Organon of Medicine & Homeopathic Philosophy
PowerPoint Presentations & Lectures

Compiled by Dr Mansoor Ali
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: If any of you have PowerPoint presentations please mail to
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On Simple substance Dr JT Kent – Dr Spoorti KS

Oversensitive patients by Dr JT KentDr Spoorti KS

Chinese MedicineDr Aswin Anandh M

Chronic disease and vital forceDr Prasanth

ConstitutionDr S Radha

Diet and mode of living

Drug dynamizationDr Prasanth

Relation of pathology to therapeutics DunhamDr.Subaitha Afrin

Events that led to evolution of homeopathyDr Saba Siddiqua

Greek Medicine Dr G Madhavi

Individulaisation in case takingDr. Esha Bhatia

Dengue through the eyes of organonDr Janki Solanki tank

Organic view of holistic sciencesDr Spoorti  KS

Examination of the Patient by Dr Stuart CloseDr Spoorti K S

Disease classification : the syphilitic stigma according to HA RobertsDr Spoorti K S

Cure And Recovery By Dr. Stuart CloseDr Spoorti K S

The friend of health – lesser writing of Dr Samuel Hahnemann – Dr Niranjan Bapat

Logic of bacon – Dr Meenu Priya

Miasmatic analysis of Nasal Polyp – Dr Nirav Ganatra

Acute disease -Dr  Hiral Kher

What to do after giving a remedy 12 observation – Dr Allu Vishnu Sai Vardhan

List the symptoms of all miasms and identify miasmatic background in a given case – Dr Allu Vishnu Sai Vardhan

Recalling the events that led to evolution of homoeopathy – Dr Allu Vishnu Sai Vardhan

Aesculapius in the balance– Dr Allu Vishnu Sai Vardhan

Study of different editions of organon of medicine – Dr Allu Vishnu Sai Vardhan

Disorder first in vital force – Dr Allu Vishnu Sai Vardhan

Dynamic concept of life,it’s relation to environment, health,disease & cure – Dr Allu Vishnu Sai Vardhan

Emergence of homoeopathy and its establishment in the field of medicine – Dr Allu Vishnu Sai Vardhan

Fixed principles Law and government from centre – Dr Allu Vishnu Sai Vardhan

Logic – Dr Allu Vishnu Sai Vardhan

Modern medicine and  Homoeopathy principles – Dr Allu Vishnu Sai Vardhan

Potentization and the infinitesimal dose – Dr Allu Vishnu Sai Vardhan

Personality – Dr Allu Vishnu Sai Vardhan

Medicine of experience – Dr Meenu Priya

Positivism – Dr Meenu Priya

The dynamic action of drugs – Dr Meera Reghu

Causes of  Diseases  – Dr Archana Sonawane

Aphorism 2 Ideal Cure –  Dr Archana Sonawane

Fragmentary observation on Brown’s elements of medicineDr Sulabha

Classify Rubrics Vis-À-Vis Hahnemann’s Classification Of Diseases

Explore hahnemann’s concepts of man in health and disease as reflected in various repertories

Miasmatic correlation of cardiac affectionDr Himani N Soam

Justify Homoeopathy as a holistic system of medicineDr Sneha Jnanakshee

Correlation of pathology and miasm and importance of studying pathology in homoeopathyDr Naziaya Lemon

On The Prevailing FeverDr.S.Manimegalai

Simple substances – Kent’s concept and it’s relation to philosophy of LeibnizDr Rincy K

Suppression of sycosis JH Allen – Dr.Jenifer Antoni Dayana.J

Temperaments from  Dr Herbert Roberts Dr NN Walavalkar

Theory of vital forceDr Fijela T 

Fundamental Principles of Homoeopathy Dr Vinuta Yathiswarappa G

General Interpretations Dr Arun S Raj

The unity of medicineDr Arun S Raj

Mongrel SectDr Balakrishn Patel

The Events That Lead to The Evolution of HomoeopathyDr Febin George

Study of life and works of Samuel HahnemannDr Meenu Priya A

Posology Dr Anindita Das

12 observations of Kent with explanationDr.M.C.R.Kuberan

Acute totality Dr Sushil Jain

Chronic totalityDr Sushil jain M.D

Constitution Temperament Diathesis Dr.AKSHATA SHANBHAG

Critical Review of Hahnemannian Classification of Mental Diseases as elucidated in the Organon in the light of ICD&DSM classifications Dr. Sreeja.K.R

