nd       “         –           70  ,     3rd         “        –           74

Remedy –        1st   edition     –           1548,       2nd       “         –           1602

It is MAINLY based on Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica by Dr. J. T. Kent and Knerr’s format but it does not follow the arrangement of side, time, modalities & extensions (STME) of Kent. Alphabetical Arrangement is the only principle followed in this repertory.This repertory follows the Kent’s grading of remedies.


  • 3 marks : Bold
  • 2 marks : Italics
  • 1 mark :   Roman 

Arrangement of chapters
“It is a cross between Kent’s, Repertory of the Materia Medica, with its sections on different parts of the body and Phatak’s, Concise Repertory of Homeopathic Remedies, which is completely alphabetical without any sections.”

Alphabetical Order   – Abdomen  –  Wrist 

1st edition: –    67 chapters, 32 -New Chapters.

Ankle, Arms, Blood, Bones, Brain, Breast, Children, Delusion, Dream, Elbows, Emergency, Environment, Feet, Food, Glands, Hands, Heart, Hips, Intestine, Joints, Knees, Legs, Limbs, Liver, Lungs, Muscles,  Nerves, Pregnancy,  Pulse, Shoulders,  Toxicity, Wrists.

New additions– 40,000 new rubrics ,  2,00,000 new additions

New chapters are made by splitting the big chapters of Kent. For example, Kent’s section on Chest has been divided into Breasts, Breathing, Chest, Lungs and Heart. Extremities has been divided into chapters on Ankles, Arms, Elbows, Feet, Hands, Hips, Joints, Knees, Legs, Limbs, Shoulders, Wrists. Some new sections that have been added  are  Blood, Bones, Brain, Children, Emergency, Environment, Pregnancy, and Toxicity. 

2nd EDITION: -70 Chapters  , 3 new additions. New Chapters – Constitutions, Diseases, Headache.New additions– 40,000 new rubrics, 2,00,000 new aditions 

3rd EDITION  – Title changed  — Homeopathic Clinical Repertory

Chapters: – Cancer, Clinical, Fainting, Gallbladder, Vaccinations, Weakness

Arrangement of rubrics            

  • ALL SENSATIONS: As A Main Rubric in alphabetical order
  • CLINICAL RUBRIC – As A Main Rubric – Location – Modalities -Extension
  • PAIN-TYPES – As A Main Heading -Location – Modalities –            Extension
  • RUBRIC PAIN – General Pain -Location – Modalities – Time -Extension
  • RUBRIC TIME – Afternoon -Daytime- Morning – Noon Etc.
  • SIDE – Left – Right      


  • This repertory has 40,000 new rubrics & 2,00,000 new addition & updates.
  • It contains all valuable information from Standard Homeopathic Literature & Repertories.
  • The new chapters like children, emergencies, toxicity, etc. are very helpful to professionals. There are new chapters on major organs like liver, lung, heart, etc. Many clinical rubrics are added to each chapter. It includes mental disorders, infections & pathologies in modern nomenclature.
  • New Clinical Rubrics – A.I.D.S., Allergies, Auto-immune disorders, Bubonic Plague, Cancers, Chemotherapy, Chronic Fatigue, Compulsive-Obsessive Disorder, Diabetes, Ebola, Endometriosis, Gastroenteritis, Hepatitis, Herpes, Infections, Infertility, Influenza, Malaria, Mononucleosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Radiation Sickness, Retinitis, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Typhoid fever, Vaccinations, Vaginitis.
  • New Emergency Rubrics – Allergic reactions, Anxiety attacks, Appendicitis, Asphyxia, Blood poisoning, Burns, Coma, Dehydration, Drug overdose, Electroshock, Food Poisoning, Gunshot, Motion sickness, Rape, Sea sickness, Shock, Stabs, Sunburn, Surgery, Tetanus, etc.
  • Rubrics like antibiotics, worse from; anesthesia, ailments from; artificial food aggravation; chemotherapy, side effects; hangover; heroin, addiction from etc. mentioned under the chapter toxicity are useful in day to day practice.
  • This repertory can be utilized for repertorizing all types of cases i.e.a case having prominent generals or particulars.

Concept of totality:

  • Based on Clinical As Well As Classical Homeopathic Practice.
  • Embraces the Principles of Kent’s Generals
  • Boenninghausen’s Complete Symptoms
  • Boger’s Pathological Generals
  • Other Stalwarts’ Clinical Principles of Prescribing.
  • Totality as per the details available in the case. 

Repertorium Homoeopathicum Syntheticum
– Dr. Frederik Schroyens

Synthesis is the heart of RADAR software – the genius that fuels this optimal tool. Each new edition brings more additions, improves the quality of the information and comes with cutting edge innovations. It is based on Kent,s repertory of Homoeopathic materia medica. This is the gratest work by Dr. Frederik Schroyens

Dr. Frederik Schroyens was born January 12, 1953 in Mechelen, Belgium. Dr. Schroyens is a 1977 medical graduate of the State University of Gent (Belgium) and a 1978 graduate of the one-year Homoeopathic Training Course at the Faculty for Homoeopathy in London (MFHom). In 1981 Dr. Schroyens was the constitutive President of VSU, the largest Homoeopathic School in Belgium. VSU provided a one-year introductory homoeopathic training to more than 1,000 students and fully trained over 150 homoeopaths. The homoeopathic education     was built up over a five-year      program.  Dr. Schroyens also founded the Masi-workshops in Belgium and Holland. Dr. Schroyens was one of the first Radar users in 1986 and became enthusiastic about the increasing possibilities computer science offered to Homoeopathy. Because of his dedication to the program, he became the Homoeopathic Coordinator of the Radar Project. In 1987 he was appointed as the main link between George Vithoulkas and the programming team of the University of Namur (Belgium) during the development of the Vithoulkas Expert System. He has accompanied George Vithoulkas on many of his seminars since 1988 and has assisted him on many of his consultations. Dr. Schroyens published an introduction to homoeopathy in 1984 in Dutch, which has been translated into French and Portuguese. In 1993 he edited a printed version of “Synthesis”, the expanded Repertory linked to the Radar project. A computer version of Synthesis exists in seven languages. This Repertory has also been printed in German, English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Translations into various other languages are ongoing.

Version History

  • Synthesis 5 – June 21, 1993
  • Synthesis 7 – July 4, 1997
  • Synthesis 8 – February 19, 2001
  • Synthesis 9.0 – November 21, 2003
  • Synthesis 9.1 – June 4, 2004
  • Synthesis Treasure edition – February 7, 2007

Latest edition is 10 which very rich in quantity and quality.

Remedy Occurrences: 1,066,987 — 23% more than Synthesis 8. Author References: 1,773,453 — 65% more than Synthesis 8. Number of remedies described: 2,373 — 1,698 more than Kent

With Synthesis 9.1 you now get
Access to Boenninghausen and Boger. 1. The complete content of all the main Boenninghausen and Boger Repertories has been seamlessly integrated. 2. Complete Sources Integrated.The complete content of Oscar Boericke’s Repertory, Phatak’s Concise Repertory, and all the symptoms from Julian’s Nosodes are now integrated. 3. New and Updated Remedies  – Additions from the clinical experience and provings of contemporary homoeopaths have been added, including Farokh Master, Andre Saine, Jeremy Sherr and many others. 4. More Efficient Access – The ‘Mind’ chapter and all ‘pain’ rubrics were thoroughly analyzed and the remedies were copied, where appropriate, into the superrubrics. 6. Easy To Use  -A standardized and simplified repertory structure:  Streamlining: the symptoms are presented in a standardized way, strictly following coherent and universal rules. Restructuring: the Repertory structure has been simplified and reorganized. Related information is brought together by moving the ‘descriptions of pain’ to the last level – uncovering information that was previously hidden or dispersed. THREE new chapters have been added-   NECK, URINARY ORGANS ( all urinary organs as a whole)

MALE and FEMALE SEX / GENITALIA Hence SYNTHESIS 9.1, at least in the software version, now contains 42 chapters, because of another additional chapter; a PERSONAL CHAPTER, to add own symptoms.

It is only available in RADAR. Now upgraded version RADAR 10 is available which is come with lots of utilities as follows:

1. Second Photo Contest for RADAR 10 : One of the many fabulous new features of the RADAR 10 upgrade is the addition of over 200 new remedy images. It is highly successful photo contest to increase the available photos in the program, and it is announcing a second competition — with exciting prizes to encourage you to send your favorite photos of Homeopathic remedies for possible inclusion in RADAR.

2. Video Demos: Full Motion Software Demos : Eleven individual demo videos showcase the ease, depth and functionality of RADAR software. Watch these videos and you will SEE it in action, in full motion screen capture with voice over commentary.

3. Free Updates and Downloads:
Your RADAR and EH software stays current, long after the day you purchase it. As free software upgrades become available, or new repertory information is verified and shared by the world’s top homeopaths, online.

4. The Latest Modules: HomeoPlusTM Module: Focus on the treatment instead of losing time to secondary activities. HomeoPlusTM overcomes the need for accountant, assistant and secretary. It unifies all the activities related to the complex relationship between the patient and the homeopath. Available as a standalone program or fully integrated into RADAR 10.

5. Jeremy Sherr’s Dynamic Case Taker: Planned for official release in early Fall 2005, the “Dynamic Case Taker Module” is now available for pre-order. Rather than imposing his own ‘system’ on the user, Jeremy’s module allows you to conduct your case-taking according to your own needs and principles, while it frees your attention for your patient.

6. RADAR 10 Software and Modules: RADAR is Repertory software, based on the Synthesis ‘Treasure’ Repertory. RADAR allows each user to create a repertory to their own standards, and integrates 20 repertories with Synthesis, including Roger van Zandvoort’s Complete 2003 and Repertorium Universale.

8. Vithoulkas Expert System: Working with any RADAR package, VES brings the case analysis skills of George Vithoulkas to your remedy decisions. George himself is so impressed with this software’s uncanny precision that he uses it in his own practice. And, his success rate has climbed from 80-85% to an astounding 90-95% as a result.

9. Herscu Analysis Module : Developed in cooperation with Paul Herscu, ND, the Herscu Module assists case-taking through a system of messages and suggestions that orient the patient’s symptoms within a cycle of fundamental ideas. Based on Dr. Herscu’s profound system of Cycles and Segments, this add-on to RADAR helps you develop a profound understanding of your patients and Materia Medica.

10. Concepts: Concepts’ spider-like web of information stretches through the entire

 RADAR program and SYNTHESIS Repertory, considerably simplifying the search for symptoms by using the words and expressions of the patient as a point of departure. A click of the mouse is sufficient to display all the symptoms related to a given concept or subject.

11. Great programs for the student or starting homeopath. Both come with a RADAR tutorial CD. Encyclopedia Homeopathica: EH is Materia Medica software, which includes cutting edge search technology and a wide range of user customization options.

12. Tutorials: These recorded teleconference trainings for RADAR and EH are always available online for your reference.

13. Manuals and Video Tutorials: a free set of downloadable tutorial manuals is available. These manuals offer you instruction in all the features of RADAR, Encyclopedia Homeopathica and WinCHIP. In addition, a set of five professionally produced instructional videos is also available for sale.

14. Software Training on DVD is now available. Learn and review complete instructions for using all the features of RADAR software at your own pace, with this 14 hour, 5-DVD set. DVDs – Homeopathic Case Analysis Using RADAR & EH : This highly anticipated 6-DVD set offers advanced power secrets for both RADAR and EH, plus innovative approaches to analysis that can help you solve difficult cases. Professionally recorded at the 3-day Toronto seminar, given by Kim Elia and Joe Kellerstein.