Dudgeons view on miasms

The Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemann Part 2

Homoeopathic posology Dr Nihla PK

Homoeopathy – science of therapeutics Dr Henna ZA

Indispositions Dr.Akshatha Shree S R

Logic of Lord Francis Bacon &J S Mill Dr Henna ZA

Medicine of experience Dr Henna ZA

Natures Law of Cure   Dr Shahna NN

Stuart Close Philosophy SYMPTOMATOLOGY – Dr Riswana

Stuart Close Philosophy Totality of symptoms Dr Riswana

The history of medicine 

Aphorisms of case taking Dr Nancy 

Concept of health disease and cure Dr Rizvana A 

Errors of PhysicianDr Harshavarthini.M

Vital energy in its universal application HA Roberts Dr Jayasree V 

Law of palliation Riswana A

Logic behind potentisation Dr. Qadeer Unnisa Begum 

Richard hugesDr Harshavarthini

Basic of psychology Dr Jayasree V 

Cure and Recovery Dr Amrutha Manoharan

Diagnostic NETDr Skandhan S Kumar

Miasmatic background of CausticumDr Vaishali 

Sycotic phase of causticum – Dr Vaishali 

Syphilitic phase of CausticumDr Vaishali 

Mental diseasesDr Gazala Shaikh

Kent 12 observations – Dr Harshavarthini

Modalities of four miasmatic states Dr Priyanka Hawaibam

Psora – Dr Riswana A 

Susceptibility, Reaction, immunity Stuart close Dr Riswana

Comparative study of miasms Dr Vaishali 

Doctrine of signatureDr. G.Jaysee John

Miasmatic cleavage of vitiligo Dr. J. Vaishali

Antipsoric treatment – Dr. Arunkrishnan.TP

Cure & prevention of scarlet fever Dr. Arunkrishnan.TP

Reply to letter on high potencies by Dunham Dr. Arunkrishnan.TP

Friend of Health-Part 1Dr Athul Baburaj 

General introduction to organon, different editions of organon & ground plan Dr. Arunkrishnan.TP

HA Robert Concept of miasmDr Smitha R 

Hughe’s selection of remedy Dr Ramya Sreekumar

Relation of pathology to miasm 

The Genius of Homeopathy Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Philosophy By Dr Stuart M. CLOSE

Different modes of treatment Dr Rakesh Parashar

Miasm the Hahanemannian Concept Dr John Thomas K

Concept of Predisposition and Disposition & its influence on development of diseases including genetics and congenital

Counselling –  Dr.S.K.Harikumar

Dr Hahnemann’s Guidelines  to ascertain the pathogenetic powers of MEDICINESDr. Divya Mehul Bhatt

Logic of Lord bacon – Dr Jasmin

Dose, Potency, Remedy Reactions and Prognosis – Dr Jumana

Evaluation of symptoms by H.A. Roberts,Richardhughes S.closeDr Soumya Mathew

Analysis Of Symptoms  By : Garthe Boericke , Bidwell & Integrated Dynamic & Evolutionary Concept Of Hahnemannian TotalityDr Sapna

Hegel’s Philosophy Dr Namita S

Kent’s Philosophy – materialism in medicineDr  Anagha Niti N Kulkarni

What is curable in disease what is curative in medicine – Dr  Anagha Niti N Kulkarni

A collection of fragments of pure materia medica  from  ‘ORGANON OF THE HEALING ART’- Gyandas G. Wadhwani  