15. Mastering RADAR and EH in Your Practice
This special 8-DVD set was recorded during an intensive weekend seminar with Will Taylor and Kim Elia. Gain the skills you need to fully master the power of RADAR and EH in your practice.

RADAR available in B.Jain,New Delhi

Full Name : Chronic miasms in Homoeopathy and their cure with classification of their rubrics/symptoms in Dr Kents repertory. Author : Dr Ramanlal P.Patel. Published in 1996. Published by : Hahnemann’s Hom. Pharmacy, Kottayam,  kerala.

The author justifies this work by explaining that “Hahnemann’s striking, singular, extraordinary, & peculiar symptoms are basic miasmatic ones always hence the wonderful curative effects produced by remedies selected upon such symptoms are capable of reaching deep down to separate their miasmatic bond from the life force”.The classification of miasmatic rubrics/symptoms are based on Hahnemann’s     treatise “The Chronic Diseases”. In this book, explanation on miasms is given in the introductory part which is  followed by miasmatic classification of  rubrics/symptoms in kents repertory.

All the rubrics of kents repertory have been taken for the purpose of classification into miasms using six columns against the rubric marked on the top as follows

Psora – P                     Sycosis – SY                           Syphillis – SYP

Latent psora – LTP     Latent sycosis – LTSY           Latent syphillis – LTSYP


1. Hahnemann S,                     2. Dr Allen J H                        3. Dr banerjee

4. Robert R N 5. Kent J T       6. Phyllis Speight                    7. Dr Fortier                            8. Willium Boerick                        9. Dr Patel R. P.  A –      Kent                            B —      kent       C —      Kent   D —      R.P. Patel                    E —      Ortega                         F —      Hahnemann     G –       Hahnemann S              H —      M.L. Dhawale etc.

One digit or alphabet is used alongside the rubric in the column, for the author who has classified the rubric.

Utility: Utility of this work is to know and find out which miasm is predominant, prominent, and deep rooted in the patients. It helps to place symptoms in hierarchy and to know how miasmatic symptoms of each miasm have unfolded in a patient.

Working out a case: Symptoms are arranged as per the repertorial totality of kent i.e. mental generals, physical  general and characteristic particular.The rubrics/symptoms are set in exactly the same Kentian schema. Against each rubric the following abbreviations are used in Appropriate columns to denote the miasmatic classification of Rubric/symptoms.Each symptom is then referred in the repertory of miasm of miasm and one mark is written against the rubric under the rubric under the appropriate column.At the end, a total of marks should be made under each column.  The maximum number under the column will tell the prominent miasm in the case. Accordingly the correct miasmatic remedy can be selected from the reportorial result. 

New concept in the field of repertorization, this concept came up due to difficulties of tracing out the symptoms at appropriate places especially mental symptoms. It is an organized repertory on the basis of themes. There are approximately 300 themes which are alphabetically arranged like ambition, forsaken, death, helplessness, religious etc.described in this repertory.  A theme is a collection of repertory rubrics related to one theme for eg. In this repertory the theme ‘water’ contains all the rubrics with word water, it also incorporates rubrics with drowning, drinking, fishes,ships,rain and washing. Under these themes several mental symptoms have been mentioned so that finding a connection among them becomes easy. This is only a pioneer work by J. A. mirrilli and it can be improved on further in the same direction.

Sample Pages
Theme : ABROAD

  • Confusion of mind; country, as if now in one, now in another: chlol.36 
  • Delirium; loquacious, foreign countries, of: cann-i.
  • Delusions; abroad, being: verat.
  • Russia, of being in: lap-mar-c.


  • Ailments from; fright or fear, accident, from sight of an: acon. calc. op. 
  • Ailments from; injuries, accidents: acon. arn. bell. camph. cic. glon.hyos.hyper. mag-c. nat-s.op. rhus-t. ruta stram. sul-ac. verat.
  • Anxiety; fire were breaking out, as if, morning, on being awakened by noise in the street: tet.36 

COMPLETE REPERTORY- Author: Roger van zandvoort
Published in: 1996 by institute for research, homoeopathic information and symptomatology, Leidscheridom,the Netherlands. Van zandvoort was born on November 30, 1958, in Netherlands. He was interested in herbal medicines so he joined naturopathic college. Where homoeopathy was a part of the study, he found that boericke’s Materia Medica had a lot of information on herbal medicines; this made him interested in the study of homoeopathy. He completed his study in 1983,and started teaching herbal medicine. In 1985 he started homoeopathy along with his wife. They went to Greece 3 times to study with Vithoulkas. In 1987 van Zandvoort bought a computer and Mac repertory, Macintosh SE to help in the practice.

While referring Mac repertory he compared the information that bill gray had with the Vithoulkas additions to the synthetic repertory and found that there were many differences. He involved himself in finding out where this information came from. He found an awful lot of information missing from Kent’s Repertory. One of the most important tools he used in making Repertory changes is Mac repertory. He made sure that each Research group used it. The most important research groups were – the Boericke’s grp, the Phatak grp, and the Boger Boenninghausen grp. He used Jahrs repertory, repertory of heart by Snader, Facial neuralgia by Lutze, a lot of small repertories and articles Plus forty main repertories and Materia Medica to enrich The complete Repertory.  His future plan is to further refine The Complete Repertory.

After finishing his studies van Zandvoort started working on additions and corrections to Kents repertory. He realised that the information in kent’s repertory differed from previously published synthetic repertory. So he decided to take full time repertory work.  Dr Doris Spinedi of Orselina, a student of Kunzili and one of the associates of van Zandvroot was also not satisfied with the existing repertories. He developed the idea of integrating Boger Boenninghausen’s and Kent’s repertory.  In 1990 Van Zandvroot met Kunzili and a group of doctors in a seminar; they decided to make the Complete Repertory a more mature work guided by Dr Kunzil and a team of 40 dedicated doctors took up the work of integration. Different sections were worked on by different doctors.  All the rubrics and remedies from Boger Boenninghausen repertory are not included. Only those remedies, which were verified clinically and rubrics useful for repertorization by kent’s method are included in the work.  After Dr kunzil’s death the work was taken up by Dr Dario Spinedi. The information in Complete Repertory has been taken from all the existing repertories, but mainly from Kent’s Repertory, Boger Boenninghausen repertory, Borger’s additions to Kent’s Repertory, Boericke’s Materia Medica and repertory.

Complete Repertory  is the product of six years of intensive collaboration between the participants of the  “ Kunzil – Gruppe”. The book version was 1st published in 1996 by Institute for Research, Homoeopathic Information and Symptomatology, Leidscheridom, The Netherlands. In its latest 2005 edition complete repertory contains more than 1.5 million remedy additions in over 1,58,000 rubrics.  The new complete repertory features the changes to the remedy grading system that were introduced in the Repertorium Universale, and the benefits from the extensive revision and increase in the number of cross references between rubrics undertaken for the introduction of this repertory.

Special features
The complete repertory has 41 chapters mainly based on kent’s scheme of order of arrangement. It has few new chapters like – Head pain,smell,taste,speech and voice, extremity pain.

  • Most of the problems faced by Kent’s repertory have been solved by changes incorporated in complete repertory.  Most important word in rubric is brought in beginning – during urination was changed to urination, during.  Older terminology is replaced by more modern terminology- Miscarriage- abortion, micturation – urination.  Remedy abbreviation have been examined. Grades of remedies are revised.  It deals with 2171 medicines.
  • Reorganizing rubrics in mind and other chapters – Dreams included in mind, Speech and voice separate chapters, Talk, talking, talks are combined into rubric talk. Aversion and desire for food included in generalities. Main rubric always includes all the remedies found in their sub-rubrics. A number of new rubrics, cross rubrics, and references are added. Four grades of medicines are used:
  • CAPITAL            – 3
  • Bold italics          – 2
  • Ordinary roman  – 1                                      

REPERTORIUM UNIVERSALE –   Author: Roger Van Zandvoort
This is the latest repertory authored by Van Zandvroot.  Efforts have been made to include rubrics from both Boenninghausen’s work into Kentian repertory – structured repertory (complete repertory). This results in repertory which offers the best of both the worlds, the greater precision of the complete symptom found within the Kentian structure, plus the greater flexibility of symptom combination provided the Boenninghausen – style rubric.All the Boenninghausen – style rubrics contained in the repertorium universale have been thoroughly and comprehensively updated  with all new remedies. Three sections have been introduced to the primary classification – Heart and circulation, Blood, and a Clinical section listing remedies associated with various conditions. Cross reference between rubrics have been thoroughly revised and increased, with new repertory featuring more more than double the number included in the last edition of complete repertory.

Special features:
In its first edition repertorium universale contains nearly, 1.5 million remedy additions in over 1, 80,000 rubrics compare to complete repertory. By re-structuring the format of the rubrics in the Repertorium Universale, both Kent and Boenninghausen’s models are accommodated and presented as a single fully integrated repertory. The abbreviations of the remedy names have been corrected and synonyms reconciled. In the Repertorium Universale it is now possible to use all methods within the one repertory. 

Modern repertories in daily use by homeopaths all over the world, and has been translated into several languages. Based on Kent’s Repertory, it has been extensively revised, corrected and updated through several editions and incorporating material from Materia Medica and many other repertories. In its latest 2008 edition it contains more than 1.7 million remedy additions in over 167,000 rubrics.

The new Complete Repertory features the changes to the remedy grading system that were introduced in the Repertorium Universale, and benefits from the extensive revision and increase in number of cross-references between rubrics undertaken for the introduction of this repertory.

Structural Changes
For 2008, some structural changes have also been made to the repertory. After working on the Repertorium Universale structure for quite some years and seeing that most people do not understand it, or for various reasons do not want to work with it, it was time to go back to the more Kentian version: Complete Repertory. In order to make the information easier to access the following structural changes have taken place:

The “Ailments from” rubrics have been rearranged under the Mind section. Previously some of these  (eg. Anger, vexation agg., Anguish agg., Anticipation, foreboding, presentiment agg. and Anxiety agg.) were contained in the Generalities section. In the extremities section all specific localizations under “Upper limbs” and “Lower limbs”, ie. upper arms, elbows, ankles, feet, etc., have been moved up a level in the hierarchy. You can now open Extremities; Pain and go directly to feet, or hands, etc. That means a lot of rubrics have become much easier to reach, being less deeply embedded in the hierarchy of the repertory.

In the main rubrics of all sections the generalised modalities have been merged with the phenomena. In CR 2005 there were sometimes long listings of generalised modalities before the list of phenomena, and many users would like to see the phenomena more directly. Therefore he  has merged them and, when the first word of the modality was the same as the first word of the phenomenon, he has made the modality a sub-rubric of the phenomenon, thus emphasizing the phenomenon a little bit more. For example, instead of having two entries for Activity, the first a modality and the second a phenomenon, both the modalities and phenomena attributable to Activity are now listed under the one rubric.

The specific tastes, discolourations and smell/odours have been taken out of their main rubrics when appropriate and moved up a level in the hierarchy, enabling the user to go to a specific discolouration, taste or odour directly. In Speech & Voice, the main rubrics now begin with the descriptive term, eg. Speech, awkward becomes awkward speech. This edition is become very easy refer.

All informations of Roger Van Zandvoort are available in Software in CARA.

CARA is developed in UK by MICCANT Ltd
Every CARA PROFESSIONAL is supplied with six repertories as standard. These includes CARA’s own Combined Repertory, Murphy’s repertory, Boericke’s , Phatak’s, BBCR, Complete and Clarke’s repertories. Complete Repertory is the most latest & favorite repertory of all the world renowned Homoeopaths. Cara is the only program that lets you search all the repertories simultaneously – a MAJOR attraction especially for students and new practitioners.