Robin murphy’s commentary on organon of medicine sixth editionDr Nisha C N

Aphorism 105-145Dr Athul

Antipsoric treatmentDr Arunkrishnan T P

Aphorism(246-263)Dr Arunkrishnan T P

Cure and prevention of scarlet feverDr Arunkrishnan T P

General introduction to organonDr Arunkrishnan T P

Ground plan of organonDr Arunkrishnan T P

Comparison of miasmDr Arunkishnan T P

Concept of psoraDr Arunkishnan T P

Aphorism 35 – 52Dr Arunkishnan T P

Realism and existentialism

Tubercular miasm of the milleniumDr. Kasim Chimthanawala

Chipkin-The vital force described by Hahnemann

Constitutional medicines in Homeopathy Clarke J HNalanda

FoppishDr Priya Mohanani

Psycho analysis of miasms

Topics from Hahnemann’s Organon of the Art of Healing

Medicine of experience

TemperamentsDr Devadiga

50 Millisimal 20 years of experience

Indisposition – Chapter 7 Kent’s philosophy

Individualization – Homoeopathy

Individulaisation – Concept of Kent


Kent’s 12 observations

Susceptibility in action

Un prejudiced observer 

Law of palliation

Local maladies

Materialism in medicine

Medicine of experience

Mesopotamian medicine

Metastasis homoeopathic concept

Miasm concept – Dr H Singh

Miasmatic basis of prescription

Miasmatic manifestation – scalp

Miasm – your partners for life – Dr.Harpeet Singh

Miasm – in the light of genetics

A miasmatic understanding of the disorders of adrenal gland

Minimum dose in Homoeopathy

Dr  H A Robert’s Views on Case taking and Case Record


Observations after a remedy

Palliation – Relieve, Ease, Soothe, Minimize

Homoeopathic posology

Homoeopathic posology – facts

Miasmatic prescribing – methods– Dr Subrata Kumar Banerjea

Primary action & secondary action in Homoeopathy

Protection from sickness – Kent’s lectures

Psora – symptoms

Miasm- Psora – 1

Miasm – Psora – 2

Record keeping – Dr Kent

Second prescriptions

Simple substance

Simple substance by Kent

Small dose in homoeopathy

Constitution in Homoeopathy

Susceptibility by stuart close

Susceptibility by Kent

Susceptibility concept

Susceptibility by authors

Susceptibility Utility

Susceptibility action

Susceptibility -the classical science  Dr S R Palekar

Suppression and palliation – Remya Chandran

7 layers of suppression

Sycosis – Part 1

Sycosis – Part 2

Sycosis-  Part 3

Syphilis – types and management

Syphilis Part 1

Syphilis Part 2

Syphilis Part 3

Syphilis Part 4

Temperaments evolution

The chronic disease – Dr Shivakumar

Homoeopathy and fundamental laws by H A Robert

The fractal-like nature of Miasms – American journal of homoeopathic medicine

The unprejudiced observer

The removal of the totality of symptoms means the removal of the cause –Kent

Theory of chronic diseases and miasms

Hering law of cure the controversy  T K Kasiviswanathan

Discussion on miasmatic treatment of chronic diseases

Organon replaceable  Dr luc de schepper

Pre historic medicine – Dr. Ambreesh Pandey

Selection of potency – Dr Manisha Yadav

Evolution  of  psora  Dr Divya Victor

Sickness and cure on dynamic plane

Symptomatology in homoeopathy  Dr Ravi M Nair

Susceptibility– Dr Priya Mohanani

Susceptibility – S Close

Role of temperaments in selecting the similimum in chronic cases

The second prescription in the light of twelve observations of j. T. Kent – Dr. Partha P. Ray

The doctrine of signature – Dr. Priya M. Mohanani

Kent’s 12 observations

Science and medicine in the 17th and 18th century – Dr Athul Baburaj

Indisposition – Homeopathic approach

Aphorism – 154 to 161

Aphorism 162 – 171

Case taking in homoeopathy

Miasm – Concepts – Dr H singh

Miasm in the concept of genetics

Posology of Homoeopathic Medicine – Dr.S.K.Bhattacharyya

Pre – historic age – Prof.(Dr.) Tejaswini Patole

Clinico pathological relationship & Miasmatic interpretation

Pathological basis of understanding miasm – Dr Sheena salin

The Genius of Homoeopathy -Stuart Close- cure & recovery

Diet regimen in chronic diseases

Discrimination as to maintaining external causes and surgical cases

Disease Classification

Disease homoeopathic concept

Disorder first in vital force

Dynamic action of drug

Evolution of miasms – Dr. Vivek sharma

Miasm explained by H A Robert

Idiosyncrasy – facts

Idiosyncrasy and drug disease

Indisposition and removal of the cause

Ancient Egyptian medicine– Dr.Amit Srivastava

Evaluation of symptoms  Dr Saurabh Kumar

Hahnemann’s organon of medicine in modern time – Dr.Bhushan S Rajguru

Evolution of Sycosis – Dr.Divya M Victor

Individualisation in Homoeopathy  Dr.V.Vidya Priyadarshini

Greek Medicine – Dr.Soumya

50 Millisemal scale or LM potency – Krushang Gujarati,Manthan Upadhaya,Mayur Modi,Dr Vipulbhai Shastri

Nature of chronic diseases – Dr.Ranjith Chandra

Nature of chronic disease – Psora – Dr.Ranjith Chandra

Role of Susceptibility and Immunity in Progress of disease – Dr.Navin Pawaskar

Nature of chronic diseases – Latent psora – Dr.Ranjith Chandra

Essay on new principle for ascertaining the curative power of drugs

Homeopathy through the eyes of Stuart close – Dr Manu Varghese M

Miasm Part.I Psora – Dr.Jenita

Miasm Part.II Psora – Dr.Jenita

Sycosis -Part.I – Dr.Jenita

Sycosis -Part.II – Dr.Jenita

Sycosis.Part.III  Dr.Jenita

Syphillis Part.I – Dr.Jenita

Syphilis Part.II – Dr.Jenita

Syphilis Part.III – Dr.Jenita

Tubercular miasm Part.I – Dr.Jenita

Tubercular miasm Part.II – Dr.Jenita

Remedy reaction- Dr Resmi R

Analysis and evaluation – Dr.A.Kannan

Analysis and evaluation of symptoms in homeopathy

Aphorisms in Organon of Medicine

Constitution – homeopathic approach

Constitution – homeopathic heritage – Dr.Anisha.P.G

Evaluation of symptom – Dr.Thanka.R

Dr.Samuel Hahnemann

History of medicine – Dr.Shmana.B.N

Homeopathy – a rational experience

Miasm of psoriasis

Miasm of psoriasis – Dr.Jyothish Kumar

Homeopathic Prophylactic posoology – Dr.Vinu Krishnan

Medical Observer – Understanding Hahnemannian concept and its implication in Homeopathic practice  Dr.N.L.Tiwari