The Combined Repertory was originally based on Kent’s Repertory but has been considerably expanded and now contains thousands of additions. Many of these additions have been taken from the same sources used in the Synthetic Repertory and significantly expand the Mental, General, Sleep, Dreams and Sexual rubrics. The Combined Repertory retains the same schema of chapters and rubric layout as the original Kent’s Repertory.

Thematic search (concepts)
CARA’s thematic search is the most useful tool for homeopaths who want to find the right similimum. Today homoeopathic practice is just not taking few symptoms & repertorising it & giving the remedy showing maximum score but today we try to look behind what the patient says. We try to understand his state, understand his basic feeling, his basic delusions. This has lead to interpreting rubrics in more general terms. CARA’s thematic search has been based on the original work of Jose mirilli, so our implementation of Mirilli’s work is fast and easy to use. e.g. when you search for the theme of “AMBITION” other than the rubrics which covers word ambitious it also searches following rubrics which originally do not contain the word ambitious, but thinking on these rubrics deeply you will get a feeling of being ambitious.

CARA available in Sanjivani software Mumbai.

Jenny, Patrik Maximilian – The Confirmed Repertory, in progress

Dr. Jenny has in mind the creation of an internet-based repertory of clinically confirmed symptoms including a short case description, searchable online. To this purpose he has developed data collection software and put up a web site.

All modern repertories are useful according to their own ways and as well as your accessibility.

Eizayaga’s repertory
Francisco Eizayaga was a contemporary Argentinean homeopath, whose teachings in the 1980s in North America and Europe have contributed greatly to the current resurgence of interest in homeopathy. He stands out particularly in representing some ideas that appear, at least at the surface, to contrast significantly with the classical Kentian philosophy and practice advanced by George Vithoulkas and his students.

Eizayaga’s ideas are best expressed in his book. Eizayaga sees this as a triangle; point down, with divisions running across the triangle parallel to the base. He had “birth” as the wide base on top, and “death” as the point on bottom.

Division 1: The Soil (the terrain).
This is the genetic heritage the person brings into life – disposition to allergies, and to illness later on. Remedies that affect this level are Nosodes. Sometimes this level has to be treated, sometimes not.

Division 2: The Constitutional.
This is what the person is when they are born. These things can’t be changed– the bone structure, build, color of skin, color of eyes, hair, etc. There are few remedies that work here. Most babies are fat, sweaty, and like milk. Most fit Calc carb. Some who are hot and dry may need Sulphur. Some need Phosphorus. Some need a mix – as seen in Calc phos., Calc sulph.

Division 3: The Fundamental.
This is a “layer” that comes in life. The baby cries. The mother says to herself, “I’m too busy right now, he’ll learn to wait.” The baby says, “I cry and she doesn’t come. I am abandoned” – and becomes a clingy, whining Pulsatilla. These “layers” can build on each other – the loss of a friend in school may lead to the withdrawal of Nat mur, etc.

So far, none of these stages are treatable with conventional medicine. There is no disease. Only homeopathy can help restore balance.

Division 4: Lesional
(treatable, reversable, curable)
Now the person starts to exhibit physical pathology. At this point conventional medicine may think it can help. This layer, with homeopathy, can be cured to the point of the pathology being removed.

Division 5: Lesional
(treatable, non-reversable, semi-curable)
In this category we find cases of tuberculosis where damage done to the lung cannot be reversed, or of alcoholics with severe liver damage. The process can be treated and cured, but the organic damage cannot be reversed. The patient’s health is compromised.

Division 6: Lesional
(non-treatable, non-reversable, palliation)
The physical pathology is too far gone. All homeopathy can offer is palliative care.

Eizayaga stressed that the mistake many “Kentians” make is giving the Fundamental remedy instead of the Lesional remedy. The example he uses is that of a sensitive woman, easily moved to tears, coming with menstrual problems characterized by a stringy discharge.

If you treat the Fundamental (i.e., Pulsatilla) she will feel better, but the discharge will remain. The Lesion MUST be treated first (Kali-bi), and then the Fundamental.
The great “miracle cures” happen when the Lesional and Fundamental ARE the same remedy – then *everything* gets better. But treating only the Fundamental will not cure the Lesional if they are in need of different remedies.
So, first you must cure the Lesional, then the Fundamental. Then, maybe the *next* underlying Fundamental – until you either get to the Constitutional, or you run into a block and have to go to the “Terrain” and clear that up first.

One of the distinguishing features of Eizayaga’s approach to case analysis is his concept of working with cases in “layers.” In analyzing a case, Eizayaga suggests that we look at the disharmony of the patient as consisting of a series of concentric “layers”, from the surface moving inward described as the:

  • Local/regional disease
  • Fundamental layer
  • Morbid terrain
  • Constitutional layer 

He suggests that we need to address these consecutively from the outermost layer first, progressing “inwards” through these layers with successive prescriptions as necessary. Now we could look at this trivially as a suggestion that we prescribe mechanistically to “partialities” rather than to a “totality”, but I do not believe that is what Eizayaga has in mind.

Eizayaga distinguishes three possible types of cases, in which the patient may present with each of these layers “outermost”.
(1) A localized lesion or clinical entity – Local/regional disease, “symptoms of the disease” showing.
(2) Psychosomatic illness only (“patient’s symptoms”, preceding organic disease) – fundamental layer showing.
(3) No pathology, but only “morbid trends” or a condition of susceptibility expressed in the terrain or in the constitutional characteristics of the person.