Medical Observer – accurate to perceive

Aetiology causation and Diathesis – Dr.Sunil D Balinge

Fundamental Principles of Dynamisation.-An Evolutionary study of Hahnemannian thought process – Dr.Sunil D Balinge

Evolution of Organon – Dr.Subhas Singh

History of medicine – the Hippocratic period – Dr.Ranjith Chandra

The case – problem definition and problem resolution

Concept of temperament and constitution in homeopathic practice  Dr.N.L.Tiwari

Relationship between homeopathic philosophy & construction of materia medica – Dr.Hitesh Purohit

The science of doses: An evolutionary study in Hahnemannian literature & its application Dr.Anad R Kapse

The renaissance period – Dr.Ranjith Chandra

Science of doses and evolutionary study of hahnemannian literatures – Dr.Sunil Parse

Evolution of similia – Dr.Ranjith Chandra

Layers of suppression and disease progression

Homeopathic philosophy at the bedside – Dr.R.Rejikumar

Miasm – a deeper understanding – Dr.R.Rejikumar

As a holistic physician – Dr.R.Rejikumar

Organon of Medicine – Dr.Samuel Hahnemann – Dr.R.Rejikumar

Homeopathic posology – Dr.R.Rejikumar

Dynamis – vital force as seen by modern medicine – Dr.R.Rejikumar


General Philosophy – introduction  Dr.K.X.Joseph

The logic

Inductive logic of bacon

Cause effect relationship – James Stuart Mill

Different types of realtionship of remediesDr Resmi 

Theory of causation -Aristotle

Concept of organic whole

Doctrine of Force

Eighteenth Century medicine

Facial Analysis – Dr.S.M D’Souza

History of medicine – pre-Hippocratic period

History of medicine – Hippocratic & Alexandrian period – Dr.Sujaya Nair

Hughes and miasm – Dr.Jerald

Hypnotism & mesmerism

Kent’s lesser writings – Dr.Reshmi N.E

Kent’s 12 observations & Robert’s remedy reactions – Dr. Smita Deb Krori (Maity)

Lesser Writings of Hahnemann

Life history of Hahnemann

Logic and homeopathy – Dr.Jeralad

Medieval period of medicine – Dr.Nisamol V.M

Disease diagnosis Vs Miasmatic diagnosis – Dr.K.X.Joseph

Miasmatic study of diseases

Modern period in medicine

A study on the evolution of Organon of medicine – Dr.Jerald Jaya Kumar

Potentisation – Dr.Jerald

Seminar on case taking – Dr.Sharjan Ahammed

Relation of pathology to miasm

Samuel Hahnemann a life sketch – Dept. of Organon GHMC Calicut

Hahnemann’s classification of chronic disease

Miasm cases

Concept of chronic disease – implications – Dr.Nimisha Mehta

Interpretation & integration of symptoms according to homeopathic concepts – Dr.Y.Dinesh Rao

Mental state in Homeopathy

Principles of logic and analysis – Dr Nimish V. Mehta

Concept of health – Prof. (Brig.) Sunder Lal

Constitutional miasmatic treatment – Manish Labana

Role of Susceptibility and Immunity in Progress of disease – Dr. Navin S. Pawaskar

Kent on susceptibility

Knowledge of illness in general & disease in particular

Mental state evaluation

Integration of mental state in homeopathic prescribing – Dr. Sunil D Bhalinge

Concept of miasm – H Singh

Miasm in the light of genetics

ROOTS” A unifying theory of constitution – George Loukas

ML Dhawale on Susceptibility

Model of symptom creation – George Loukas

Insight in to Hahnemann’s concept of man with its application in the socio cultural political economic scenario to fine tune and modify materia medica images – Dr. S. K. Phansalkar

First corrected, Re- Translated & Redacted Edition of Organon 6th & 5th Editions – Dr.Sunila.R

Organon of medicine in Homeopathic practice – Dr. Kishore Mehta

Psoric miasm – George Loukas

Robert’s View on Susceptibility

Structure form function

Stuart Close on Susceptibility

Clinical application of susceptibility

The sycotic miasm – George Loukas

The tubercular miasm – George Loukas


7500 PowerPoint Presentations for Medical Professionals & Students of all systems of Medicine 

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