From “inside out” (reversing the order of these “layers” from the above), he describes the “layers” of the individual’s disharmony as:
(1) “The Constitutional layer” – the physical and characterological features of the person which pre-exist in the individual before any pathogenesis, which are not be considered abnormal. These are not treatable or curable, and Eizayaga states that, “We only advise to prescribe the genotype’s constitutional medicine to prevent future ailments. In other words, to prevent the diseases from which human beings will fatally suffer … This constitutional remedy does not cure anything; it just prevents disease.”
Eg work of Jan Shoelton on minerals and elements
(2) “Morbid terrain” – considered to be a miasmatic “diathesis” or predisposing susceptibility. Eizayaga lists 5 fundamental “miasmatic diatheses”: the Psoric, Tuberculinic, Syphilitic, Sycotic and Cancerinic terrains. He suggests that this “morbid terrain” be treated in its turn specifically with the corresponding nosode.
The work of David Lilley and Rajan Sankaran
(3) “Fundamental layer” – The symptoms “of the patient” that precede or are otherwise not seen to be “symptoms belonging to the disease.” These are the mental/emotional symptoms of the patient and physical general disturbances with no particular organic location, “the typical symptoms of the patient who will suffer from future diseases and which therefore precede the symptoms of the disease itself … They are revealing a pathological alteration of the phenotypical constitution which must be treated with the so-called ‘fundamental remedy or simillimum’ with which we shall not only cause the disturbed individual to recover but also we will prevent the future evolution and organic localization of the progressing disease.” Jonathon Shore.

(4) “Lesional layer” – consisting of the “symptoms belonging to the disease.” Eizayaga’s writings are a bit confusing on this point. At one point, he defines this, saying (p. 257, para 5): “There is a very clear dividing line between the patient’s symptoms and the symptoms of the disease. It consists in the localization of the pathological process in an organ or a system that provides us with the so-called local symptoms which Hahnemann called ‘localized’.” At another point (p. 260, para 5) he states that, “In order to select this ‘local’ medicine, we recommend not to reject any symptom of the disease or clinical entity, its modalities and concomitants, but on the contrary, to make use of them all. The psychic symptoms of an emotional, affective, or volitive type and the mental symptoms corresponding to the intellect and to judgement (psychiatric symptoms) will be immensely important and will constitute a fundamental aid in individualizing the acute medicine, on the condition that all these symptoms appeared or were exacerbated right from the beginning of the disease and that they are not chronic symptoms of the patient which preceded this disease.” A reader could conclude two rather different definitions of this “lesional layer”; the first, a rather restrictive definition consisting only of the localized/regional physical symptoms; and the second, more of a Hahnemannian totality of those symptoms judged relevant to the current diseased state of the individual, spread across organ systems. The “lesional remedy” may be the same as the “fundamental” remedy, or may be complementary to the “fundamental” remedy, representing a pathological alteration dependent on the underlying “fundamental” susceptibility.

Eizayaga’s concept of “Constitution” is a rather rigid construct distinct from the type of disharmony that calls for earlier prescriptions; and his routine interposition of a nosode-requiring “Miasmatic layer” or morbid terrain; introduce a routinism based on a particular image of the structure of the individual that differs from Hahnemann’s empirical pragmatism. In The Chronic Diseases, Hahnemann describes the eradication of Psora as a process that might require a succession of remedies, each prescribed in the same manner to the presenting totality of characteristic symptoms as this picture shifts in the course of treatment. The nosodes are not distinguished fundamentally from remedies from other sources, and the presenting symptoms of Psora e.g. in any individual would be addressed not necessarily with Psorinum but with the remedy that emerges as the simillimum to the characteristic totality of the disharmony of the patient. I will take up these points a little further down the line.

I would first like to address this distinction that Eizayaga makes between the “lesional layer/lesional remedy” and the “fundamental layer/fundamental remedy” before moving on to looking further at his constructs of “morbid terrain” and “constitution.”

Eizayaga’s repertory
Some repertories more particularly clinical and Alphabetical are very useful in clinical practice. In this category mention may be made of O E Boericke, Murphy and Eizayaga’s repertories. He mostly emphasized on clinical conditions.

Glimpse of Eizayaga’s repertory.

Eizayaga – Psychiatry
MANIC DEPRESSIVE PSYCHOSIS; Depressive Stage (A reversible affective recurrent disorder with depressive and elavated periods) (2) : Aur., merc.

MANIC DEPRESSIVE PSYCHOSIS; Manic Stage (3) : hyos., lach., stram.

NEUROSIS (10) : aur., caust., hyos., ign., lach., Lyc., nux-v., staph., stram., sulph.

OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE NEUROSIS (9) : alum., ars., ign., nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., phos., puls., sulph.

Eizayaga – Cerebrovascular
BRAIN CONCUSSION (Characterized by post-traumatic loss of consciousness lasting less than 24 hours without structural lesions in the brain) (4) : arn., cic., hyper., nat-s.

CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE (Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis & Aneurysm) (9) : acon., arn., bell., Both-l., gels., Lach., nux-v., Op., phos.

MIGRAINE (Vascular constriction then relaxation then hyperemia) (5) : chel., lach., lyc., sang., spig.

STROKE (CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT) (6) : apis, ars., Both-l., chol., lach., op.

Eizayaga – ENT

ALLERGIC RHINITIS (13) : all-c., ars., carb-v., euphr., iod., kali-i., nat-m., Nux-v., puls., sabad., sang., sil., wye.

CORYZA (Adenovirus – Upper respiratory infection, common cold) (8) : calc., kali-bi., lyc., merc., nux-v., puls., sep., sil.

CROUP (ACUTE LARYNGO-TRACHEO-BRONCHITIS, Inflammation of the upper respiratory tracts, typically producing inspiratory stridor, subglotid swelling and possible respiratory distress, especially on inspiration) (3) : acon., bell., hep.

EPIGLOTTITIS (ACUTE – Rapid onset of fulminating inflammation-infection of epiglottis with marked swelling, erythema, edema, and threatening obstruction) (4) : acon., apis, bell., hep.

LARYNGITIS (Subglottis inflammation, usually less serious than epiglotitis) (2) : bell., calc.

OTITIS MEDIA (Inflammation, effusion, edema, suppuration etc. of middle ear) (11) : bell., calc., hep., kali-bi., lach., lyc., merc., puls., sep., sil., sulph.

PHARYNGITIS – ACUTE (7) : bell., hep., lach., lyc., merc., phyt., rhus-t.

SINUSITIS (Inflammation of the sinuses) (12) : ars., bry., calc., hep., Kali-bi., lyc., merc., nat-m., nux-v., phos., puls., sil.

Eizayaga – GI
ANAL FISSURE; Clinical Rectal Symptoms; FISSURE (45) : aesc., agn., all-c., alum., ant-c., arg., ars., arum-t., berb., calc., calc-f., calc-p., carb-an., caust., Cham., cund., cur., fl-ac., Graph., grat., hydr., ign., kali-c., lach., med., merc., merc-i-r., mez., mur-ac., nat-m., Nit-ac., nux-v., paeon., petr., phos., phyt., plat., plb., Rat., rhus-t., Sep., sil., sulph., syph., Thuj.

ESOPHAGITIS; Esophagus INFLAMMATION (21) : arn., Ars., asaf., bell., bufo, carb-v., cocc., euph., gels., iod., laur., merc., mez., nit-ac., oena., phos., Rhus-t., sabad., sec., verat-v., vesp.

HEMORRHOIDS; CLINICAL FORMS; Chronic (21) : aesc., aloe, am-c., calc., carb-v., carbn-s., caust., Coll., dios., graph., lach., lyc., Merc-i-r., nit-ac., Nux-v., petr., phos., phyt., podo., Sulph., tub.

HEMORRHOIDS; CLINICAL FORMS; External (76) : abrot., Aesc., all-c., Aloe, alum., am-c., anac., ang., ant-c., apis, apoc., arn., ars., ars-i., aur., bar-c., bar-m., berb., brom., bry., cact., calc., calc-p., calc-s., caps., carb-ac., carb-an., carb-v., carbn-s., caust., coll., coloc., dios., ferr., ferr-ar., ferr-i., ferr-p., fl-ac., gran., graph., grat., Ham., hep., iod., kali-ar., kali-c., kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., Lach., lyc., med., merc., Mur-ac., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., paeon., ph-ac., phos., phys., plat., podo., puls., Rat., rhus-t., rumx., sep., sil., sul-ac., Sulph., ter., thuj., tub., verat., zinc.

HEMORRHOIDS; CLINICAL FORMS; Internal (34) : aesc., alum., ant-c., arn., Ars., bor., Brom., calc., caps., caust., Cham., cimic., Coloc., hep., Ign., kali-ar., kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., lach., lyc., Nux-v., petr., ph-ac., phos., plan., Podo., Puls., rhus-t., sep., stront-c., Sulph., ter., verat.

HEMORRHOIDS; CLINICAL FORMS; Large (44) : Aesc., agar., Aloe, alum., ang., arn., ars., bry., cact., calc., caps., Carb-an., carb-v., carbn-s., Caust., clem., coloc., cycl., dios., euphr., ferr., ferr-ar., gall-ac., graph., Ham., kali-ar., Kali-c., kali-n., kali-s., lach., lyc., manc., merc., mur-ac., nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v., podo., puls., sep., sul-ac., Sulph., thuj., tub.

HEMORRHOIDS; CLINICAL FORMS; Strangulated (thrombophlebitis) (10) : aesc., Aloe, ars., bell., ign., Lach., nux-v., Paeon., sil., sulph.

Eizayaga – Hepatic
CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER (5) : ars., chel., lyc., nux-v., phos.

HEPATITIS A (5) : chel., hep., lyc., merc., PHOS.

HEPATITIS A IN NEWBORNS (3) : chel., merc., phos.

Eizayaga – GU
CYSTITIS (Inflammation of the bladder with infection) (5) : berb., canth., lyc., puls., uva.

GLOMERULONEPHRITIS (Hematuria, Edema, Albuminuria) (1) : Apis

KIDNEY STONE COLIC (Pain in the kidney is produced by the hydrolic pressure of urine distending the urine capsule, not by spasm. Frequently the obstruction causing the pressure is a stone) (9) : apis, Berb., canth., cham., coff., lyc., nux-v., pareir., sars.


Eizayaga – Gyn.
BARTHOLINITIS (7) : hep., lach., merc., nit-ac., sep., sil., tarent-c.

CERVICITIS (3) : kreos., merc., nit-ac.

ENDOMETRIOSIS (5) : lac-c., lach., lyc., puls., sep.

GENITAL HERPES (See DERMATOLOGICAL DISORDERS Herpes Vulgaris Herpes Simplex II) (10) : rs., dulc., graph., merc., nat-m., nit-ac., petr., rhus-t., sep., sulph.

MASTITIS (6) : calc., hep., lach., merc., phyt., sil.

MENOPA– USE (4) : lach., lyc., sep., sulph.

METRITIS (Inflammation of the uterus including the cervix, often associated with vaginitis, urethritis and vulvitis.) (8) : ars., bell., canth., lac-c., lach., lyc., sabin., sec.

MISCARRIAGE (6) : gels., kali-c., puls., sabin., sep., syph.

OVARIAN CYSTS (2) : apis, thuj.

PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME (4) : calc., con., kali-c., lac-c.


UTERINE FIBROIDS (6) : aur-m-n., calc., calc-f., med., phos., thuj.

VULVITIS (2) : kreos., merc.

Eizayaga – Musculoskeletal
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS – JUVENILE (an autoimmune disease) (4) : nat-m., puls., rhus-t., tub.

SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS (possibly an autoimmune disorder) (7) : ars., crot-h., lach., lyc., merc., phos., syph.

Eizayaga – Derm
HERPES VULGARIS (HERPES SIMPLEX I – Vesicles in clusters on mouth or nose) (5) : ars., merc., nat-m., rhus-t., sulph.

HERPES VULGARIS (HERPES SIMPLEX II – Vesicles in clusters on genitals or mouth) (9) : ars., graph., merc., nat-m., nit-ac., petr., psor., rhus-t., sulph.

HERPES ZOSTER (Varicella – zoster virus – chickenpox) (4) : ars., carc., rhus-t., sulph.

ICHTHYOSIS (12) : ars., ars-i., calc., graph., hep., lyc., merc., Phos., sep., sil., sulph., syph.

LICHEN PLANUS (A recurrent, pruritic, inflammatory eruption with small angular papules that may coalesce into rough scaly patches) (3) : lach., lyc., sulph.

PEMPHIGUS FOLIACEOUS (4) : ars., rhus-t., sulph., syph.

PEMPHIGUS VULGARIS (An uncommon, potentially fatal skin disorder) (4) : ars., rhus-t., sulph., syph.

PSORIASIS (dry well-circumscribed, silvery, scaling papules and plaques) (17) : ars., ars-i., calc., kali-acet., kali-c., kali-s., lyc., merc., petr., phos., phyt., psor., puls., rhus-t., sep., sil., sulph.

THRUSH (THRUSH MONILIASIS – CANDIDIASIS in newborns) (12) : arum-t., bor., iod., lac-c., merc., merc-cy., mur-ac., nit-ac., sang., sul-ac., sulph., syph.

Eizayaga – Hemat

ACUTE LEUKEMIA (An aplastic process of white and red cells, a cancerous affection) (5) : lach., merc., merc-c., nit-ac., phos.

HODGKIN’S DISEASE (Cancer of the lymphatic system) (1) : ars.

LYMPHOID LEUKEMIA (9) : Ars., carb-v., carbn-s., kali-s., mur-ac., nat-ar., nat-m., pic-ac., thuj

MYELOID LEUKEMIA (9) : Ars., carb-v., carbn-s., kali-s., mur-ac., nat-ar., nat-m., pic-ac., thuj.

MYCOSIS FUNGOIDES (Chronic T-cell lymphoma) (4) : ars., con., merc., phos.

POLYCYTHEMIA VERA (Excess of red blood cells) (9) : calc., carb-v., crot-c., ferr., lach., lyc., mur-ac., phos., stram.

PURPURA HEMORRHAGICA (5) : ars., crot-h., lach., phos., sulph.

Eizayaga – Cardiovasc
ANGINA PECTORIS (15) : acon., apis, arg-n., ars., aur., CACT., dig., kalm., Lach., lat-m., naja, nux-v., phos., spig., verat.

CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE (Acute insufficiency of the left ventricle leading to pulmonary edema) (11) : am-c., ant-t., apis, ars., carb-v., dig., kali-c., lach., nat-m., phos., sulph.

ENDOCARDITIS (Bacterial endocarditis) (13) : ars., aur., bry., calc., colch., ferr., kalm., lach., led., nat-m., phos., plb., spig.

MYOCARDITIS (Inflammation of the heart) (10) : acon., ars., aur., Dig., kalm., lach., naja, phos., puls., rhus-t.

THROMBOPHLEBITIS (Inflamed varicosities) (14) : apis, ars., Both-l., bry., calc-f., crot-h., fl-ac., kali-m., lach., lyc., merc., puls., sulph., vip.

VASCULAR COLLAPSE (12) : Am-c., ars., camph., carb-v., cupr., lach., merc., op., phos., sec., tab., verat.

Eizayaga – Infections
AIDS (7) : ars., lyc., merc., phos., puls., sil., sulph.

RHEUMATIC FEVER (7) : bry., dig., kali-c., kalm., phos., puls., rhus-t.

SARCOIDOSIS (A benign lymphogranuloma) (7) : ars., calc., lyc., merc., nit-ac., sil., sulph.

SCARLET FEVER (7) : apis, ars., BELL., lach., phos., rhus-t., sulph.

Eizayaga – Neuro
AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS (9) : ars., kali-p., lach., merc., phos., Plb., sec., sep., sulph.

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE (9) : glon., Hyos., lach., merc., nux-m., op., petr., phos., stram.

CHOREA MINOR (A CNS disease, often of slow onset, characterized by involuntary, purposeless, nonrepetitive movements. Sydenham’s Chorea, St. Vitus’ Dance, Rheumatic Chorea.) (5) : Caust., cimic., kali-i., rhus-t., stict.

EPILEPSY (A recurrent paroxysmal disorder of cerebral function characterized by sudden, brief attacks of altered consciousness, motor activity, sensory phenomena, or inappropriate behavior.) (6) : bufo, cic., cupr., hyos., op., sil.

EPILEPSY PETIT MAL (2) : calc., sil.

MENIERE’S DISEASE (Vestibular syndrome) (9) : arg-n., ars., Chin., Chin-s., cic., Con., dig., glon., PHOS.

MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (A slowly progressive CNS disease) (7) : arg., arg-n., caust., lach., nat-m., Phos., plb.

MYASTHENIA GRAVIS (Symptoms resemble those of curare intoxication, extreme fatigue or weakness of muscles) (5) : caust., Cur., gels., op., phos.

PARKINSON’S DISEASE (A chronic, progressive CNS disorder characterized by slowness and poverty of purposeful movement, muscular rigidity, and tremor) (6) : mag-p., Mang., merc., phos., plb., rhus-t.

SCHIZOPHRENIA (Psychotic symptoms involving disturbances of thinking, feeling and behavior) (7) : cann-i., cann-s., hell., hyos., lach., stram., Sulph.

SCIATICA (Inflammation and pressure on sciatic nerve) (7) : Agar., bry., coloc., gnaph., lyc., mag-p., rhus-t.

 TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA (Bouts of severe brief lancinating pain in the distribution of one or more divisions of the 5th cranial nerve, involving three branches- ophthalmic, superior mandibular, maxillary.) (3) : acon., bell., spig.

Use of any repertory depends on physician’s acquaintances with repertory. This is one simple attempt to highlight its content for the purpose of usefulness in practice.

Dr  Rita Chakraborty
Professor, In charge dept of repertory
Fr Muller Homoeopathic Medical College, Mangalore
Email :

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